
Orange Man Good!

Orange Man, President Trump’s Accomplishments

trump fixing what obama broketrump fixing what obama broke
Orange Man Badass American President Trump

Go Here to see President Trump’s Accomplishments. I just added 7 more, there are 132 on that list now. I’m sure there are dozens more. His biggest one will be when he gets reelected and exposes Bill Gates, Dr Fauxci, George Soros, Hillary Clinton and the others responsible for the Flu scare. Speaking of George Soros, read my latest post on him.

I don’t mind so much that people don’t see because of clouded vision, when they have reality cataracts, because I know that when they defeat the ego, the cataracts dissolve. Under the current circumstances we are very pressed for time, and those with cataracts need to see!

I have never been this political before, nor have I felt this strongly about a President. The closest, I have been to this level of instinctual awareness is when Georg W. Bush was running for President, and then when Hillary Clinton was running against Candidate Trump. I didn’t know why I felt so strongly about him or her not being elected…I think it was because I was really starting to tune into my instincts.

Friends would regurgitate all the media propaganda about both of them, but I knew it would be bad for the country. When George W. Bush lost to Al Gore, but still became President, I understood why I felt the way I did. Then after 9/11, I really understood what I was feeling.

I wasn’t going to vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016, she is obviously an evil person…if you voted for her in 2016, it’s ok, she had you under a spell.

I had no feelings about Donald Trump, all those who hate him are under a leftist spell perpetrated by the media. Start thinking for yourself, join the free thinkers of the world. Do you realize that if 1% of the world’s population,roughly 75,000,000 people, if 75,000,000 people got on the same frequency, prayed and meditated together at the same time, we could change the world. All things are thought in material form.

I have a polar opposite feeling about Joe Biden & Kamala Harris. They are complete proof that the DemonRat Party thinks we the people are dumber than all of them.

The social climate of 2020 whether anyone likes it or not, has a crack in it and is about to bust wide open like a dam in Hurricane G.W. Katrina. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are like a pair of cement shoes…both left. President Trump and V.P. Mike Pence are the Republican ticket and Joe “Pedophile” Biden and Kamala “Democrat Plantation Slave” Harris are the Pandering ticket. President Trump is draining the swamp because it’s the swamp that is about to bust the dam!

Talk about political, misguided and uninformed. As usual, everything I post is based on facts, not hearsay. My blog is literally based on hundreds of hours of research. Everything on is from reading. legitimate news sources as well as propaganda rags like the NY Times, The Washington Post, The Guardian…etc

Just to prove the fact that I am unbiased and a Truther, I wrote a post about President Trump getting onboard with Bill Gates and GAVI to come up with an unnecessary COVID-19 vaccine by the end of 2020. A vaccine for a virus that is literally less lethal than the seasonal flu, FACT. Here is that post:

If President Trump turns out to be a swamp creature, I’ll be the first to admit it and say that I was wrong. But if he is, the World is Truly Screwed! When I first heard that he was running for president, I laughed and like most people, including President Trump himself, thought he would never win. I thought for sure that Hillary Clinton would be the last President of The United States. For one, she would have finished selling off the US to China, she would have made as much money as she possibly could have before she started World War 3.

She and all her criminal cohorts would have retreated to their underground bunkers while the rest of us fried in a Nuclear Holocaust. That would show the IQ of the Leftist…she would think, “yaaay we got the population of the world to under 500,000,000, now we can live in harmony with the planet”…then the light bulb would go on and she would imitate Homer Simpson…D’oh!

I keep asking Never-Trumpers, to ask themselves why they don’t like President Trump…not for me to hear, but themselves. How can a person lie to themselves? They do when they have issues that they don’t want to face…so they then start projecting those issues onto something other than themselves. As typical with a lie, you tell one and then have to tell another to cover the first, then another to cover the second…etc AD NAUSEAM.

Example Of Projection:

  • President Trump Colluded With Russia – After 2 + years and more than $30,000,000 of your taxes absolutely NOTHING was found and was also admitted by those involved with the scam. Where do you think that $30 million went?
  • The Truth – The real Russian Collusion was Hillary Clinton Selling Uranium to the Russians in the Uranium One deal.
  • President Trump’s Phone Call With President Zelenskyy – The Left claimed President Trump asked President Zelenskyy to dig up dirt on Sleepy, Creepy, Senile Joe Biden and his son Hunter to hurt him politically.
  • The Truth – Joe Biden told President Zelenskyy to fire Victor Shokin, Ukraine’s top prosecutor in order to thwart an investigation into his son, Hunter Biden, Burisma Holdings, and its owner, oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky or else he wasn’t going to give them the $1 billion in loan guarantees they were promised. Biden bragged about it getting Victor Shokin fired


I think part of the reason my friend was letting the ego cloud her vision, is because I told her the NY Times and Washington Post were CIA propaganda rags…she reads both apparently. That night after our phone call, I was led to a web page with a link to Dr Steven Greer MD’s page for his documentary called Close Encounters Of The 5th Kind…I rented it on Amazon, I recommend that EVERYONE WATCH THIS DOCUMENTARY and then watch Unacknowledged. Two mind blowing documentaries.

Here’s clip from Close Encounters Of The 5th Kind, Contact Has Begun

Disclosure Project Attorney Daniel Sheehan Talks About
CIA Infiltrated National News Media Like The NY Times

This clip from the Documentary Close Encounters Of The 5th Kind, Contact Has Begun, has Daniel Sheehan, Attorney for the Disclosure Project and Dr Steven Greer M.D. Grandfather of the Disclosure Movement. They talk about how the media has been infiltrated and controlled by the CIA and it is they who decide what you see on the news, not the news stations themselves.

Note: You being programmed by the media is not their fault, it is yours for not using your critical thinking and logic and for giving into their fear mongering without question. You want to know if you have been programmed or not? Go look in a mirror or your reflection in a window. If you see a mask on your face in your reflection…you have been programmed.

Come with me down the rabbit hole, it goes much deeper. In order for you to not be afraid of going down the rabbit hole, you must first conquer your fear of it. You can conquer your fear of it, by realizing there is no rabbit hole, we are only starting to examine the dark recesses of our mind. It only takes one light to vanquish your fear and the dark.

We are in our current incarnation to learn and evolve…we bring our karma from one life to the next like the garbage we lug around with us when we move from one location to the next. Cut your fear and the ego loose…they are the same as the garbage you’ve been lugging around. Look deep into the rabbit hole, face your fears and simply acknowledge that they are not real. It is time to come into the house of Love, where the garbage that you lug around is NEVER needed.

Watch Dr Greer’s 2001 press conference at the National Press Club

It’s all relevant to President Trump. He’s part of the Disclosure movement. Why do you think he announced the Space Force, which was implemented long before he announced it.

Go here to see a list of President Trump’s accomplishments I just added 7 more.

Larry Elder On President Trump’s Racism

Larry Elder On President Trump’s Racism

I’ll end this with a couple clips from The Larry Elder Show. Both about President Trump. The first one is about President Trump’s racism. The second one is about the real deplorables…the people at the low end of the IQ scale…hovering around the 70 mark. Larry Elder is one of those Black People that are called Uncle Tom by the uneducated, George Floyd is my hero types because he’s educated, awake, not on the DemoncRat Plantation, and conservative.

The black people who call him Uncle Tom, do so because they are still chained up on the DemoncRat Plantation. They want Uncle Tom to help them escape. They’re unknowingly paying him or any other black person they call Uncle Tom a compliment. You can watch Larry Elder’s documentary Uncle Tom here.

This clip shows all the real deplorables, those not so bright US citizens that actually voted for Hillary Clinton…you know the type…you see them everywhere…how can you tell? They’re wearing masks or bandanas because they think it will keep them from getting some silly flu virus. They don’t realize how close we were to Nuclear Annihilation…that is until Candidate Trump proceeded to hand her, her ass. The same thing will happen, this November 2020. These people just bend-over and let that fist get pounded right up their asses…they don’t even question it. Save a rectum help Red Pill them!

In all seriousness please try to conquer your Trump Derangement Syndrome before November. This is the most crucial election in the history of the country. When President Trump wins, the country will move forward, we’ll start seeing a lot of arrests, like Joe Biden and his son Hunter. PLEASE vote in person, DO NOT FALL FOR THE MAIL-IN BALLOT SCAM. They are trying to make the public think it’s the same as an Absentee Ballot…nothing could be further from the truth.

The fact that they are even attempting to get away with it, shows you how STUPID they think you are. They LIE continually. You want proof? Go to you YouTube and you see ads with Maxine Watters and that disgusting person Chuck Schumer…lying…both of them bold face lies…tell you they need your donations by midnight tonight…they think you are a fucking useless eater.

Jim Crow Joe Biden

Jim Crow Joe Biden

Jim Crow laws were state and local laws that enforced racial segregation in the Southern United States. All were enacted in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by white Democratic-dominated state legislatures after the Reconstruction period. The laws were enforced until 1965.

I can’t imagine ANYONE wanting to vote for Senile Jim Crow Joe and his racist counterpart Kamala “Chained To The Plantation” Harris. She thinks he’s a racist, He’s pandering to black people and women by picking her as his running mate.

If you vote for them, and they were to win by some act of Satan, prepare yourselves for the biggest cluster fuck EVER! Even if you don’t like having An Alpha male who doesn’t take shit from anyone but at the same time brings the world together, like he did for North and South Korea…put your personal feelings aside, stop being so SELFISH, and vote for the President.

He has done EVERYTHING he said he was going to do even while having the anti-American left demoncrats, trying to frame him, with crimes they themselves committed! They want him out because he is exposing them to the public…exposing them for the thieving criminals that they are.

Here’s an actual Quote from Jim Crow Joe: “President Trump is the first racist President” This is a quote from President Lyndon Johnson:

“I’m going to make those niggers vote democrat for the next 200 years!”

Lyndon B Johnson, 36th President of The United States

All a person has to do is search Racist US Presidents to see the list. I’m not saying that President Trump is a racist, he’s not, I’m also not saying it’s ok to be racist, it’s not! Just stop and look at who is causing the conflicts and you’ll see who the bad people are.

I did a search and read this article on Politico about Jim Crow Joe’s panderous comment.

Don’t let your issues be the cause of the downfall of the The Republic.

Be sure and read part two of this post. It covers George Soros and his political philanthropy.

Peace, Love & Blessings To All!!



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