
American Olympic Athlete, Tamyra Mensah-Stock!!!

Tamyra Mensah-Stock Is An Inspiration!

tamyra mensah stock 4tamyra mensah stock 4
Tamyra Mensah-Stock – Look At Those Guns

Tamyra Mensah-Stock is an inspiration to ALL athletes and ESPECIALLY TO LITTLE GIRLS!!! Gwen Berry or Megan Rapinoe and all the other women on the US soccer team that cowered to her Marxist pressure, are not people that ANY girl should look up to. Those kind of women represent HATE, plain and simple.

Women like Gwen Berry and the pink haired kickball player, Megan Rapinoe who had her fake ass handed to her by SWEDEN, are not women to look up to!

Then there’s always “athletes” like Colon Kaepernick, another asshole, who thinks slavery doesn’t still exist. What he doesn’t realize is that HE IS A SLAVE, HIS NAME IS TOBY!

Tamyra Mensah-Stock on the other hand IS a person that EVERYONE can look up to, not just women, EVERYONE!!!

Congratulations To Tamyra Mensah-Stock And The Other Olympic Athletes That Know How To Represent!!!

Here is a Real American Olympic Athlete, She won Gold in Tokyo! Way to go Tamara, how to show fake athletes like Megan Rapinoe or Gwen Berry how to represent the country they are from, The United States!!!

To the other America Olympic Athletes that represented correctly, you didn’t get your ass kicked for no reason, it’s funny how evil manifests in your heart, when you are a “Woke Athlete”!!

Look At These Woman…BEAUTIFUL!!!

Look at these four BEAUTIES!!

Peace, Love & Blessings To All, Especially To All The “Woke Athletes”!!!



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