Proof Positive Johns Hopkins Is LYING About COVID-19 Death Toll Numbers

jh bs 5 30 20 1 20pmjh bs 5 30 20 1 20pm
Johns Hopkins Fake COVID-19 Death Toll Numbers , 1:20 pm EDT May 30th, 2020
jh bs 5 30 20 12 51jh bs 5 30 20 12 51
Johns Hopkins Fake COVID-19 Death Toll Numbers , 12:50 pm EDT May 30th, 2020

The screen shot to the right was taken at 1:20 pm EDT May 30th, 2020. There have been 247 COVID-19 deaths in the US in the past 30 minutes, 214 in the UK, 111 covid deaths in Italy and France the numbers haven’t changed. I think someone at the Johns Hopkins Fake COVID-19 Death Toll Numbers center much have been reading this and decided to add a few to the UK and Italy.

Like the stock market after President Trump took office, the US covid-19 death toll continues to rise…oh my, what shall we do…for one, stop wearing those USELESS masks, go outside into the fresh air and sunshine, sunshine KILLS the virus…look at the Global Deaths number above 366,654…Synchronicity.

The screenshot to the left was taken May 30th, 2020 at 12:50 pm. As you can see, if you compare it to the last post on this post, taken on May 29th, 2020, yesterday, at 10:45 pm EDT, 1,127 COVID-19 deaths have occurred. Only 98 of those in the US…but ONCE AGAIN, NONE have occurred in the United Kingdom, Italy or France!

How are they able to prevent this “dreaded virus” from killing people? Could it be they’re not putting people on ventilators? Could it be that the hospitals aren’t getting $13,000 Dollars/$11,711 Euros for each COVID-19 patient they take in or $39,000 Dollars/$35,135 Euros for each COVID-19 patient they put on a ventilator, which is what is killing people. Are they not incentivized like the hospitals in the US??

I started taking screenshots of the global COVID-19 death toll numbers and they kept changing, but not the way you may think. This first shot taken today May 29th, 2020 at 5:36 pm EDT. It’s also here showing more falsities.

Johns Hopkins May 29th, 2020 5:36 pm EDT

I believe that Johns Hopkins is a COVID-19 manipulation machine. An hour and twenty minutes later. The Global COVID-19 death toll increased by 179 deaths. The US COVID-19 Death toll increased by 170! So only 9 other covid deaths on the entire planet!?

Johns Hopkins May 29th, 2020 6:51 pm EDT

The UK, Italy and France COVID-19 death toll numbers stayed the same!! Why doesn’t the US start talking to Italy, France and the UK, since they seem to have it under control. Johns Hopkins would have you think the number just took a huge incline and the situation is getting worse…it’s not! When they can’t even get their own numbers straight or sync up with other fake news sources so us useless feeders can’t see what they’re doing or whose side they’re on.

It makes perfect sense though, Johns Hopkins is part of the Medical Industry…which needs what to stay in business?…wait for it…YOU, they need you and me and everyone else to be sick or make us think we are so then we go take one of their tests and get marked positive, with their false positive tests, which also probably infect you…so now you will get sick. This is a major Psy-Op they are part of.

Johns Hopkins May 29th, 2020 6:59 pm EDT

This screenshot has the time and date in the lower right corner. In JUST 8 Minutes, 1,147 more Global COVID-19 Deaths occurred! But this time none of the COVID-19 deaths occurred in the US, UK, Italy or France. Johns Hopkins gave us a break!

The COVID-19 Death Toll Numbers Are Rolling Backwards

Johns Hopkins Fake Death Toll Numbers May 29th, 2020 6:59 pm EDT

Look at this shot, taken within 1 minute to the one above, both taken May 29th, 2020 at 6:59 pm EDT. They show that nifty yellow line to make us think it’s getting worse…this one shows us that there are 1,147 less deaths than there were 30 seconds prior.

By the way, the numbers on here match the numbers of the screen shot I took at 6:51 pm above. I started getting the time and date in the screenshots so you can see that I’m not the one trying to pull a fast one…What could I possibly gain by fudging the numbers myself. The only thing I would like to gain is helping to awaken more people to the reality of our world. But wait, there’s more.

This shot taken at 7:06 pm on May 29th, 2020, 7 minutes after the previous shot, all the numbers are exactly the same.

John Hopkins Fake COVID-19 Death Toll Numbers May 29th, 2020 10:37 pm EDT

This next shot taken from the John Hopkins website Fake COVID-19 Death Toll Numbers May 29th, 2020 10:37 pm EDT. It was taken 3 hours and 31 minutes after the 7:06 pm shot.

That would give 1,639 more Global COVID-19 deaths. There were 99 more COVID-19 deaths in the US in that 3 hour and 31 minute time-span. Once again, the numbers remain the same in the UK, Italy and France. President Trump, I’m sure has a reason for keeping Dr Fauci and Dr Birx in his Administration, if not, they need to go…I think President Trump is going to give them all an expense-paid vacation to the tropical island of Cuba, where they’ll be stay at hotel GITMO…for a long time.

I’m going to keep checking the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 Fake Death Toll Numbers Map and adding to this post.

Peace, Love & Blessings!

RedPillian Ground Crew, Out!


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