
Insect Drones That Can Bite


It is not an insect, it is an ‘INSECT SPY DRONE 5G’. It can be controlled from a great distance and is equipped with a camera and microphone. Insect Drones, like the little Mosquito Drones can land on anyone and use a needle to take a DNA sample, like a mosquito. A micro RFID tracking device can also be injected under the skin. It can also implant diseases. Since it is equipped with a micro injection.

MAV’s – Micro Air Vehicles

Air Force Micro Air Vehicles or MAV’S -Nano-Drone Technology

Nanobots and Nanites are a 1000 times smaller than these murderous, privacy invading little Drones! Imagine one of these little mosquito drones buzzing around you outside, it lands on you, but instead of sucking your blood, it injects “COVID-19” or some other man-made disease!!

Insect Drones and More Deadly Drones, Like The Fauci And Birx Models

The images above are all real drones…cute huh? The video below of the two F-18 Super Hornet Jets (perfect name huh?), is pretty scary, perfect genocide tool. Speaking of genocide…I put the photo of Anthony Fauci and Dr Birx because they are serving the same purpose as these little Insect Drones are.

I think they are more deadly though…I know at least, by delaying the release of information that Dr Judy Mikovits had discovered about the HIV/AIDS virus, Dr Fauci committed mass genocide. Had he not impeded the release of the information, thousands of lives could have been saved…but he chose service to self instead of service to others like the oath that he swore to uphold when he became a doctor.

US Military Releases Swarm Of Drone Mosquitoes From F-18 Super Hornet Jets

This is mind blowing…the real freaky thing is that “they” can make nano-bots that could be injected via vaccines…or by these little Mosquito-bots. The Mosquito Drone has a needle for a nose, they could probably inject hundreds or even thousands of nano-bots into a person with these things.

I’ve seen some little drones like this that have one purpose…and that is to find its target, land on it and blowup!

Nano Technology Insect Drones

The Dragonfly Surveillance Drone also used by the military, like all the others look very real and apparently fly better than the real thing. The image on the video below is an actual Dragonfly…I took the pictures that are below the video while in Mexico…I was walking my dog, and this guy landed on a piece of rebar right as we got next to it…the rebar I mean…we stopped and I ask him if I could take his picture…he said yes. After I took the photos, I thanked him and went on my way.

Military Dragonfly Surveillance Drones

Drones Used For Good & The Nanny Of The Dog World

Some drones can be used for good…like this “Spy” Hummingbird Drone…actually, all of the Insect Drones, and drones like this hummingbird drone or the PATS drone can be used for good…it just depends who’s using them. Like Pitbulls, they are the “Nannies” of dogs they are just about the most Loving dogs I have ever encountered…they have a bad name because of people who train them to be mean and because of people who use them in dog fights…but even if a Pitbull is rescued and treated with Love, they will NOT be aggressive…they will show you UNCONDITIONAL LOVE! We can a learn a lot from them and all other animals and insects!

Spy Hummingbird Drone
PATS Are Used As “Pest” Control In Greenhouses.

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