How many of you thought for sure that Osama Bin Laden was killed? He wasn’t, Seal Team Six killed a decoy…
Obama and China Joe Biden, sent $152 Billion dollars in cash on a plane to Iran. It was hush money.
Prepare To Have Your Mind Blown!
If you still haven’t realized how crooked The Biden Crime Family is, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE Watch the video below. The evidence that going to be released is going sink the Bidens, The Obamas and the Clintons to name a few. Did any of you know that John Brennan was a Muslim??
Listening to what Anna Khaite is saying is even bring my mind to the brink of explosion. This video is a compilation of several, all on point! Former President Barrack Obama and former V.P. sold out our country when they released the identity of Seal Team, that supposedly killed Osama Bin Laden.
The Fall Of The Biden Crime Family!
How many of you thought for sure that Osama Bin Laden was killed? He wasn’t, Seal Team Six killed a decoy. Bin Laden was in Iran. Shortly after the mission, they were all loaded onto an old Chinook helicopter with no escorts. They were shot down and the whole team was killed in the crash. You’ll see Dr. Michael Savage explaining in more detail.
Benghazi Cover-Up
Alan Howell Parrot, an operative in the middle east, talks about the audio evidence of the people involved with the soldiers killed in Benghzi. He talks to Charles Woods, father of Tyrone Woods, one of the soldiers that Hillary Clinton and Obama left to be killed. Iran knew about what happened, they were hiding Bin Laden after he was supposedly killed, so they decided to extort the US, which is why Barrack Obama and China Joe Biden, sent $152 Billion dollars in cash on a plane to Iran. It was hush money.
A lot of the mainstream “news” channels have copies of the evidence, so they are stuck between a rock and a hard place, because when they release the evidence. Joe Biden will be arrested for Treason, as will his son Hunter Biden and his brother James Biden! This is literally The Biden Crime Family Is Done!!! Part Two!
How Could You Possibly Entertain The Idea Of Voting For The Biden Crime Family & Token Harris
More and more evidence comes out everyday, showing the Biden Crime Family for what they are. Token Harris is being caught lieing. She’s also showing signs of Cognitive decline like China Joe. Joe Biden very possibly has had something done to him that has caused the cognitive decline that he is in.
This would make Token Harris The President Puppet of The United States. Then they could do the same to her as they possibly have done to Joe Biden. If she ever had to be replaced, then Nancy Pelosi would become President! That sounds a bit far fetched, but it sounds exactly like something the left would do!! President Pelosi…God Help Us!
What Is Being Planned In Canada
What does Canada have to do with anything? What is being planned by the liberal party that was set in place by the PMO, is also min-blowing. They a re already planning for a 2nd and 3rd lockdown with Covid-21 to make its appearance. Read more about it and watch both videos on this post.
2020 is going to go down in our new history, and will be looked upon as the time that evil was defeated in the world. We are all part of it. This must be what it was like during the Revolutionary War. This is a different type of war. It’s an information war, a war to control the minds of us “useless eaters”, the problem for the dark side is that more and more people are becoming aware of what is really happening.
When you stop and take a look around, you will see how we are being programmed. You WILL see that the Biden Crime Family is just that, a family of criminals Once you see, then you can break the chains and join the Revolution!! RISE UP BROTHERS AND SISTERS, RISE UP!!!
If we have an Unconstitutional law or a government action based on an Unconstitutional law (Remember Marbury vs. Madison), we don’t have to follow it, it’s NULL & VOID! ALL MASK WEARING MANDATES FALL IN THIS CATEGORY! #BURNYOURMASKS!
Hope is the enemy, a trick by the Ego, it leaves you in a state of want! It keeps you in fear, self pity for some, and in a perpetual state of helplessness.
Attorney Katherine Henry Has Good News For Michigan, Dr Buttar Has Bad News For Canada
Dr Buttar Talks About Leaked Plans For Canadian LOCKDOWNS
Dr Buttar mention in a previous video that things were going to happen by December 2020. My Brothers and Sisters in Canada if what Dr Buttar is saying is True, it is time to STEP UP! This is some wild shit. It made me start thinking that maybe President Trump is going to use the military to distribute vaccines.
I then deleted the fear mongering program in my head. If it were to happen in the US, I’m ready for battle! My Brothers and Sisters in Canada and all over the world. The time to stand up and ENOUGH! I DO NOT CONSENT! DO NOT GIVE IN TO FALSE HOPE!!!
Hope is the enemy, a trick by the Ego, it leaves you in a state of want! It keeps you in fear, self pity for some, and in a perpetual state of helplessness.
Dr Buttar is reading an email with the subject line: “Leaked Email From Liberal Party Of Canada”, It lays out the plan for November 2020, December 2020 and the 1st, 2nd, & 3rd quarters of 2021.
This is from a meeting that took place in the liberal, legislative bodies of Canada. The roadmap and aim was set up by the PMO of Canada and is as follows:
Phase in secondary lockdown, starting in major metropolitan areas and expand outward. Expected by November 2020.
Rush the acquisition of or construction of isolation facilities across every province and territory. Expected by December 2020. In other words Concentration Camps.
Daily new cases of COVID-19 will surge beyond capacity, including increases in COVID deaths. They know already? So everyone who dies will have died from COVID. Much like how here in the US, they were counting people with pre-existing co-morbidities as COVID deaths.
The tests are already faulty and will show that everyone has the virus.
Much stricter secondary lock-down expected by end of December 2020 to beginning of January 2021.
Reform and expansion of the unemployment program to be transitioned into the Universal Basic Income Program. Expected by 1st quarter 2021.
Projected Covid-19 mutation and or co-infection with secondary virus referred to as COVID-21, leading to a 3rd wave with a much higher mortality rate and higher rate of infection. Expected by February 2021.
Daily new cases of COVID-21 hospitalizations, COVID-19 & COVID-21 will exceed medical facilities capacity. Expected in the first and second quarter of 2021.
Enhanced lock-down restrictions referred to as Third Lock-Down will be implemented, full travel restrictions will be imposed including inter-province and inter-city. Expected by quarter 2, 2021.
Transitioning of individuals into The Basic Universal Income Program. Expected mid-quarter 2, 2021.
There’s much more, watch the video, to listen to everything. As usual, you should do the research yourself. Dr Buttar is trusted and the Deep State knows that. There’s always a chance that he has been fed a bunch of BULLSHIT like the US has.
Attorney Katherine Henry – “Burn Your Masks”
Attorney Katherine Henry Kicks Michigan Governor Whitmer’s Ass – BURN YOUR MASKS!!!
Attorney Katherine Henry won her case in the Michigan Supreme Court against Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. They threw out Governor Whitmer’s executive orders and said she had no authority after April 30, 2020.
It was a 7 to 0 decision that Governor Whitmer had no authority according to The Emergency Management act of 1976. The second question the court decided on was 4 to 3 on The Emergency Power of Governor Act of 1945 was entirely UNCONSTITUTIONAL. The governor could not use that as a source of authority to act on behalf of the residents of Michigan.
“Governor Whitmer has creative reading skills when it comes to the laws and constitution of Michigan” The Legislature has to be involved after 28 days according to the 1976 Emergency Management Act. They gave Governor Whitmer Another 23 days on April 7th, so after April 30th the only way her executive orders could continue is if the Legislature voted to extend the state of emergency again and they did not do that.
She (Governor Whitmer), needed to get approval to extend her Executive Orders for lockdowns and wearing masks, they did not grant that extension. That means “Burn your masks if you haven’t already, open your stores, open your gyms, open your movie theater, open whatever business you have…all orders regarding COVID-19 from 2020 are gone, they’re out. There’s nothing in place anymore from Governor Whitmer’s orders.”
Right at the 5 minute mark Katherine Henry mentions Marbury vs. Madison from 1803. I’ve been trying inform people about that precedent, but visuals sometimes speak louder than words, so I had cards made up that say this on the back:
Law Of The Land – Marbury vs. Madison
The general misconception is that any statute passed by legislators bearing the appearance of law constitutes the law of the land. The U.S. Constitution is the supreme Law Of The Land, ans any statute, to be valid, must be in agreement. It is IMPOSSIBLE for a law which violates The Constitution to be valid. This is succinctly stated as follows:
“All laws which are repugnant to The Constitution are null & void.” Marbury vs. Madison, 5 US (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803)
On the front of the card it say:
In the background in the black box, there is an image of the gallows. Which will be used very soon!
If we have an Unconstitutional law or a government action based on an Unconstitutional law (Remember Marbury vs. Madison), we don’t have to follow it, it’s NULL & VOID! ALL MASK WEARING MANDATES FALL IN THIS CATEGORY! #BURNYOURMASKS!
Governor Whitmer CANNOT appeal the decision of the Michigan Supreme Court, because the only court higher than the Michigan Supreme Court is The United States Supreme Court, and they have no jurisdiction on state matters. The US Supreme Court can only get involved if Michigan laws or The Michigan Constitution violated federal law or The US Constitution.
Oakland County California just issued a similar type of mask mandate, and now they are going to be sued!!! Katherine Henry will be involved in that lawsuit as well. She urges all attorneys to get involved #GROWAPAIR #STOPWEARINGMASKS #TAKEOFFTHOSEMASKS #BURNYOURMASKS
Watch both videos, subscribe so you’ll get updates. I’m working on another post right now too…It is MIND BLOWING! The shit is most definitely starting to hit the fan! Get your waders on, put on your nor’easter because it is going to start flying. This link goes to the last post: The ONLY way China Joe Biden and Token Harris could possibly be elected is if there was some mass mind control happening…which is possible!
Please share this and especially with any attorneys that you know!!
Hunter Biden IS The Weakest Link Of The Biden Crime Family
I said it in my Hunter Biden Transcribed Email post and I’ll say it here, if you were planning on voting for China Pedo Joe Biden and his Token Harris (Windy), you REALLY should look at all the evidence, that shows the REAL Russia Collusion and his pay to play politics! If you already voted and you did vote for the pedophile Biden and his Communist Token Harris, you ought to be disgusted with yourself, for allowing yourself to be so manipulated by the media that you would vote for a PEDOPHILE!!!
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You have to ask yourself these questions: Are you a pedophile, is that why you voted for him? Are you not a pedophile but your ok with other people who are?
Are you a feminist, which is the same as being a Leftist it seems….time for some deep introspection and figure out what male in your life hurt you so much that you would SELL OUT your country. Time to STOP WATCHING TV OF ANY KIND!
There was a commercial that came out for Hulu years ago, with the Leftist Baldwin…what was fucked up about it, is that he was literally telling you how they were turning your brains to MUSH!!
National Propaganda Radio
That’s how they get away with the things they do, they show you on TV, Movies, Commercials, TV “News”, propaganda media like The New York Times, The Washington Post, NPR and all arms of the Open Society Foundation, which includes MoveOn, NPR and everything else George Soros
If you already voted for China Joe and Token Harris, there’s nothing we can do about it…you can do something about it and that would be to start promoting our Duly Elected President, Donald J. Trump!
Watch This Video, The Biden Crime Family Whistle Blower Is Reading His statement!!
Pops Biden Crime Family Is Done! Biden Crime Family Whistle Blower
Joe Biden has been doing what’s right for The Biden Crime Family, in his his 47 years as a career politician…he is the epitamy of a stereotypical politician. A Vote for China Joe and Token is a Vote for China and the fall of The United States.
Steve Bannon Interview About Hunter Biden On Sky News Australia!
Check out this interview with Steve Bannon! They are just unloading on the Biden Crime Family!!! They even tried to lock Steve Bannon up because has the Hard Drive(s) from Hunter Biden’s laptop. The Biden Crime Family is Truly screwed. If anyone gets suicided, that would be extremely coincidental and there is no such thing as a coincidence. The Whistle Blower has already been threatened as has Rudy Giuliani!
Hunter Biden’s lawyer called them in a panic saying he needed Hunter Biden’s harddrive back. That would be a negative Ghost Rider. Like they would just say sure here it is, no hard feelings!!
Steve Bannon Interview About Hunter Biden And The Biden Crime Family
Promises Made, Promises Kept! Trump 2020
Remember, documentation beats conversation 100% of the time. I’m not sure how ANYONE at this point could even consider voting for the China Joe and His Token Windy. The are both bad human being that have made screwing the American public their careers.