As the saying goes “Excuses are like assholes, everybody has one.”…stop making excuses and telling yourself lies. It’s like the day my ex-wife said “I do”, she really wanted to say “I don’t”…
Break Free And Make Money Online In 2021
If you want to make money online in 2021, keep reading. I started working from home in 2008, during a supposed “recession”. I started and started getting busier and busier. It seems like recessions are good for people who work online from their homes…A.K.A. Digital Nomads.
It also seems to work well in other situations too, for example: Say if there was some sort of “pandemic”, where people had to stay home because they were afraid they were going to catch some Killer Flu. “Necessity is the mother of all invention”. If that were true though, wouldn’t there have been some sort of evolutionary happenings that gave people common sense and critical thinking skills??
I think that is happening now, but in our Time riddled minds, it doesn’t seem as if it’s happening to us fast enough. We all have different “Time Stamps”, some of us were stamped long before others, cosmically speaking. It’s kind of like teaching a kid to ride a bicycle without training wheels and the next day giving them a Harley Davidson and saying “Have at ‘er”.
We are literally in The Great Awakening and when truthful history books are written, this is what this time will be known as. Teachers in schools will say to students, “Today we start studying The Great Awakening Period, please open your books to page 2016”
Just for the record I crashed a Harley Davidson in 1998, which is what started my great awakening and led to my being a Digital Nomad. A Digital Nomad is a person who can work ANYWHERE on the planet, as long as they have an internet connection, a laptop or smart phone. As long as you have those things and the want to be free, YOU CAN DO IT!
As the saying goes “Excuses are like assholes, everybody has one.”…stop making excuses and telling yourself lies. It’s like the day my ex-wife said “I do”, she really wanted to say “I don’t”, and she should have, but why didn’t she?? She was too scared, maybe of what people may think of her…but only she really knows the answer. My point is, you shouldn’t allow what other people think, to shape your life.
Hear me when I say there WILL BE people in your life that may not like you trying to better yourself by pursuing a way to make money online. I’ve found it’s best to keep quiet about what you’re doing until you can show people that it works and you can help them do the same. There will ALWAYS be people with more recent Time Stamps than you, that try to knock you down a few pegs. It can be good practice to listen to those people, to help you to stop caring about what they think.
Conversely, there are people that need to announce what they are doing to the world because it keeps them accountable for what they are announcing. Then there are others that are just narcissistic.
I keep quiet before and after, because I’m a private person…I like to help people this way. People can read what I write, take what they can use and dump the rest…or they can think that it’s garbage and that’s their choice too. That’s not to say I have fear of confrontation…I don’t. I would rather not make people seem foolish when they start flapping their gums. It’s easy to do, but you don’t have to accrue any bad Karma, you can just sit back, smile and let them make fools of themselves.
If you go to the link at the top of this post, it will take you to an article that has 40 ways to make money online…there are so many more ways than 40, to make money online, you can create your own way. Just do something you are passionate about, regardless what it is and what those around you think. THERE ARE people who will be interested in what you have to offer. Where are those people you ask? They are all over the world. World Wide Web, remember?
It’s a very bad situation here. They make people wear an anklet. It’s absolutely insane! But in the meantime we just keep fighting ..
Fight as much as we can. So we need everyone’s help! Because what happens here is going to happen everywhere …
So we fight for ourselves and we fight for the whole world, but we need help. We need every help possible! All hands on deck.
We are not against vaccinations, I’m pretty confident that I can speak for all that are dubbed “Anti-Vaxxer”, that we are Anti-Crimes Against Humanity, that we are Anti-Big Pharma, that we are Anti-Greed. Personally, I would take the COVID-19 Shot, if it were in fact a vaccination, but it’s most DEFINITELY NOT!
We’ve been sold a bill of goods. It IS Medical Experimentation. If you’ve received this SHOT, you’ve been injected with Nano-Technology, Nano-Bots that are going to alter your DNA.
This is part of a World-Wide wake-up call. Ilana is right, we have an incredible opportunity to finally bridge the gap between all cultures, to remove the wedges that have been driven between all of us at every possible moment.
If we stand up and say that’s it, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!! They will crumble!
Read the transcript of the interview below and listen to the soundbite of Ilana Rachel Daniel talking about what’s happening in Israel…she starts crying…very emotional. You can watch the interview by clicking the link below.
I’m going to add it here because YouTube may remove it soon. I just wanted to get this posted quickly.
Israel’s COVID-19 Vaccine Or mRNA Experimentation
Ilana Rachel Daniel came with an emotional outcry for help from Jerusalem, the capital of Israel. At record speed, the government is trying to vaccinate the entire population – including pregnant women and small children – against the corona virus. “Civil rights are put aside and people can only participate in society again after vaccination,” told Ilana to Flavio Pasquino in the BLCKBX studio via a live stream connection, who tracked down Ilana after an – even – more emotional audio clip on Telegram.
Ilana Rachel Daniel talks about the Green Pass, the Freedom Bracelet, the mRNA vaccine and human rights violations. “Currently reminiscent of the Holocaust,” said the Jewess who emigrated from the US to Jerusalem 30 years ago. Ilana Rachel Daniel is active in Jerusalem as a health advisor and information officer for a new political party (Rappeh) that is heavily opposed by the regime. Opening a banc account is not possible and members of the party are also thwarted in their daily lives.
Ilana Rachel Daniel Crying As She Warns The World
Ilana Rachel Daniel Crying About Israeli COVID-19 Vaccine Program
Full Transcript From The Ilana Rachel Daniel Interview on BLCKBX
Ilana Rachel Daniel: It’s called the green passport. We’re not told to wear it, but what they’ve done is that they have essentially created a second-class citizenry overnight. A real medical apartheid that forbids healthy, law-abiding, tax-paying citizens from visiting cultural places, if they don’t participate in this experiment. It’s that simple. We have been literally told that there are people who have been kicked out of their choir, from their pools, from their gyms.
I don’t know who will hear the message we’re saying. I don’t know what’s going to happen.
I know there is no other option than every fiber of energy and strength to combat this, as there is no other option. There is everything to lose and everything to win, and I never really think it has been so simple.
I simply believe that we are privileged to have this truth. There is a truth that I think is a common denominator. Between all these different people, different countries, different languages, and we all see and hear a very clear truth.
And I think that truth is an absolute gift. But it is an obligation.
And it is not given to us to sit at home and with this apathy and hope for the best. We all need to come together because this is really how we win. Making these connections between us country after country is the only thing that these governments fear. They have it most of all, they have the wealth of empires behind them. But when the people realize that we are the many and they are the small group, they have nothing.
They have nothing and I can never give up hope that we will build this strength and take back our lives.
Because I’ve said before, I feel like the ball is in the air. It’s like this volleyball and it’s a matter of who hits it. We are not going back. There is no way back.
There has been progress and we have a great opportunity. And we have a great opportunity to come together as people. Without the divisions caused by religion, for example. They push us to make this complete reset. Actually we will just be people in such a beautiful way.
As painful as these divorces they made. We can really come together in a way that is how it is meant to be. That’s my opinion. Ilana Rachel welcome to the BLCKBX studio. Yesterday I listened to a disruptive audio file from you all the way from Jerusalem.
Transcript Of The Soundbite Above
It’s a very bad situation here. They make people wear an anklet. It’s absolutely insane! But in the meantime we just keep fighting ..Fight as much as we can. So we need everyone’s help! Because what happens here is going to happen everywhere …So we fight for ourselves and we fight for the whole world, but we need help.We need every help possible! All hands on deck.
Back To The Interview On The BLCKBX YouTube Channel
Flavio Pasquino: It gave me goosebumps and that’s why me wanted to talk to you directly, to hear from your side what is happening in Israel. What is going on, in short, I do not know if there is a short version, but that our Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has taken the initiative to register us without our informed consent to be the test subjects for Pfizer’s experimental technology.
And they do, with almost brute force.
Using coercion methods such as threatening people with their livelihoods, threatening young children as 16-year-olds. that they cannot take an entrance exam. The rollout of this is very ..
. This plan is observable in several countries. In some countries they give you the option to come and sign up, but there is no option here. You really have to come and do it. It’s as if the scientific evidence is established, even if it doesn’t even exist.
There is already great governmental and social pressure to hurry this up. This experiment. In Israel they don’t even talk about it being an experiment. While the rest of the world is fully aware. That’s exactly what this is.
Flavio Pasquino: Are you saying that vaccines are currently mandatory in Israel?
Ilana Rachel Daniel: Vaccines are not mandatory in Israel, but this covid-19 shot is … Well, it’s just kind of mandatory.
They say it is not mandatory and not enforced, however the reality on the ground is that people are losing their jobs. For example if they work in healthcare, or if they have some kind of job within the healthcare sector. There are many different places where people are told you must be vaccinated or else you will lose your job.
Flavio Pasquino:You told me about it earlier in this audio file people who wear some sort of batch on their wrist. The free pass or something? What is all that?
Ilana Rachel Daniel: It’s called the green passport.
We were not told to wear it, but what they did is that they have essentially created a second-class citizenry overnight. A true medical apartheid that denies healthy, law-abiding, tax-paying citizens access to their places in society if they do not participate in this experiment. It’s that simple.
We have been literally told that there are people who have been kicked out of their choir, from their pools, from their gyms.
Like I said, there are incredible social pressures and divisions between them families and this illusion of science that you don’t participate in, so that’s why you become seen as a virus carrier, threatening the rest of us. Even if of course there are simply no existing safety studies. So it’s really all in the name of science, but they’re actually all doing something based on an illusion.
Flavio Pasquino: What happens to people from abroad who enter Israel? For example with an airplane? What must they do to rejoin society?
Ilana Rachel Daniel: One of the worst scenes of what is happening can be seen at the airport. This morning I read someone’s personal story about coming home. His father happens to be a survivor, a Holocaust survivor, and he literally felt like he was in a roster.
It was very clear: those who are vaccinated go to one side and those who are not vaccinated go to the other side and are forced into these filthy hotels where they have to stay.
There they will all have to be swabbed with a PCR test. Then there is also the option, again change the rules from morning to evening, but apparently for some there is also an option to wear a security, a real one security ankle bracelet, as if they were a prisoner in their own home, and you have to pay 2,000 shekels (approx. € 500) for the privilege of doing this. This is what they do with their own citizens who have the audacity to travel.
Flavio Pasquino: So what I understand is that the security ankle strap is actually a way to have a liberal home quarantine?
Ilana Rachel Daniel: Yes, that’s the liberal version, correct, correct.
What we see here, those of us in Israel, we understand that we are used as a model for the rest of the world, because of the larger plans of this one injection for the rest of the world and for the larger plans of those governments want to increase this imposed control.
There is a feeling that it has to work. They don’t give us a choice because we are the model to show everyone how wonderful this new version of life is. So we are dealing with extraordinary powers. We know how the bottomless wealth of the pharmaceutical companies.
We know the governments all over the world. But this … The year of extreme implementations and policies .
.. it all culminates here in Israel, currently, with the rollout of this program. So, like I said, while it is in other countries is still a choice. Here, in my opinion, is the only reason that they are not physically because there would be too much public outrage, but they do everything just on the edge.
It’s the same old story, it’s the different, it’s this version it is.
Do you understand? It’s the idea that the other is going to bring danger to my, you know, my safe place. And those have become the people who are not willing to participate in this experiment.
Flavio Pasquino: Is there any resistance in Israel to these events? I mean, if you look at it in one historical and also religious perspective, you could say after what happened to the Jews through history and they finally have their promised land. It’s kind of cynical what is happening to the Jews in Israel now.
Ilana Rachel Daniel: It can’t be, you know, I don’t know whether it was planned to start here from the beginning.
I know there are logical reasons why this program has been rolled out here in Israel. But that our people went through the Holocoust and you have some elderly people who are Holocaust survivors are now being tested in their homeland, in our refuge, again by the same company, just with a different name.
You really couldn’t have tailored a bigger betrayal. Because the truth of the matter is this should be our hideout and we’re standing now in the midst of a danger that no one can describe. We know the immediate health, We know a lot of the immediate health problems, but the fertility problems .
.. We’ve rolled out a program never took into account the fact that the only group of people who were ever at risk of dying …
with the exception of this virus who was 65 years of age and older and those with co-morbidities. They’ve instilled such a sense of fear during the rollout of this experimental program that they’ve even run it on pregnant women. Pressuring children from the age of 16, women and pregnant women through literal radio messages Come .. come .
. and get vaccinated! You save your baby! And the night before they roll out a program. It’s this, for the first time in the year.
They release news reports that say: “Oh we suddenly have 30 pregnant women in critical condition in the hospital.” It’s so rough and obvious and people believe it! They just seem to believe it. They seem to forget not only basic science, but everything. Their experience itself .
.. The only saving grace and whole virus was that the children were spared and instead, We pretend that a pregnant woman has to take an mRNA technology into her body …
I lived in Israel for almost 24 years and I could never, never could have imagined that we would do these things … I never could have imagined and the thing is we know it is no secret. There is a contract.
There is a real physical contract between them Pfizer and our government. We have only seen an edited version. What we know is that there is a penalty clause. They have to now, the government of Israel is acting incredibly desperate, because they have some sort of quota of people they have to reach and inject. I don’t know what this penalty clause means.
Obviously, it must be something more terrible than risking the health of your own the generations to come of all your people. But we know that that exists and we know that they are in a situation where they feel a lot of pressure. So they act silly and more extreme. For example, they send messages in which you offer people a slice of pizza to get your injection.
it’s just a twilight zone and what’s more painful isn’t just how extreme it is because it is so obvious to anyone who is willing to give in, but there are so many people out there still have faith in our government for a variety of reasons.
And pretend all this could still be about a virus. We are boiled alive in this pot and pretend it’s not that hot …
It is very painful to see the people we love and respect as our neighbors and our relatives still pretend to be what’s really going on.
Flavio Pasquino: Ilana in the Netherlands we are going to meet new elections very soon and there is a politician who has a home in Israel. Her name is Sigrid Kaag, she worked for the united nations and she actually sets Israel as an example in the Netherlands. And in the news, she says we should look at the success Israel has already achieved. What would you like to say to her?
Ilana Rachel Daniel: I would like to tell her that the data is not being collected. We are not giving these people, these Israeli citizens, zero informed consent, no opportunity to make a risk benefit analysis. There is no way for the people to understand what they are signing for. And not only that. What happens is they get an injection and within 15 minutes standing outside again. Without paperwork.
There is no list of the side effects to look out for. There is no number to call.The data is not reported. There have been a number of attempts by citizens to register what our Ministry of Health does not register. Only the most extreme things are in the news and they have even stopped doing so.
Then the first They have cases of bell’s palsy and the first elderly fell dead within hours of heart failure the next day the headlines changes. Oh there is no relationship. There was no relationship to the injection they received. I personally know people who work in medical facilities who have seen a 40-year-old die of heart failure two days after the injection.
And they are not allowed to say it.
They can’t say it had anything to do with this vaccine! It’s an absolute threat. If you get shot in the head, but you test positive for covid, you died of covid. But if you die of heart failure within two weeks after getting the injection, it has no correlation. We live in a dream world and we deserve better.
We all deserve better. And it’s not, it’s definitely not accurate, it’s not scientific and we know the whole idea to call this a vaccine, even though we know it’s actually an experimental gene treatment. Using the word vaccine is using that part of your brain that doesn’t think at all. That has this knee-jerk reaction because we know that vaccines are automatically considered as safe and monitored / tested for decades.
Over and over again, it is this idea that people have about it.
So they use the word “vaccine,” and it doesn’t matter to name the flaws in that story but what using them now, is so full of uncertainties. It is insulting to have to take this all the time. The point is, we know that every vaccine takes at least 10 years. The technology used has been around for decades and it has never left the laboratory because it causes problems. It never got past animal testing.
Ferrets, rabbits, cats, monkeys all died during the animal experiments. And now we’re sticking it in the entire Israeli population. It never has well tested apart from the only time MRNA has been used in the most extreme cases. None of the actual treatments that we have been given all year round. And they are not given so that we can use this technology.
Flavio Pasquino: Let’s go back to human rights. What is actually happening to society in Israel? Do you still feel like you live in a free and open society?
Ilana Rachel Daniel: No absolutely not. I think you hear people talking about where can we go? People are terrified of what’s to come.
From one day to the next. For what will be for our children in the future. There the division is so extreme and are so unreasonable. And I think even people who signed up and took the vaccine start to see that something is going on because it is so extreme and the government so desperate.
But you now know that if you walk out without a mask. It’s the same story you hear everywhere. You have people who are willing to yell at you in the street for not wearing a mask. And that’s just the beginning. They have managed to this story that you are a walking disease risk if you walk into someone’s shop, for example without this injection, which of course has no chance of stopping the transmission. It’s not what it was made for.
Flavio Pasquino: I understood that you also run a political party in Israel. Are you succeeding?
Ilana Rachel Daniel: We are making incredible progress, despite full censorship. They have taken our Facebook page from the internet with 60,000 followers.
And they have revoked the medical license from the head of our party. They do everything they can to delegitimize us, but of course they fail. It just makes it clearer that small parties are in Israel have historically faced a tremendous challenge. They don’t even allow us to open a bank account to receive donations. They do everything they can to stop us because we are the only party to go against the story that puts them in danger.
These left-right answers, they don’t care. We are the only people who stand up and say this is unacceptable. This is absurd, this is unreasonable. You know the Israelis have been in lockdown for 5 months. Being locked up in our small apartments for five months.
Israel is a very small country We do not have large gardens. It’s absurd. Children with masks on, slumped for endless zoom conversations. You really have a people like that is so weakened. Do you know how many people there are that the government is telling you to take this shot!
Oh yeah, that’s fine.
It doesn’t feel right, but okay, I’m going to do it because let me get out of this now. They tell me this is a solution and even though my gut tells me it’s not right. Do you know how many people will take the extra steps to find out? Not enough.
Flavio Pasquino: How do you see the future for Israel in the next four or five years? What do you think will happen?
Ilana Rachel Daniel: So I’ll tell you, I find …
I have absolutely no idea … The future has never been more opaque. I think that’s true for so many of us throughout world right now.
And I feel that, you know, not to be clichéd, but dissipate a little bit of light a lot of darkness and it’s just a step, a step I take leads me to the next step, leads us to the next step. I don’t know what’s going to happen. Even these elections are supposed to happen on March 23. That is still a lifetime away in the world we now live in. I don’t know who will hear the message we say.
I don’t know what’s going to happen. I know that there is no other option but to give every fiber of energy and strength to combat this, because there is no other option. There is everything to lose and everything to gain. I guess it has never been easier in some ways ..
. And I believe that That it … I just believe that.
We are privileged to have this truth.
There is truth, which I think is a common denominator against all these different people, different countries, different languages and we all see and speak a very clear truth, and I think that truth is an absolute gift. But it is an obligation and it was not given to us to just sit at home and with this apathy and hope for the best. We all need to come together because this is really how we win. Making these connections between us country after country.
That is the only thing that these governments fear. They have the wealth of empires behind them, but when the people realize that we are the many and that they are just a small group, they have nothing. They have nothing and I can never give up hope that we will build this strength. And take back our lives because I said before that I feel like the ball is in the air. It’s like this volleyball and it’s a matter of who hits.
We are not going back to the old normal. There is no way back. There has been progress and we have a great opportunity. We have a great opportunity to come together as people without the issues of religion.
They’re pushing us to make this complete reset.
We can really just be human beings in such a beautiful way, as painful as these divisions that they’ve made. We can really get together the way it is meant to be … that’s my opinion!
Flavio Pasquino: Thank you Ilana for your courage, for your honesty. I think what you are saying is absolutely correct. And it is very disturbing to hear what is happening in Israel. We see about the same things happening in Europe and in the Netherlands. For me it seems like a nightmare that we are still in and I hope every day that we wake up from this from this terrible dream.
That it’s not the truth, but it is. So I want to thank you for this conversation from Jerusalem. I’ve never spoken to anyone from Jerusalem, out of it promised land, and it shouldn’t be. Thank you, Ilana!
Ilana Rachel Daniel: Thank you Flavio, thank you!
Flavio Pasquino: We hope this video from Jerusalem will go viral worldwide, so we end this video with a request. Please share this video with as many people as possible and thank you for watching!
It’s very disheartening when educated people are called Coon or Uncle Tom just because they’re educated and happen to be black and they don’t look up to career criminals like George Floyd or hate mongers like the black puppet of the leftist agenda, Barnor Hesse.
8 White Identities According To The Marxist Left
Ben Shapiro On Insane White Identities – Propaganda Hate Mongering
8 Weak White Identities Vs 8 Weak Black Indentities
Are you fucking kidding me!! This IS the latest brainwashing that they are teaching YOUR CHILDREN! 8 Weak White Identities is what it really is. How the fuck do you not see what is happening here?? The people who created this propaganda bullshit are spoon-feeding it to the weak minded people, like the ones who would kneel before a black person, ask for forgiveness and wash their feet for something they had NO part in!!! You can watch Ben Shapiro’s full episode here.
This is what Black Lives Matter, who is run by WHITE PEOPLE, is all about. THEY ARE a Marxist organization, funded by the NAZI LOVING JEW George Soros!! Patrisse Khan-Cullors has made MILLIONS OF DOLLARS being a racist. She, like Black Lives Matter, DOESN’T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT BLACK LIVES…excuse me, that’s not completely true, she cares about her own black life. The funny thing is, SHE IS A SLAVE and she’s too stupid to even see it. That’s what Marxism does to you.
If you support these 8 Weak White Identities and Marxist, Racist organizations like Black Lives Matter, it’s obvious to me that you voted for the currently installed pedophile, traitor to the United States “president”, Beijing Biden and his communist vp Commyla Token Harris, you should be disgusted with yourself and all your pussy like-minded friends…you keep sleeping and we’ll keep fighting for you.
Barnor Hesse
This is an image of Barnor Hesse, the thug who created the propaganda, hate mongering, racist, divisor, bullshit The 8 Weak White Identities. He looks totally stoned in this photo…oh no, was that racist of me to say that…if you think it is, you’re an idiot!
There was another person with a similar last name, Rudolf Hess, the Deputy Führer to Adolf Hitler in WWll.
Even though Hess was a Nazi and he ran the Auschwitz concentration camp, he still flew to the UK to try and make peace, where he was rightfully arrested and tried for his war crimes.
I’m not saying that Barnor should be tried for anything, but he should STOP peddling his propaganda hate. Barnor, maybe you should transmute that energy into something positive.
I’ve come up with my own 8 White Identities to go along with yours:
8 Weak White Identities
Being Apologetic For Who You Are
Letting Someone Else Tell You Who You Are And What To Think
Being Easily Guilted Into Thinking You Are Something You Are NOT
Bowing Down To ANYONE For Something YOU DIDN’T DO!
Listening To Or Reading Propaganda Hate Mongering And Believing It
White Guilt
Letting Knuckleheads Like Barnor Hesse Shape Who You AREN’T
White Guilt
I know white guilt is on there twice, that’s because it’s pushed by hate mongers like Barnor Hesse, Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA a lot.
Speaking of ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter, it reminds me of a post on Instagram made by Seth Rogen where he posted a big Black Lives Matter image and said in typical pussy Hollywood “I Take Responsibility” fashion: “If this is a remotely controversial statement to you, feel free to unfollow me.”
I don’t even know how I came across Seth Rogen’s post because I don’t follow the clown, but I made several comments on it. One was about ANTIFA, I put ANTI Free America as what it stands for and as typical, some millennial replied “You do know it stands for Anti Fascism right?” or something like that. I responded with “You’re an idiot”.
Speaking Of Idiots
If you go here and watch both videos, one of Watters’ World where he goes to Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania to talk to students who are wearing white puzzle pieces to acknowledge their “white privilege”, the girl he speaks with makes it obvious of how foolish it is.
The second video is of Ami Horowitz who goes to the Berkley College campus in Northern California where he asks students if voter ID laws suppress the black vote. Of course, the brainwashed students say yes. He then goes to Harlem and asks black people the same question. Both his video and that of Watters’ World are both TRULY mind numbing just like Barnor Hesse’s The 8 White Identities…he is one of the reasons kids are graduating college with a LOWER IQ than when they started!!!
That kid’s response on the Seth Rogen post shows you the level of thinking ALL these people that believe people like Barnor Hesse have. It’s a very low, self-doubting type of thought. They do not think outside the box out of fear. They have no critical thinking skills and they most definitely need someone to tell them what to think (#2 from my list above)! He’s found his audience, he should monetize it now before his 15 minutes are up.
8 Weak Black Identities
Being Apologetic For Who You Are
Letting Someone Else Tell You Who You Are And What To Think
Being Easily Guilted Into Thinking You Are Something You Are NOT
Bowing Down To ANYONE For Something YOU DIDN’T DO!
Listening To Or Reading Propaganda Hate Mongering And Believing It
Black Guilt
Letting Knuckleheads Like Barnor Hesse Shape Who You AREN’T
Black Guilt
3 Year Old Mekhi James Murdered In Chicago
Isn’t life difficult enough right now with all that’s going at the moment without cowards like Barnor Hesse throwing fuel on the fire like those who took advantage of the criminal death of the criminal George Floyd. George Floyd and Barnor Hesse ARE NOT people ANYONE should look up to.
They stoke the fires of hate. After George Floyd was murdered I wrote this post Strong Black Lives Matter in which I wrote about 3 year old Mekhi James being MURDERED over Father’s Day weekend. But you heard nothing about it because he was murdered by black thugs and that doesn’t help the Marxist, Racist agenda of people like Barnor Hesse that want to keep racial tension alive. This is what people in all schools at all levels are being taught in the United States. They are being dumbed-down and taught to be “passive racists”(watch Ami Horowitz and Watters’ World videos). The current presidential installation just gave a perfect example of what college kids are being taught:
Joe Biden Gaffe Machine, Does Not Disappoint!
It’s very disheartening when educated people are called Coon or Uncle Tom just because they’re educated and happen to be black and they don’t look up to career criminals like George Floyd or hate mongers like the black puppet of the leftist agenda, Barnor Hesse.