Dr Fauci IS A Criminal
Jim Jordan proves Dr Fauci lied about Gain of Function research at the Wuhan lab that American tax dollars paid for! If you still believe that Dr Fauci or Dr FauXci, as many people call him, if you still believe he is telling the truth EVER and that he’s not trying to cover his ass, then watch the video, the transcript is right below. Then after you’re done, type Dr Fauci in the search box on the right and read the other articles that expose his hypocrisy. Fauci’s NIH Gave Tens of Millions in Grants to Chinese Labs

You’ll learn how he had a hand in the spread of HIV, you’ll learn that he knew, before President Trump started his first term, that there would be a pandemic (SARS-Cov-2), how would he know that? If he was a Seer maybe, he’s not. He’s just another Marxist from New York, trying to destroy The United States, along with his comrades, Andrew Cuomo, Chris Cuomo, Bill de Blasio, Letitia James and all the other politicians that blindly follow these criminals.
Jim Jordan Transcript Proving Dr Fauci Lied
Friday January 31st, 2020 at 10: 32 p.m. Dr Fauci gets an email from Christian Anderson, Christian Anderson’s, a British researcher, who’s received numerous grants from NIH. Two really important sentences are in that email, two sentences that get Dr Fauci’s attention. The first is this:
“The unusual features of the virus make up a really small part of the genome, so one has to look really closely at all the sequences to see that some of the features look engineered.”
Christian Anderson
Again, this is January 31st, 2020. Second sentence:
“Eddie [Holmes], Bob [Garry], Mike [Ferguson] and myself all find the genome inconsistent with expectations from evolutionary theory.”
Christian Anderson
Email arrives 10:32 to Dr Fauci on January 31st, 2020, two hours later, two hours later at 12:29 in the morning, Dr Fauci sends an email to his top deputy, Mr Hugh Auchincloss. The guy has worked for Fauci for 15 years, part of his inner circle. Sends it, subject line says: “IMPORTANT”, in all capital letters. He attaches a paper on gain of function research written, by Dr Baric and Dr Shi. Dr Shi of course, is the so-called bat lady, bat woman, the lady who does research in the Wuhan China lab.
This email, Dr Fauci says again, to his top deputy:
“It is essential that we speak. this A.M., keep your cell phone on, read this paper, you will have tasks to do today, that must be done.”
Dr Fauci
Notice the intensity, notice the focus. I mean this is “the house is on fire” email here. Now, two hours after that, at 2:48 in the morning, Dr Fauci’s busy this morning, 12:29 that email he sent to Dr Auchincloss, his top deputy two hours later at 2:48 in the morning, he sends another email, this one to Robert Kadlec assistant HHS secretary, Trump appointee, not part of his inner circle, and he attaches a different article to this email. One that says:
“The virus came from an animal that downplays any lab leak theory”. Now again, notice the tone of this one: “Bob this just came out today, gives a balanced view.
I mean totally different from the previous. This is one like: “Oh, if you get a chance read this, gives a balanced view.” So the tone is different, but also that sentence gives a balanced view. It’s not true either. That’s just not accurate.
This article downplays, as I said, the lab leak theory, “emphasizes evolutionary cause to the virus”. What happens next? What happens next? Later that same morning, later that same morning, at 11:47 a.m, Dr Fauci’s deputy gets back to him. I just want to read you this whole email.
“The paper you sent me”, the one he sent him that was written by the neurologist from Wuhan China and Dr Baric, “The paper you sent me says the experiments were performed before the gain of function pause, but have since been reviewed and approved by NIH.”
Mr Hugh Auchincloss
Not sure what that means, since Emily, someone else who works for Dr Fauci, is sure that no Coronavirus work has gone through the P3 framework, which, of course, is the oversight body, that’s supposed to approve any grant dollars going for gain of function research.
No Coronavirus work has gone through the P3 framework, final sentence:
“She will try to determine if we have any distant ties to this work abroad.”
Mr Hugh Auchincloss
She will try to determine if our fingerprints are on any of this. All these emails happen in 13 hours, so 13 hours after Dr Fauci gets the initial email from Christian Anderson saying,
“looks like this virus is engineered not consistent with evolutionary theory.”
Christian Anderson
Dr Fauci knows some important facts.
- Dr Fauci knows there is a lethal virus on the loose that started in Wuhan China.
- He knows the American taxpayers have funded gain of function research in Wuhan, China.
- He knows that the research grant didn’t go through the required oversight board.
- He knows the virus quote, “looks engineered” and quote “not consistent with evolutionary theory” and finally
- Dr Fauci knows he may have ties to this work in China.
His fingerprints in fact may be on this. So what does Dr Fauci do next. after he says, Oh whatever, what does he do next? He organizes a conference call for later that same day, I mean this is the busiest 24 hours I think I’ve ever, he organizes a conference call, 12 people on the call, Dr Fauci and 11 virologists from around the world. Virologists who’ve gotten millions of American tax dollars over the past several years.
Here Are Those Virologists
- Bob Garry
- Christian Drosten
- Tony Fauci
- Mike Ferguson
- Ron Fouchier
- Eddie Holmes
- Marion Koopmans
- Stefan Pöhlmann
- Andrew Rambaut
- Paul Schreier
- Patrick Valance
Now look at this list. Here’s a list of people, there’s only two Americans on the list, Tony Fauci and one other, most of them from around the world, as I said. I think the first thing you notice is who’s not on the call, who’s not on the list, is Dr Kadlec on the list? The guy he sent the email to at three in the morning. Is Dr Redfield, the head of CDC?
Dr Jarrar, who’s with us today, assistant secretary at HHS at the time? Dr Burks, the lady who’s, soon to be COVID response coordinator? In fact, there’s no one from the government on the call except Tony Fauci, Tony Fauci and 11 other individuals who got a bunch of American tax dollars over the years. What happened on the conference call? The short answer is we don’t know? We don’t know what they talked about. I mean, I think, we’ve got a good idea, we don’t know for sure, but we do know what happened four days later.
Four days later, February 4th, 2020, Christian Anderson, the guy who started it all, who said “the virus looks engineered”. Christian Anderson said this four days later, the crack, the quote:
“The crackpot theories going around at the moment relate to this virus being somehow engineered. That is demonstrably false.”
Christian Anderson
What? In four days this guy went from “this looks engineered” to now, “that’s demonstrably false”, four days he went from “this, isn’t consistent with evolutionary theory.” Now we know it’s totally evolutionary? But it gets even better, it gets even better.
Mr Anderson and three of the other people on this call write an article a few weeks later. That says “COVID is not a laboratory construct”, and while they’re writing that article there’s an email from March 6th, where Mr Anderson offers to let Dr Fauci edit the article before it’s published and here’s the kicker, here’s the kicker:
When the article is published, Dr Fauci cites it at a White House press conference when he is asked by a reporter about the origin of the virus, cites the very article he put in motion on the conference call and he was allowed to edit, at the White House, where he’s supposed to be giving the American people the truth, he references an article that he manufactured.
Now, maybe I’m wrong about all this, maybe it didn’t work out this way. I think I’m right. Maybe it didn’t work out this way, but it would have been nice, Mr chairman, if Dr Fauci would come today and answer our questions, he could have come here and defended himself, but he didn’t have the courage to do it.
And you know who else wouldn’t come, remember that email about the P3 framework? We invited Dr Hassell to come too, he’s the individual who chairs that oversight board. We invited him to come today too, and he wouldn’t come. They, I, I’m convinced these guys knew right from the get-go what the truth was and they misled the American people.
Oh here’s, the other thing. You know that conference call, that conference call? We got the emails regarding the conference call from February 2nd. All these guys, all these guys were emailing back and forth, they were on that conference call. Here’s what we got on the foyer request: here’s all their emails! Every single thing is redacted.
Every single thing is redacted about what took place in that conference call, because I’m convinced it was at that conference call where they said we got to cover our tracks and again maybe I’m wrong, maybe I’m wrong, but Dr Fauci could have been sitting right there and answering our questions and he wouldn’t come today. I yield back.
Thank you, Mr Jordan, and let the record reflect that Dr Fauci was invited Friday afternoon. He declined
Peace, Love & Blessings To All, Especially To Dr Fauci And All His Cohorts!!!