Go To Hell Biden!

Come On Man, you should just call it a Pork Bill or better yet A MONEY LAUNDERING BILL! Between that and the money you’re getting from China, the Biden Crime Family has done well, and it’s just your first year…though, I predict it’s your last! You were installed 9 months ago and you WILL DEFINITELY go down as the most corrupt and worst president in the history of The United States!!!

I Won’t Say Go To Hell Biden, It Would Be Wrong To Want Anyone To Burn For ETERNITY. I Just Want Him And Token To Go Away…GITMO Sounds Like The Place For Them. Send Joe To GITMO!

The man in the video is rightfully angry as are the people of the world. This post is NOT a President Trump vs. Joe Biden kind of thing, this is all about Joe Biden’s cognitive abilities. I recently did add Joe’s latest mistakes to the President Trump Accomplishments vs. Joe Biden accomplishments

Angry Afghani Man Says: “Go To Hell Biden!”

Video captured an angry Afghan man raging at reporters outside the British Embassy in Kabul this week, screaming “go to hell, Biden!” amid the chaos unfolding as the Taliban take over the country.

Here is the latest Joe Biden “Accomplishments”:

  • The US/Mexico Border DEBACLE, we can blame Token Harris for that as well.
  • ENERGY DEPENDENCE – with President Trump we were energy INDEPENDENT, now we are an energy Dependent country.
  • Trillions of dollars for an “Infrastructure ” Bill

Lets break these down:

  1. Afghanistan Debacle -Joe is good at one thing and that is pointing fingers, to put it in Token Harris terms: “I’ve never been to Europe either.” To those that know nothing about military tactics or how someone, like Joe Biden, would plan something like bringing troops home from Afghanistan, it seems to be an OBVIOUS thing to say, lets get all the American civilians, the Afghan people that helped the US, out of Afghanistan. Then lets destroy the billions of dollars worth of military equipment, that you as a taxpayer paid for. All that equipment is now in the hands of the Taliban terrorists that will be terrorizing people of the world with their new 21st century army, thanks to Joe Biden. Then the troops come home.
  2. The US/Mexican Border Debacle – To look at this, it shows Joe Biden’s inability to think in a sane way. One of the first things he did was to stop construction of the wall, then he reversed President Trump’s stay in Mexico policy for asylum seekers. I think he stopped the construction of the wall for a few reasons:
    1. To keep his human trafficking/sex trafficking/pedophile business alive.
    2. He assigned Token Harris as the “border czar”, that threw Token into the deep end and she DOES NOT know how to swim.
    3. They wanted to get as many illegal aliens in the country that would then vote Democrat.
    4. It would allow them to keep their COVID-19 BS alive. Because they were not “testing” people for COVID-19 and they reinstated the catch and release program that was already in place in the “O’Biden” Administration.
  3. Energy Independence To Energy Dependence
    1. One of the first things Joe Biden did when he was installed was to cut the Keystone Pipeline which killed 11,000 direct jobs that the pipeline’s construction was to have created, and an estimated 60,000 indirect jobs in secondary, related industries. If you do a search you’ll find that all the Marxist websites are using Facebook as a means of debunking these numbers.
    2. This is how the Demented, Marxist peanut in Biden’s skull works: He thinks the economy is improving…it is, but NOT BECAUSE YOUR ADMINISTRATION HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT, people are just going back to work to the jobs they already had, but had to stop because of your PLANDEMIC!! You and Fauci should be roommates at GITMO. You can take turns jerking each other off, like you both are doing to The American public and The World right now.
    3. The country is no longer energy independent. Joe Biden has screwed The Unites States’ energy independence and now begs OPEC to increase oil production. Joe, you stupid fuck, don’t you realize that in your effort to realize AOC’S retarded Green New Deal to cut the carbon footprint of the US, you actually increased it dramatically!!?? OPEC increases production, filling ships and trucks to carry that oil. Unless those ships and trucks already have their Green New Deal special motors, you are increasing the carbon of the world.
    4. This is about ALL OF US Joe, there is one Earth in our star system. Even if a new one was discovered how would we get there? Oh, that’s right, we would use our antiquated rockets because the real green methods of propulsion are hidden from the public.
  4. Trillions Of Dollars For Infrastructure

Come On Man, you should just call it a Pork Bill or better yet A MONEY LAUNDERING BILL! Between that and the money you’re getting from China, the Biden Crime Family has done well, and it’s just your first year…though, I predict it’s your last! You were installed 9 months ago and you WILL DEFINITELY go down as the most corrupt and worst president in the history of The United States!!! Here’s the Money Laundering Bill…I mean Infrastructure Bill.

I tried looking at the text, but it was so laden with pork, that my browser wouldn’t load. I kept getting this error: “The page is slowing down your browser, stop the page to continue.” I pressed the stop button, but nothing happened. Now, imagine that We The People are the browser and we’re trying to look at this pork bill, but it is impossible because those who wrote it and those who sponsored it are SO VERY CORRUPT, that it was impossible. (I think I’m being helped with this post!)


Peace, Love & Blessing To Everyone, Especially To Jill Biden And The Entire World!




US Congress

SARS-COV-2, HIV & Ebola, Viruses Created In A Lab! AMA COVID-19 Language Swaps

AMA Language Swaps

Lockdown – Stay At Home Order

COVID Mandates, Directives, Controls – Covid Protocols

National Duty – Personal Responsibility

Coronavirus/COVID-19 – Pandemic

SARS-COV-2, HIV & Ebola, Viruses Created In A Lab, Anthony Fauci NEEDS TO BE LOCKED UP!!!

This is Mind Blowing, SARS-COV-2, HIV & Ebola, All Created In A Lab. “Dr” Anthony Fauci not only played a part in a mass amount of COVID-19 deaths, but he also played a big part in HIV deaths! The man is a psychopath and needs to be sent to GITMO with Joe Biden!!!

Dr Michael McDowell On The COVID-19 “Vaccine”

Dr Michael McDowell – Vaccine Response

This is mind blowing, more and more REAL Doctors are coming forward, and charlatans like Anthony Fauci will be behind bars very soon. Dr McDowell mentions Dr Geert Vanden Bossche, you may want to check these posts out as well.

AMA COVID-19 Language Swaps/AMA COVID-19 Guide

As if you didn’t already know of the AMA corruption, here’s a bit more to add to your COVID-19 file of LIES!!! Here is a heaping helpful of their bullshit! They are telling doctors and health care professionals to change their wording when talking about the COVID-19 PLANdemic. Look at the chart below. If this doesn’t make you mad, you’re probably one of them.

This is a hospital president’s wet dream, because all they care about is how many people they can fool into getting unnecessary procedures or getting unnecessary medications, so they can rip insurance companies off and make their bottom line look good.

Viruses Created In A Lab 
AMA  COVID-19 Vaccine Guide Winter 2021
AMA COVID-19 Vaccine Guide Winter 2021

The AMA actually put out a COVID-19 Vaccine Guide Winter 2021

Instead Of Saying This:Say This Instead:
LockdownStay-At-Home Order
COVID Mandates, Directives, Controls, OrdersCOVID Protocols
National DutyPersonal Responsibility
Hospitalization RatesDeaths
Defeat, CrushEliminate, Eradicate
Operation Warp SpeedStandard Process
GovernmentPublic Health Agencies
Science-, Medicine-, Data-BasedFact-Based
The Consequences Of Not Taking The VaccineThe Benefits Of Taking The Vaccine
Getting The Vaccine Is The Right Thing To DoGetting The Vaccine Will Keep You Safe
Predictability/CertaintyA Return To Normal
The Dollars Spent; Number Of ParticipantsA Transparent, Rigorous Process
Misled/Confused About The VaccineSkeptical/Concerned About The Vaccine
The World’s Leading ExpertsAmerica’s Leading Experts
AMA COVID-19 Language Swaps

Stew Peters On AMA Propaganda

AMA Propaganda StewPeters.TV

Peace, Love & Blessing To All, Especially All Who Got That Shot!!!
