The CoronaVirus Marketing Team Is Good
It’s TRUE, the CoronaVirus is the Common Cold! It says so in “black & white”, in The American Medical Association’s (AMA) Encyclopedia Of Medicine. How much more proof does a person need. Why do people fall inline so easily with all the evil in the world. Like Anthony Fauci, I refuse to call him doctor, because he ISN’T one. He is going to have his medical license taken away very soon anyway.
How evil does a being have to be in order for you to stop following what they are saying? Fauci’s latest evil report, is that he has ok’d the use of Beagle puppies for experimentation. That is bad enough by itself, but being the douche from New York, that he is, he had all the vocal chords of the puppies slit, so the “scientists” conducting the evil experiments wouldn’t hear the puppies SCREAMING IN PAIN!!!
This whole coronavirus plandemic, seems to be easily figured out, but people are TOO COMPLACENT AND JUST ROLL-OVER. There are some major things happening right now that WILL wake everyone up from their deep sleep.
I digress, I know people listen to or watch TV news because of one thing, FEAR. As long as you have fear, like fear of the common cold, you are not able to function properly.
When you are afraid of anything, you are acknowledging its power to hurt you. Remember that where your heart is, there is your treasure also. You believe in what you value. If you are afraid, you are valuing wrongly. Your understanding will then inevitably value wrongly, and by endowing all thoughts with equal power will inevitably destroy peace.
A Course In Miracles – The Atonement As Defense
The TRUTH is out there, it’s everywhere. Do you see? Do you hear? Let those with eyes see and those with ears hear. If you don’t see or don’t hear, it’s simply because you have fear. You have nothing to be afraid of and nothing to worry about. How many of you can add one day to your life by worrying? I already know the answer…ZERO!!
Word has it that over 1 million people have died as a result of getting the COVID-19 “vaccination”, of course you’ll not hear about that if you watch TV news. I have a friend who recently died from the shot and he was PERFECTLY HEALTHY. He got the shot for his job, got covid-19 after the “vaccination”, got pneumonia, checked into the hospital and now he’s dead.
I Had COVID-19, The Common Cold Is Worse
I had covid-19 in February 2021, as I’ve mention in several of my posts, but it’s always relevant. I went to the hospital because I had fallen due to a surgery I had the previous November, it messed with my right leg. When I got “checked in”, one of the first things they did to me was give me Remdesivir, they didn’t bother to tell me what they were giving me, I was fully conscious, but I didn’t ask them either.
Remdesivir A George Soros Owned Company
Remdesivir is made by Gilead, a George Soros owned company, when they came into my room to give me another shot of the poison, I told them I didn’t want it, and to go away. Go to the above link to read about my time in the hospital. The doctors are so controlled, you could just about see the marionette strings.
I was sick for 4 days, one of the “doctors” told me, since you don’t need oxygen, we have to send you home. Before all this happened, they gave me a covid-19 “test”, you can’t test for SARS-COV-2 with the PCR test, that’s been proven. You can’t test for something that has NEVER been isolated, but before all that, they put me in a room with a person that had covid-19, I know this because I heard him talking on the phone.
They tested me for covid-19 2 days after I was checked in…I guess they had to wait for the Remdesivir to take effect. Then lo and behold, I had the common cold…I mean covid-19. I HAVE NOT AND WILL NOT get that shot!! If you did get it, you have been turned into a Super Spreader. This is done by shedding. Right now, if you got the shot, you have Spike Proteins and nanobots ripping through your veins. I’m serious about ripping…the spike proteins, as they go through your veins, tear at the vein walls, causing blood clots to form…another potential death sentence.
Aside from shedding, here are some other things you’ve opened yourself up to by being lazy and listening to evil people like Anthony Fauci:
“And so, what we’ve been seeing is a massive increase in those who’ve been given the injection of blood clotting problems, miscarriages, stillborns, infertility, stroke, heart attack, autoimmune diseases, and death, just to name a few, and that’s in those who been injected. So certainly there should be a suspicion when you see people around the injected people who have not been injected getting the typical symptoms of COVID in addition to miscarriages, bleeding, irregular menstrual cycles; it should raise a very, very strong suspicion.”
Fully Vaccinated Are Developing “Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome” (AIDS) Much Faster:
“The report stated, “Covid -19 cases show that doubly vaccinated 40-79-year-olds have lost 44% of their immune system capability. Their immune systems are deteriorating at around 5% per week (between 3.8% and 9.1%).
If this continues, then 30-59-year-olds will have zero Covid/viral defense (and perhaps a form of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) by Christmas, and all double vaccinated people over 30 will have completely lost the part of their immune system that tackles Covid-19 by January next year.”

Coronavirus IS The Common Cold
Watch this short video taken of the AMA’s Encyclopedia of Medicine, that shows the CoronaVirus IS the Common Cold. I have to agree with that, because I had a cough when I had covid-19 and it lasted 4 DAYS and that was it!!! That hardly seems like the way a “deadly virus” would work! You have 99.9% survival rate, take off that stupid mask!
Peace, Love & Blessings To All!!! Especially To All Who Got The Jab!!
p.s. Florida now has the LOWEST rate of coronavirus in the US, and they’ve been wide open with none of these ridiculous mandates! Keep this in mind, A MANDATE IS NOT A LAW!!!!
Video Via Telegram