Joy Behar Asshole Of The Month End Of August 2021
First of all I would like to say the same as always, So Many Assholes, So Little Time. For that reason, I decided to do a bi-monthly Asshole post. Joy(less) Behar is the first. How fitting this is posted on Friday The 13th.

This woman has some issues that she needs to deal with. Every time she speaks, she’s projecting all those issues onto everyone else, because the ego has a tight grip on her.
Projection: Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.
Psychology Today
Joy Behar Blackface
Like whenever anyone brings up her dressing up in “blackface”, she defends it by saying the “black people have my back on that”. She is living in a Joyless fantasy world. There isn’t ONE black person that would say it’s ok…except Whoopi Goldberg.

In her defense, the picture of her in “blackface” is above, obviously taken when she was much younger. It doesn’t look like blackface at all. She’s actually a good looking woman. Something happened along the way to make her who she is now. Maybe the reason for her projections is that she is unhappy with herself, or the way her life went…you be the judge.
That’s why it always good to let things out. Do worry about things that you have no control over. Even for things you do have control over, what does worrying do? NOTHING! You become irrational, you do not think correctly. It seems Joyless worries all the time.
Speaking of Whoopi, she shares the image with Joyless. Whoopi is another person that shouldn’t say anything about people in blackface. When her and Ted Danson were together, she was fine with him doing it, in-fact, it was her idea that he do it. Sammy, how could you be with her…love truly is blind I guess, sometimes it makes you do truly stupid things, like Ted did on that particular night at the Friars Club, for the Roast of Whoopi Goldberg.
Danson, appearing in a top hat and blackface with big white painted lips, used the word ″nigger″ more than a dozen times as he joked about his and Goldberg’s sex life and other topics.
AP News
Imagine If President Trump Did What Ted Danson Did!?
Can you imagine if President Trump did the same thing if First Lady Melania Trump were black!! Whoopi even though she was one who wrote Ted Danson’s jokes that night, would have shit her pants! Forget about Joyless, her head probably would have exploded.

What is TRULY sad, is how they are even allowed on TV to spew their poison. Who watches that show? Maybe the few who actually voted for the Pedophile Beijing Biden. But that’s the plan, another way to divide us all up. The negative entities latch on to Joyless and Whoopi like a couple of Lampreys on a shark, and suck the life out of them. That must be what has happened to Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg. Everyone involved with that show must know they’re doing wrong!
Speaking of Assholes, how about Megan Rapinoe!
Peace, Love & Blessings To All, Especially To Joy Behar, Whoopi Goldberg And Everyone Else Involved With That Fiasco!!