To Red Pill or not to Red Pill, that is the question!
It seems that many people have had their paradigms jolted with all that is happening in the world right now. The latest Flu virus, the CoViDisinformation #19, is a blessing in an ugly disguise.
It was necessary to have something like this happen to start waking up A LOT of people. People are still clinging to the words of their puppeteers, like a baby monkey clinging to their mother…but deep down they know it’s time to open their eyes and rub all the sand out.
We are only at the tip of the tip of the iceberg and will soon be getting “UGE” data dumps, that are going to shake even those who are fully awake, to their core. So if you still don’t believe all the “conspiracy theories”, it would be a good idea to start easing yourself into them…use discernment always, but keep an open mind while reading anything or watching any videos, so you can incorporate any new information that you “resonate” with.
Here’s a fun fact: The term “Conspiracy Theory” was created by the CIA after the Roswell crash in July 1947. The CIA came to be on September 18, 1947. They created the term “Conspiracy Theory” because they wanted everyone to think that if someone started talking about flying saucers, that the person was nuts!
They got Disney and probably some of the other studios to start making cartoons about Martians to make people think it was all a joke…they’ve done an incredible job…it was like sprinkling magic fairy sleep dust in everyone’s eyes…turns out it was just sand…time to rub the sand out and splash your face with cold water.
There is so much evidence and so many doctors stepping forward and telling the truth about the whole CoViDisinformation #19 scare, so many people stepping up like Rudy Giuliani in this short article.
Update 4-27-20
This is from the YouTube channel, HighImpactVlogs, he always has great content, I suggest you check his channel out. The title of the video is: “CDC’s Numbers 100% Destroyed by Street Dude With a Piece of Cardboard.” It’s so easy to see all the lies that are being fed to us…there is a line from song by The Style Counsil, the song is A Gospel and the line is “Eating Propaganda Shit Spoon Fed”. The Style Council was started by former members of The Jam…both great bands.
Ok, that’s it for now, check back for updates…I haven’t had my blog up for quite a while, I lost a lot of the articles I had written…the blog will grow again…I have a lot of information to put on here.
Peace, Love & Blessings!
RedPillian Ground Crew, Out!