A very good friend of mine just sent me this list of COVID-19 questions…for EVERYONE that is wearing a useless mask, this is meant ESPECIALLY for you…and for my friends in Mexico that goes DOUBLE for EVERYONE involved in those absolutely devastating to your pueblo’s economy…how could you just roll over like that without questioning the validity of EVERYTHING the media and “people” like Bill and Melinda Gates, George Soros and their “Reptilian” ilk. Have any of you seen that Bill Gates interview, where the interviewer said something about the death rate or about everyone getting vaccinated and Bill Gates LAUGHED!!!
I think it was on MSDNC or the Communist News Network…maybe you know it as the Chinese News Network…but that’s redundant…I’m talking CNN, Corrupt News Network, Californication News Networks, Crooked News Network, Criminal News Network, Contaminated Not News, Criminally Nefarious News, Corruption News Now, Covid Nefarious News, Canker Not News, Contemptibly Negligent Network…I could go on and on…hopefully, you’re getting the point…take off those useless fucking masks…take off those USELESS gloves!
You are touching money, receiving change from stores and then you adjust that mask…touching your face…USE COMMON SENSE, I want everyone to read the list of questions below and really think about the answers you give yourself…don’t just regurgitate what you’ve been told, like a parrot…I apologize to all parrots for comparing you to a virus…HUMANITY!!

Since you are in “Lock-Down”, which isn’t a law, it’s a recommendation by an incredibly GREEDY and CORRUPT “Dr” Fauci…I gotta tell you, the Deep State must have videos of him raping little boys, for him to spew lies that are worse than any imaginary “pandemic”. It’s just like wearing a mask, it’s a recommendation, unless you’re in places like Marxistchusetts, like me…I’ll never put one of those ridiculous things on…at CVS they gave me shit at the checkout because I didn’t have one on…they said “I could buy one”…$2 for fucking mask…that is what this all about…money, control and power…you know what the motherfuckin’ governor of Marxistchusetts, Charlie Baker is doing?? He is wasting taxpayer money by spraying orange fucking arrows on the sidewalk…as in one way arrows…all in the name of health! Maybe the videos the Deep State has are of Fauci and Charlie Baker…his initials could also stand for Communist Bastard!

I was coming back from CVS and there was an older woman sitting in her car, she had a mask but it was pulled down so she could smoke her cigarette…I walked by, but then stopped and thought to myself, “I can’t let this one go”, so I walked back, where she was sitting with the window open and I said “The cigarette won’t kill you but COVID will?” She chuckled and then the synapses fired and she had a Homer Simpson moment…D’OH! She got her Red Pill!!!
Look at the image above and the image below, but especially the image above. I just took that screenshot today, May 17th, 2020. There are 313,266 supposed COVID-19 Deaths and 1,813,020 Recovered Worldwide…those numbers are for the entire planet, not just the US, Mexico & Canada. Go to their COVID-19 page right now and see for yourself!!
Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself, to stand up for others, to stand up for your GOD Given Rights as FREE people…if you don’t start waking up now, kiss all your freedom GOODBYE! You put on a mask without questioning it, Some get Flu vaccines, which make you more likely to catch the COVID Flu…you don’t question that.
The state of Oklahoma just passed a MANDATORY vaccine law…they are planning on putting permanent metal bracelets on people that have all your information in a chip, part of that information will will be your vaccine History…Bill Gates heard that and dropped his pants and started masturbating on the spot, thinking about all the money he was going to make, making people wipe their asses with the Constitution, like his parents taught him to when he was growing up.

The same thing is going to happen to everyone that doesn’t wake up…you’ll have a nice metal bracelet…we all need to stand strong together…their main strategy is “Divide And Conquer”! They’ve been doing it for thousands of years…for this civilization, this is their best effort yet…why you ask? Because people REFUSE to believe what is happening in this “Democracy”, it’s a Republic by the way, not a Democracy. They wear masks and gloves because they are told to, they get vaccines that cause more harm than good…There is a woman in the Italian parliament that is calling for the President of Italy to bring charges in an international court for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY…for vaccinating children in India that gave at least 500,000 Polio and probably killed many…he vaccinated women in Africa for the disease du jour and sterilized millions of them…I’m going to post more on my blog.
If any of you having the balls to read this entire thing, have any comments or information…factual information showing that ANYTHING I’ve said here is wrong or not exactly right, please, Please, PLEASE, let me know…post a comment.
Here Are The 31 COVID-19 Questions
1. Why can you go to Walmart but not Kohl’s?
2. Why the Dollar store and not a mom-and-pop shop?
3. Why can’t you have an elective surgery, but you can have an abortion which is elective?
4. Why should you stay inside but yet heat and sunlight kill the virus?
5. Why can’t kids (who are not at risk) play on an outdoor playground, where sun kills this virus?
6. Why don’t people know that these are “recommendations” not laws because they have not gone through due process?
7. Why is it okay for government officials to get a haircut, but not common citizens?
8. Why the fear, when this virus has a less than 1% death rate?
9. Why have coroners questioned death certificates listed as CV-19?
10. Why are areas like Chicago and NY gearing up for mass vaccination?
11. What makes one person essential and another not?
12. Doesn’t shelter at home; mean there is a whole population of people, not staying home so we can?
13. Why are they dividing us?
14. How do people not know that we are a Republic, not a democracy?
15. Where has the flu gone?
16. Why do the homeless consistently demonstrate the lowest infection rates?
17. Why are they telling us to mask up after 2 months of lockdown?
18. Why is the CDC saying kids need to be masked when they return to school or attend church, when they know cloth masks restrict oxygen?
19. What is this oppression and loss of liberty doing to the mental health of our kids and to us?
20. Why have most other death rates dropped since the virus?
21. Why did world leaders meet in China in October 2019?
22. Why are the common people being controlled by the government and no one is controlling the government?
23. Why are hospitals paid more for Covid 19 deaths?
24. Why are some doctors speaking out and then getting silenced?
25. Why did Obama give the Wuhan lab $334 million dollars?
26. What does a computer geek have to do with a pandemic and why does he want 7 billion corona virus vaccines?
27. Why ID 2020, Agenda 21 and 2030?
28. Why did the CDC have a job posting for pandemic relief workers in November 2019?
29. Why did Dr. Fauci say in 2017 that the Trump administration would be faced with a ” SURPRISE PANDEMIC ” and then runs the pandemic team?
30. Why are they infringing on Christians religious freedoms?
And lastly, the most IMPORTANT question…
31. Why can 500 people shop at Menards or Home Depot, but we are not allowed to go into a church building?