IRS Get My Payment Status
A lot of people still haven’t received their IRS stimulus payment. Maybe you think you’re not getting one because you haven’t filed taxes. A lot of people will get checks in the mail if the IRS doesn’t have your bank information for direct deposit. If you think you’re not getting an IRS Stimulus Payment and do nothing about it…you’re right, you’ll get nothing.
Henry Ford once said: “If the Allies bomb Hitler’s war factories, I’ll send him money to make new ones.” Wait, what? Wrong quote…I’m not sure if ever did say that…not publicly anyway…he did actually do that though…so if you’re ever thinking about buying a Ford…that’s a story for another time…I digress, the quote I was going to say is: “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t…either way, you’re right!”
You don’t necessarily have to files taxes…ever, to get your money. I went to the IRS website filled out my information…which included my bank information…I didn’t mind doing that because I only had $1.72 in there…so if they were planning on going into my account and then tell me “Not only are you not getting a stimulus payment, we’re taking every cent you have…all 172 of them…wait, what…damn, he got us again.”, to get revenge on me for telling them in writing to “Go Fuck Yourselves, I DO NOT volunteer to pay taxes anymore.” I told them that in the 90’s when I got a notice from them telling me that I owed them from a previous year…again, that’s another story.
I haven’t filed taxes in at least a decade, I didn’t need to because the only income that I showed, 😉 were from residual checks that I get from the TV shows I was on…sometimes they’re very small, like that $1.72 in my bank account, that was from a residual check I got about a month ago for the episode of Melrose Place, “No Strings Attached” that I was on in 1994, sometimes they’re big, but they don’t come that often and don’t amount up to anything significant…thus, I got my IRS stimulus money!
IRS Get My Payment Information
It may be too late to give them your information online, in which case you’ll get it in the mail…maybe. Here is information from the IRS website:
Get My Payment Login:
You can go here to bypass all the information below…just click the ok button and login:
Get My Payment

- Topics in the News
- Multimedia Center
- Tax Relief in Disaster Situations
- Tax Reform
- Taxpayer First Act
- Tax Scams/Consumer Alerts
- The Tax Gap
- Fact Sheets
- IRS Tax Tips
- IRS Guidance
- IRS Statements and Announcements
Check on the status of your Economic Impact Payment
This application will let you:
- Get your payment status
- See your payment type
- Provide your bank account information (in certain cases)
You May Need:
- Your 2019 return, if filed, and
- Your 2018 return
Data is updated once per day overnight, so there’s no need to check back more than once per day.
Questions about Get My Payment?
Visit our Get My Payment Frequently Asked Questions page to answer your questions about using the application, eligibility, payment amounts, and more.
Didn’t file a return in 2018 or 2019?
If you have a filing requirement and have not filed a tax return for 2018 or 2019, you must file a 2019 tax return to receive the payment.
If you are not required to file a 2018 or 2019 tax return, visit Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info Here.
Get more information about Economic Impact Payments
Visit our Economic Impact Payments Information Center to answer your questions about eligibility, payment amounts, what to expect, when to expect it and more.