Pedo Joe Biden Gaffe Machine, Nancy Pelosi Hypocrisy, Is President Trump A Proud Boy?

Pedo Joe: “I Went To A Petting Zoo Today.”

Buddy Barry: “That Was An Elementary School Joe.”

Joe Biden Is RoBiden Child Hunter

China Joe Biden is a creepy individual, as you watch the first video, some of the clips will surely make you cringe. If they don’t, I suspect you were planning on voting for him and are ok with pedophilia, child molestation and child sex trafficking, 3 VERY REAL situations going on right now, often in plain site. Notice how there is a lot happening right now with the Boy Scouts. You should visit Operation Underground Railroad and help out any way you can.

Creepy Uncle Joe, Komrade Aunty Nancy Pelosi, The aunt of Gavin ‘Nuisance’, the governor of ‘Kulifornia’, three peas in a Socialist fucking pod!

The hypocrisy of Nancy Pelosi is mind blowing. She and the rest of her Socialist cohorts repeat their lies so much, they have actually brainwashed themselves. Anytime they speak now it’s a projection. It reminds me of a joke: “How do you know when a politician is lying? Their lips are moving”.

With Nancy Pelosi that holds True…a lot of times she’s playing with her dentures, so that doesn’t really count…it is symbolic though. She plays with her false teeth while spewing false words.

Listen to what she says in both videos. In the above video, she says the exact same thing that President Trump IS doing right now and that is Draining The Swamp. There’s the clip of Senator Coons in TOTAL DENIAL of his “mentor”, Joe Biden being WAY inappropriate with his daughter on national TV…the girl is obviously freaked out. Watch the way she tries to move away as he tries to get closer. He has a tight grip on her arm so she can’t get away. Then he does it again to the young girl in the red dress.

If you want him to be president, ask yourself if you would EVER do the things that he does. The man is not well, he’s a pedophile and he’s in the middle of a cognitive breakdown, an obvious Trojan Horse! When they bump him out of the way, then the hardcore leftist, Black Lives Matter, sympathizer Kamala ‘Token’ Harris (from here on in simply referred to as Token or Token Harris) takes over. Another question to ask yourself: “Are you ok with Token becoming president?”

One Trillion Dollars In Perspective
One Trillion Dollars In Perspective

She has a horrible record from her stint as prosecutor in California. She’s admitted to smoking marijuana, there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING wrong with that, but when you send people to jail for doing the EXACT same thing and then delay there release date, after they served their sentence, just to use them as SLAVE LABOR, what does that tell you? The woman is BAD for our country as is China Joe Biden. If they were to win by some freak of nature (cheating), Joe Biden has already admitted he would raise your taxes.

They support “The Green New Deal”, which will cost taxpayers TRILLIONS of dollars! One Trillion looks like this: $1,000,000,000,000. Notice the image above giving you another visual perspective. Notice the man at the lower left corner of double stacked pallets of $100,000,000 per pallet.

In February 2019, the center-right American Action Forum, estimated that the Green New Deal could cost between $51–$93 trillion over the next decade. They estimate its potential cost at $600,000 per household. – Wikipedia

If it cost “only” $51 Trillion, that would be 51,000 pallets of $100,000,000. If it were $93,000,000,000,000, that would be 93,000 pallets of $100,000,000. How it the world could the US pay for something like that? Oh, China Joe and Token would raise your taxes on their first day in office, January 20, 2021. If you are a mask wearer, you’re probably trying real hard to justify that kind of money being spent on their Green New Deal.

I’m all for getting rid of the use of Fossil Fuels, nuclear power and Utility companies, but not by tripling or quadrupling the national debt!! The technology is already available. Nikola Tesla Was using Zero Point Energy for his car in the 1920’s. J.P. Morgan and Randolph Hurst pulled all their funding once they couldn’t meter Tesla’s invention. He had WIRELESS ELECTRICITY…ZERO POINT ENERGY! That is the energy that the Earth gives us! I digress…

As of August 31, 2020 federal debt held by the public was $20.83 trillion and intragovernmental holdings were $5.88 trillion, for a total national debt of $26.70 trillion. – Wikipedia Crazy Shite!! The US National Debt would skyrocket towards $100,000,000,000,000 One Hundred Trillion Dollars! When something like that happens, it makes you realize how worthless money really is. One Hundred Thousand Pallets, Each Holding, $100 Million Dollars. Imagine what that money could do for the homeless, the starving, the poor. It’s just paper, toilet paper is worth more. Please don’t be a Pandora

Utterly Insane Nancy Pelosi Hypocrisy

The video below shows Aunty Pelosi as hypocritical as she can possibly be…I have a feeling, sadly, I’ll be proven wrong on that, that she will continue to lie, project and her hypocrisy will reach new highs, it will be higher than Joy Reid!

All these leftist news channels are so “utterly insane” as Chris Mathews says about President Trump. These people have to be possessed…I can’t imagine how anyone could lie so much and be so mean. The left is LOSING their brainwashed minds because President Trump got well after only a couple days and because he went on TV and said, “Don’t let it dominate you…”, they start slinging insults which is what leftists do when they know they’re wrong but the ego has such a tight grip on them, they aren’t able to break free from their ego driven misery.

Leftist News Anchors Named Chris

Chris Cuomo, another leftist news anchor named Chris, he got on TV when he got the Covert and said the same things President Trump was saying, trying to tell people not to be afraid. They said nothing bad about him.

Here’s a short list of Leftist news anchors named Chris:

  • Chris Cuomo – Chinese News Network
  • Chris Mathews – MSDNC
  • Chris Hayes – MSDNC
  • Chris Wallace – FOX
  • Chris Jansing – MSDNC

I’m sure there are many more…MSDNC seems to be collecting them. Watch the videos above and Listen to Nancy Pelosi in the interview with Barbara Walters. She says the same thing as President Trump as well.

Are You Having a Pelosi Moment

A possible moment of your own hypocrisy for all those opposed to the death penalty: When President Trump announced he and The First Lady had come down with COVID FLU, many people wished that he would die as if that would solve their daddy issues. If you’re against the death penalty and wished he would die, isn’t that essentially wishing the death penalty on him?

The sad thing is, that WILL have a boomerang effect on you. Maybe you’ll get COVID and die, or you’ll get a drawn out agonizing death by cancer. My point is, NEVER wish bad on anyone, it’s bad Karma and will always come back and bite you in the ass!

It’s like finding a Genie in Bottle, it gives you one wish, you say: “I want to be rich, I’ll show my (insert male figure(s) that hurt you here) that I’m not a loser.” and the Genie turns you into the Night Stalker Richard Ramirez. If you don’t know who that is, Do a search in your favorite Search Engine.

As you’re raping and murdering one of your victims, you ask yourself, Why did that fucking Genie turn me into this!” It could be because you selfishly only thought of yourself when you made that wish, a Service To Self action, when you had the option to use your wish to help the entire planet and every being on it, Service To Others action. That Genie was your Karma.

Answer The Why

Answer The Why And Free Yourself!

‘Why’ is the question that also holds the answer. If you can answer the Why truthfully to yourself, then you’ll make progress. Nobody else needs to know your why, only you!!

The Biden Gaffes at times are sad, because you can see this man’s mind falling apart right in front of you. He’s not fit to be President nor is Token Harris.

President Trump’s Reelection And His “Standby” Comment

President Trump needs to be reelected, if they manage to steal the election, we are all screwed. Some think that Trump is one of them, a sort of Trojan Horse into our minds. While that is a possibility, I don’t subscribe to that mentality. If I have to choose the “lesser of two evils”, President Trump is most definitely my choice! I don’t see or feel evil from President Trump, if he is, he’s sure doing a lot of good, I think his membership to the Evil Club would get revoked.

When he told the “Proud Boys” to “Stand Down, Stand By”, every leftist was saying, “We got him now”, your Leftist, Marxist minds are in a horrible FOG. Why do I say that? It’s because of your inability to think critically and logically!

Let me explain: If you were walking down the street and some BLM or ANTIFA thug were beating up an old lady and you “stood by” and did nothing. Isn’t it possible that by saying “stand by”, President Trump meant, stand by and do nothing, stand down.

Enrique Tarrio, Leader Of The Proud Boys
Enrique Tarrio – Leader Of The Proud Boys

How many of you think you know what the Proud Boys are? I bet you’re all saying, they’re a white supremacy group! If that’s what you think, let me ask you this: Would a white supremacy group have any black or brown people in their group? Who Knows Who Enrique Tarrio is? That doesn’t sound like a name of a white man. The man in this photo is Enrique Tarrio, leader of the Proud Boys, He’s a Cuban-American. I may be wrong, but I thought white supremacists didn’t like people that weren’t white? Maybe someone could check Snopes?

China Joe and Token Harris ARE Pandora’s Box

Uniformed Voter Pandora Releasing All The DemoncRats On The World!

If you vote for the Pedophile Joe Biden and his Token, you are taking part in releasing evil unto the world. Just look at Old Joe…look how much he has declined in the videos above. To watch a person’s health decline like that is not a nice thing. His family must be having a very hard time with it, on top of having to deal with their own crimes. I honestly think he won’t be around this time next year. He may have a sudden “heart attack” after November 3rd 2020. Just to be clear, I am NOT wishing that on him, I was thinking more of the Cabal tying up a very loose end.

What Does The Constitution Say About Succession

If he and Token were to get elected, I think he would meet his demise very quickly after January 20, 2021. Then Token Harris would become President. She would then nominate someone to fill her position as V.P.

The 25th Amendment to the Constitution — passed by Congress in 1965 and ratified in 1967 — clarifies the rules of succession to the presidency.

It’s true that if the president cannot serve his or her full term, the vice president assumes the role of president.

“In case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President,” Section 1 of the 25th Amendment reads.

The only way Bela Lugosi Pelosi would become President is if the president and vice president both died or were removed from office. Pelosi is 3rd inline. Another way would be if Token nominated her as V.P. and then Token was suicided. Then Bela Lugosi Pelosi would become president and she would choose a V.P.

Incredible time we’re in right now. Remember: “The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.” ~Ronald Reagan

Peace, Love & Blessings To All, Yes even to Jo Biden and his family. It must be tough on them to see their husband and father fall apart like that.

Peace, Love & Blessings To All!


Orange Man Bad, Soros Good

Interviewer – went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property of the Jews.
George Soros – That’s right. Yes.
Interviewer – No feeling of guilt?
George Soros – No.

Or is it George Soros Bad, Orange Man Good

I had a discussion about President Trump with a friend the other day, which turned into a discussion about George Soros. My friend is a “Never-Trumper” for reasons I don’t think she understands yet. She saw the 1998 60 Minutes Interview of George Soros that I posted here.

Uncle Georgy

She had never known about George Soros until she saw that video, which is slightly odd, because she was involved in the stock market, as a broker at one point. She thanked me for posting it, because it turns out she likes the guy. She watched the video, and saw nothing wrong with what he said. I believe she took that path because I like President Trump and I’m not a fan of George Soros. Also because she is projecting issues that she has with some other person or people. It just shows that she’s starting to deal with it, which is good, but she has to tell the ego to fuck off.

Linda Blair In The Exorcist

As typical of a leftist thinking mind, the truth backs them into a corner, they realize they have nothing to back them up, so they grasp at straws, they begin with hurling insults, then start repeating what you just said to them, like when someone says “You Are”, after you say something to them that they don’t like, or they make absolutely no sense at all, as if they started speaking in tongues and their head spins around like Linda Blair in the Exorcist.

She kept harping on that fact that he was only 14 years old. At that point in time under those circumstances a 14 year old grows up pretty quickly…with a VERY skewed perception of morality. His “godfather” gave him amoral ideas, when he is shown that Jews or anyone they chose to persecute, are bad and you can steal from them, send them off to death camps and kill them eventually. George Soros even said “That’s when my character was formed”…I think he meant to say “my character was deformed” “He says it was the happiest time of his life.”

My friend continued with, “He was 14 years old, he probably meant it was the happiest time of his life because he was 14 having fun like any teenager.” I paraphrased that, she used a different wording but the meaning is identical.

Ostrich Head In Sand, Out Sand And Up Butt
Head In Sand, Head Out Of Sand, Head Up Ass!!!

Raise your hand if you can see the glaring problem with what she said. Good, a lot of you…those of you that didn’t raise your hand, I’m prescribing two red pills a day for seven days, and a small sand shovel, to dig your head out. Some of you have it in the sand, popping out of the sand behind you, then up your ass…that has got to hurt! That would be like having anal sex and the pitcher is wearing an extra coarse sandpaper condom.

A few things come into play here. The first and primary element is The Ego…note, I didn’t say mine or hers, I said “THE” Ego. There is one ego! Like the one consciousness that we all share, the ego is the same. Each bit of ego has a stronghold on the individual bit of consciousness, until that consciousness learns why the ego has such control over its actions, but more importantly its reactions or “Triggers”.

The Ego wants nothing more than to keep us in misery and cause continual conflict in our lives. If you don’t believe that, think of all the times in your life you’ve done something or said something that you shouldn’t have and then think of the why.

In the United States, Soros has/had his hand in the Antifa, the Ferguson race riots, the “caravans” of Central American “migrants,” and the “whistleblower” who ignited the DemonRats’ efforts to impeach President Trump. In Europe, Soros is behind the flood of “refugees” and “migrants,” Ukraine, “climate change” activist Greta Thunberg, and the Brexit chaos.

Some countries, however, have taken steps to expel and ban George Soros, his operatives, and his Open Society. In chronological order, the six countries are:

  1. Pakistan
  2. Poland
  3. Turkey
  4. Russia
  5. Hungary
  6. Philippines

While not outright banning him, the Israeli government has said Soros is not welcome there.

George Soros 60 Minutes Interview

Points That Jumped Out At Me, That I Felt Were Important

  • “George Soros, in a way is Donald Trump without the humility.”
  • As of May 2020, he had a net worth of $8.3 billion, having donated more than $32 billion to the Open Society Foundations.
  • Interviewer: Which George Soros am I talking to right now, the amoral George Soros or the moral George Soros?
  • George Soros: “It’s one person, it’s one person who engages in amoral activities and the rest of the time tries to be moral.
  • In 1944, at the age of 14, George Soros made the rounds in Nazi Germany with his adoptive “God Father” to confiscate the property of wealthy Jews. “That’s when my character was made”.
  • Interviewer: “Was it difficult”? GS: “Not at all” he said with a smile.
  • He justified it by saying “If I wasn’t doing it, somebody else would have been.”
  • He operates offshore to avoid scrutiny by the S.E.C. (Security Exchange Commission) (What else do you avoid by operating offshore…paying taxes)
  • George Soros: I’m a player, players need to be regulated, there have to be rules of the game.
  • Interviewer: In the last 2 years you have been blamed for the financial collapse of Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan and Russia.
  • George Soros Almost laughing: “All of the above” “I am there to make money, I cannot and do not look at the social consequences of what I do.
  • He tells Congress and the Treasury, that Hedge Funds need to be regulated, but he is avoiding the rules.
  • (Note – He asked the US for 7 billion, because he didn’t want to pay for it, instead, he decided to crash the economy, either way he was going to make more money than the average person would make in their current life time.) When the Russian market began falling apart in August George Soros was the country’s largest single investor. He called the US Treasury and asked Uncle Sam for $7 billion to prop up the ruble. When US officials failed to intervene George Soros wrote a letter to the Financial Times of London saying he thought the Russian currency should be devalued by as much as 25%. A few words from Soros were enough to cause panic selling that fueled the crash.
  • George Soros: I don’t feel guilty because I am engaged in an amoral activity, which is not meant to have anything to do with guilt. (Note: That’s because narcissistic people like George Soros, think they aren’t doing anything wrong.)
  • Last month he brought the First Lady with him for a look at some of the projects his foundation is funding in Haiti. (Note: She was there for one reason and was using George Soros as a Cover, he was involved there for the same reason she was…to KIDNAP CHILDREN for the child sex trafficking ring she is running. I’m sure he’s involved as well. There is no doubt that Bill and Hillary Clinton are at the center of a major human trafficking ring, including sex trafficking.  But how many remember a woman by the name of Laura Silsby?  Silsby, now known as Laura Silsby-Gayler was jailed for the kidnapping of 33 children in Haiti and eventually wound up working for the company that put out Amber Alerts, which were said to be notifications to warn of children who were missing or kidnapped.  However, she was provided assistance by none other than Bill and Hillary Clinton.)

George Soros 60 Minutes Interview Transcript Which Shows His Admission To His Crimes Against Jews, Stealing Their Belongings, Watching Them Get Sent Off To Death Camps, How He Doesn’t Feel Guilty For It And How These Evil Deeds Formed His Character.

Note: I don’t care how old you are, we as human beings inherently, instinctively, know the difference between right and wrong. The younger you are, the more clear you are about what is happening around you. The younger you are the more easily you’ll feel the negative energy, you may not completely understand it, but you’ll know it’s bad. George Soros was 14, He knew EXACTLY what was going on. I don’t think my friend understood the time/space of what was occurring. I think she thought that he would do the things that 14 year olds normally do…he was not in a normal atmosphere!

Of all the financial titans and philanthropists of the 20th century none are more complex or mysterious than George Soros. Like Carnegie, JP Morgan, and the Rockefellers, he amassed billions through ruthless business decisions only to turn around and give away most of his fortune to advance his own personal philosophy. He can move world financial markets simply by voicing an opinion. Or destabilize a government by buying and selling its currency. He also pledged more aid last year to help people in Russia than the US government did.

But now George Soros is worried. He thinks the global economy is coming apart at the seams and that the world needs to be protected / from people like George Soros.

George Soros 60 Minutes Interview Transcribed

  • George Soros – We may now think that everything is fine. But the fact is the system is broke and it needs fixing.
  • Interviewer – What you’re doing is asking for some form of regulation to protect against you.
  • George Soros – Well, I’m a player and I think all players should be regulated. There has to be rules of the game.
  • Interviewer – Right now his Quantum Group hedge fund moves $14 billion of rich investors’ money around the world every day looking for profits and answering to no one. George Soros makes huge bets on whole countries and economies. Last year, when he saw cracks in the Asia boom, he began selling the currency in Thailand. Traders in Hong Kong followed suit triggering a financial crisis that plunged much of Asia into a depression.
  • Interviewer – In the last two years you’ve been blamed for financial collapse in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, and Russia.
  • George Soros – All of the above, yeah, yeah (He says with a big smile on his face almost laughing..)
  • Interviewer – “All of the above.”
  • George Soros – Yeah.
  • Interviewer – Are you that powerful?
  • George Soros – I think there’s a great misunderstanding.
  • Interviewer – The Prime Minister of Malaysia said the region spent 40 years trying to build up its economy and along comes a “moron like Soros” with a lot of money and it’s all over. He called you / a criminal.
  • George Soros – It’s easier for him to blame an outside force than to admit that they were mismanaging their economy and their currency. The French finance minister talked about hanging speculators from lamp posts.
  • Interviewer – George Soros says the Asian currencies would’ve collapsed even if he hadn’t been in the market. They were overvalued. He says people tend to follow his lead because he’s been so successful.
  • George Soros – I think that I’m being blamed for everything. I am basically there to make money. I cannot and do not look at the social consequences of what I do.
  • Jim Grant – George Soros is a carnivore of the first order.
  • Interviewer – Jim Grant is the editor of Grant’s Interest Rate Observer and one of Wall Street’s most respected analysts. He never tires of watching George Soros in part because of the huge bets he’s willing to place on his hunches.
  • Jim Grant – He has always amazed the people he’s worked with with his audacity and is willingness to back up his commitments with enormous sums of money that cause the blood to drain from ordinary mortals faces.
  • Interviewer – Like risking $2 billion in Russia.
  • Interviewer – When the Russian market began falling apart in August George Soros was the country’s largest single investor. He called the US Treasury and asked Uncle Sam for $7 billion to prop up the ruble. When US officials failed to intervene George Soros wrote a letter to the Financial Times of London saying he thought the Russian currency should be devalued by as much as 25%.
  • A few words from Soros were enough to cause panic selling that fueled the crash.
  • Interviewer – What’s it like to have a statement you make have such serious, grievous consequences?? It looks to me like, in a number of situations, you can take a position against a currency or make a statement and the whole country falls apart.
  • George Soros – Well. It’s a tremendous sense of responsibility, actually, and it’s also a humbling experience because I am actually trying to do the right thing and sometimes what I do has an unintended, negative consequence as it did in Russia.
  • Interviewer – For both the Russian middle class and for George Soros who lost his $2 billion.
  • Interviewer – Whatever his motivations, no one can accuse him of greed. He’s backed away from the day to day operation of his businesses and is giving away his billions now, with the same determination that he made them, in places like Haiti; a country that has less money in the bank than he does.
  • Interviewer – Last month he brought the First Lady with him for a look at some of the projects his foundation is funding.
  • Interviewer – This year George Soros plans to give away almost $500 million around the world.
  • In Bosnia, when the water supply to Sarajevo was cut off at the height of the siege, it was Soros who wrote a check to jerry rig a pipeline through an abandoned highway tunnel.
  • Richard Holbrook – $5 million up front can be more valuable than $50 million a year or two later.
  • Interviewer – Ambassador Richard Holbrook brokered the peace in Bosnia.
  • Richard Holbrook – At one point, after the Dayton Peace Agreements in Bosnia in 1995, for a considerable period of time, (Soros) had given more money to implement the peace agreements than the US government had. He just could move that fast!
  • Interviewer – In Russia he pledged $100 million to help scientists who might otherwise have sold their expertise to bidders like Iran or Iraq. In Eastern Europe he’s educated a new generation and in Ukraine he spent millions re-training the old soviet military.
  • Interviewer – At the center of George Soros there is an inherent contradiction.
  • George Soros – Which is?
  • Interviewer – Which is on one hand you’re the capitalist who does not care “about the social consequences” of his act and on the other hand you are a philanthropist who cares only about social consequences. How do you resolve the two??
  • George Soros – Recognizing that as a competitor I’ve got to compete to win. As a human being, I am concerned about the society in which I live.
  • Interviewer – Which George Soros am I talking to now? The amoral George Soros or the moral George Soros?
  • George Soros – It’s one person. It’s one person who at one time engages in amoral activities and the rest of the time tries to be moral.
  • Interviewer – To understand the complexities and contradictions in his personality you have to back to the very beginning, to Budapest, where George Soros was born 68 years ago to parents who were wealthy, well educated, and Jewish.
  • When the Nazis occupied Budapest in 1944 George Soros’ father was a successful lawyer. He lived on an island in the Danube and liked to commute to work in a rowboat. But knowing there were problems ahead for the Jews he decided to split his family up. He bought them forged papers and bribed a government official to take 14 year old George Soros in and swear that he was his Christian godson.
  • But survival carried a heavy price tag. While hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews were being shipped off to the death camps George Soros accompanied his phony godfather on his appointed rounds confiscating property from the Jews.
  • Interview – You’re a Hungarian Jew who escaped the holocaust by posing as a Christian.
  • George Soros – Right.
  • Interviewer – And you watched lots of people get shipped off to the death camps?
  • George Soros – Right. I was 14 years old and I would say that’s when my character was made.
  • Interviewer – In what way?
  • George Soros – That one should…One should understand and anticipate events… It was a tremendous threat of evil. It was a very personal experience of evil.
  • Interviewer – My understanding is that you went out with this “protector” of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson.
  • George Soros – Yes.
  • Interviewer – went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property of the Jews.
  • George Soros – That’s right. Yes.
  • Interviewer – That sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many years. Was it difficult??
  • George Soros – Uh. Not at all. Not at all. Maybe as a child you don’t see the connection but it created no problem at all.
  • Interviewer – No feeling of guilt?
  • George Soros – No.
  • Interviewer – For example, “I’m Jewish and here I am watching these people go. I could just as easily be there. I should be there.” None of that?
  • George Soros – Well, Of course I could be on the other side. I could be the one from whom the thing is being taken away, uh, but there was no sense I shouldn’t be there because there was – Well, actually, (in a) funny way it’s just like in markets that if I weren’t there (of course I wasn’t doing it) somebody else would be taking it away anyhow. Whether I was there or not (I was only a spectator) the property was being taken away. So – I had no role in taking away that property so I had no sense of guilt.
  • Interviewer – Are you religious?
  • George Soros – No.
  • Interviewer – Do you believe in God?
  • George Soros – No.
  • Interviewer – Soros told us he believes God was created by man and not the other way around; which may be why he thinks he can smooth out the world’s imperfections.
  • When we went with him to Ukraine he was treated like a visiting head of state and was received by the President. Then he was received by the Prime Minster and finally the central bank. They even allowed him to look at the books and asked him for advice. Lots of people want George Soros’ advice. Most recently, South African President Nelson Mandela.
  • George Soros – Actually President Mandela asked me how could South Africa protect itself “against speculators like you” and I told him. I wrote him a memo trying to give him the best advice I could; how to reduce the exposure of South Africa to speculative attack.
  • Interviewer – That’s the old stop-me-before-I-kill-again approach, right? “This is what you can do to stop me.”
  • George Soros – Whether I or somebody else does whatever is happening in the markets it really doesn’t make any difference to the outcome. I don’t feel guilty because I’m engaged in an amoral activity which is not meant to have anything to do with guilt.
  • Interviewer – Part of the reason he is so rich is that the Soros’ hedge funds operate offshore in the Netherlands Antilles to avoid scrutiny by the SEC. So even while Soros tells congress and the treasury that hedge funds must be regulated to stop the global crisis he’s avoiding the rules.
  • Interview – Why is it that Americans can’t invest in the Quantum Fund (that’s an offshore fund)? Why is that?
  • George Soros – Because the fund is not registered with the SEC. So, we are not –
  • Interviewer – licensed to do business in the United States?
  • George Soros – That’s right.
  • Interviewer – Because?
  • George Soros – Because we are not registered with the SEC. We find it more convenient to operate without it.
  • Interviewer – So in some way it’s to escape regulation?
  • George Soros -That’s right.
  • Interviewer – But you’ve been sitting here talking about the need for regulation.
  • George Soros – Yes. And whatever regulations are imposed we will – we already conform to everything.
  • Interviewer – If the beneficiaries of Soros’ billions do not understand the intricacies of SEC rules and offshore hedge funds they do understand what he’s done for them. The President of Haiti is reading his new book, ‘The Crisis of Global Capitalism’, and so it President Clinton. Will all the attention spoil George Soros? (Note: The President of Haiti was a crook!)
  • Jim Grant – George Soros, in a way, is Donald Trump without the humility.
  • Interviewer – One of your money managers told us that ‘George really does think he’s God.’
  • George Soros – If you think you’re God and you go into financial markets you are bound to come out broke. So the fact that I’m not broke shows that I don’t believe I’m God.
  • George Soros calls his “philanthropy”, “Political Philanthropy”, I don’t think anyone could come up with a better name for it than that. People make the mistake of calling him a philanthropist but political philanthropist is much more fitting for what he does. If you don’t understand what that means, that explains why you think he’s a selfless, giving, good person. He does NOTHING that doesn’t benefit him in some way, by that, I mean financially.
  • A lot of people think he’s a very generous man…he is…to himself. They’ll read somewhere that he gave most of his fortune away to charity…this is partly true. He gave $32 BILLION to charity…what a beautiful human being right? WRONG! That $32,000,000,000 was given to the Open Society Foundation. Who runs/owns that charity? You’re not going to believe this but, HE DOES!!

He gave $32 Billion dollars to himself, for which he gets a GIANT TAX DEDUCTION!! He’s simply screwing America. It doesn’t bother him because he is a Globalist and feels it is his duty to save the world. It is his duty, it’s my duty, it’s your duty, it is the duty of every human being on the planet to take care of Mother Gaia. If we fail at this relatively easy task, we’ll get evicted! I failed to mention, it is our duty to take care our home, but not like George Soros.

If you are saying to yourself, what’s wrong with that, that’s smart…that’s the ego squeezing your frontal lobes in effect giving you a lobotomy. Do you think it’s fair that he pays no taxes, while you pay the amount that is asked of you? You pay anywhere from 10% to 37% of your income in taxes depending on how much you make.

Speaking Of Political Philanthropy

Billionaire Democratic donor George Soros bankrolled the successful campaigns of a new crop of district attorneys who now preside over big cities with skyrocketing crime and frayed relationships with police departments.

Soros-backed DAs in Philadelphia, St. Louis, San Francisco and other cities have fired scores of experienced prosecutors and, as promised, stopped prosecuting low-level quality-of-life crimes such as disorderly conduct, vagrancy and loitering.

Their laissez-faire criminal justice philosophy bucks the get-tough “broken windows” approach, made famous by then-New York Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, which targets minor offenses to cut off the criminal element in the bud.

Put into practice, New York and other metropolises saw dramatic crime reductions throughout the ‘90s and ‘00s.

Those days are long gone.

Gilead Sciences

George Soros owns Gilead Sciences, who makes the COVID-19 vaccine Remdesivir. Bill & Melinda Gates are one of the supporters of Gilead Sciences. Just knowing that little bit about George Soros, tells me everything I need to know. Now you also know why “Doctor” Fauxci is pushing Remdesivir.

George Soros Is Donald Trump’s Negative

There is nothing ANYONE could say or do that would help justify the crimes of George Soros! He is the negatively polarized version of President Trump. The man, like a lot of doctors, has a god-complex. He doesn’t understand why the things he does are bad…but that’s ok, as long as he gets what he wants. He is a master manipulator, a master swindler, the master marionettist, all who are ok with his actions are his marionettes.

Be sure and read Orange Man Good. It’s sort of part two of this post or this post is part two and Orange Man Good is part one.

Peace, Love & Blessings To All!


Orange Man Good!

A vote for Jim Crow Joe Biden and his slave, Kamala Harris is a vote for China!!! You might as well start learning Chinese because they are going to finish selling off the United States to China.

Orange Man, President Trump’s Accomplishments

Orange Man Badass American President Trump
Orange Man Badass American President Trump

Go Here to see President Trump’s Accomplishments. I just added 7 more, there are 132 on that list now. I’m sure there are dozens more. His biggest one will be when he gets reelected and exposes Bill Gates, Dr Fauxci, George Soros, Hillary Clinton and the others responsible for the Flu scare. Speaking of George Soros, read my latest post on him.

I don’t mind so much that people don’t see because of clouded vision, when they have reality cataracts, because I know that when they defeat the ego, the cataracts dissolve. Under the current circumstances we are very pressed for time, and those with cataracts need to see!

I have never been this political before, nor have I felt this strongly about a President. The closest, I have been to this level of instinctual awareness is when Georg W. Bush was running for President, and then when Hillary Clinton was running against Candidate Trump. I didn’t know why I felt so strongly about him or her not being elected…I think it was because I was really starting to tune into my instincts.

Friends would regurgitate all the media propaganda about both of them, but I knew it would be bad for the country. When George W. Bush lost to Al Gore, but still became President, I understood why I felt the way I did. Then after 9/11, I really understood what I was feeling.

I wasn’t going to vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016, she is obviously an evil person…if you voted for her in 2016, it’s ok, she had you under a spell.

I had no feelings about Donald Trump, all those who hate him are under a leftist spell perpetrated by the media. Start thinking for yourself, join the free thinkers of the world. Do you realize that if 1% of the world’s population,roughly 75,000,000 people, if 75,000,000 people got on the same frequency, prayed and meditated together at the same time, we could change the world. All things are thought in material form.

I have a polar opposite feeling about Joe Biden & Kamala Harris. They are complete proof that the DemonRat Party thinks we the people are dumber than all of them.

The social climate of 2020 whether anyone likes it or not, has a crack in it and is about to bust wide open like a dam in Hurricane G.W. Katrina. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are like a pair of cement shoes…both left. President Trump and V.P. Mike Pence are the Republican ticket and Joe “Pedophile” Biden and Kamala “Democrat Plantation Slave” Harris are the Pandering ticket. President Trump is draining the swamp because it’s the swamp that is about to bust the dam!

Talk about political, misguided and uninformed. As usual, everything I post is based on facts, not hearsay. My blog is literally based on hundreds of hours of research. Everything on is from reading. legitimate news sources as well as propaganda rags like the NY Times, The Washington Post, The Guardian…etc

Just to prove the fact that I am unbiased and a Truther, I wrote a post about President Trump getting onboard with Bill Gates and GAVI to come up with an unnecessary COVID-19 vaccine by the end of 2020. A vaccine for a virus that is literally less lethal than the seasonal flu, FACT. Here is that post:

If President Trump turns out to be a swamp creature, I’ll be the first to admit it and say that I was wrong. But if he is, the World is Truly Screwed! When I first heard that he was running for president, I laughed and like most people, including President Trump himself, thought he would never win. I thought for sure that Hillary Clinton would be the last President of The United States. For one, she would have finished selling off the US to China, she would have made as much money as she possibly could have before she started World War 3.

She and all her criminal cohorts would have retreated to their underground bunkers while the rest of us fried in a Nuclear Holocaust. That would show the IQ of the Leftist…she would think, “yaaay we got the population of the world to under 500,000,000, now we can live in harmony with the planet”…then the light bulb would go on and she would imitate Homer Simpson…D’oh!

I keep asking Never-Trumpers, to ask themselves why they don’t like President Trump…not for me to hear, but themselves. How can a person lie to themselves? They do when they have issues that they don’t want to face…so they then start projecting those issues onto something other than themselves. As typical with a lie, you tell one and then have to tell another to cover the first, then another to cover the second…etc AD NAUSEAM.

Example Of Projection:

  • President Trump Colluded With Russia – After 2 + years and more than $30,000,000 of your taxes absolutely NOTHING was found and was also admitted by those involved with the scam. Where do you think that $30 million went?
  • The Truth – The real Russian Collusion was Hillary Clinton Selling Uranium to the Russians in the Uranium One deal.
  • President Trump’s Phone Call With President Zelenskyy – The Left claimed President Trump asked President Zelenskyy to dig up dirt on Sleepy, Creepy, Senile Joe Biden and his son Hunter to hurt him politically.
  • The Truth – Joe Biden told President Zelenskyy to fire Victor Shokin, Ukraine’s top prosecutor in order to thwart an investigation into his son, Hunter Biden, Burisma Holdings, and its owner, oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky or else he wasn’t going to give them the $1 billion in loan guarantees they were promised. Biden bragged about it getting Victor Shokin fired


I think part of the reason my friend was letting the ego cloud her vision, is because I told her the NY Times and Washington Post were CIA propaganda rags…she reads both apparently. That night after our phone call, I was led to a web page with a link to Dr Steven Greer MD’s page for his documentary called Close Encounters Of The 5th Kind…I rented it on Amazon, I recommend that EVERYONE WATCH THIS DOCUMENTARY and then watch Unacknowledged. Two mind blowing documentaries.

Here’s clip from Close Encounters Of The 5th Kind, Contact Has Begun

Disclosure Project Attorney Daniel Sheehan Talks About
CIA Infiltrated National News Media Like The NY Times

This clip from the Documentary Close Encounters Of The 5th Kind, Contact Has Begun, has Daniel Sheehan, Attorney for the Disclosure Project and Dr Steven Greer M.D. Grandfather of the Disclosure Movement. They talk about how the media has been infiltrated and controlled by the CIA and it is they who decide what you see on the news, not the news stations themselves.

Note: You being programmed by the media is not their fault, it is yours for not using your critical thinking and logic and for giving into their fear mongering without question. You want to know if you have been programmed or not? Go look in a mirror or your reflection in a window. If you see a mask on your face in your reflection…you have been programmed.

Come with me down the rabbit hole, it goes much deeper. In order for you to not be afraid of going down the rabbit hole, you must first conquer your fear of it. You can conquer your fear of it, by realizing there is no rabbit hole, we are only starting to examine the dark recesses of our mind. It only takes one light to vanquish your fear and the dark.

We are in our current incarnation to learn and evolve…we bring our karma from one life to the next like the garbage we lug around with us when we move from one location to the next. Cut your fear and the ego loose…they are the same as the garbage you’ve been lugging around. Look deep into the rabbit hole, face your fears and simply acknowledge that they are not real. It is time to come into the house of Love, where the garbage that you lug around is NEVER needed.

Watch Dr Greer’s 2001 press conference at the National Press Club

It’s all relevant to President Trump. He’s part of the Disclosure movement. Why do you think he announced the Space Force, which was implemented long before he announced it.

Go here to see a list of President Trump’s accomplishments I just added 7 more.

Larry Elder On President Trump’s Racism

Larry Elder On President Trump’s Racism

I’ll end this with a couple clips from The Larry Elder Show. Both about President Trump. The first one is about President Trump’s racism. The second one is about the real deplorables…the people at the low end of the IQ scale…hovering around the 70 mark. Larry Elder is one of those Black People that are called Uncle Tom by the uneducated, George Floyd is my hero types because he’s educated, awake, not on the DemoncRat Plantation, and conservative.

The black people who call him Uncle Tom, do so because they are still chained up on the DemoncRat Plantation. They want Uncle Tom to help them escape. They’re unknowingly paying him or any other black person they call Uncle Tom a compliment. You can watch Larry Elder’s documentary Uncle Tom here.

This clip shows all the real deplorables, those not so bright US citizens that actually voted for Hillary Clinton…you know the type…you see them everywhere…how can you tell? They’re wearing masks or bandanas because they think it will keep them from getting some silly flu virus. They don’t realize how close we were to Nuclear Annihilation…that is until Candidate Trump proceeded to hand her, her ass. The same thing will happen, this November 2020. These people just bend-over and let that fist get pounded right up their asses…they don’t even question it. Save a rectum help Red Pill them!

In all seriousness please try to conquer your Trump Derangement Syndrome before November. This is the most crucial election in the history of the country. When President Trump wins, the country will move forward, we’ll start seeing a lot of arrests, like Joe Biden and his son Hunter. PLEASE vote in person, DO NOT FALL FOR THE MAIL-IN BALLOT SCAM. They are trying to make the public think it’s the same as an Absentee Ballot…nothing could be further from the truth.

The fact that they are even attempting to get away with it, shows you how STUPID they think you are. They LIE continually. You want proof? Go to you YouTube and you see ads with Maxine Watters and that disgusting person Chuck Schumer…lying…both of them bold face lies…tell you they need your donations by midnight tonight…they think you are a fucking useless eater.

Jim Crow Joe Biden

Jim Crow Joe Biden
Jim Crow Joe Biden

Jim Crow laws were state and local laws that enforced racial segregation in the Southern United States. All were enacted in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by white Democratic-dominated state legislatures after the Reconstruction period. The laws were enforced until 1965.

I can’t imagine ANYONE wanting to vote for Senile Jim Crow Joe and his racist counterpart Kamala “Chained To The Plantation” Harris. She thinks he’s a racist, He’s pandering to black people and women by picking her as his running mate.

If you vote for them, and they were to win by some act of Satan, prepare yourselves for the biggest cluster fuck EVER! Even if you don’t like having An Alpha male who doesn’t take shit from anyone but at the same time brings the world together, like he did for North and South Korea…put your personal feelings aside, stop being so SELFISH, and vote for the President.

He has done EVERYTHING he said he was going to do even while having the anti-American left demoncrats, trying to frame him, with crimes they themselves committed! They want him out because he is exposing them to the public…exposing them for the thieving criminals that they are.

Here’s an actual Quote from Jim Crow Joe: “President Trump is the first racist President” This is a quote from President Lyndon Johnson:

“I’m going to make those niggers vote democrat for the next 200 years!”

Lyndon B Johnson, 36th President of The United States

All a person has to do is search Racist US Presidents to see the list. I’m not saying that President Trump is a racist, he’s not, I’m also not saying it’s ok to be racist, it’s not! Just stop and look at who is causing the conflicts and you’ll see who the bad people are.

I did a search and read this article on Politico about Jim Crow Joe’s panderous comment.

Don’t let your issues be the cause of the downfall of the The Republic.

Be sure and read part two of this post. It covers George Soros and his political philanthropy.

Peace, Love & Blessings To All!!
