Candace Owens Kicks The Asses Of Ted Lieu & Jerry Nadless…I mean Nadler

“I didn’t say that, you weren’t listening.” She said to Jerry Nadler, who then shrugs his shoulders instead of apologizing.

This clip is from Watter’s World…Candace Owens has Congressman Ted Lieu from California try to make Ms Owens out to be a Hitler sympathizer, when she starts to tear him a new asshole, Jerry Nadler interrupts to make sure everyone can see that his intelligence level is equal to that of Ted Lieu. Then when Nadler is told that he is wrong by her and by someone seated near him, he doesn’t apologize, shrugs his shoulders and looks at her like she did something wrong!


This is the same Nadler that helped waste $30,000,000 of taxpayer money on the 2 year witch hunt of President Trump…I’m sure Nadler’s name is on one of those sealed indictments that have started to be opened.

PETITION: No To Mandatory Vaccination For The CoronaVirus

Do you want the government telling you, that you need to get a vaccine for a virus that is no worse than the seasonal Flu? Of course you do, because who knows better about your well being than people like Bill Gates, George Soros, the Rothschilds…no?

If you don’t want to be forced to get a “vaccine” that is guaranteed to have nano-technology (chip) in it, and will make Bill Gates and his ilk, billions of dollars and you’ll be “suicided by vaccine”.

Sign this petition!

No Mandatory Vaccines
Click image or link below to go to petition

Surgeon General Adams Dumps The Predictive Contagion Models Of Bill Gates, CDC and The W.H.O.

Surgeon General Jerome Adams

The Surgeon General, Jerome Adams, dumps the predictive contagion models of Bill Gates, The C.D.C. and The W.H.O. and The Corona Virus Task Force is going by the REAL data.

The media didn’t cover it because it goes against their narrative and they want to keep everyone fear. Those who control them are fear mongering in order to be able sell their poison vaccines!!!

Watch this 4 minute video!!