Break Free And Make Money Online In 2021
If you want to make money online in 2021, keep reading. I started working from home in 2008, during a supposed “recession”. I started and started getting busier and busier. It seems like recessions are good for people who work online from their homes…A.K.A. Digital Nomads.
It also seems to work well in other situations too, for example: Say if there was some sort of “pandemic”, where people had to stay home because they were afraid they were going to catch some Killer Flu. “Necessity is the mother of all invention”. If that were true though, wouldn’t there have been some sort of evolutionary happenings that gave people common sense and critical thinking skills??
I think that is happening now, but in our Time riddled minds, it doesn’t seem as if it’s happening to us fast enough. We all have different “Time Stamps”, some of us were stamped long before others, cosmically speaking. It’s kind of like teaching a kid to ride a bicycle without training wheels and the next day giving them a Harley Davidson and saying “Have at ‘er”.
We are literally in The Great Awakening and when truthful history books are written, this is what this time will be known as. Teachers in schools will say to students, “Today we start studying The Great Awakening Period, please open your books to page 2016”
Just for the record I crashed a Harley Davidson in 1998, which is what started my great awakening and led to my being a Digital Nomad. A Digital Nomad is a person who can work ANYWHERE on the planet, as long as they have an internet connection, a laptop or smart phone. As long as you have those things and the want to be free, YOU CAN DO IT!
As the saying goes “Excuses are like assholes, everybody has one.”…stop making excuses and telling yourself lies. It’s like the day my ex-wife said “I do”, she really wanted to say “I don’t”, and she should have, but why didn’t she?? She was too scared, maybe of what people may think of her…but only she really knows the answer. My point is, you shouldn’t allow what other people think, to shape your life.
Hear me when I say there WILL BE people in your life that may not like you trying to better yourself by pursuing a way to make money online. I’ve found it’s best to keep quiet about what you’re doing until you can show people that it works and you can help them do the same. There will ALWAYS be people with more recent Time Stamps than you, that try to knock you down a few pegs. It can be good practice to listen to those people, to help you to stop caring about what they think.
Conversely, there are people that need to announce what they are doing to the world because it keeps them accountable for what they are announcing. Then there are others that are just narcissistic.
I keep quiet before and after, because I’m a private person…I like to help people this way. People can read what I write, take what they can use and dump the rest…or they can think that it’s garbage and that’s their choice too. That’s not to say I have fear of confrontation…I don’t. I would rather not make people seem foolish when they start flapping their gums. It’s easy to do, but you don’t have to accrue any bad Karma, you can just sit back, smile and let them make fools of themselves.
If you go to the link at the top of this post, it will take you to an article that has 40 ways to make money online…there are so many more ways than 40, to make money online, you can create your own way. Just do something you are passionate about, regardless what it is and what those around you think. THERE ARE people who will be interested in what you have to offer. Where are those people you ask? They are all over the world. World Wide Web, remember?

One more thing, mindset plays an important part in this, Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill will help you achieve the Millionaire Mindset. You can get the PDF free if you subscribe to, you can also buy the audiobook or better yet, take the Think And Grow Rich course and get MP3’s of every chapter, the PDF and an MP3 of the entire book
Now Go, follow your heart, be good to others…always, be good to yourself…always!
Peace, Love & Blessings To All!!!