Dr Rashid Buttar On President Trump Not Wearing Masks
This is a video from Dr Rashid Buttar talking about President Trump knowing that masks aren’t needed for COVID-19 and how the “Sheeple” that wear them aren’t the brightest people in the world. He gives the MEDICAL REASONS why wearing a mask or a face shield is not helping anyone.

Dr Rashid Buttar also talks about how wearing a mask is fear based and how fear suppresses the immune system, on top of that your oxygen intake is cut down and the exhalation of carbon dioxide (CO) isn’t completed. Because wearing a mask prevents it from leaving completely, you’re breathing some of it back in, which is not good.
Wearing masks and Face shields do absolutely nothing for us. The N95 face mask only prevents viruses from entering through the mask 95% of the time and that is only if there is a tight seal around your face, which is very unlikely.
Stop living in fear, it’s exactly what Dr Anthony Fauci, Dr Birx want and all the other Deep State doctors want. We are herd beings. Most us feel the need to be around others, when we are alone, it causes stress for a lot of people, which lowers the immune system. Put fear and wearing a mask on top of that and you’ll get sick.
Conversations About Wearing A Mask
Wearing a mask and ‘social distancing’ do EXACTLY the opposite of what you are being told. I’ve had several people tell me they “do it for other people, to make them comfortable”. Those people you are trying to make comfortable would probably say the same thing about you…that sounds a bit co-dependent to me. Aren’t you acting like an “enabler”?
One person said “You need to compromise sometimes.”, To which I replied: “No I don’t, you should NEVER compromise for anything, but especially about wearing a useless mask.” I went to a liquor store yesterday to buy a bottle of Absolute for a new method for making CBD Tinctures, new for me anyway. It takes 5 days to complete the process as opposed to the 3 hours it takes to make CBD Oil, with my Oil Infuser.
I walked in the store and it was completely empty, I didn’t even see any employees for the first couple of minutes. Then a man came towards me, not wearing a mask, and our conversation went like this:

- Him: “You need to wear a mask in the store, it says so on the door.” I didn’t read it…I put my hand up in a “talk to the hand” fashion and said
- Me: “No I don’t!” I looked into his eyes and said “Where’s your mask?”
He looked at me blankly, then turned and walked to the back, I went back to what I was doing, then the man returned wearing a mask, he must have been the owner, he had an Eastern European accent and he looked like he was from there, he then said in his now muffled accent:
- Him: “You have to leave or put on a mask.”
- Me: “It IS illegal for ANYONE to tell you, you have to wear a mask, any law which is repugnant to the Constitution of The United States is NULL & VOID”.
I wanted to show him the statute from my phone, but he, of course wasn’t interested.
- Him: “You have to go, I’m not going to sell you anything.”
- Me: “Then I’ll walk out with it”, referring to the bottle of Absolute Lime, I now had in my hand.
- Him: “Ok, but next time you come in here, you have wear a mask”.
- Me: yeah, yeah…
- Me: “Why are you wearing a mask?”
- Him: “I don’t have to, I already had it.”
- Me: “So, you’re immune, you don’t need to wear it.”
- Him: “I do it for the other customers.” I turned and looked around the store.
- Me: “There’s nobody in here. You wear it for money.” He was at a loss…that is always a sign that the person knows they are wrong, but the ego has a tight grip and won’t let go.
- Him: “Out of all my customers, you are the first not to wear a mask, this is ridiculous, you are so mean.”
- Me: “I’m not mean and I’m not a sheeple, like all the other people who wear masks. It’s illegal for ANYONE to tell you, you have to wear a mask”, I then read him the statute from my phone: “Any law which is repugnant to the Constitution is Null & Void”. He didn’t want to listen.
I paid for my Absolute Lime, and left. I would say his fear of the state of Marxistchusetts coming down on him for not complying with the illegal “mask law” is what caused his behavior. If they wanted to, they could have deported him on some bogus charge. You can see more posts on COVID-19 and wearing masks with Dr Rashid Buttar or visit his YouTube channel for more.
Here’s Dr Rashid Buttar, Talking About Wearing Masks
Dr Rashid Buttar says you’re a ‘Sheeple’ and an idiot if you wear a mask! He may be on to something there. Did you hear his explanation for why wearing a mask is so unhealthy? If you agree with what he is saying and are still wearing a mask to make other people feel safe, you may be more of a self-doubting idiot than just an idiot.
It’s NOT our job or responsibility to make other people feel safe or comfortable to the detriment of yourself. Worry about yourself for once. How are you helping ANYONE by telling them that the Dr Faucis of the world are correct and you should listen to them. That only prolongs the LIE by helping to keep people in fear, which weakens the immune system. I would much rather listen to real Doctors like Dr Rashid Buttar, who give you the TRUTH!
Rebuild Your Entire Immune System In 3 Days
If you want to bolster your immune system, it’s a fact that if you fast for 3 days, your immune system rebuilds itself entirely! I’ve known this for quite some time, but just did a search, for you to read up on it. All I did was type: fasting for 3 days rebuilds immune system. These are the first 5 results that I got:
- https://globalhealing.com/natural-health/3-day-fast-resets-immune-system/
- https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevensalzberg/2014/12/30/can-a-3-day-fast-reset-your-immune-system/#4221e94d3c93
- https://www.gaia.com/article/fasting-resets-immune-system
- https://ideapod.com/study-finds-fasting-72-hours-can-regenerate-entire-immune-system/
- https://thesource.com/2018/11/21/fasting-for-72-hours-can-reset-your-entire-immune-system/ – This is a study done by U.S.C.
Go to Dr Rashid Buttar’s website and/or YouTube channel and watch his videos, you’ll learn a lot. He has quite a few about the COVID-19 scare. Whether you want to believe him or not is up to you, but who are you going to believe him, an expert in his field or are you going to believe Dr Fauci, a criminal in his field!?
Peace, Love & Blessing To All!