Watch The Gemma O’Doherty Report
This was first reported APRIL 3RD, 2021 in The European Times, The Government of Ireland Confirms that COVID-19 is a HOAX!!! Of course you hear ABSOLUTELY NOTHING from the United States Marxist media! Many of us have known for a very long time, that NOBODY has been able to isolate this “virus”. They’ve had to magnify parts of it so many times, that what they magnified becomes useless. This IS the most important news that has come out since the scamdemic began.

So ALL the doctors and hospitals have been lieing and murdering all to save themselves. If ANYONE believes Anthony Fauci anymore, they are really twisted. To hang on to the lies of a possessed man is ludicrous!! If he’s not possessed by negative entities (he is), then he is without a doubt possessed by GREED, SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS and the want to keep his ass out of jail! The man does not believe in God…maybe he does, but like many out there, ONLY WHEN IT’S CONVENIENT! Put your life in the hands of God, and your path will be correct.
Psychotic Population Control
As Gemma says in the video, that this HOAX has been perpetrated as a means of population control. If you get that COVID-19 shot, you may have done yourself in.
COVID-19 Bioluminescence Shot
Look at the guy in the video below, he got the COVID SHOT, it’s NOT a vaccine, he got it and the spot where he got it glows under black light and his veins glow under a black light as well. In order for it to be a vaccine, they have to be able to isolate the virus. That has not been done, therefore it’s a shot of death.
He said it started after his 2nd shot, regardless, you should check yourself out to see if you get the same results. I have no idea what would cause something like that, aside from the dye they use when you get an MRI to makes your veins glow.
Social Distancing For Tracking Purposes.
The reason why they’ve been pushing social distancing is for tracking purposes. When you get a group of people acting normally, they would be standing too close to each other to identify whether it was a large object or not. When you social distance in a group, each person can be identified. That may be why his vein was glowing. My theory is that “they” want to be able to identify who you are while looking down from a satellite, or from a helicopter equipped with Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone equipment.
Origin Of Conspiracy Theory
This is no “conspiracy theory”, a term made up by the CIA after President Kennedy was ASSASSINATED, so if people started getting ideas that were different than their ridiculous “magic bullet” theory, everyone would make fun of then, or think they were nuts. You can choose to ignore the FACTS or you can realize the truth. WE ARE BEING LIED TO!!!
Please don’t be one of them, stay strong, put your life into the hands of God. It only takes one light to make the darkness go away. All of us together can shine brighter than the sun, but we need to stop listening to those who mean us harm. That would be just about all media. They are controlled by the alphabet agencies, whether you believe that or not, doesn’t change the fact that it’s TRUE!!
Each media outlet has at least one person assigned to them from one of the alphabet agencies, that tells them what is ok to show the public and what is not ok. It’s a known fact that China spends hundreds of thousands of dollars a month spreading propaganda in the United States. I say that just to give you an idea of how much deception is going on. The truth is out there, you just have to find it.
“Open your heart Judas, not your mind, open your heart and your eyes!”
Peace, Love & Blessings To All, Especially Those Responsible For This Lunacy!!!