She Is Allergic To Toxins, Which Is Why She Can Smell The Vaccinated.
She Smells Vaccinated People because she has C.I.R.S., Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome. This woman is a Godsend, she glorifies God by being able to tell us how poison the COVID-19 Vaccine is.
The thing that nobody knows, or hardly anybody knows is that the FDA approved a vaccine alright, but it’s not the EUA vaccine that they are shooting into everybody, the FDA approved a vaccine that doesn’t even exist. The EUA vaccine is an experimental vaccine, which is why so many people are dieing because of it. I have a friend who was healthy as can be, he played golf all the time and was in great overall shape. He got the EUA vaccine for his job, after which he got COVID-19, then pneumonia, then he went into a coma and now he’s dead!!! EUA stands for: Emergency Use Authorization.
Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS)
Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS) is a collection of symptoms which is also sometimes referred to as Biotoxin Illness, or Mold Illness, and was initially thought to be caused by mold exposure only. However, further research indicates bacteria, fungus and various viral infections are also implicated in the development of Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome.

It is quite a dilemma for both patients and physicians in dealing with such a complex illness as CIRS, which overlaps and can mimic symptoms associated with other conditions such as Lyme Disease, Ehrlichiosis and some Auto Immune Disorders. CIRS may often be misdiagnosed, or under diagnosed.
If this woman is able to detect a person who has had the EUA vaccine, as she says in the video “I can smell it on their breathe” and she gets sick, imagine what happens to the rest of us!!?? Are we breathing in those DEADLY Spike Proteins. You might be interested to take look at Dr Anthony Fauci’s patents.
The spike proteins are being introduced into the cells and the body replicates them, but it also sees them as a toxin as in the young woman, Anne’s case. Eventually what happens is that the body starts attacking itself because of these Spike Proteins. Whose to say that Dr Fauci’s Gain Of Function grants to the Wuhan Institute Of Virology, weren’t to make the virus airborne by the vaccinated.
The scared people who believe criminals like Anthony Fauci, Joe Biden and Token Harris, get the unapproved by the FDA EUA vaccine, and then spread the Spike Proteins every time they exhale.It’s a possibility. Don’t think wearing a mask will save you, it won’t. They lied about those too.
The virus is 100 nano-meters. To put that into perspective 3,175,000 nano-meters fit into 1/8 of an inch. 25,400,000 nano-meters fit into one inch. For my measurement impaired people, 1,000,000 nano-meters fit into 1 millimeter. That is the whole virus, the spike proteins are smaller. Wearing a mask is like being in an old Volkswagen Bug, sitting in front of an empty 4 car carport and wondering if you’ll be able to fit your Bug in.
There was an autopsy of a vaccinated person that shows that the vaccinated person had toxic spike proteins all over the body. This is the first case of a post-mortem study in a patient ‘vaccinated’ against SARS-CoV-2, conducted by German researchers and published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information. The deceased patient was injected with the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine manufactured by Pfizer.
Anne Talks About Her Experience With C.I.R.S.
She smells vaccinated people! As Anne says, she’ll get within 10 feet of a vaccinated person and know that they have been vaccinated. It’s the Spike Proteins that are toxic. She says it’s similar to someone who is allergic to peanuts, they get within 10 feet and they know. The scary thing is, she’s not talking about peanuts, she’s talking about a man-made virus, SARS-COV-2 +HIV=COVID-19 that inundates the body with Spike Proteins. Please let people know about this. Share this post and the many other factual posts on here about the COVID-19 Plandemic!
Peace, Love & Blessings To All, Especially To Those Who Have Received The Vaccine! Saying This Is Crap, Will Not Change The Fact That You Have Willingly Introduced An Unapproved Vaccine Into Your Body, Ask Jesus For Help!!!