If you think President Trump is a racist, keep reading…
Number One, you watch TV news and believe their propaganda or you read propaganda RAGS like The New York Times (surprise, another piece of shit out of New York), LA Times or The Washington Post.
Number 2, it’s a CLASSIC case of PROJECTION! You know, it’s what the leftist does when confronted on a subject and asked to produce facts. They never have facts because they push propaganda to further their own agendas.
When pushed further, they hurl insults and more propaganda, like when they call President Trump racist or any of the other slanderous, libelous things that they PROJECT onto President Trump…and it IS projection!!!
Dr Ben Carson
Watch this video and hear Dr Ben Carson list some of the “racist” things that President Trump has done! One of the crazy “women” on The View, Whoopi Goldberg, thinks Dr Ben Carson is also racist! He must be a white supremacist too. “@WhoopiGoldberg actually they were sold by black slave traders.” The WHORE, Whoopi Goldberg, is not that intelligent, lets face it, her, like “Colon” Kaepernick, seem to forget that slave trading is ALIVE AND WELL IN AFRICA, to this day. Blacks being sold by blacks…what’s worse is that a lot of black MUSLIMS are doing the slave trading and a lot of them own slaves…this goes against their “religion”!
Definition Of Whore:
A prostitute
A person considered sexually promiscuous
A person considered as having compromised principles for personal gain.
I digress, it’s a short video, open your heart, open your eyes and your heart and watch the video.
Dr Ben Carson On President Trump’s Racism
Dr Ben Carson Video Transcription
so many people say the President is a racist, he’s a horrible racist and everything he does, well, you know it seems to me like some years ago,
Jesse Jackson actually gave the President an award in New York city because he opened so many opportunities for black people, is that what a racist does
and then, when he moved to Palm Beach, he was right on the forefront to fighting the clubs who were not admitting Jews and Blacks? Does that sound like what a racist would do?
He is the one who finally got the Second Chance Act done. Does that sound like what a racist would do?
When he took office, he brought the office of HBCU’s to the white house, who could get appropriate attention more money than ever!
Opportunity Zones so that people could take this money and direct it to the places where people did not have opportunities before.
An economy where you have the lowest unemployment rates for black people in history
– and it goes on and on and on. Let me tell you something: if he’s a racist he’s, an awfully bad one. He need, he needs to go, get a lesson from the real racists. The people who look at somebody like you and me, and they say because your skin is a certain color, you have to think a certain way and if you don’t, there’s something wrong with you and they start calling you names. Those are the real racists. (end transcription)
A lot of people aren’t sure what this word means, in this context, it means thrusting your own faults, issues and bad feelings onto another human being or thing as a means to try and remove them from your own psyche.
Example: Black Lives Matter is a Marxist organization and they don’t care about Black Lives unless they can make money off of them…wait, that’s a bad example…because it’s all true.
Good Example: You call somebody a racist, like Whoopi Godlberg called Dr Ben Carson a racist, because he said slaves that were brought to the US were immigrants, remember Whoopi Goldberg is a psychotic leftist and that’s how they think. It’s a good example because Whoopi Goldberg is the real racist.
The Spirit side of her mind is in a battle with the ego side of her mind, the ego wants nothing more than to keep us in misery and likes to place blame, projection, on others, which is what she was doing when she called him a racist…
Let those with ears hear and those with eyes see…
Wasted Taxpayer Money (Laundering)
Robert Mueller spent over 35 million tax payer dollars and 2 years trying to dig up ANY dirt on President Trump, he found NOTHING, he knew he would find nothing right from the beginning, so why did he go through with it? Do you ever wonder how people in government retire MUCH wealthier than when they started? 2 words: MONEY LAUNDERING
President Trump Racist?
I CHALLENGE ANYONE to produce any facts that would confirm any claims you have against President Trump!!!
I KNOW nobody can do it, because “you’re too busy to put the information together”.
Here’s a giant list of President Trump’s accomplishments that was on the White House website, but was taken off by the PEDOPHILE, Joe Biden, as soon as he was placed in the White House…by the way, it also lists the PEDOPHILE, Joe Biden’s fuck ups…I mean accomplishments.
How did you get the information that you are spewing in the first place??? This brings me back to my first point, you watch too much TV news and believe their propaganda, you resonate with their bullshit, because they are talking about YOU! In order to try and get their crooked information out of your psyche, you project! STOP WATCHING TV NEWS!
In an effort to justify your transgressions, you’re projecting onto other people and things around you.
I live in Mexico and wanted to buy a car, so I was checking out PV.CraigsList.org, I found a Jeep Wrangler that I liked, so I sent a message through WhatsApp. It was a fake listing by the AcoMex.com.Mx Scam artists!!!
I was asking a lot of questions and the person sent me an ID…I said “an” as opposed to “her” because it was a stolen ID. I got in touch with the real person in the ID by contacting the Natario Publico 4, which was listed on one of the documents the person sent me. They got in touch with the real person to let her know I wanted to speak with her. They gave me her number, I called her to verify if it was her in the ID and if she sold cars.
It was her and she doesn’t sell cars, she’s an attorney. Her ID was stolen. My instincts were SCREAMING at me, but I ignored them and got screwed because of it. The car was supposed to be delivered, so I sent them $3,000 as a deposit and when the car got to my house, if I like it, I would send the rest.
Don’t Fall In Love With Material Things
They tried to get me to send it all, but I wouldn’t. This is what happens when you use Craigslist for ANYTHING. I’ve heard about scammers on there, but of course I never thought it could happen to me, but it was a cool Jeep and I fell in love with it…this is also what happens when you turn your back on God and what your heart is telling you about a THING! It was an expensive lesson, but I needed to have it.
Don’t fall in love with material things…they are just that, THINGS! They mean nothing, forget about your vain thoughts
The website is not good, that’s when my instincts started screaming. The pictures of the cars were obviously stolen from another legitimate car dealer. So if you are looking to buy a car in Mexico, DO NOT USE Acomex.com.mx, THEY ARE CRIMINALS! ACOMEX.COM.MX ARE SCAMMERS
The piece is 50 nm long but only 0.1 nm thick. These C6 structures are extremely stable. You can make, make brake pads out of this. It is not biodegradable. These nanoscale structures can best be described as razor blades.
Table of Contents
Graphene Oxide Found In COVID-19 Vaccine, Equal To Injecting Razor Blades Into Your Bloodstream
Was German Chemist Dr Andreas Noack Killed for Revealing the Truth about Graphene Hydroxide in Vials?
The following video features the findings of the (allegedly) murdered German expert in Carbon and Graphene Oxide and their applications.
Dr Andreas Noack Murdered For Telling The Truth About The KILLER COVID-19 Vaccine
The fact GO is an undisclosed ingredient in the vile vials produced by Pfizer et al renders any and all contractual obligations null and void. In fact, it is a criminal fraud (misrepresentation of the vials as a ‘vaccine’ and failure to disclose the contents – fraud by omission).
Add to that what Dr Noack states at 9’23 minutes into his presentation,
After the Spanish doctor’s study, it is official that nanoscale graphene (hydr) oxide is in the vaccine”
and we see there is another form of graphene in the jib-jabs – graphene hydroxide. It is this that he states is a very sharp-edged substance that acts like a nano-sized razor blade, causing untold damage to the victims.
The stakes are high for all those Jab-pushing-shills, whether they be operating as a jabber in one of the death-shot venues, as a GP advocating the arm-spear, a headteacher rolling out the needling of his pupils, an advertising agency pushing the experimental serum, a politician pushing the fake narrative of Divoc 91 or banker who is part of an attempt to push the no-cash, Rothschild-controlled central banks digital currency onto a beleaguered and lost populace. Each and everyone of these people is complicit in a genocide by needlepoint, the like of which Mankind has probably never seen before.
The stakes are so high that any individual who points out the blatant fallacies of the narrative and the deadly components in the vials is a threat to the ‘security’ of those listed above. When you’re part of a mass cult that uses obscene levels of fear-inducement in order to achieve ‘compliance’, then you are so far stepped into the incarnadine seas of genocide that you cannot return to the shoreline. Any notable figure who highlights the lies you are reliant upon is a threat to the house of cards you exist within. These odious players are drowning, not waving.
Dr Andreas Arrested Before He Was MURDERED
Dr Andreas Noack was allegedly murdered for revealing the effect of Graphene Hydroxide in the kill-shot, shortly after this video was released:
On November 27, 2021, Dr. Noack’s girlfriend announced that shortly after Dr. Noack posted his video and it went viral, he was attacked and killed. The timing of the attack suggests that it was in retribution for his revelations about graphene hydroxide in the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. They determined to silence Dr. Noack. They could not allow Dr. Noack, an authoritative and unimpeachable expert in graphene, to reveal the dangerousness of the COVID-19 vaccines. Below is her video announcement of his death.
Video Of Pregnant Girlfriend Of Dr Andreas Noack
Girlfriend Of Dr Andreas Noack, Graphene Expert
Dr Andreas Noack Video Transcript
There’s a professor at the University of Almeria, Professor Pablo Campra. He studied the vaxxines for the presence of graphene oxide using Micro-Raman spectroscopy. It is the study of frequencies. There are frequency bands. Two of those bands are important. They show that it is not graphene oxide but rather graphene hydroxide.
I would like to explain what graphene hydroxide is. It’s a mono-layer activated carbon. There are C6 rings. They found it in all the samples. Every corner is a carbon sample. This is on a nanoscale. I’ll cut this up a bit. If it is 50 nm long, then there are 500 rings in a row.
These are hydroxy (OH) groups. In graphene oxide, you have double-bonded oxygen and in graphene hydroxide, you have an OH group.
The electrons are delocalized (fully mobile).
The piece is 50 nm long but only 0.1 nm thick. These C6 structures are extremely stable. You can make, make brake pads out of this. It is not biodegradable. These nanoscale structures can best be described as razor blades.
These razor blades are injected into the body. Nano scale razor blades, only one atom layer thick. Relatively wide and high, they are razors, not biodegradable.
The (OH) hydroxy groups can split off a proton. When the proton is split off, it gains a negative charge, spread out over the whole system. It is basically an acid. It suspends well in water because of the negative charge.
So these are razor blades spread homogeneously in the liquid. This is basically Russian Roulette.
You can see very clearly in this woman, it cuts the blood vessels. The blood vessels, have epithelial cells as their inner lining. The epithelium is extremely smooth, like a mirror and it is cut up by these razor blades. That is what’s so dangerous. If you inject the vaccine into a vein, the razors will circulate in the blood and cut up the epithelium.
The main thing is that toxicological tests are done in petri dishes and there, you will not find anything.
These are the sharpest imaginable objects because they are only one atom layer thick. This is a huge molecule which is extremely sharp.
I am an expert in activated carbon. In my doctoral thesis, I converted graphene oxide into graphene hydroxide. I joined the world’s leading activated carbon manufacturer. After a year, I was in charge of new activated carbon products. We bought a small company near Newcastle, England. I was in charge of “new carbon products” Europe-wide.
I was in application scouting. I you perform an autopsy on the victims, you will not find anything. Toxicologists do their tests in petri dishes. They can’t imagine that there are structures that can cut up blood vessels. There are pictures of coagulated blood coming out of the nose. People bleed to death internally, especially the top athletes who are dropping dead have fast-flowing blood. The faster the blood flow, the more damage the razors will do.
As a chemist, when you inject this into the blood, you know you are a murderer. It’s a new material. Toxicologists aren’t aware of it yet.
Suddenly, it makes sense that patients look like this and that top athletes with high blood circulation – completely healthy – suddenly drop dead.
You see people collapse immediately after vaccination and have a seizure. These people had bad luck in Russian Roulette. Very likely, a vein was hit by the syringe.
The question you have to ask politicians and doctors, the question doctors should ask Pfizer is: Why are these razor blades in the vaccine?
Now they want to force-vaccinate children from the age of 5.
This guy is Dr Szekeres, President of the Austrian Medical Board.
(Plays video of Dr Szekeres)
News Anchor: In Vienna, it is already possible, with an “off-label” promotion to immunize the 5- to 11-year-olds.
Dr Noack: (Stops video and comments) Nice word, “immunize”.
News Anchor: So we will have the vaccine mandate but it’s not clear which age limits apply. Which age limit would you suggest?
Dr Szekeres: I would declare a vaccine mandate for everyone eligible for vaccination and cleared by a European authority. Currently, this means adolescents, 12 years and up. We expect that the vaccine mandate for children of 5 years and older will be greenlit by the European agencies in the next few days. As you correctly say, current vaccination is ‘off-label’.”
Dr Noack: (Stops video and comments)”Off-label” means the vaccination is not approved, yet they inject it already. You can only call this a death shot, at this point.
Dr Szekeres: After extensive consultation with a pediatrician, this is –
Dr Noack: (Stops video and comments) A pediatrician? You think a pediatrician understand what graphene oxide is? There’s another interview where he says he thinks it is “good” from a medical standpoint to vaccinate the population by force. An important concept in science is disputation – a scientific debate.
The basis of medicine or pharmaceuticals is chemistry. This doctor has no idea of chemistry. Completely new substances unknown to nature are brought in (with the vaccines). Everyone is talking about the messenger RNA, which has complex effects. The theory of mRNA is complex but every chemist understands what this (the graphene oxide) does.
You see the mRNA is possibly a diversion. I cannot imagine anyone will be able to give me, as a carbon specialist a proper explanation why these carbon razor blades are in the vaccine.
This is war.
They distract us with messenger RNA. But people cannot collapse that quickly from that right after the injection. Something else is going on and this effect should be studied.
He claims to be a specialist. Apparently, the Austrian doctors don’t have a smarter guy than this one. He is a doctor that doesn’t understand chemistry or he is a criminal or his is a mass-murderer.
After the Spanish doctor’s study, it is official that nanoscale graphene (hydr)oxide is in the vaccine. So it is clear that razor blades are injected. So he is probably incompetent.
If you want to vaccinate a population by force, you have to do your homework extremely carefully. Because if there is something wrong with the injection, you will kill the whole population of a country.
You have to weigh the risk. How dangerous is corona? How dangerous is the injection?
This guy wonders whether people should be tied-up before being injected. And he’s the top doctor!
Are the doctors in Austria so incompetent that they don’t understand the basic chemistry medicine is based on? Then they should surrender their license!
Any doctor in Austria, who, after this information is now public and continues to inject this, is a murderer.
I am not some guy in the carbon field. I have a doctorate in this area. I worked for the world’s biggest activated carbon manufacturer in the area of new carbon products. I’m pretty much the only European who visited other experts in Pittsburgh.
After this, I started my own activated carbon company. I resonated paper and turned it into activated carbon membranes. You could cut your hands with this charred paper. It was extremely sharp. I have a good idea what this graphene hydroxide does.
This is Russian Roulette. Do you hit the vein or not? Does it stay in the muscle? Then it is less toxic. But if you hit a vein and the batches contain different amounts of GHO, then you have to know you are cutting people up from the inside.
And it is a highly intelligent poison, because a normal toxicologist who works with petri dishes cannot find it because it doesn’t move.
Toxicologists just don’t expect any nanoscale razors but I can say as a chemist that we are absolutely certain that the graphene hydroxide is in there. These are nanoscale razor blades. Now they want to inject children with these nano-sized razors.
I want Dr Szekeles to explain what these razor blades are doing in these injections. And he needs to explain this to his boss, Mr Schallenberg (Austrian chancellor), too. He is probably also a consultant for the Austrian prime minister, Mr Schallenberg.
Mr Schallenberg, who is a lawyer, is responsible for choosing the right consultants. If he imposes this vaccine on all Austrians, he HAS to select the right consultants. He’s a lawyer, he doesn’t know medicine but his job is to select competent consultants and he is responsible if he selects incompetent consultants.
As a chemist, I vouch for the fact that these are nanoscale razor blades. You can make brake pads from carbon structures, which last forever. This material has zero biodegradability. It stays in the body forever. Even if people don’t drop dead immediately, it cuts up the little blood vessels little but little.
It destroys the heart. All the heart attacks, all the strokes. As a doctor, you have to ask yourself, where is this coming from?
If you understand that nano razor blades are being injected, it is clear why all the cardiovascular diseases appear. The heart is cut up, the brain is cut up. Blood vessels are cut up. These graphene structures (aka monolayer carbon or monolayer graphite) are so stable. Every chemist knows this. They are not degradable. The structure is 50 nm long and 0.1 nm thick. Of course it is a razor. Every chemist knows it is.
The epithelial cells are extremely smooth for a good reason but become rough when cut up and things stick to it. By now, any idiot can inject this and when they hit a vein. To me, this is Russian Roulette.
Here’s a petri dish. A normal toxicologist tests using a petri dish. This material is declared an “experimental vaccine” for a reason. They don’t know what will happen.
Every vaccinated subject has to sign that they take full responsibility. It will take Pfizer 50 years until the contacts with Pfizer will be published. What is in these contracts? Why 50 years?
In Germany or Austria, there is nobody with my expertise. The leading German carbon specialist, Dr Harmut von Kienle was my mentor for one year. I wrote my thesis in this field. I started my business in this field and won a business plan competition in Wolfsburg. I won 75,000 Deutsch Marks (€87,500) in the competition. I received venture capital to the tune of 6 million Deutsch Marks (€3 million). I had ten developers to develop all these new carbon products. I know what I’m talking about.
Any chemist in the chat is invited to refute me or give another opinion. You are all invited to tell me I’m wrong.
Sir Karl Popper explained the fundamentals of science: Hypothesis, Refutation. Popper said it was better to kill theories than to kill humans. The whole population is supposed to be injected. Exactly like Popper says, if you continue to ride this murderous theory, you have to be extremely careful.
They are the first to impose a vaccine mandate. They are killing the whole Austrian nation. Mr Schallenberg is responsible for this. He needs the right consultants. We had an Austrian once who brought suffering and death over Europe. I am appealing to you to share this video on all channels.
Mr Schallenberg needs thousands or hundreds of thousands of letters. He must know this is a razor, this is a means to kill. And if he knows this and he continues, he is a mass-murderer. He will walk in Hitler’s footsteps.
This has to come out now! I am ready to talk to anybody about this material. As a chemist, I say these are razor blades and I notice how little doctors know about chemistry. But they are doing chemistry in the body. In small children, in pregnant women.
And now you doctors know what you are doing and if you continue to inject, you are murderers.
Go out, type this out, give it to your doctor, give it to your politicians. And if you continue, I promise you, no court in the world will save you.
What you are doing is mass murder. Austria has the responsibility. They started the vaccine mandate.
And you, Mr Schallenberg, you need the best consultants. And if you are not able to select the best consultants, you are incompetent and need to resign. Same with the health minister. How competent are you?
You are ready to inject the whole Austrian population with razor blades that are not biodegradable?
Share the video, write it down, put it on a USB stick and send it to politicians and doctors. Make it clear to them: If they continue to do this, they are murderers.