Medical PROOF The COVID-19 Vaccine IS Murder

Don’t Take My Word For It, Take DOCTOR Vernon Coleman’s Word For It

COVID-19 Vaccine Is Murder

Take The Word Of MANY Doctors

I know it’s hard for a lot of people to believe that their own government would do something that would harm them. Unfortunately for all of humanity, it has been happening since our existence. I’m just a messenger, disseminating TRUTHFUL information. Now there is medical proof that the COVID-19 vaccine is murder

If you know me, you may or may not like me, but are you going to let that stand in the way of receiving the TRUTH? TRUTH that I am trying to bring to your eyes and ears. “Let those with eyes see and those with ears hear.”

Let go of your fear, you have ABSOLUTELY nothing to be fearful of. The ego is the split part of the mind that controls fear…fear, its lifeblood. The ego’s purpose is fear, because only the fearful can be egotistic. The ego’s logic is as impeccable as that of the Holy Spirit, because your mind has the means at its disposal to side with Heaven or earth, as it elects. But again, remember that both are in you. Which one do you choose to side with? Always remember, the ego wants nothing more than to keep you in trouble, by making you decide incorrectly.

Go to Dr Coleman’s site and check out other articles on the plandemic.

From Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc

“It’s the 22nd November 2021 and this is the moment when the jabbing has to stop.

A couple of hours ago Darren Smith, the editor of the excellent The Light Paper, sent me a paper from the medical journal Circulation which proves that the covid-19 jabbing experiment has to stop today. I believe that any doctor or nurse who gives one of the mRNA covid jabs after today will in due course be struck off the appropriate register and arrested.

The journal Circulation is a well-respected publication. It’s 71-years-old, its articles are peer reviewed and in one survey it was rated the world’s no 1 journal in the cardiac and cardiovascular system category.

I’m going to quote the final sentence of the abstract which appears at the beginning of the article. This is all I, you – or anyone else – needs to know.

`We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy and other vascular events following vaccination.’

That’s it. That’s the death bell for the covid-19 mRNA jabs.

The endothelium is a layer of cells lining blood vessels and lymphatic vessels. T cells are a type of white cell.

We always knew these jabs were experimental. My video in December 2020, just under a year ago, warned about these specific risks. I read out a list of possible adverse events published officially by the American Government.

But now we have the proof of the link.

The mRNA jab is, remember, known not to stop people catching covid. And it is known not to stop people spreading it. I don’t believe anyone disputes these facts.

And yet vast numbers of deaths and serious injuries have occurred among people who have been jabbed. Look at the item entitled ‘Updated: how many are the vaccines killing?’ on my websites.

Now we have the evidence to stop the jabbing programmes.

In the study quoted in Circulation, a total of 566 patients aged 28 to 97 were tested. They were equally divided among men and women.

‘At the time of this report,’ says the author, ‘these changes persist for at least 2.5 months post second dose of vaccine.’

At the very least, the use of these jabs must stop now. Immediately, until more long-term tests are done.

If there were any journalists left in the mainstream media, this news would be lead item on all TV and radio programmes and be on the front pages of all newspapers.

Thank heavens for free speech platforms such as BNT which enables me to bring you this news.

I’ve said for a year that this jab was an experiment – certain to kill and injure.

We’ve always known that to experiment on people without their full consent and understanding – after disclosing all the risks and potential side effects – is a crime.

Now the evidence exists that must stop this experiment.

If the covid jab experiment continues after today then we know for absolute sure that this is not a medical treatment, it is a cull.

Please share this video immediately with everyone you know.

Thank you.”

Peace, Love & Blessings To All, Especially To Those Who Have Received The Jab And Those Considering Getting It! PLEASE Don’t Get A Poison Injected Into Your Body, That Will Surely Cause You Trouble, For A “Virus” (The Cold) that has A 99.9% Survival Rate.


CoronaVirus = Common Cold

The CoronaVirus Marketing Team Is Good

It’s TRUE, the CoronaVirus is the Common Cold! It says so in “black & white”, in The American Medical Association’s (AMA) Encyclopedia Of Medicine. How much more proof does a person need. Why do people fall inline so easily with all the evil in the world. Like Anthony Fauci, I refuse to call him doctor, because he ISN’T one. He is going to have his medical license taken away very soon anyway.

How evil does a being have to be in order for you to stop following what they are saying? Fauci’s latest evil report, is that he has ok’d the use of Beagle puppies for experimentation. That is bad enough by itself, but being the douche from New York, that he is, he had all the vocal chords of the puppies slit, so the “scientists” conducting the evil experiments wouldn’t hear the puppies SCREAMING IN PAIN!!!

This whole coronavirus plandemic, seems to be easily figured out, but people are TOO COMPLACENT AND JUST ROLL-OVER. There are some major things happening right now that WILL wake everyone up from their deep sleep.

I digress, I know people listen to or watch TV news because of one thing, FEAR. As long as you have fear, like fear of the common cold, you are not able to function properly.

When you are afraid of anything, you are acknowledging its power to hurt you. Remember that where your heart is, there is your treasure also. You believe in what you value. If you are afraid, you are valuing wrongly. Your understanding will then inevitably value wrongly, and by endowing all thoughts with equal power will inevitably destroy peace.

A Course In Miracles – The Atonement As Defense

The TRUTH is out there, it’s everywhere. Do you see? Do you hear? Let those with eyes see and those with ears hear. If you don’t see or don’t hear, it’s simply because you have fear. You have nothing to be afraid of and nothing to worry about. How many of you can add one day to your life by worrying? I already know the answer…ZERO!!

Word has it that over 1 million people have died as a result of getting the COVID-19 “vaccination”, of course you’ll not hear about that if you watch TV news. I have a friend who recently died from the shot and he was PERFECTLY HEALTHY. He got the shot for his job, got covid-19 after the “vaccination”, got pneumonia, checked into the hospital and now he’s dead.

I Had COVID-19, The Common Cold Is Worse

I had covid-19 in February 2021, as I’ve mention in several of my posts, but it’s always relevant. I went to the hospital because I had fallen due to a surgery I had the previous November, it messed with my right leg. When I got “checked in”, one of the first things they did to me was give me Remdesivir, they didn’t bother to tell me what they were giving me, I was fully conscious, but I didn’t ask them either.

Remdesivir A George Soros Owned Company

Remdesivir is made by Gilead, a George Soros owned company, when they came into my room to give me another shot of the poison, I told them I didn’t want it, and to go away. Go to the above link to read about my time in the hospital. The doctors are so controlled, you could just about see the marionette strings.

I was sick for 4 days, one of the “doctors” told me, since you don’t need oxygen, we have to send you home. Before all this happened, they gave me a covid-19 “test”, you can’t test for SARS-COV-2 with the PCR test, that’s been proven. You can’t test for something that has NEVER been isolated, but before all that, they put me in a room with a person that had covid-19, I know this because I heard him talking on the phone.

They tested me for covid-19 2 days after I was checked in…I guess they had to wait for the Remdesivir to take effect. Then lo and behold, I had the common cold…I mean covid-19. I HAVE NOT AND WILL NOT get that shot!! If you did get it, you have been turned into a Super Spreader. This is done by shedding. Right now, if you got the shot, you have Spike Proteins and nanobots ripping through your veins. I’m serious about ripping…the spike proteins, as they go through your veins, tear at the vein walls, causing blood clots to form…another potential death sentence.

Aside from shedding, here are some other things you’ve opened yourself up to by being lazy and listening to evil people like Anthony Fauci:

“And so, what we’ve been seeing is a massive increase in those who’ve been given the injection of blood clotting problems, miscarriages, stillborns, infertility, stroke, heart attack, autoimmune diseases, and death, just to name a few, and that’s in those who been injected.  So certainly there should be a suspicion when you see people around the injected people who have not been injected getting the typical symptoms of COVID in addition to miscarriages, bleeding, irregular menstrual cycles; it should raise a very, very strong suspicion.”

Fully Vaccinated Are Developing “Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome” (AIDS) Much Faster:

“The report stated, “Covid -19 cases show that doubly vaccinated 40-79-year-olds have lost 44% of their immune system capability. Their immune systems are deteriorating at around 5% per week (between 3.8% and 9.1%).
If this continues, then 30-59-year-olds will have zero Covid/viral defense (and perhaps a form of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) by Christmas, and all double vaccinated people over 30 will have completely lost the part of their immune system that tackles Covid-19 by January next year.”
Coronavirus is the common cold Corona Virus Vaccine Degradation
CoronaVirus Vaccine Degradation

Coronavirus IS The Common Cold

Watch this short video taken of the AMA’s Encyclopedia of Medicine, that shows the CoronaVirus IS the Common Cold. I have to agree with that, because I had a cough when I had covid-19 and it lasted 4 DAYS and that was it!!! That hardly seems like the way a “deadly virus” would work! You have 99.9% survival rate, take off that stupid mask!

CoronaVirus = Common Cold

Peace, Love & Blessings To All!!! Especially To All Who Got The Jab!!


p.s. Florida now has the LOWEST rate of coronavirus in the US, and they’ve been wide open with none of these ridiculous mandates! Keep this in mind, A MANDATE IS NOT A LAW!!!!


Video Via Telegram

Joe Biden Is A War Criminal #SendJoeToGITMO

Several outlets previously reported that the drone strike, which was carried out by President Biden, killed an Afghan aid worker and his family. President Biden thought he was a member of ISIS.

The driver has been identified as Zemari Ahmadi, a longtime worker for a U.S. aid group.

He’s Also A Pedophile And Mentally Incompetent, Period!!

Joe Biden is a War Criminal! He’s also a pedophile, A TRAITOR TO THE UNITED STATES, and should be sent to GITMO, #SendJoeToGITMO. His whole crime family should be sent to GITMO as well.

If you don’t believe Joe Biden is a pedophile, this is where the term “Eyes Wide Shut” comes into play. If you voted for Joe Biden, you’re saying that you’re ok with Pedophilia!!! Watch the video below and notice how Joe always has a little girl in front of him (probably to hide his erection) with his hands on her, stroking her. Notice how Senator Coons smiles at the cameras while Joe Biden molests his daughter. Then listen to how he explains it away, in complete denial, later in the video.

Joe Biden always stutters when he’s lying or telling some sort of untruth. At the end of the video, the pedophile Joe Biden says: “…and I love kids jumping on my lap.” Listen to it in the context of that clip, he’s talking about when he was a lifeguard at a pool. It’s creepy no matter how you look at it, why would you say something like that, unless…

Pay close attention at 1:13 in the video, the little girl ELBOWS JOE’S HAND OFF OF HER BREAST!!! It looks as if he pinches the the little girls nipple. Then at about 2:13 Jeff Sessions walks in the camera view with, I believe, his granddaughter, Joe sees her, makes a beeline toward her with arms stretched out and Jeff Sessions swats his hands away because he knows that Joe Biden IS a pedophile.

Joe Biden Pedophile – Bidenbot Child Hunter

Get the BidenBot Child Hunter T-Shirt

What has Joe done for the United States in the past 9 months? Anything good?? NO!!! Let’s see, here’s a list of some of his “Accomplishment”:

  • Afghanistan, FUBAR!
  • US Mexican Border, FUBAR!! Under President Trump the border was secure!
  • Energy Dependence, FUBAR!!! Under President Trump, The US was energy INDEPENDENT, but with Joe, it’s not happening #SendJoeToGITMO
  • Trillion Dollar “Infrastructure Bill”, FUBAR, we all know that’s a money laundering bill! How do you think these demons, leave their political careers much richer than when they started!!!???
  • #SendJoeToGITMO
  • Go here to see the rest of Joe Biden accomplishments.
  • For those of you that don’t know what FUBAR means, it means: Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition. You can look up the history of the term yourself. It Could also stand for Fucked Up Biden Against the Republic.

Hunter Biden, Pedophile, Crackhead and Artist???


Let’s start with the artist formerly known as Crackhead Biden. Lets be real, this is ANOTHER MONEY LAUNDERING SCHEME, or maybe this is how, the CCP and the corporations of the world are buying favors from the former senator, Joe Biden. They’re not letting anyone know who’s buying his “art”!!?? I’ve seen it, it’s not good, it’s not bad, but there are DEFINITELY more struggling artists out there that make him look like a one year old, that got into some finger paints.

Hunter is a crackhead! Watch him talking to his dead brother’s wife, the one that he was having an affair with while his brother was still alive.

I’m reminded of a great scene in Jesus of Nazareth, where John The Baptist, played by Michael York, starts yelling at Herod Antipas The Tetrarch of Galilee and Peraea, played by Christopher Plummer, who was just entering the palace. John The Baptist starts yelling at Herod because he’s marrying his brother Philip’s wife and Philip isn’t dead yet. Herod Antipas is the one who had John The Baptist beheaded.

Michael York As John The Baptist & Christopher Plummer As Herod Antipas in Jesus of Nazareth
Joe Biden is a War Criminal

Here’s a picture of Hunter doing a line of coke off an under aged girl’s ass. There are other photos from his laptop of him passed out in bed with his crack-pipe in his mouth. The boy is sick and apparently has inherited his daddy’s lust for small children!! Of course it’s impossible to see if it’s really him. I would like to know what sick fuck took the picture?

He definitely needs help! It’s too bad that he has a father like Joe Biden, who is in a serious state of cognitive decline, and is being told to do unspeakable things. How we let them get away with installing him is mind blowing. The people of The United States have become so complacent, that they listen to people in the mainstream media and believe what they’re being told. People all over the world are protesting these ridiculously EVIL vaccine “mandates”, and what do people in the US do? NOTHING!!

Don’t give me that insurrection bullshit, that is as fraudulent as this whole COVID-19 mess! I’m not saying there isn’t a virus, I had it and was sick for 4 days, that’s it! It was no worse than any flu I’ve ever had.

I also know somebody who died from COVID-19, BUT, he got COVID-19 after the COVID-19 Vaccine and now he’s dead!!!

Joe Biden Is A Criminal!!! #SendJoeToGITMO


On Thursday, the Pentagon announced that the United States military killed an innocent Afghan worker and nine of his family members after President Joe Biden tried covering for his disastrous Afghanistan withdraw.

President Biden killed 10 innocent people due to his incompetence.

The Daily Wire reported:

The U.S. military mistakenly killed an Afghan aid worker and nine members of his family, including seven children, during an August 29 drone strike on a purported ISIS-K terrorist.

The Pentagon announced on Thursday that the U.S. killed 10 civilians while carrying out a strike on a target that U.S. intelligence officials believed to be an ISIS-K target. The strike was in retaliation for an earlier terror attack that killed 13 U.S. service members as well as dozens of Afghan civilians.

Commander of United States Central Command, Gen. Kenneth F. McKenzie failed to announce if anyone would be held accountable for the killing and just said it was a “tragic mistake.”

“Our investigation now concludes that our strike was a tragic mistake,” McKenzie said.

Several outlets previously reported that the drone strike, which was carried out by President Biden, killed an Afghan aid worker and his family. President Biden thought he was a member of ISIS.

The driver has been identified as Zemari Ahmadi, a longtime worker for a U.S. aid group. The evidence, including extensive interviews with family members, co-workers and witnesses, suggests that his travels that day actually involved transporting colleagues to and from work. And an analysis of video feeds showed that what the military may have seen was Mr. Ahmadi and a colleague loading canisters of water into his trunk to bring home to his family. While the U.S. military said the drone strike might have killed three civilians, reporting shows that it killed 10, including seven children, in a dense residential block.

Joe Biden clearly has no remorse considering he is too worried about his sleep and vacation time.

According to the White House schedule, President Biden will be spending the long weekend at his vacation home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.

End of Article

Apparently the children came out of the house because their father just came home and they went outside to greet him!


Peace, Love & Blessing To All, Especially To Joe & Hunter Biden, Their Whole Family And All They’ve Hurt, That Includes The People Of The World!

If there was ever a time for you to feel unsafe, that would be this point in time in our civilization! We are truly in a Battle of Good vs Evil!!! As John The Baptist said: “Repent, The Kingdom Of Heaven Is At Hand!”


PostScript: “For What Shall It Profit A Man, If He Shall Gain The Whole World, And Lose His Own Soul?” Mark 8:36