Mayan Train

Mandatory reading for AMLOLovers.
MAYAN TRAIN, Sowing Life and the Trans-isthmic Corridor, a triad for dispossession of native peoples.

This week, an investigation was released on the impacts on the territorial use value of the indigenous and peasant communities that the projects of the Trans-isthmic Corridor, the Maya Train and the Sembrando Vida program presented by the Center for Studies for Change in the Campo Mexicano (CECCAM) and prepared by Daniel Sandoval Vázquez, in which they conclude that these projects are intended not only to facilitate the flow of products from the most important companies in the world, increase the flow of tourists and reforest the South-Southeast of Mexico, but that the three are part of a single project of the post-neo-pro or post-neoliberal government as the administration of Andrés Manuel López Obrador likes to call itself and that will allow the great neoliberal capitals of the world to increase their profits at the cost of our wealth, stripping the original communities of guardianship over the territories they occupy. ‘Due to their intended effects, they can be considered a triad designed for the dispossession and subordination of the territory … projects such as the Mayan Train and the Trans-isthmic Corridor, mean, on the one hand, to take away the effective possession of the land from the original populations and, by on the other hand, deprive them of the ability to decide on any future use of resources in general… the exploitation of the population that will be separated from their creative work linked to the land, ”says the researcher.

All these projects have gone through an infinity of names and concepts, but the one that the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador takes up without saying it, is the Mesoamerica Integration and Development Project or Mesoamerica Project, today fully in force and which officially came to light on June 28, 2008, during the government of Felipe Calderón, which consists of an Atlantic and a Pacific corridor with complementary interconnection links, a railway network, port integration, navigation routes, the highway system and the airport network accompanied by initiatives in telecommunications, energy integration, gas pipelines, tourism and archeology, adding to this the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor, the Mundo Maya Project and the Tehuantepec Isthmus Integral Development Project. Project continued by the untouchable Enrique Peña Nieto during his mandate, and which begins on April 28, 2014 the construction of the ‘Trans-Peninsular Train’ for passengers and cargo for Yucatan and the Riviera Maya and which AMLO now calls it ‘Train Maya ”, also the untouchable EPN that same year began the interconnection process of the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean through a“ Trans-isthmic Train ”that the only difference with the current project of the AMLO“ Trans-isthmic Corridor ”is that it was blatantly private and in the current one it is public but concessioned to the private sector. That in reality they are part of the silent recolonization of capitalism through hundreds of projects, throughout Mesoamerica, in Mexico alone there are currently more than 400 extractivist megaprojects operating that aim to facilitate the management and execution of the extraction and transfer of natural resources. (read: The Silent Recolonization of Post-Neoliberalism).

AMLO adds a component in the purest style of the pre-neoliberal PRI that it permanently evokes; the Sembrando Vida program, which has been sold as the ecology project of his administration because, according to the executive, ‘will reforest a million hectares’ and that in practice is being used to convince indigenous communities to accept the Mayan Train and the Trans-isthmic Corridor, because according to the researcher, he is conditioning giving 5 thousand pesos a month through this program to the peasants so that they accept the megaprojects.

Seeding Life in its first year had a resounding failure because their goal was to plant 575 million plants and they were only able to plant 80 million plants, that is, only 13.9 percent were covered. Each plant of the ‘Planting Life’ program cost 375 pesos to the treasury in 2019, taking into account that a budget of 15 billion pesos was exerted and that in the end only around 40 million trees will be viable, with that amount a common farmer Without spectacular programs, you could plant not one but more than 20 viable trees with everything and labor. So the Secretary of Welfare María Luisa Albores González asked for the resignation of the person in charge of the project, the Undersecretary of Planning, Evaluation and Regional Development Javier May, resignation that the President of the Republic Andrés Manuel López Obrador revoked, because it is not a reforestation program, it is a program to corrupt the will of the peasants by hunger, by forcing them to accept the Mayan Train and the Trans-isthmic Corridor in exchange for a monthly payment of 5 thousand pesos during the AMLO administration.

Unfortunately, what could have been the best program of any Mexican president in history, because it would come to solve food autonomy and demand decent work in the fields, has become the spearhead of this administration’s neoliberal mega-projects. The fundamental idea of ​​this program is a bad copy of a project that we designed for the elaboration of the new constitution with the Citizen Constituent through the National Council of the Mexican People, (here you can consult it 09/17 / a-spare-paradigm-the-task-in-the-field /).

“With the Trans-isthmic Corridor and the Mayan Train the option is opened up to capital to create the necessary material base that enables more investments and profits in the short term. But if the components of these projects are analyzed, it can be seen that these are extremely problematic economic activities due to their social and environmental impacts.

It is very important to observe the way in which these two projects are linked to industrial production. It is not a plan for the creation of infrastructure for the simple distribution of merchandise, or tourist activities based on the strategic geographical position of a region that is increasingly important nationally and internationally. As we have seen, the two aforementioned projects include within themselves the possibility for national and foreign companies to generate enormous profits, from the unleashing of processes linked to the production of merchandise, in areas where social and biological wealth has exceptional characteristics ”, affirms the CECCAM investigation.

With AMLO’s actions we can affirm that it contained criminal and blatant neoliberalism, but confuses corruption with neoliberalism, because its fight against government corruption is sitting on a new humanist neoliberalism in Mexico, which has shown us a redesign in the way of presenting deep down, the new face shows us a halo of honesty that fights fiercely against the forms of corruption that the old neoliberalism left inserted as a government culture, while continuing the extractive megaprojects that have been the hallmark of neoliberalism in the world, with the modality of daily and public denial of complicity in the dispossession of water, land, cultures and biodiversity of the territories.

‘Only the emissions from the Dos Bocas refinery would render the emission capture environmental services of all the trees planted in the Sembrando Vida program insignificant’: Greenpeace.

His new neoliberal humanist model contemplates delaying the collapse of the capitalist system, giving money from the treasury to the dispossessed so that they maintain a minimum consumption capacity that allows the wheel of the rotten economic system that dominates the world to continue turning and instead of using Sembrando Vida to achieve food autonomy, use it to buy wills (read: The State as a social enterprise; Yunus and AMLO saving capitalism). The scholarships awarded in the Youth Building the Future program have served to finance labor such as Elektra, Nestlé and thousands more at the expense of the people’s money, which under the pretext of job training obtain slave labor without benefits and without have to pay. These thousands and thousands of young women and men were not even hired by these companies, because for the duration of this administration they will be able to count on new slave labor for free each year, much less generate their own source of income, because they were not trained to do so. : If instead of that they had enabled these young people this year in some trade, at least today they would have the possibility of earning a living with their effort. (read: The 4th Transformation is Aztec).

If we remove the Trans-isthmic Corridor, the Mayan Train, Seeding Life and Youth Building the Future, from the projects that would come to save Mexico, we are left with only one sad airport that would come to momentarily meet the air transportation needs of the most economically favored segment and a refinery in an era where fossil fuels have been shown to be a substantial part of the pollution problem that originates not only global warming, but also the affectation of the habitat where the viruses that affect us today coexisted in peace and even more, with The thawing of prehistoric glaciers has found viruses and bacteria unknown until today by mankind that, when thawed, could finish the work that started the coronavirus.

Here I share the league for those who want to read the 43 pages that compose the research published by CECCAM: that concludes:

“The Sembrando Vida program is directly influencing people’s decision to accept official regulations. This unfair action that alienates the ability to exercise free consent to the peoples can be verified testimonially in different localities … It should be said that the use of this governmental program is a fact that applies to the vast majority of areas in which the federal government It must achieve that the population yield their lands specifically for this supposedly tourist project, as we have verified cartographically by relating the sites where Sembrando Vida is implemented and the new lines planned for the passage of the Maya Train.

“Por su parte, el capital privado y los operadores empresariales que ya han tomado por asalto la riqueza natural y social de la región maya en épocas previas con sus proyectos, también entran en funciones y cooperan con el capital público para apoyar la subordinación del valor de uso territorial, invisibilizando y menospreciando las necesidades y los usos tradicionales de los recursos en manos de los pueblos. Resalta en las últimas fechas que frente a la denuncia contra Alfonso Romo por ser parte de la pandilla de saqueadores presentes en la región maya, el empresario se haya defendido asegurando que gracias a sus inversiones se logra la transformación de “tierras improductivas” en “tierras con un alto valor agregado”, se generan empleos, “las comunidades muertas de hambre” salen de la miseria…”

La investigación del CECCAM coincide con la publicada en diciembre por el Observatorio Latinoamericano de Geopolítica de la UNAM quien en sus Avances de investigación Tren Maya ( que “el análisis presentado pone en cuestión el principal objetivo de la administración de Andrés Manuel López Obrador: sacar a México de la pendiente del neoliberalismo de los últimos treinta años. El Tren Maya y sus transformaciones productivas-territoriales en el mediano y largo plazo vislumbran que los efectos e impactos no son los esperados por los principios de la Cuarta Transformación.

“Presenta varios rasgos de continuidad con una visión de mundo, de negocios y de intereses completamente neoliberales: una baja presencia del Estado en la inversión, aumento de la privatización incentivando la participación de grandes empresas locales y extranjeras, un profundo impulso de expropiación nunca antes visto en el sur-sureste (de derechos, de territorios, de saberes, incluso ruptura de lazos sociales, identidades culturales, prácticas económicas, etc.)”

Hoy AMLO nos presenta sus lecciones de la pandemia y responsabiliza al modelo neoliberal de la crisis, pero sus lecciones son superfluas porque entre ellas no contempla elementos básicos; como la eliminación del petróleo, la minería, la publicidad y un cambio radical en las políticas ambientales. Asimismo, omite la necesidad de diseñar modelos agroecológicos de producción de alimentos por regiones que garanticen la autonomía alimentaria en cada zona, la reivindicación económica del trabajo de cuidado en el hogar y la cancelación de la deuda pública que ahoga a las naciones y que fue adquirida por los gobiernos neoliberales.

Las características de sobrevivencia de la vida en la Tierra, dividen al mundo sólo en dos filosofías posibles: los que hacen por enfriar al planeta o los hacen por calentarlo, como lo planteo en mi Manifiesto por la Tierra. No podemos seguir aún dentro de este neoliberalismo humanista que nos presenta AMLO, solapando la extracción de agua y riquezas naturales por los megaproyectos neoliberales porque nos está costando la extinción. Y el cambio es hoy, porque no será la última crisis mundial que nos tocará vivir y si no procuramos un cambio radical ahora, la próxima podría ser la última.

Por lo pronto el 8 de mayo un juzgado federal otorgó un amparo a indígenas chiapanecos mediante el cual ordena que se suspendan las obras del Tren Maya en el tramo de Palenque, con la finalidad de salvaguardar la salud del pueblo ch’ol, que se suma al amparo otorgado a la comunidad de Xpujil en Campeche y al otorgado contra el Corredor Transístmico a los Mixes y Zapotecos en Oaxaca, que hoy continúan su lucha de forma virtual bajo los hashtags #NoAlTrenMaya y #ElIstmoEsNuestro en tanto termina la cuarentena para seguir resistiendo como lo han hecho por cientos de años.

uranga 1

La vida es una construcción consciente.
Iván Uranga



1. The Isthmus of Tehuantepec (… and that has to do with the MAYAN TRAIN) Miguel Angel García:

2. TREN MAYA: 18 INTERVENTION POINTS in the ecosystems of the Yucatan Peninsula … with brutal socio-environmental impacts:…/el-tren-maya… de-intervencion.html

Houston Dismantling $17 Million Temporary COVID-19 Hospital That Didn’t See A Single Patient.

“A finance section chief made $2,875 a day, the outlet added.”
“Meanwhile, two public information officers reportedly made $2,012 a day.”

Houston dismantling $17 million unused covid 19 hospital

Here’s an update on Houston dismantling $17 million unused covid 19 hospital. Was it big scam by Garner, to ripoff taxpayers? This whole thing wreaks of money laundering…a taxpayer ripoff. Like the number of COVID 19 deaths…

Houston dismantling $17 million unused covid 19 hospital

The story below is about a makeshift tent hospital that supposedly cost $17,000,000…they thought it would be upwards of $60,000,000, but they softened the blow with the $17,000,000 pricetag!

I smell a scam going on…the federal government is going to cover 75% of the cost, $12,750,000 on a “hospital” that did nothing and was totally useless from the get go…somebody is getting a BIG payday…this hospital is like a hammer or toilet seat that the government pays $1,000’s for, (Black Budget Funds)!!

Donald Rumsfeld Announcing $2.3 TRILLION Unaccounted For

The money for that hospital is either going into someone’s pocket, of course minus the actual cost…probably $1,000,000 or less, $2,000,000 at most…the rest of it is probably going into someone’s pocket, they were laundering money or it’s being allocated to Black Budget Projects, like the Secret Space Program (SSP). This reminds me of Donald Rumsfeld announcing at a press conference on September 10th, 2001, that the Pentagon couldn’t account for $2.3 TRILLION!! How the fuck does that happen?? It doesn’t, that money was used for Black Budget projects and a lot of it on the SSP…just my opinion.

This Houston Empty, Never Used Temporary “hospital” was a shake-down of taxpayers money…there is DEFINITELY some sort of fraud going on!! Watch the news clip below.

C. Douglas Golden, The Western Journal By C. Douglas Golden, The Western Journal
Published April 24, 2020 at 10:03pm

Consider that the funds set aside for small businesses in the Paycheck Protection Program ran out in a matter of weeks. And that’s the federal government. State governments have even less budgetary room to play around with, and counties have even less money.

Houston Temporary Hospital Fraud?

So imagine what Harris County, home to Houston, must be feeling right now given that when it’s all said and done, they will have spent about $17 million on a temporary hospital that has yet to see a single patient.

According to KPRC-TV, the coronavirus hospital could have cost Harris County as much as $60 million. Instead, the final price tag will likely be around $17 million, even though the facility did virtually nothing — which is why it could soon be closed.

“Construction on the temporary medical shelter began just over two weeks ago and was finished in a matter of days. It features 250 beds and is equipped to handle an influx of COVID-19 patients,” KPRC reported of the temporary hospital, which is situated at NRG Park.

“We don’t want to be caught flat-footed,” Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo said back when officials thought the hospital was necessary. “We are working to stay ahead of this.”

The problem isn’t just that Harris County stayed ahead of coronavirus to the extent that the hospital didn’t need to see a single patient. It’s also about the fact that Harris County had a dubious arrangement with Garner Environmental Services, which designed the hospital and has helped run it.

For instance, various security officers at the site received daily remuneration of $2,875, $2,300 and $2,012, KPRC reported.

Garner NRG Mobile Hospital Incident Management Scheme...I mean Team Houston

A finance section chief made $2,875 a day, the outlet added.

Meanwhile, two public information officers reportedly made $2,012 a day. That might not seem that bad until you realize the contract stipulated that “contact with the news media, citizens of Harris County or governmental agencies shall be the responsibility of the county.”

And while the hospital was constructed before Houston was experiencing peak resource usage, the city never came close to using enough beds to divert patients to the makeshift facility.

“We are still within the hospitals’ abilities to handle the load,” Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner said the day before the contract with Garner was signed.

NRG Mobile Hospital Incident Management Assistance Team Houston

To be fair, the federal government has said it will cover 75 percent of the cost for the hospital, which means the good news for Harris County is that they won’t have to pay the full $17 million.

Of course, the bad news is that you’ll have to pay for it if you pay federal taxes. And for a county, $4.25 million is still a fair amount of money.

As for the people behind the hospital, don’t expect them to explain it, either. John Temperelli, vice president of Garner Environmental Services, had scheduled two interviews with KPRC. On both occasions, the outlet reported, he canceled.

In any case, county officials are looking at ending the contract and dismantling the hospital.

“County officials, including the health department and NRG representatives, met Wednesday morning to discuss the future of the temporary healthcare facility at NRG Park,” KPRC reported.

“It’s time that we do everything we can to begin the process of unwinding and cutting the cost on this hospital,” County Commissioner Jack Cagle said.

“Cagle said he has informed Commissioners Court that he will bring an agenda item next Tuesday to discuss the termination of the contract,” according to the outlet.

This isn’t the first makeshift hospital that didn’t even see a patient. In Seattle, a medical center constructed at the CenturyLink Field Event Center also turned out to be a huge waste of resources, and was dismantled earlier this month after not being populated by a single individual who didn’t work there.

“Don’t let this decision give you the impression that we are out of the woods. We have to keep our guard up and continue to stay home unless conducting essential activities to keep everyone healthy,” Washington Gov. Jay Inslee said in a statement.

“We requested this resource before our physical distancing strategies were fully implemented and we had considerable concerns that our hospitals would be overloaded with Covid-19 cases. But we haven’t beat this virus yet, and until we do, it has the potential to spread rapidly if we don’t continue the measures we’ve put in place.”

And yet, I don’t blame these officials one bit.

The main model for health care capacity was the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation model, which was way off in terms of hospital capacity needs.

For instance, take their prediction for New York City. The IHME model predicted NYC would need over 50,000 hospital beds on April 1. The actual number was just over 12,000. If you were an engineer and you were that far off, you’d be doing time.

In the case of Harris County, you do have to consider the fact they apparently signed the worst contract since Ryan Leaf’s rookie deal.

Aside from that, though, it was the overcooked models that were responsible for this. In almost every city, the apocalyptic predictions of massive hospital overflow never came true; they all had enough capacity to deal with patients.

When this is over, we need to figure out why the models were so very wrong.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

Candace Owens Kicks The Asses Of Ted Lieu & Jerry Nadless…I mean Nadler

“I didn’t say that, you weren’t listening.” She said to Jerry Nadler, who then shrugs his shoulders instead of apologizing.

This clip is from Watter’s World…Candace Owens has Congressman Ted Lieu from California try to make Ms Owens out to be a Hitler sympathizer, when she starts to tear him a new asshole, Jerry Nadler interrupts to make sure everyone can see that his intelligence level is equal to that of Ted Lieu. Then when Nadler is told that he is wrong by her and by someone seated near him, he doesn’t apologize, shrugs his shoulders and looks at her like she did something wrong!


This is the same Nadler that helped waste $30,000,000 of taxpayer money on the 2 year witch hunt of President Trump…I’m sure Nadler’s name is on one of those sealed indictments that have started to be opened.