Calling Mexico From The U.S. & Vice Versa

Calling Mexico From The US, Calling The US From Mexico, Cell To Landline, Landline To Cell and Everything In Between

The list below is a pretty thorough list, it includes, cell to landline, landline to cell, cell to cell, landline to landline and 800 numbers. If you are using your US cell to call Mexico, the numbers vary depending on whether you’re calling a Mexican landline or a Mexican cell phone…and whether you’re calling from within the US or within Mexico. The same goes for a Mexican cell phone, US landline and Mexican landline.

Right at the beginning it shows the toll free versions…the Mexican counterparts make more sense to me.

You should find what you need below:

Calling Mexico From The US
Calling Mexico From The US & Vice Versa

To call a 1-800 number, you replace it with 001 880.
To call a 1-888 number, you replace it with 001 881
To call a 1-877 number, you replace it with 001 882
To call a 1-866 number, you replace it with 001 883.
To call a 1-855 number, you replace it with 001 884.
To call a 1-844 number, you replace it with 001 885.

From your Mexican land phone:

– To dial to a Mexican local number (same area code):
Dial 7 digits (no area code necessary)

– To dial to a Mexican long distance number:
Dial 1 + area code (3 digits) + phone number (7 digits).

– To dial to a Mexican cell phone number:
Dial area code (3 digits) + phone number (7 digits) (when in same area code)

– To dial to a U.S. phone number:
Dial 00 + 1 + area code (3 digits) + phone number (7 digits)

– To dial to a 1-800 U.S. number: (international rates apply)
Dial 00 + 1 + 880 + phone number (usually 7 digits)

– To dial to a 1-888 U.S. number:
Dial 00 + 1 + 881 + phone number (usually 7 digits)

– To dial to a 1-877 U.S. number:
Dial 00 + 1 + 882 + phone number (usually 7 digits)

– To dial to a 1-866 U.S. number:
Dial 00 + 1 + 883 + phone number (usually 7 digits)

– To dial to a Mexican 01-800 number:
Dial 01 + 800 + phone number (usually 7 digits)

– To dial to other countries:
Dial 00 + country code (1, 2 or 3 digits) + phone number (usually 7 digits)

– To a US cell phone while is in Mexico (some companies have that as default):
Dial 00 + 1 + area code (3 digits) + phone number (7 digits)

From your Mexican cell phone:

– To dial to a Mexican local number:
Dial directly the área code (3 digits) + phone number (7 digits)

– To dial to a Mexican long distance number:
Dial area code (3 digits) + phone number (7 digits)

– To dial to a Mexican cell phone number
Dial area code (3 digits) + phone number

– To dial to a US phone number:
Dial 00 + 1 + area code (3 digits) + phone number (7 digits)

– To dial to a 1-800 U.S. number: (international rates apply)
00 + 1 + 880 + phone number (usually 7 digits)

– To dial to a 1-888 U.S. number:
Dial 00 + 1 + 881 + phone number (usually 7 digits)

– To dial to a 1-877 U.S. number:
Dial 00 + 1 + 882 + phone number (usually 7 digits)

– To dial to a 1-866 U.S. number:
Dial 00 + 1 + 883 + phone number (usually 7 digits)

– To dial to a Mexican 01-800 number:
Dial 01 + 800 + phone number (usually 7 digits)

– To dial to other countries:
Dial 00 + country code (1, 2, or 3 digits) + phone number (usually 7 digits)

– To a US cell phone while is in Mexico (some companies have that as default):
Dial 00 + 1 + area code (3 digits) + phone number (7 digits)

Also, to call from a Mexican cell phone while in the US to a Mexican cell phone in Mexico (believe me, it happens):
Dial 011 + 52 + 1 + area code (3 digits) + phone number (7 digits)

From your US cell phone:

You can make calls from your U.S. cell phone to Mexican numbers while you are in Mexico. The most confusing thing about this is that some US companies have arrangements with local Mexican carriers (TELCEL or MOVISTAR for example). In this case, the Mexican carrier takes over and your cell phone becomes “Mexican,” so you will use the “from Mexico” option below. Other carriers have no arrangement with any Mexican company, so you’ll use the “from the U.S.” option below. Unless you have an international plan, it is not cheap to use your U.S. cell phone in Mexico, but some times it is necessary. Contact your cell phone company before leaving the U.S, or try to dial the following ways:

– To dial to a Mexican local or long distance landline number:
From the U.S: 011 52 + area code (3 digits) + phone number (7 digits)
From Mexico: 01 + area code (3 digits) + phone number (7 digits)

– To dial to a Mexican cell phone number:
From the U.S: Dial 011 52 + 1 + area code (3 digits) + phone number (7 digits)
From Mexico: Dial 01 + area code (3 digits) + phone number (7 digits)

– To dial to a U.S. phone number:
Dial 00 + 1 + area code (3 digits) + phone number (7 digits)

– To dial to a 1-800 U.S. number: (be aware: international rates will apply)
Dial 00 + 1 + 880 + phone number

– To a US cell phone while is in Mexico (some companies have that as default):
Dial 00 + 1 + area code (3 digits) + phone number (7 digits)

I just came back down, before I did, I wrote a post about Mexico.


Wacko – Cause ‘N Defect

This is the last film I was in before my motorcycle accident. That is my real hair…it was down past my shoulders, I cut it shortly after the film. It was a lot of fun, the dialogue is all scripted, I memorized it, and then would just repeat it over and over then faster and faster until it was second nature.

Oliver Bodnar As Wacko In Cause ‘N Defect

My Day On Melrose Place

Me: “You look like you’ve been riding all night.”
Jake: “Yeah, I took the road up the coast from LA”
Me: “That’s a hell of a long haul, well, I hope you’re almost where you’re going man.”
Jake: “Yeah, I’m getting there. You got a phone around here?”

Melrose Place No Strings Attached

This was an episode of Melrose Place I was in; we shot it 1994. It’s about 6 lines on page and very drab. I tried to add some character to it, but the director told me not to do anything! I sat around on set for five hours until they were ready for me…I worked for about an hour and made about $700 for the day. My scene was with “Jake”
The name of the Melrose Place episode is: “No Strings Attached”.

I had a lot of fun when I was living in Hollywood…on set and off. I was just starting to work more and then I had the motorcycle accident, click that link if you want to read more about it, then click the Near Death Experiences link in the table of contents.

Oliver Bodnar in Melrose Place, Nostrings Attached, scene with Jake
Oliver Bodnar In Melrose Place “No Strings Attached”, Scene With “Jake”

The last two things I booked were a beer commercial and a TV movie of the week that had Kate Jackson and the guy that was in that show Major Dad. Unfortunately for me, both were scheduled to shoot on the same day…I had a “manager” at the time and the only thing she managed to do was get the part in the movie cut. I shot the beer commercial, it was for some new beer that never came out…it was around when “Ice Beer” was popular, but it never went into production…I still made money on it…I went through 2 or 3 holding periods…they have to pay you the same amount they initially paid you, which for this commercial was $3,000, so you don’t do any other beer commercials. Then when the commercial airs, you get paid every time in a descending 13 week cycle, then when the new cycle starts, you are at the top of your pay scale again.