8 White Identities According To The Marxist Left
8 Weak White Identities Vs 8 Weak Black Indentities
Are you fucking kidding me!! This IS the latest brainwashing that they are teaching YOUR CHILDREN! 8 Weak White Identities is what it really is. How the fuck do you not see what is happening here?? The people who created this propaganda bullshit are spoon-feeding it to the weak minded people, like the ones who would kneel before a black person, ask for forgiveness and wash their feet for something they had NO part in!!! You can watch Ben Shapiro’s full episode here.
This is what Black Lives Matter, who is run by WHITE PEOPLE, is all about. THEY ARE a Marxist organization, funded by the NAZI LOVING JEW George Soros!! Patrisse Khan-Cullors has made MILLIONS OF DOLLARS being a racist. She, like Black Lives Matter, DOESN’T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT BLACK LIVES…excuse me, that’s not completely true, she cares about her own black life. The funny thing is, SHE IS A SLAVE and she’s too stupid to even see it. That’s what Marxism does to you.
If you support these 8 Weak White Identities and Marxist, Racist organizations like Black Lives Matter, it’s obvious to me that you voted for the currently installed pedophile, traitor to the United States “president”, Beijing Biden and his communist vp Commyla Token Harris, you should be disgusted with yourself and all your pussy like-minded friends…you keep sleeping and we’ll keep fighting for you.

This is an image of Barnor Hesse, the thug who created the propaganda, hate mongering, racist, divisor, bullshit The 8 Weak White Identities. He looks totally stoned in this photo…oh no, was that racist of me to say that…if you think it is, you’re an idiot!
There was another person with a similar last name, Rudolf Hess, the Deputy Führer to Adolf Hitler in WWll.
Even though Hess was a Nazi and he ran the Auschwitz concentration camp, he still flew to the UK to try and make peace, where he was rightfully arrested and tried for his war crimes.
I’m not saying that Barnor should be tried for anything, but he should STOP peddling his propaganda hate. Barnor, maybe you should transmute that energy into something positive.
I’ve come up with my own 8 White Identities to go along with yours:
8 Weak White Identities
- Being Apologetic For Who You Are
- Letting Someone Else Tell You Who You Are And What To Think
- Being Easily Guilted Into Thinking You Are Something You Are NOT
- Bowing Down To ANYONE For Something YOU DIDN’T DO!
- Listening To Or Reading Propaganda Hate Mongering And Believing It
- White Guilt
- Letting Knuckleheads Like Barnor Hesse Shape Who You AREN’T
- White Guilt
I know white guilt is on there twice, that’s because it’s pushed by hate mongers like Barnor Hesse, Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA a lot.
Speaking of ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter, it reminds me of a post on Instagram made by Seth Rogen where he posted a big Black Lives Matter image and said in typical pussy Hollywood “I Take Responsibility” fashion: “If this is a remotely controversial statement to you, feel free to unfollow me.”
I don’t even know how I came across Seth Rogen’s post because I don’t follow the clown, but I made several comments on it. One was about ANTIFA, I put ANTI Free America as what it stands for and as typical, some millennial replied “You do know it stands for Anti Fascism right?” or something like that. I responded with “You’re an idiot”.
Speaking Of Idiots
If you go here and watch both videos, one of Watters’ World where he goes to Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania to talk to students who are wearing white puzzle pieces to acknowledge their “white privilege”, the girl he speaks with makes it obvious of how foolish it is.
The second video is of Ami Horowitz who goes to the Berkley College campus in Northern California where he asks students if voter ID laws suppress the black vote. Of course, the brainwashed students say yes. He then goes to Harlem and asks black people the same question. Both his video and that of Watters’ World are both TRULY mind numbing just like Barnor Hesse’s The 8 White Identities…he is one of the reasons kids are graduating college with a LOWER IQ than when they started!!!
Go here for the Watters’ World and Ami Horowitz’ videos.
That kid’s response on the Seth Rogen post shows you the level of thinking ALL these people that believe people like Barnor Hesse have. It’s a very low, self-doubting type of thought. They do not think outside the box out of fear. They have no critical thinking skills and they most definitely need someone to tell them what to think (#2 from my list above)! He’s found his audience, he should monetize it now before his 15 minutes are up.
8 Weak Black Identities
- Being Apologetic For Who You Are
- Letting Someone Else Tell You Who You Are And What To Think
- Being Easily Guilted Into Thinking You Are Something You Are NOT
- Bowing Down To ANYONE For Something YOU DIDN’T DO!
- Listening To Or Reading Propaganda Hate Mongering And Believing It
- Black Guilt
- Letting Knuckleheads Like Barnor Hesse Shape Who You AREN’T
- Black Guilt

Isn’t life difficult enough right now with all that’s going at the moment without cowards like Barnor Hesse throwing fuel on the fire like those who took advantage of the criminal death of the criminal George Floyd. George Floyd and Barnor Hesse ARE NOT people ANYONE should look up to.
They stoke the fires of hate. After George Floyd was murdered I wrote this post Strong Black Lives Matter in which I wrote about 3 year old Mekhi James being MURDERED over Father’s Day weekend. But you heard nothing about it because he was murdered by black thugs and that doesn’t help the Marxist, Racist agenda of people like Barnor Hesse that want to keep racial tension alive. This is what people in all schools at all levels are being taught in the United States. They are being dumbed-down and taught to be “passive racists”(watch Ami Horowitz and Watters’ World videos). The current presidential installation just gave a perfect example of what college kids are being taught:
It’s very disheartening when educated people are called Coon or Uncle Tom just because they’re educated and happen to be black and they don’t look up to career criminals like George Floyd or hate mongers like the black puppet of the leftist agenda, Barnor Hesse.
Peace, Love & Blessings To All Of Us!!