AutoZone Umbrella Man, Jacob Pederson, From The Minneapolis Protests, Has Been Id’d By His Ex-Wife
There has been a lot of speculation as to who the AutoZone Umbrella Man is…the police say that Umbrella Man is not Jacob Pederson, but it has been revealed that Officer Jacob Pederson of the St.Paul Police Department was the Umbrella Man who casually smashed the windows of the George Soros owned AutoZone in the South Minneapolis protests. He was captured on camera and identified by his Ex-wife with multiple users also confirming the same. In the conversation posted online, she says that she can with 90% certainty confirm that it was him, citing his unique respirator mask and gloves as his. She also said she could tell it was him by his voice and his walk.

His ex-wife gave him up in her text messages with her friend. She say’s she is 90% sure it’s him, identifying him by his voice, his walk, his gloves and the purple respirator his wearing.
His little, “Somebody hold my blunt”, pink shirt buddy seems to be part of whatever group they’ve been contracted by. If you look at these videos you’ll see that Pink Shirt guy is not the only person wearing one of those shirts.
Someone suggested that the people wearing the Pink shirts may all be part of ANTIFA or BLM, that they wore them so they could be easily identifiable to each other…but it does seem very coincidental that more than one person would be wearing that shirt…by the way, there is NO SUCH THING as a coincidence…it’s a buzzword, a bluff word, a cover word.
It is funny, if they are in fact part of a Soros agitator group, that they chose Pizza for their shirts. George Soros does in fact support NAMBLA, the North American Man Boy Love Association…Soros is a Hitler loving, Satanic, Anti-Semitic, Pedophile.
There is a video that the police put out saying it proves that Jacob Pederson isn’t Umbrella Man. I watched the video and it proves nothing. It’s from a surveillance video at the police station, but it has no audio, they don’t point out who Jacob Pederson is, you have to assume. Several people have debunked it already.
One person dug deep, they checked the weather reports for the day in question, they checked Google maps…they compared how the wind was blowing from the weather reports to the video…looking at the trees and flag.

There’s a time stamp in the upper left corner, 5/27/2020 15:25:40 (May 27, 2020 at 3:25:40 pm). The protests started May 26, 2020, I’m not sure what day Umbrella Man started smashing the windows of the Soros owned AutoZone. He’s going to get insurance money, which is probably why he was told to hit AutoZone.

There was a comment on the police video from a man that suggested that Branden Wolfe, who was arrested for arson, was Umbrella Man. It’s very clear that Branden Wolfe is not Umbrella Man and the amount of evidence pointing to Jacob Pederson as the Umbrella Man is mounting up.
While I was researching all of this, I came across Snopes…they said that it’s unproven that Jacob Pederson is Umbrella Man…that pretty much seals it…if Snopes says it’s false, untrue or unproven…you can pretty much consider it to be TRUE.

Snopes has been busted lying many times…the fact checker for Snopes is the woman the owner was cheating on his wife with…some porn star. Snopes is a very unreliable source and has apparently been infiltrated by the “left”.
This is from Wikipedia, which confirms that Snopes is unreliable. Wikipedia, like the Washington post are both CIA rags!!
This is from Wikipedia: “Snopes, formerly known as the Urban Legends Reference Pages, is a fact-checking website. It has been described as a “well-regarded reference for sorting out myths and rumors” on the Internet. It has also been seen as a source for validating and debunking urban legends and similar stories in American popular culture.” I would like to know who said it was “well regarded…” You have to be an editor or verified person or owner of a site to edit Wikipedia…or employed by one of the Alphabet Agencies
NPR – National PROPAGANDA Radio
Snopes has since been joined by many other players;, affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg Public Policy Center, was established in 2003, and PolitiFact started in the early part of the 2008 presidential cycle. Major news organizations including NPR, the New York Times and the Washington Post now routinely fact-check statements made by major public figures.
Facebook has turned to Snopes as one of the five U.S.-based fact-checking it relies upon to help stave off the spread of hoax accounts, often called “fake news.” (Trump has adopted and co-opted the term to encompass mainstream news reports he doesn’t like or that are critical of his administration.)
In a project still in the testing phase, Facebook users can flag posts shared on the social media site as questionable; if enough users do so it is sent to the fact-checking outfits, which can share related posts that evaluate the veracity of its claims. If something has been debunked, a badge saying so is attached to the post to caution Facebook users.
They are programming people to be “snitches”!
But Mikkelson says Snopes’ very existence is in question.
After he and his former wife, Barbara Mikkelson, divorced, she sold her 50 percent stake in Snopes and its parent company to five officers of Proper Media as individuals. Proper Media is contending that it corporately owns half of Snopes and wants a judge to acknowledge that. The company alleges David Mikkelson unfairly enticed a former Proper Media official to work for him, and in so doing secured that official’s 6.7 percent voting stake, once more giving him effective voting control over Snopes. And it alleges Mikkelson inflicted “substantial economic loss” on Proper Media.
Christopher Richmond and Drew Schoentrup became part owners in July of 2016 with the purchase of Barbara Mikkelson’s share by the internet media management company Proper Media.
Richmond is currently engaged in a lawsuit against Snopes over whether he and Drew Schoentrup own 50% or 40% of Snopes. As a result of this dispute, ad revenue was withheld from and its founder David Mikkelson launched a GoFundMe campaign to keep Snopes running
Pink Shirt Man

Pink Shirt Man can be seen walking around with Umbrella Man, the way he interacts with him is as if they know each other. I find it highly suspect that he just keeps walking with him in the video, where they can be seen again after they went around the corner.

You can see in the video how Pink Shirt Man and Umbrella Man are casually walking together, like they’re planning their next disruption.
H’s in another video where is trying to get the cops to not fire their, I’m assuming, rubber bullets on the vandals breaking windows. Does anyone know this guy?

There are two Pink Shirts in this shot…It seems the woman doesn’t want to get her mug on camera. There’s also an interview with this guy but there’s too much noise and he’s speaking softly. It’s either a selfie interview or one of his partners are taking it to try and make him seem legit.

He was smoking a big fatty (joint, blunt) in the video…he didn’t want to let that box go…maybe it actually was pizza for when he got the munchies after smoking his “blunt”.
There a couple videos of really strong Black women that weigh in on all this bullshit and talk about how Black Lives Matter is a bunch of Bullshit! TRUE, TRUE & TRUE! You can get a look at Candace Owens ripping them a new one. I’ll try to post the other tomorrow.
Seattle MK-ULTRA Mayor, Jenny Durkan And Her Soul-Less Reptilian Eyes

Pray for all these people so they may see the damage they are doing to themselves and to humanity. No amount of money is worth selling your soul for. These people do it so easily because they have been programmed by TV, Movies, VIDEO GAMES, magazines, news papers, TV NEWS, and all the MK Ultra robots in Government, like Jenny Durkan who has allowed BLM and ANTIFA to steal a part of down town Seattle and call it Chaz! These are definitely Bernie Sanders supporters. Their little Socialist, Domestic Terrorist act is only possible because they’re in the United States. If they were doing this in say, China, you would never see or hear from them again!!
This is one of those times where all the “Citizens of Chaz” all of a sudden will stop and think (if they can), and say to themselves, when all the garbage piles up, all the stores have been looted, all the food is gone and all the porta-potties. that the honorable Jenny Durkan has provided for them, will be over-flowing…they’ll say, shit, we didn’t think this one all the way through.
She has the authority to kick some ass, but I think her handlers told her to let it go. From Wikipedia again:
“The Mayor of Seattle, Jenny Durkin, is the head of the executive branch of the city government of Seattle, Washington. The mayor is authorized by the city charter to enforce laws enacted by the Seattle City Council, as well as direct subordinate officers in city departments.” Look at her soul-less reptilian eyes in this photo…and the weird markings on the right side (her right), of her forehead.
Peace, Love & Blessings To All!