Black Lives Marxists
This Girl Speaks The Truth!! Something good out of New York, after seeing Andrew Cuomo, Chris Cuomo, Anthony Fauci, Bill de Blasio, Leticia James and all the other scum in politics there. It was very nice to come across this woman’s video: Dear BLM: BYE
When I say “something good out of New York”, I hope my friends realize I’m not talking about them, they know what I’m saying is true. Here’s one I wrote a post about: Chocolate Girl. She makes INCREDIBLE chocolate, I suggest you try some.
Back to The Marxists
For all those who support Black Lives Matter, are you aware that they are a MARXIST organization? If you are aware of that, are you Marxist, or COMMUNIST?

Marxism is a social, political, and economic philosophy named after Karl Marx. It examines the effect of capitalism on labor, productivity, and economic development and argues for a worker revolution to overturn capitalism in favor of communism.
Who benefits from something as ridiculous as Marxism, Socialism or Communism? Those in charge, THAT’S IT!! If you are a “Marxist, Socialist or Communist” right now and you live in The United States, ask yourself why it works for you? I’ll wait…hint, the answer lies in the question Why? It’s because you’re in The United States you knucklehead!!
You can play revolutionary all you want, when you’re at home, when you’re at school or when you are at your CAPITALIST job!! If you’re not working then you are most likely collecting unemployment…I know, blame it on the covid FLU! I had the fucking thing, it lasted 4 days and all I had was a cough!
You know, if you clean the sand out of your vagina, you’ll be ok. Just to be clear here, I’m mostly referring to men when I say, “Clean The Sand Out Of Your Vagina”! A clean vagina is a happy vagina! I think everyone can agree with that!
“The Goal Of Socialism is Communism.” – Vladimir Lenin
Socialism DOES NOT work! Do you think if the US went Socialist, that it would be a better place??? NEGATIVE! Then you would have people like Nancy Pelosi (Criminal from a criminal family, look it up), Nancy would then have more power to make our lives even more miserable. Why do you think she tried to impeach President Trump TWICE? “One” of those times it was done illegally because he was out of office. She just wanted to eliminate the chance of him running for President again. He’s Running In 2024!!!
Black Lives Marxists
Black Lives Matter was started by 3 SELF-PROCLAIMED MARXISTS, Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi, they DO NOT give a FUCK about black lives…I take that back, they do care about black lives if they can make money off of them, like George Floyd. Who else does that sort of thing…Jesse Jackson (GUILTY), Al Sharpton (GUILTY) and Louis Farrakhan (GUILTY , he also was involved in the plot to assassinate Malcolm Little, a.k.a. Malcolm X).
The internet is a wonderful thing, USE IT, to do the research! I can hear the knuckleheads now, “It must be true if it was on the internet”. That phrase sounds like something the CIA would create, just like after President John F, Kennedy was assassinated, they came up with the phrase: “Conspiracy Theorist”, to make ANYONE who came up with a story that differed from their “Magic Bullet” fairy tale.
The EXTORTIONISTS mentioned above are COUNTING on your laziness and their RIDICULOUS weapon, “White Guilt”, to make you side with them! If you weren’t so lazy, you wouldn’t fall for bullshit like that! Why would ANYONE feel guilty about something they or their family had NOTHING to do with? Don’t get your panties in a bunch Jethro, there was nothing good about slavery, but to use it as a weapon against people, just you can get money or to make people feel bad, is just EVIL!!!
That’s like me saying there’s such a thing as “Black Guilt” because of affirmative action! If you think the bar is too high, you better RAISE your standards so you can compete.
Most of you who no me, know I was in a motorcycle accident 23 years ago. My right arm is completely paralyzed…I’m a CRIPPLE! Call it whatever you want, but the fact remains, that I am a cripple. Do I get money from the government because of it, NO!!! When it first happened I did try to get help until I was back on my feet…I was rejected several times before I had someone in Disability who actually could see that I wasn’t trying to pull a scam like 90% of the people I saw in the waiting room…I was disgusted.
I was a bartender before my accident…so what now? A friend of mine had an old Windows 3.1 computer that he gave to me and that was it, the clouds parted and God shone a light on me that still shines brightly, I became a digital nomad!
Briefly, A Digital Nomad is someone who can work ANYWHERE on Earth, as long as they have an internet connection and Smart Phone or laptop. I was in love, the last several years before I moved to Mexico, I made more money than I ever had in my life.
Raising The Bar for myself enabled me to do that. I HAD TO raise it higher than most, because I’m a cripple. You should ALWAYS believe that you CAN…we in North America have it in what we call ourselves: CANadian, AmeriCAN & MexiCAN
When you turn to groups like Black Lives Matter, and expect them to help you, you’ve played right into their hands. That’s what they want you to think, they lead you around by the nose, like a cow with a nose ring, you do everything to support them, you even might take part in the violence that they “inspire”, because like Dave Chappelle says, “The streets are alive”, he was way off when he said that. Most likely because he was stoned and drunk.
The word inspire is normally used in a good context, but it works here too. The word Inspire usually has a Devine influence, hence the “SPIR”, which comes from the word “Spirit”. It works in this context because there is still spirit, but it is negative. There is nothing good that BLM does, therefore the inspiration is from negative entities. I may be wrong about that, but as I always say, if you have any evidence to the contrary, please, post it in the comments, so I can post it here.
If this post ruffles your feathers, walk away for a bit and come back to it. If it makes you angry because you feel that I am attacking you with too much truth, remember this: “You Are Never Angry For The Reason You Think”
“Open your heart Judas, not your mind. Open your heart and your eyes”
Peace, Love & Blessings To All, Especially BLM And Those Involved In That Mess!!!