To Vax Or Not To Vax
A lot of the pro-vaxxers think that the movie Vaxxed is anti-vaccination, they think all people who give the TRUTH about vaccinations are anti-vaccination and that we make these things up. People that are pro-vaccination are easy to spot on the street…they are the ones wearing masks, that still believe the government would never put the poison that they do in vaccinations. They are the ones that will have their giggle factor triggered while watching Vaxxed and COVID-911 Insurgency.
Dowload a Free Vaccine Guide in .pdf format.
We are NOT ANTI-VACCINATION, we are PRO LEGITIMATE SCIENCE. We want real vaccinations from legitimate sources, not from the likes of The Gates Foundation, The CDC Vaccine Company, Dr Fauci or any like them. If you haven’t seen Vaxxed yet, I suggest you watch it.

I think I truly understand why this COVID-911 Insurgency is happening. It’s a culling of the herd. The people responsible for this whole mess believe the Georgia Guide Stones. The first Globalist Commandment on the Georgia Guide Stones : ‘Maintain Humanity Under 500,000,000 In Perpetual Balance With Nature.’
That’s a good idea…if we were at the dawn of humanity, but we’re in puberty right now which is why there are so many people on the planet, and why there are so many people acting like lunatics…The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum, but will soon be back in their cages.
A lot of these globalists must be aware, at least a little bit, of the technology that IS available, right now, that completely negates the need for their “guide” stones. If they are aware, that means they are of the service to self, negatively polarized part of humanity, that just wants to keep us enslaved on The Fiat Babylonian Money Magic System. Honestly though, who really knows, if they are in fact, part of humanity?
If they aren’t aware of the technology that IS available RIGHT NOW that would END world hunger, END poverty, END the need for gas, oil, coal, nuclear power, utility companies and put an END to the need for money, the ONLY cashless society that would work for all, then they are just as bad or worse than if they were aware. Of course the globalists would cry about not being in power anymore, but they can create their own society in GITMO, their new island home.
COVID-911 Insurgency World War 3
As the COVID-911 Insurgency video says, “We Are At War”, as I’ve said before “World War 3, Information War or Disinformation War“. The other side continually attacks us, but we all have Rip Van Winkle’s disease. Some of us have it badly and some of us don’t…those are the ones who have rubbed the sleep out of their eyes, who are trying to help humanity in any way they can.
There are those that have been negatively polarized and they don’t even realize how much bad Karma they’re accumulating. It WILL be paid back in their current incarnation or another. Some people don’t want to hear it for one or more reasons:
- They’re Too Woke To Bother
- They Claim To Be Awake But They Hold The Ignorance Of Others Against Them And Won’t Let Them In Their Little Club
- What You Are Saying Scares The Shit Out Of Them Consciously Or Subconsciously, So They Ignore You, Try To Talk Over You Or Laugh At You
- The Realization That They’ve Been Living A Lie Hits Them Like A Ton Of Bricks And Shakes The Very Foundation That They’ve Built Their Life On
- The mask wearers are confused, they where masks or bandanas which do absolutely NOTHING except cut down their oxygen intake, create germ factories from the moisture buildup, germ factories that you are breathing in, then since you’ve cut down your oxygen intake, you’ve weakened your immune system. Guess what happens next…you get sick, whether it’s COVERT-19 or not is completely up to you…whether you get “sick” or not is completely up to you. Wearing a mask only figures into one side of the equation.
I always ask people to produce documentation, evidence to support their claims of President Trump’s “crimes”, nobody ever does! Documentation Trumps Accusation! I ask them to ask themselves one simple question, “Why don’t you like President Trump, be truthful with yourself.” The answer isn’t for me to hear, the answer is only for you.
I think a lot of people don’t like President Trump because they listen to the media too much. The media is the sleep in the eyes of society. For some it’s like Krazy Glue.
COVID-911 Insurgency Video

Here’s an image from Facebook, meant to deter people from viewing it. YouTube and Facebook two tentacles of the cabal, don’t want you to see this video! They fear what IS going to happen to them very soon.
COVID-19 was their big plan…too bad for them it didn’t happen. They’re not going to give up, because their very lives depend on it. Next they’re going to roll out the COVID-19 Vaccine, a vaccine that skipped ALL safety testing, which normally lasts 1.5 to 2.5 years before it gets FDA approval, like that really means anything. Watch the videos on this post and read all the information. Dr Scott Perlman talks about a very big Vaccine Lawsuit Victory for Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Dr Andrew Wakefield, Del Bigtree and The United States of America.
So Many Doctors are coming forward and saying ENOUGH! A lot of Holistic Doctors have been MURDERED in the past few years for coming forward. Last number I saw was in the 70’s, it’s probably over 100 by now. You never hear about the good things they were doing like curing cancer. What? There’s no money in the cure, you silly doctor…then they blow his/her head off.
Do the research yourself, everything you want to know is online. You do have to wade through a stagnant swamp of bullshit, but the real information shines through.
If anyone finds this in other languages, please let know so I can add it here.
COVID-911 Other Languages
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Peace, Love & Blessings To All!
“As you see him, you see yourself” &
“You are never angry for the reason you think”