Chuck Baldwin’s Bullet Points Of The Current Government-Manipulated “Emergency”
I’m not sure who Chuck Baldwin is, but that doesn’t matter, it’s always good to see another Brother from the RedPillian Ground Crew at work. The Deep State clogging news cycle, first with the COVID-19 BS, now with the the murder of George Floyd by the knees of MK-ULTRA suspect, Derek Chauvin.
The use of Military Force is making a lot of people uneasy…don’t let it scare you…a lot of Police and I’m sure the military would not follow any orders, that would turn their oath to this country and the Constituion into a roll of Toilet paper…but maybe that was why there was a run on toilet paper…hmmm?
People need to step up and start calling out the agitators like Umbrella Man who was casually walking in front of AutoZone, a chain that George Soros own a lot of stock in…he also has a lot for Target, but I digress…he was walking down the street, smashing each AutoZone window. P, like Pink Shirt man, who may be Umbrella Man’s buddy.
People need to call out these agitators…stop them…there’s a video clip of a big man trying to break into a store during the “protests” and the only thing that stood in his way was a skinny, little woman blocking the door so he couldn’t bust through.
Chuck Baldwin’s last line is “Freedom is seldom taken; it is given away. If WE refuse to give it, NO ONE can take it.” He’s absolutely right…Step Up! See Something, Say Something! Nobody is coming to save us, we must, this is imperative, we must come together and not let these people throw gasoline on the fire.
A lot of these people are the ones that are telling you to wear masks…they know that the masks can make you sick and they protect you from NOTHING. These are the people, that want us locked-down. It’s a litmus test to see how easy they can make us roll over…DON’T ROLL OVER, TAKE YOUR MASKS OFF, OPEN YOUR BUSINESSES, GO BACK TO WORK AND SAY ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!
This was posted on my FB page by a friend…I thought I would post it here with my responses in blue to each point.
By: Chuck Baldwin
June 5 at 1:56 AM ·
Here are bullet points of the current government-manipulated “emergency” that you need to recognize:
People in Minneapolis and all over America were absolutely RIGHT to be incensed at another unarmed, helpless American citizen being murdered at the hands of a police thug. This goes on almost daily all across this country.
I agree, what Derek Chauvin did to George Floyd was wrong…things like this are a must for our evolution…we are in the midst of what is being called “The Great Awakening”! George did the job he was here to do, in order to help us awaken to the dark forces that have kept humanity enslaved since our inception.

It gives NO ONE the justification to riot, burn down your own neighborhood and loot local businesses. These problems are caused by the likes of George Soros’ sponsorship of Groups like Black Lives Matter, Antifa and other undercover agitators, like The Umbrella Man and his little Pink Shirt buddy.
Minnesota cops receive training from the Israelis. This knee-on-neck technique is straight out of the Israeli handbook. This technique is often known to slowly break the necks of the victims. And this training is widespread throughout the United States.
I would like to see that handbook, how do you know they are receiving training from “the Israelis”? Show me where I can see this online…what’s your source? I would really like to know.
There is no doubt whatsoever that agent provocateurs from the federal government are in the thick of these riots, helping to fan the flames of hate and discontent in order to create enough mayhem to “justify” the government’s use of military force and martial law against the American citizenry.
There is nothing wrong with using the military when governors aren’t doing anything to quell the situation. During the Rodney King incident in Los Angeles, President Bush used the military to stop the Mayhem…I was there, the military did exactly what they were supposed to do…nothing more.
Since the beginning of time, it has been the responsibility and duty of the individual to protect himself, his family, his property and his community. I’ve said it a thousand times, and I’ll say it again: It is not the job of the government to protect you. It is your job to protect yourself.
While this is true…it’s not completely true…what happens if 30 ANTIFA fools break into your house…you have a gun, but it’s locked in your gun safe because you always do the right thing…they get you, too late…you really needed help for that one. That is just a hypothetical situation.
The use of military forces for domestic law enforcement activity is strictly taboo in America. The very thought of using the U.S. military for domestic law enforcement should send chills down the spine of any real American. The last thing we should ever want to see is military personnel aiming their guns at the American people—FOR ANY REASON.
See answer about Rodney King Riots above.
One thing I’m sure of: This latest “emergency” following so closely on the heels of the coronavirus “emergency” is no coincidence. The people of America are being played; they are being professionally “set up” by out-of-control, power-mad despots who will stop at nothing to destroy the constitutionally protected liberties of this country.
True, True and True! The next “event” will be the acquittal of Derek Chauvin, that would definitely start the rioting again. They are also doing it to keep the “news cycle clogged”…so they can pass laws without hindrance from us.
That governors throughout the U.S. are canceling Independence Day parades this July is about a whole lot more than the almost non-existent coronavirus. You can count on that. These perfidious governors want to wipe the memory of Liberty out of our minds.
They are swamp creatures!
Folks, stop depending on Donald Trump—and the rest of those criminals in D.C.—to save your Freedom. The power to defend Liberty rests where it has always rested: with We the People. Freedom is seldom taken; it is given away. If WE refuse to give it, NO ONE can take it.
I’ve noticed that a lot of the dooms day crowd always say, We The People, are waiting for someone to come and rescue us, like we’re waiting for the second coming of Jesus Christ, or they’ll refer to President Trump as our “savior”. While all that may be true with a large population of the planet…it is, it’s also not true with the rest of us.

It’s not a good idea to paint such broad strokes…a lot of people that are beginning to wake up, use a lot of anger in their posts and call the masses, idiots or worse…my point is, you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar, I’m not talking about you specifically, Chuck Baldwin, the people I’m referring to know who they are. I still catch myself once in a while…or I’ll post something this sheep picture. Damn, I did it again…your last line above is spot-on!
Remember that
I will! 🙂