The End Of The World As We Know It – Red Pill
This is the documentary, “The End Of The World As We Know It” by Janet Ossebaard, I originally saw it online on a site, unfortunately I don’t remember which site, that had all 10 parts separated…I couldn’t find it and the ones that I did find, had the parts linked from YouTube…mistake on their part, because of course, YouTube(Google) is censoring this video, like all other Truthful videos!

Janet put all 10 parts together to create one video…“The End Of The World As We Know It”. I got the whole documentary from, there are a few other important videos on that site that would be a good idea for you to watch. I think a lot of people don’t realize what ‘Q’ means?
Q Clearance
“Q Clearance or Q Access Authorization is the Department of Energy security clearance required to access Top Secret Restricted Data, Formerly Restricted Data, and National Security Information, as well as Secret Restricted Data. Restricted Data is defined in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 and covers nuclear weapons and related materials.” – Wikipedia
Social Media Censorship – BIll HeNry Gates And The Name Bing
These types of videos are being heavily censored by Google/YouTube, FascistBook, and many others, which is why I’m posting it here so it’s not taken down, I hope you don’t mind Janet…Bing I’m sure is censoring too, because BinG is owned by Bill Gates…I’m not sure where they got the “N” from?
Here’s what I think Bing stands for:
- Bill Is No Good
- Bill Is a Nefarious Gentleman – an H.R.C. in sheep’s clothing
- Bill Is No Genius
Here is an excerpt from on the name Bing:
“Microsoft has something of a reputation of steamrolling the competition. But does Detroit-based auto parts maker The Bing Group, already reeling no doubt from the slump in car sales, need this from far out in left field?
What will happen if people use Bing to search for bing, the Chinese flatbread? Speaking of which, did Microsoft do an assessment of what “bing” might mean in other languages? A commenter on this post notes that the first three definitions in the Urban Dictionary say “bing” is slang for … prison.”
Bill Gates’ middle name is HeNry, so maybe he got the ‘N’ from there and they were trying to make a word that people would remember and use, like the word “Ping”, People will say “Ping me”…which means to contact them, also like the way some people will use this horrible phrase when telling people to search for something online: “Google it!”, thus, Bing, “Bing it”, BIll HeNry Gates.
I guess having all that money automatically makes you a vaccine expert? Bill is most definitely not any kind of medical expert whatsoever…he and others like him, like Dr Tony Fauci, ARE criminals! They tried to silence the real vaccine expert like Dr Judy Mikovits. Enough about that “Bullschlackah” , from which movie, did I get that ‘word’?
This documentary covers quite a bit…the way she talks about President Trump, is similar to how I felt in the beginning as well…the only things I knew about President Trump before he was “called up for duty”, was that he was rich, was on TV once in a while and Loved women. So when I found out he was running for President, I had no feelings either way, but my heart was telling me to wait and see, I remember having a very positive feeling about him, as I do now…actually moreso now because of everything he’s accomplished.
George W Bush, H.R.C. & Traitor No-Name
I did KNOW that Hillary Clinton SHOULDN’T and WOULDN’T win because it would be bad for humanity and the planet…just as I knew the same about G. Dub-ya! I knew absolutely nothing about George Bush, except that he was a bad person and shouldn’t win, but he cheated, I won’t say he won, because he didn’t win…he was placed in the White House.
I found out that I knew nothing about GW when a friend of mine “schooled me” on the whole issue. EVERY fiber of my being was telling me that he shouldn’t be President, but my friend was able to regurgitate everything he had been programmed to regurgitate by the media, which sort of made me feel like an idiot at the time because I couldn’t respond in a likewise manner.
I soon came back to my senses…I was regurgitating as well, but my regurgitation was not from something someone else had told me…it was coming from my instincts, my heart was telling me what to say. Turns out I was right him…and my… friend…he joined the military, because he took the bait, hook line and 9/11.

It was around that time that I was becoming aware of what my heart/instincts was screaming at me…I was starting to Listen. I had the same feelings about no-name, I knew he shouldn’t be President…if he ever got elected, we’d all be speaking Farsi or Chinese right now. A person is referred to as no-name when they are traitors, similar to a wrinkled flag on a coffin, like no-name’s flag in the image…TRAITOR! Pretty soon they’ll all be referred to No-Names. That’s a story for another post…I digress…
Janet Ossebaard’s The End Of The World As We Know It Documentary
The End Of The World As We Know It, is a great documentary and very eye opening, please watch with an open mind, do your own research, don’t just take my word for it…if you think something she has presented is wrong, or ANYTHING I ever post is wrong send me your evidence and I will put it on the same post that you thought was incorrect.