This video is very sad! Two brainwashed by the left, little girls, singing about their ‘White Guilt’. The last 2 lines are: “Fuck Trump and Fuck The USA” they flipped the bird at that point.
These two girls took it upon themselves to sing about how bad the USA is, hence Fuck The USA, while they splashed their feet in their pool out in the FREE country somewhere. They need to be scared straight. If they were abducted by sex-traffickers…do you think their tune would change?
This should be a wake-up call to a lot of people. I’m positive if I asked those two knuckleheads why they didn’t like President Trump, they would just regurgitate what they’ve been brainwashed to think by TV news. They wouldn’t, like every single person I ask that question to, be able to give a coherent, legitimate answer. They would just spew the propaganda that they heard on CNN.
President Trump’s Accomplishments
If you still haven’t seen the small list of 125 accomplishments by President Trump, you can check it out now. I know it isn’t easy for a person that doesn’t like OUR duly elected, by We The People, President Donald J. Trump, to see him do well and do EVERYTHING he said he would do during his campaign. Some people are in denial and regurgitate, there’s that word again, the same old rhetoric, “He’s done more damage to the country than any other President.” That was an actual response from someone.

I asked them a simple question: “What damage has he done, I really want to know.” I received no reply. “He hasn’t done anything…”, another response from another person. That was a good one, because it inspired me to post the list of 125 of President Trump’s accomplishments. There are many more which I’ll be adding soon. As I’ve said before, I’m not asking for you to show me evidence of your claims to be argumentative. I ask because I truly want to know so I can see for myself and expand my consciousness. I’ll definitely post anything on here if it is legitimate from a credible source.
The close minded, myopic behavior of people, like the girls in the video, blows me away, but it always reminds me that I shouldn’t judge, forgive and send them Love, because it IS, just a cry for more Love. It also reminds me of this story:
You’re taking a plane somewhere and after you take off the Pilot gets on the intercom: “Thank You for flying Peace Airlines, I’m going to do everything I can and use all my skills to make sure you get to your destination safely”. Someone told you that he was a racist, misogynist and you hate the fact that he goes against everything you’ve been programmed to believe a Pilot should be…but it turns out, he’s not a panderer, and is in fact, exactly what any Pilot needs to be…Tough and a Lover of Peace.
Now, do you want him to fail, while doing his job? If you’re a woman, maybe it’s you who is a Misandrist?? If you’re a man, maybe it’s some deep-seeded jealousy. Whether you’re a man or woman maybe you’re upset because you think you can fly the plane better, but you never try to tell him how to fly it so everyone is happy, but that’s still his fault. He lands the plane smoother than any other Pilot on any other flight you’ve been on.
As you start to exit the plane, he as at the front, saying good-bye to everyone, and wishing everyone well. You start to think, while walking to the baggage claim, that maybe you should stop listening to others and make your own decisions based on Critical Thinking, Logical Thinking and Facts.
Do the research yourself, be more discerning and mostly, keep an open mind and open heart. Let the programmed hate fade away into the ether.
Don’t be these two uninformed, unable to think for themselves, little girls. If you fall under the Bernie crowd, Remember this: The ideas of Socialism and/or Communism working in the US, is exactly for that reason, you are in the US, where you are FREE to say what you want and do what you want, within the limits of the law. You can play with your comrades until the street lights come on, then it’s time for dinner and your homework!!
Look at the image on the video, it looks like they’re practicing for what they’ll be doing if for some crazy reason President trump doesn’t get re-elected. Like maybe if the left gets their way with mail-in ballots…the only way they have left to cheat…their motto is Fuck The USA! You must not go along with their scheme to screw the people of The United States and essentially the world!
One final thought: The needs of the many far outweigh the needs of the few. In this case, the needs of the many are that of the entire planet!!!
One more final, final thought: There is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON for anyone to be ashamed to be American…if you rioted, looted and burned things down, then yes, you do have something to be ashamed of, but not because you’re American…if you want to be ashamed of anything, be ashamed of your parents for bringing you up so poorly! There is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON for anyone to be apologetic for something that had NOTHING to do with them, no matter when it happened.
White guilt is a tool used by those who would keep all humans enslaved, it is mainly targeted at the confused, like these two little girls. Please watch, it’s only 30 seconds long. This Fuck Trump and Fuck the USA is going to haunt them for the rest of their lives. Send them Love!
Fuck Trump & Fuck The USA By: Por Las Dos Niñas Confundidas! (The two Confused Little Girls)
Peace, Love & Blessings To All!
It Only Takes One Small Light To See In The Dark.
p.s. I just had to edit a mistake that I found and after logging in, I noticed the url had the number 1776 in it: post.php?post=1776, that’s telling, don’t you think? We are there right now! Today’s date: 3-29-2021 There are still things happening that you will not see on TV news, apparently where the two girls in the video get their information.
As the Biden installation continues to expose themselves as the frauds they are, the noose tightens! Stay tuned!