I was scrolling through Twitter and saw this I Take Responsibility parody video by Terrence K Williams…it’s HILARIOUS! It’s only about 2 minutes, but says a lot. I think the “celebrities” need to make an I Take Responsibility for making the I Take Responsibility video…and an apology video for the Imagine video that someone thought was a good idea.

I wonder who comes up with these ideas?? Anyone know who it is or Is it a plan by the “left” to try lay some sort of guilt trip on white people? Since George Soros funds Black Lives Matter and Antifa…he kind of mixes and matches the two, so both become agitators…but there are guys like Umbrella Man and Pink shirt man, his side kick, Umbrella man is white and apparently has been identified.
There is another platform similar to twitter…it’s called Parler, it’s FREE and it DOES NOT CENSOR the content like Twitter. I added it to my phone…look me up.
The 1970’s are gone, no more “I’d like to teach the world to sing…” crap. What would have made their video almost tolerable is if they said: “I take responsibility for myself!” That would have sent a much better message, but still would not have been a good idea.
People are waking up and wiping the bullshit out of their eyes…some have seen for a long time what others are seeing for the first time…but watching the “I Take Responsibility” video made me think of the Foreigner song “Feels Like The First Time”…take your responsibility and do some volunteer work.
I Take Responsibility Parody
Thank you Terrence K. Williams @w_Terrence and all the others who have taken responsibility and made parodies of Hollywood’s attempt to save the world.

The I Take Responsibility video that Terrence K. Williams is “making fun of” is a perfect example of Pandering, not him, the “celebrities”. They must have had a meeting with Nancy Pelosi about pandering after she decided that putting on a Kente pandering scarf and kneeling for 8 minutes and 48 seconds, the same amount of time Derek Chauvin had his knee on George Floyd’s neck, she apparently thought it was a good idea because “stupid black people” would never see how insincere it was and that she was just pandering to them.
I got a few more pander parody videos from YouTube.com and “spliced” them together…there is even some of that “Imagine video” that someone thought would be a good idea to make…
I like Sarah Silverman, I like her sense of humor for the most part…probably because we’re both Sagittarius…but in her little excerpt…in the imagine video, she starts out trying to be serious…watch the whole Hollywood Pander video, and you’ll see what I saw. I saved the funniest clip for the end.
I wanted to add this clip: https://twitter.com/i/status/1271511590634950657, but the volume is very low compared to the others…go to her page to check it out.
I Take Responsibility Parody Compilation
Here is the compilation, “I Take Responsibility” video with a little of the “Imagine” video that came out…?
I want to give credit to everyone in the compilation:
- Sydney Duncan @Syd_Duncan
- “Dear White People” @DearWhitePeople
- Then a clip from the show “Rising”, they also had some of the “Imagine” video.
- The next guy, I think is Zack Paris
- Conservative Momma @ConMomma
- Terrence K Williams @w_Terrence
There must be a ton of these parody videos out there. I did a search on twitter and found a bunch. Twitter is being replaced by Parler, that’s the French word to speak, pronounced Par-Ley. Parler Vous Frances? No? Me neither. Check out the site for Parler.