The Four Horsemen Of The Apocolypse
We have Mayor of NYC, Wilhelm de Blasio & NY governor Cuomo on the east coast and California governor, Gavin Newsom (Nancy Pelosi’s nephew) and Mayor of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti on the west. There are a bunch of little Democrat horsemen nationwide as well.
They don’t even try to hide their acts of Insubordination or Treason anymore. They are obviously trying to keep the economy shut down until the election, then if they were able to cheat their way back into the White House, (think mail-in voting) lets face it, that is absolutely the only way they could win, they would miraculously come up with a a sure fire COVID-19 Vaccine, with hardly any Nanites at all, digital passport included!
MKULTRA Chicago Mayor Lori “BeetleJuice” Lightfoot

They care more about those Idiotic, Slap You In The Face “Murals” than they do BLACK LIVES! That’s kind of obvious isn’t it? It’s the same in Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles and every other place that is run by Manchurian Candidates…if you don’t think they are MKULTRA Manchurian Candidates, look at the robot mayor of Chicago Lori Lightfoot A.K.A. BeetleJuice!
Maria Rutenberg Has The Right Idea
Wilhelm de Blaséo is now using 27 police officers to guard the Black Lives Matter graffiti in NYC. Someone needs to do what Maria Rutenberg of Redwood City, California did. Simply ask to Paint a MAGA TRUMP 2020 mural on the same street:
“Redwood City Council said that although they had given the BLM mural permission earlier this month, they now believed it was a traffic hazard and had to be removed.
“Yet the sudden decision was made after resident Maria Rutenburg said she wished to paint a MAGA 2020 message on the street if it was now a public forum.
“She argued that a BLM mural on the street when she was not able to paint her own political message was an example of city officials promoting private political expression and a limited private agenda.”
The police were told to stand down when people were rioting and looting, but now he has 1 + 8 x 3 police officers (1 Sergeant + 8 police officers x 3 shifts) guarding that Black Lives Matter graffiti. He had it painted in front of Trump Tower for an audience of one.
Proof Mayor Bill de Blasio Doesn’t Give a Fuck About Black Lives
New York City has had 53 shootings from June 15, 2020 to June 21,2020, 6 Days! That is roughly 9 shootings per day. A total of 205 shootings for the month of June 2020 in NYC up from 89 last year! 44 of those shootings were over July 4th weekend. Burglaries increased most significantly, from 817 to 1,783, an 118% uptick. Wilhelm de Blaséo would much rather use your tax dollars to guard a fucking Black Lives Matter Mural 24 hours a day.
“Obviously he is doing it to antagonize the president”. “This is what he is concerned about while the city burns. What an amateur politician.” Amateur Politician!!?? He’s out of his fucking mind…he doesn’t GIVE A FUCK ABOUT BLACK LIVES, unless, like the others on the extortionist list, he gets some sort of personal gain from them.
There are many strong patriots who aren’t afraid to be called “Uncle Tom” or “Coon“…here are a few that EVERYONE can look up to:

- Muhammad Ali Sr & Jr (I know Muhammad Ali Sr. has been freed from his “meat suit prison”, that doesn’t mean you can’t still look up to him).
- Frederick Douglas
- Harriet Tubman
- Booker T. Washington
- Dr Martin Luther King
- Candace Owens
- Bevelyn Beatty
- Peggy Hubbard
- Sheriff David Clarke
- Larry Elder
- Lt. Colonel Charity Adams
- The Women Of The 6888th Battalion
- Titus O’Neil
- Terrence K. Williams
That list could go on forever, that’s a microscopic list off the top of my head, microscopic like the Nanites in the COVID-19 vaccine. There are many more like them. They are critical thinkers, they wouldn’t burn down their own neighborhoods, loot the local businesses, like the ones in all the cities run by the left, that will now pack up and leave, thus depressing those areas. All those who did it, will point fingers and blame others, and keep calling those that see, “Uncle Tom”, because the ones who did it are ALL COWARDS and they love their massahs!!
The Financial & Energetic EXTORTIONISTS
To ALL MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS, break the chains, get off that Democrat Plantation! The Democrat Plantation IS color-blind, as long as you can vote, legally or otherwise, massah doesn’t care, it just wants you to vote democrat. Strive for the TRUTH! STOP listening to the Extortionists! The list below is the polar opposite of the list above:
- All TV, Radio “news”, DO NOT read newspapers either, make sure you are very discerning about where you get your information, DO THE RESEARCH YOURSELF.
- Al Sharpton
- Jesse Jackson
- Colin Kaepernick
- Dave Chappelle
- Black Lives Matter
- Nation Of Islam
- Louis Farrakhan (Louis Eugene Walcott)
- Wallace Fard Muhammad
- Political Correctness
I am very sure the negative list could go on as well. The Positive side is much Stronger and Smarter, they could be outnumbered but would just have to wait for the negatives to implode on themselves.
More Bill de Blasio Murders, Shouldn’t He Be Considered A Serial Killer Now?
Here are a couple Black Lives that DID NOT MATTER to the extortionists above and all like them: Shatavia Walls, 33, who was shot 8 times, July 7, in Brooklyn, NY after asking a man to stop setting off fireworks, she died from her injuries Friday night, July 17 at Brookdale Hospital. Her companion, Kelvin Hernandez, was also struck. Maybe if Wilhelm der Blaséo was doing the job he was elected to do, Shativa Walls and Kelvin Hernandez wouldn’t have been shot…if only they hadn’t defunded the police and he had those 27 police officers that are guarding that STUPID FUCKING MUTINOUS “MURAL”, there wouldn’t have been 205 shootings in June.
July isn’t looking much better, but the 4 below don’t count because they weren’t MURDERED by white people:
July 22, 2020 – Armani Hamilton, 22, was shot twice in the torso on Pacific Street near Kingsborough 4th Walk just before 6 p.m. in Crown Heights, across from Kingsborough Houses where he lived.
July 22, 2020 – Kaseem Scott, 25, was blasted in the chest inside the Holland Deli on Richmond Terrace in Mariners Harbor around 9:30 p.m., police said.
July 22, 2020 – Barry Moultrie, 35, was blasted in the chest at the intersection of Barker Street and Castleton Avenue in Port Richmond just before 11:30 a.m.
ONE YEAR OLD Davell Gardner Jr was shot and killed…MURDERED, Bill de Blasio, in YOUR FUCKING CITY, NYC!! The city that you think assigning 27 police officers to guard a DOMESTIC TERRORIST GROUP’S street graffiti is more important than protecting the citizens of NYC. That means that you are complicit in DOMESTIC TERRORISM and will probably be hung at GITMO when this bullshit is over. What do you have to say for yourself Wilhelm!? It’s your fault that there are so many shootings, it’s your fault that babies are getting shot. EVERY death that happens at the hands of these COWARDS, is YOUR FAULT!!!
WHAT THE FUCK did you say to Davell’s mother!!??? “Oh, I’m sorry your baby was murdered, but I defunded the police and then used 27 police officers to guard the Black Lives Matter street graffiti. Your black baby was killed by a black man, so his life didn’t matter.”
“I can’t believe the people of NYC haven’t physically dragged this man out of office yet!” How long are we going to let these people lie to us, divide us with this COVID-19 BULLSHIT!! WHAT THE FUCK HAS TO HAPPEN TO MAKE YOU SAY: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! #ENOUGHISENOUGH
This Child Murder Is The Work Of Mayor Lori Lightfoot A.K.A. BeetleJuice
This next one wasn’t in NYC but in another shithole, just as bad, Chicago: Yasmin Miller drove home from a laundromat in Chicago’s Englewood neighborhood last weekend, a gunman in another car peppered her red Hyundai sedan with bullets, grazing her head and striking her son, Sincere Gaston, in the chest. Sincere died in his car seat. He was 20 months old. TWENTY FUCKING MONTHS OLD!!!
The Left Wants To Sue The Trump Administration For Doing Their Job
The Leftist, Marxist Mayors threaten to sue President Trump if he sends Federal Troops in to clean up their mess…
New York City Mayor Wilhelm de Blasio and the other war torn Democrat led cities are “demanding that President Trump remove Federal Troops from their cities”. WHAT BALLS! See, they just aren’t going to try and hide their treasonous acts anymore! THEY DON’T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU! On Wednesday they threatened to take the Trump administration to court should they send federal officers to the cities amid violence and unrest in recent weeks. They’re saying it’s unconstitutional for President Trump to do that! WTF!!! Those motherfuckers don’t care about ANY LIVES except their own.
DE BLASIO: “I am tempted to borrow from Karl Marx here… The state is the executive committee of the bourgeoisie!”
COMMUNIST MANIFESTO: “The executive of the modern State is but a committee for managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie.”
Mayor Bill (Wilhelm) de Blasio
Well, well Wilhelm, it looks like you and the other MKULTRA mayors and governors, just walked right into it!! You are all exposing your miserable selves not just to the United States, but the World. None of you will be looked upon as favorable when the true history books are written!
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Peace Love & Blessings To All…Especially To The People Above!!