The video below is dated May 13, 2020, so I’m sure more arrests have been made since then. This is Tim Ballard who heads Operation Underground Railroad. They made their 2,000th arrest of Child Pornographers, Pedophiles, Human Traffickers! Go to their YouTube channel and watch their videos.
So, for those of you who think no arrests are being made, go to their site and see what they’re doing for yourself…GET INVOLVED, if you’ve been wanting to volunteer for a good cause, I can’t imagine what a better cause would be!

“We arrested 4 individuals, pedophiles, that were luring children in order to engage in sexual activity with them, one of these guys was a custodian at an elementary school. Those guys are locked up.”
From What I understand, the chances of a pedophile staying alive in prison are slim, so any jail sentence is the same as a death sentence. The first two look very confused, the third doesn’t seem to comprehend his situation…the fourth man, he fully understands what’s happening and shows no remorse…another day in the life of a child predator.

Tim Ballard and Operation Underground Railroad, caught this man, a child pornographer and pedophile. He would kidnap children in Mexico, take them back to the United States where he had a child pornography studio in San Bernadino County California. He would create the child pornography material and send it throughout the world. I’m sure Lawrence E. King Jr was this guy’s hero! I remember when I was living in Pasadena, California, a couple guys that lived right next door were busted for child pornography!
That kind of freaked out my downstairs neighbors because they had a little girl. These people are everywhere, but more and more are being arrested, Thanks to Tim Ballard, President Trump, ALL law enforcement & civilians involved. Go to Operation Underground Railroad’s Volunteer page and get involved if you’re feeling the call.
Tim Ballard Operation Underground Railroad
“It is estimated that 1 child predator will hurt anywhere from 100 – 200 children in their lifetime”
“Because of today’s technology and collaborations with local law enforcement we have been able to track down sex traffickers and predators more easily than ever before. We have been able to get to the root of the injustice in many cases which has allowed us to save thousands upon thousands of lives. We couldn’t do it without your support! We are so grateful!”
Tim Ballard
Do you see any distractions that are keeping our attention away from the Real Heroes like Tim Ballard and all law enforcement who helps to try and rid humanity of a cancer! People are being divided now because people who know the truth about the dreaded Covid Flu Virus are being attacked by those who would rollover when told to do so. Unfortunately, that group includes a lot of police officers who are arresting people, VERY ILLEGALLY, for breaking laws that don’t exist! Those are the ones that regurgitate what their programmers (TV News), tell them to.
When you try to give them Truth, they don’t want to hear it because deep down in their subconscious, they know you are right and it shakes them to the core! A good friend of mine told me yesterday that someone wished that she would get sick and die, because she refused to wear a mask.
I told her not to worry about it because it’s their karma that is being affected badly, not hers. I also said they weren’t really upset with her, they were mad at themselves for being so submissive! I suggested that next time that happens, just look the person in the eyes, tell them you Love them and walk away. People like that are just crying for more Love.
This is why it is IMPERATIVE that we take NOTHING at face value…FROM ANYONE. You must research everything yourself in order to find the Truth. The Truth that is most definitely being twisted and spun by the media, to keep people enslaved by their fear mongering.
Question Authority, Question Everything.
Unfortunately, we have come to this. They are incentivizing people to be “snitches”, to rat on their friends, neighbors or anyone that isn’t wearing a mask. Too bad these people (snitches), weren’t as eager to track down child pornographers, pedophiles and sex traffickers, like Operation Underground Railroad does and calling Tim Ballard and the proper authorities on them.
United States Flag Code

Notice the upside down flag in the background of the mind control device image.
8. Respect for Flag
- The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.
Quick interpretation: “Dire distress and extreme danger to life or property” should not be taken lightly here. These instances do not include moments of personal dissatisfaction or times of protest. While it is legal to express yourself in whatever way you so chose, it is illegal to fly an American flag upside down unless you are in a life or death situation. People have faced legal charges for flying an American flag upside down. Stores have also been forced to remove upside down American flags on clothing.
If people stopped worrying about catching a virus that is far less lethal than the seasonal flu, stop helping the left with their mask wearing/programming campaign and start focusing on REAL problems, the kind that Operation Underground Railroad focuses on, things would be quite different.
Thank you Tim Ballard & Operation Underground Railroad!
Peace, Love & Blessings To All!