Will Larry Elder Stomp Out The Left In California’s Race For Freedom!?

There are plenty of Marxist sheep in California, those are the ones who’ll vote for Gavin Newsom and turn a blind eye to his “rules for thee, but not for me” style of governing! Like when he was busted at that dump French Laundry…

Larry Elder Vs. Gavin Newsom

A friend of mine brought up her concerns over Larry Elder vs Gavin Newsom, saying Larry Elder shouldn’t be Governor of California. She brought up his alleged abuse toward is ex-fiance. I hadn’t heard anything about that ever, not because I have a closed heart and closed eyes, It’s just that I tend to not read leftist propaganda rags like the LA Times and The New York Times, she does and believes them. I think she believes them because they have “Pulitzer prize” winners that write for them. Anybody who is aware of the world and things like the Pulitzer prize, or the Nobel prize, knows they are bought and paid for!

I base this on one thing and one thing only. That is, President Trump was nominated 6 times for the Nobel peace prize, 6 fucking times! Did he win? No fucking way! He absolutely should have won for the peace he brought to the Middle East, and the peace he brought to North and South Korea, the first President to ever do that!!!

He was nominated once for de-escalating North Korea’s nuclear threat to the world. Obama got nominated and had no idea why, he even said so in a speech when he found out. He had no idea why because he just started his first term and he was dropping bombs at the time. There is NO reason he should have won…NONE! Ok, so that’s 2 things I based it on.

I told her I would research it, because I truly wanted to know if he was that kind of person. When I first did a search: “Larry Elder’s ex-wife calls cops”, sorry Larry, I made the mistake of calling her your wife. The funny thing is, the first result, after ads, was from Yahoo Sports, in which, Politico was often quoted. If Politico were a thing that humans use, it would be toilet paper. Politico falls right inline with the LA Times and the New York Times, all 3 from the same dung heap!

Another really strange thing about the friend I mentioned is that she has never acted like a leftist before and I’ve known her for almost 30 years. She’s never acted that way until she was bullied into getting a flu shot. What’s worse is that I just found out that she got that fucking COVID-19 SHOT! Her reasoning was identical to what you would hear on TV news…she floored me with that one.

The COVID-19 Shot Kills!

I know for a fact that the COVID-19 SHOT does NOT prevent you from getting COVID! Why? Because it hasn’t been isolated by anyone and more importantly, a friend of mine, healthy as a horse, got the shot for his job, he got COVID-19 after he got the “vaccine”, he then got pneumonia, was in a coma and now he’s DEAD! ALL BECAUSE OF THAT FUCKING SHOT! He had NO CO-MORBIDITIES, he played golf all the time, he was HEALTHY!!!

Gavin Newsom wants you to get that shot. I had COVID-19 at the beginning of the year, I was sick for 4 days, it was NO WORSE than any flu I’ve ever had!! I’ve mentioned that in several of my posts because it is important that you understand the amount of bullshit that we are all being fed.

We all have to think for ourselves, stop listening to the charlatans, we must “Love and forgive EVERYONE, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Do not hold grudges, as it will make your wheel of Karma spin faster and we want to make it stop.

Does Yahoo Think Abusing Women Is A Sport?

By looking at the Yahoo Sports article, you kind of get the idea of how they think women should be treated. First they pick a political propaganda rag like Politico, I guess they don’t proofread at Yahoo Sports either:

“Alexandra Datig, the ex-fiancee Republican candidate for California governor Larry Elder, filed a police report Wednesday, alleging domestic abuse while living with Elder, reported Politico.” The incidents supposedly happened 6 years ago, and she just happens to report it now. I think she’s been bought and paid for, like the Pulitzer and Nobel prizes.Why didn’t she report it when she said it happened? Why, because maybe she’s thinking she can extort him and get a bunch of money.

Read that opening line from the Yahoo Sports article in italics and bold above, tell me what’s wrong with it. The article is published in Yahoo Sports, so I take it Vanessa Gu, thinks that accusations like these are a kind of sport, and that abusing women is also a kind of sport? I don’t know Vanessa, that’s not the way I was raised. My parents taught me to treat women well…but my parents weren’t Marxist sheep, like the kind Gavin “Nancy Pelosi’s nephew” Newsom, thinks the people of California are.

The Marxist Sheep Love Gavin Newsom

Larry Elder vs Gavin Newsom
Texas Democrats Wasting Tax Dollars

There are plenty of Marxist sheep in California, those are the ones who’ll vote for Gavin Newsom and turn a blind eye to his “rules for thee, but not for me” style of governing! Like when he was busted at that dump French Laundry restaurant during a birthday party, where NOBODY was wearing a mask. Kind of like the “super spreader” Democrats from Texas who bailed on their job, to get drunk on a private jet to D.C. on the TAXPAYER’S DOLLAR!

Pedophiles In US Politics

Speaking of rigged elections, do you think Gavin Newsom had any help in that area? He is a member of the Pelosi Crime Family. I just did a search: “Nancy Pelosi’s criminal father” to see what would come up, and it turns out that her father, Thomas D’Alesandro, was a pedophile, and so was her brother just like Joe Biden and George Bush Sr., no wonder why she’s so fucked up. That’s a whole story for another post.

Nancy Pelosi’s brother was one of 14 men arrested for holding 2 little girls in an apartment for a week and continually gang raping them!! 13 of those men were convicted, but somehow her brother was acquitted…how do think that happened!! Her pedophile father was mayor of Baltimore and connected to the mafia, that’s how it happened. This is most definitely why Nancy Pelosi is so crazy, she’s NOT FIT to be in ANY political position. Do you think Gavin Newsom has had the same experiences? He is her nephew, so I’m betting that he has!!!

You can see some of the creepy Joe Biden videos here. After watching, tell me that he’s not a pedophile! There is one part of the video, where he has a little girl standing in front of him and where do you think the sick fuck pedophile Joe Biden placed his hand? On her breast, the kicker is how she elbows his hand away. In the same video Jeff Sessions has his granddaughter with him and Joe Biden makes a beeline for her with arms stretched out and Jeff Sessions slaps his hands away!!!

Here’s one showing how much of a pedophile Joe Biden is, and it also shows what a racist he is.

These are the kinds of people that the left want in power. These are the people that wanted the wall construction on the southern border stopped. Why? Because that’s how the human trafficking stays alive. Gavin Newsom is one of the people who wanted the construction stopped, as did his aunty Pelosi.

Larry Elder’s Plan For California

Do you want to know how desperate the left is to damage the reputation of Larry Elder, the man who will save California, they called him the “Black Face of White Supremacy” WTF??? There is nothing you can say about that, their idiocy speaks for itself. Apparently the knucklehead leftists in California think that if you want homelessness to end, you’re a racist. As the saying goes: “You can’t make this shit up!” This is how crazy these people are.

Peace, Love & Blessing To All, Especially Everyone In California & Doubly Especially Gavin Newsom And All Like Him!




Andrew Klavan’s YouTube Channel


Yahoo Sports

Jen Psaki Freudian Slip

This is a pure Freudian Slip by Jen Psaki. All the bullshit that she’s had lie about or things she’s had to circle back on are starting to come to the surface.

Jen Psaki Had A Major Freudian Slip, When She Said…

This is incredible, a Jen Psaki Freudian Slip, where she was discussing what Joe Biden would be talking about with the Israeli Prime Minister. She said COVID-19 and at 51 seconds in the video she says: Global PLANDEMIC!! Freud would be so proud of her.

Jen Psaki must have SO many things inside her that are trying to bust out. She doesn’t see strong to be as deviant as say, Dick Cheney. Why would she take a job that is based on lies? She’s going to go down in history as part of the WORST administration in the history of the country. How can she stand there and lie, everyday? Maybe she’s one of the VERY FEW who thought Joe Biden would be a good president. He SUCKED as Vice President, he was selling out to China then. Joe Biden, Token Harris and Nancy Pelosi all need to be shipped to GITMO.

Jen Psaki Freudian Slip

Watch the video and at about 51 seconds, she says: “Global Plandemic

Jen Psaki Global Plandemic

How could she make a mistake like that? This is a pure Freudian Slip by Jen Psaki. All the bullshit that she’s had lie about or things she’s had to circle back on are starting to come to the surface. I wouldn’t be surprised if during one of he Press Conferences she would just explode. She must need to take sleeping pills at night so she can get a little sleep.

The circle back song is hilarious. I’m not English and I never use the word Brilliant, but this song is Brilliant. Click the link above to hear it. It would be funny and sad if that is what she is remembered by. 30 years from now she’ll be introducing herself to someone, saying she was the press secretary for a failed installment in the White House.

The person will look at her blankly, then she’ll say the Circle Back Song was about me, then person will get a few selfies so he can tell his friends at work. Actually saying she was the press secretary for a failed installment in the White House, would probably be enough for someone to remember her.


I found the Jen Psaki Freudian Slip video here.

Health Benefits Of Coca-Cola

Perfect Example Of An Oxymoron

Health benefits of Coca-Cola…HAHAHA!!! Coca-Cola is to health benefits as surgical masks are to COVID-19. That’s a bigger oxymoron, and the extremely sad thing is, people BELIEVE that wearing a germ incubator, or should I say something that floods your body with carbon dioxide while cutting off your oxygen intake, is going to protect you from catching the latest FLU bug! I had COVID-19, I was sick for 4 days and all I had was a cough! I AM PROUDLY UNVACCINATED!! Believing that vaccine will protect you is like believing Coke is good for you!

Coke has become so inflated with themselves, that they are teaching their employees to be less white. It’s bad enough they have a shitty product, but they’re getting into WOKE POLITICS? They should change the name from Coke to Woke.

Woca-Cola – We Know What’s Better For You!

The way Cristiano Ronaldo looks at the 2 bottles of Coke as he’s sitting down, shows his disapproval. If you see the full video, he holds up a bottle of water afterward to signal that is what people should be drinking, not Coca-Cola, Coke has NEVER BEEN GOOD. I have never been a fan of Soccer, but Ronaldo may have changed that. I think when networks realize that, I can’t be the only one like that, I think they’ll be a bit more choosy with their sponsors!

Coca-Cola vs. Heroine

Coca-Cola has ZERO health benefits, yet people are addicted to it because of the sugar, a study on the effects of sugar in the human body resulted in this: Sugar is more addictive than cocaine. Coca-Cola also has similar effects as heroine.

Within 40 minutes, the body has absorbed all of the caffeine from the cola. This caffeine causes the pupils to dilate and the blood pressure to increase. By this point, the Coca-Cola has blocked the adenosine receptors in the brain, preventing drowsiness.

Just 5 minutes later, the production of dopamine has increased. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that helps control the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. According to the infographic, the way that Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin. It triggers a person’s urge to drink another can.

health benefits of coca-cola
Woke, It Doesn’t Do A Body Good

An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. The body will have cleared the water from the cola, along with vital nutrients, in the urine.

According to Naik, the infographic applies not only to Coca-Cola but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.

“Coke is not just high in high fructose corn syrup, but it is also packed with refined salts and caffeine,” writes Naik on his blog, The Renegade Pharmacist.

“Regular consumption of these ingredients in the high quantities you find in Coke and other processed foods and drinks can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. […] However, a small amount now and then won’t do any major harm. The key is moderation!”

In a press statement, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola says that the beverage is “perfectly safe to drink and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle.”

More Ways In Which Sugary Drinks Can Affect Health.

The review authors examined the effects of sugar sweetened beverages on the brain. They found that these drinks increased levels of certain compounds and chemicals that interfered with brain activity, increasing the risk of stroke and dementia.

They also found that regularly consuming sugary drinks may affect the quality and duration of a person’s sleep cycle. Some compounds also had effects on memory and motor coordination, which may contribute to the development of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children.

However, many of the studies in this review took place in rats. The full extent of the effects of sugary drinks on humans is not yet clear.

The authors of a 2018 studyTrusted Source involving 2,019 participants found that they could not even rule out the consumption of diet sodas as a risk factor for diabetes. They note that their findings support the suggestion that sugar-sweetened beverages, such as cola, play a role in the development of this chronic disease.

A 2016 studyTrusted Source on rats found that the rodents that drank Coca-Cola showed signs of decreased kidney and liver function in comparison with the rats that did not drink soda.

Again, further research would be necessary to confirm the effects of Coca-Cola in humans.

10 Reasons Why Coca-Cola Is BAD For Your Health

Even though the consumption of sugary drinks is declining in many countries, still there are people who love to drink soda every day. According to Euromonitor, an average person in the US consumes 126 grams or more of sugar per day ( that is equal to 25.2 teaspoons) a major contributor to problems like obesity, tooth decay, and type 2 diabetes. But have you ever wondered why consumption is highest among young adults and teenagers? For some people, soda may be pretty inexpensive as compared to milk and fruit juice and for some drinking sodas every day is a habit. Whatever the reason is, it’s essential to realize the extent to which artificially sweetened beverages can affect your body! 

In this article, we have summed up ten devastating soda health risks, revealed by Chiropractors in Marietta GA that might help you to stop drinking soda every day. 

10 Reasons to Avoid Soda

  1. Soda Is Useless

Drinks like coca cola or other soft drinks have no nutritionally beneficial components; mostly consist of refined sugars and filtered water. Yet people drinks about countless gallons of soft drinks each year.

2. The Decline in Kidney Function.

The research conducted at Harvard Medical School study concludes that the consumption of diet cola is linked with an increased risk for kidney decline.

3.Weight Gain & Obesity

The one of the biggest reason for weight gain is the consumption of unnecessary extra calories present in soft drinks. As per the studies, drinking a 330 ml can of sugary drink per day translates 1 lb or more of weight gain every month. And the relationship can be addressed with an approximate formula, developed by the researchers.  

obesity_risk = 1.6 x (additional_sodas_consumed),

The formula concludes that the risk of obesity/weight gain increases 1.6 times with each soda consumed. Furthermore, intake of artificial beverages is strongly associated with fat around the abdominal area, and lowering consumption level helped reduce body mass index accordingly. 

4. Diabetes

The rapid increase of weight gain also increases the risk of diabetes. Scientists conducted a study that makes them believe that women who consumed a lot of drinks (high in natural fructose) weren’t at increased risk of diabetes. Interestingly, researchers concluded that the metabolic effect of naturally occurring sugars is different from added sugars. And the minerals, fiber, phytochemicals, and vitamins in juices have a protective effect against diabetes and weight gain.

5. Risk of Osteoporosis and Weakened Bones

Frequent consumption of artificial drinks may increase the risk of osteoporosis and weakened bones, especially in people who substitute milk with high soda drinks (particularly cola). No wonder, osteoporosis is a growing disease for 44 million Americans. 

After studying several thousand people, researchers at Tufts University concluded that those who drank  at least 3 cola a day, had four percent lower bone mineral density, even though researchers took good care of their vitamin D and calcium intake.

Chiropractors inMarietta GA urges that people drink less cola to prevent the risk of osteoporosis. 

6. Dental Caries and Erosion

Did you know that soda dissolves the tooth enamel? Yes, soft drinks are responsible for tooth decay. Colas make the teeth more sensitive, weaker, and more susceptible to decay. Dental experts found that acids found in soda and artificial drinks are worse for the teeth even compared with solid sugar found in candies.

7. Kidney Damage

Researchers found sufficient evidence that colas and other soft drinks can increase the risk of kidney problems. They clearly demonstrated that a large amount of soda consumption result in kidney stone formation which is quite dangerous for health. The stone formed because a lot of mineral imbalances and acidity is found in soda drinks that eliminates calcium through your urine, hence, forms kidney stones.

8. Increased Blood Pressure and Dehydration

Soda is a diuretic that increases the blood pressure and causes you to urinate more frequently. Experts believe that fructose overconsumption dehydrates the body cells and make it hard to absorb nutrients, making it hard for the person to eliminate waste.

9. Caramel Coloring In Soda Increases The Risk Of Cancer.

We all get admired by the brown color of colas but from where did we get that color? It is not made from caramelized sugar and the brown coloring comes from a chemical process. When sugar reacts with sulfites and ammonia under high temperature, we get colored colas. 

10. Other Harmful Effects

British scientists suggest that consumption of cola may cause serious cell damage as common preservative E211 found in drinks such as Pepsi, Fanta, and Coca cola; has the ability to reduce vital parts of DNA.

Studies published by different researchers in a couple of recent years concluded that there are also other harmful effects associated with soda drinking. Let’s have a look below. 

  • Artificially sweetened or Caffeinated drinks may increase the risk factor of several diseases
  • Increased risk of lung disease and asthma 
  • Elevation of uric acid levels
  • Mental health problems
  • Risk of developing hypertension

Go For Healthy Alternatives

By drinking soda, you deprive yourself from essential minerals and vitamins that can increase your metabolism and provides other health benefits. Replace colas with:

  • Water–the best drink in the world.
  • 100% Fresh Fruit Juice
  • Herbal, green or black Tea (is rich in antioxidants) and protect you from many health problems.

Peace, Love & Blessing To All Especially The People In Coke That Want To Keep Big Pharma Alive!



Russell Brand’s YouTube Channel

Times Square Chronicles

Medical News Today