A Marxist Is A Marxist By Any Khan Cullors
Lets start with Patrisse Khan Cullors, one of the founders of Black Lives Matter, the Marxist organization that not only wants to defund the police, but they also want the police abolished all together.
Patrisse ‘Con’ Cullors, is a criminal that comes from a family of criminals…but in their twisted minds, they’re the victims and it’s the fault of the police, that her daddy was in Prison, her brother Monty was in and out of juvenal hall and then in prison. She was arrested at age 12 for smoking marijuana in her school bathroom. She said in an interview, that Monty had mental illness, as if that justifies committing crimes.
She is a self-proclaimed Marxist, whose mentor was/is none other than Eric Mann, a leading member of the TERRORIST GROUP, THE WEATHER UNDERGROUND led by Bill Ayers. This is a quote from Bill Ayers:
“Kill all the rich people, break up their cars and apartments, bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that’s where it’s really at.”
Talk about a psychopath! He must have been really poor if he thought “rich people” lived in apartments! The ego lit a fire and turned his jealousy into murderous rage!
This is the Weather Underground’s philosophy:
“The Weathermen adopted the belief that all white babies were “tainted with the original sin of “skin privilege”, declaring “all white babies are pigs” with one Weatherwoman telling feminist poet Robin Morgan “You have no right to that pig male baby” after she saw Morgan breastfeeding her son and told Morgan to put the baby in the garbage.
Charles Manson was an obsession with the group and Bernardine Dohrn claimed he truly understood the iniquity of white America, with the Manson family being praised for the murder of Sharon Tate; Dorn’s cell subsequently made its salute a four-fingered gesture that represented the “fork” used to stab Tate.” These are the people, Patrisse Khan Cullors and Black Lives Marxists look up to!

Patrisse Khan Cullors met Eric Mann in the Labor Community Strategy Center, Labor/Community Strategy Center is an urban experiment to root grassroots organizing focusing in Black and Latino communities with deep historical ties to the long history of anti-colonial anti-imperialist pro-communist resistance to the U.S. empire. They, like Bernie Sanders, want everything for free because they’re all victims…victims of their complete and utter IGNORANCE!!
We teach and study history of the Indigenous rebellions against the initial European genocidal invasions, the Great Slave Haitian Revolution of the 1790s, the Great Slave Rebellions that won the U.S. civil war for the racist north as explained in W.E.B. DuBois’ Black Reconstruction in America.
We appreciate the work of the U.S. Communist Party especially Black communists Harry Haywood, the African Blood Brotherhood and Cyril Briggs, Paul Robeson, Claudia Jones, Du Bois, Benjamin Davis, William L. Patterson, and Lorraine Hansberry.
We applaud the great work of the Black Panther Party, the American Indian Movement, Young Lords, Brown Berets, and the great revolutionary rainbow experiments of the 1970s. We also have roots in the new communist movement of the 1970s and 1980s especially the August 29th Movement, I Wor Kuen, Congress of African People/Revolutionary Communist League (and Amiri Baraka) and their merger into the League of Revolutionary Struggle.
Eric Mann, a member of the ATM (Anti Tribalism Movement), and later LRS (League of Revolutionary Struggle), was the lead organizer of the U.A.W. Campaign to Keep GM Van Nuys Open, a state-wide organizer for the Jesse Jackson for President Campaign in 1984 and 1988 (What a fucking surprise! They support Jesse Jackson) and an elected leader of the UAW New Directions Movement led by Jerry Tucker.
Let that Jesse Jackson part sink in! Jesse Jackson IS an EXTORIONIST!
It’s very SAD and alarming at the same time how so many people turn to Lemmings and get programmed so easily by the Marxist left, like in Hollywood how all those robots made that RIDICULOUS “I Take Responsibility”. Did that video mean that they were all racist beforehand, and then didn’t want to lose fans so they bowed down to their puppet masters, most likely because the Puppet Masters had videos and or photos of all of them molesting children.
This is a post on Instagram by Seth Rogan, pandering and all the lemmings who think, “He’s a celebrity, he must be right.” The information is out there, find it! Seth Rogan was too busy pandering…he’s the Pandering Piper, leading all him Lemmings over the cliff. Do some research Seth! This is what his post says: “

Seth Rogan
If this is a remotely controversial statement to you, feel free to unfollow me. You might have to login to InstaPander to see it. Make sure you read all the comments, they’re quite funny!

As the saying goes, “there is no such thing as bad publicity”, regardless of how panderous it may be…think Nancy Pelosi in that hugely panderous 8 minute and 46 second kneel while wearing those Kente Cloths.
Dave Chappelle was another one with his “8:46” where he was drunk and had to cash in on the event of the day like Jesse Jackson or Colin Kaepernick. He was mostly upset because he was born at 8:46…so it was really about him and not George Floyd or “the streets being alive.” I lost all respect for the man because of that fiasco.
Nancy Pelosi and her cohorts, probably use their Kente Cloths for doormats now. By the way, WHO do you think paid for those? YOU, THE AMERICAN TAXPAYER! That’s what the Democrat Plantation Owners think of Black people, White people, Yellow people, Brown people, Blue people or any other color person. If you can’t help them obtain more power and money, YOU are not in their click!
Susan Rosenberg
Susan Rosenberg was a member of the Weather Underground, she was sent to prison for the possession of:
- 740 pounds of explosives
- Uzi Sub-Machine Gun
- M14 Rifele
- A Rifle With A Telescopic Scope
- A Sawed-Off Shotgun
- 3 9mm Handguns
- And A Lot Of Ammunition
This ought to come as a complete shocker, but guess what happened to her? Bill Clinton, no he didn’t cum on her dress, he commuted her sentence!
Thousand Currents
She then was vice-chair of an organization called Thousand Currents that was fiscally sponsoring Black Lives Matter. That means Thousand Currents was allowing BLM to use their tax exempt status. When that was exposed, The Tides Foundation took on Black Lives Matter. This will be another shocker, but guess who funds the Tides Foundation? GEORGE SOROS!
- The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation is a non-profit organization — but it is not tax exempt.
- But organizations can borrow another non-profit’s tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) status while raising money or building out its structure, better known as a fiscal sponsorship.
- So Black Lives Matter has a fiscal sponsorship set up with the 501(c)(3) non-profit organization Thousand Currents.
- A fiscal sponsor receives donation money on the non-profit’s behalf, and decides how and where the money is spent, according to Internal Revenue Service requirements.
Tides Foundation
From their website: “Tides Foundation has launched the Black Lives Matter Support Fund, which will support BLM’s grantmaking activities. This unique partnership will further amplify the extraordinary, unparalleled successes of BLM’s chapter-led, decentralized organizational model, while also allowing BLM to build the necessary infrastructure for sustainability.
BLM formalized its relationship with Tides Foundation, after BLack Lives Matter’s prior fiscal sponsor, Thousand Currents, made the strategic decision to sunset fiscal sponsorships in order to focus on its core grant making work. BLM is creating impactful, historic social change, not only in the U.S. but throughout the world, and Tides is proud to be their partner.”
Their historic fiscal change is brainwashing and utilizing black people as pawns to keep them on the Democrat Plantation. Patrisse Khan Cullors is a millionaire now, because she found out how easy it is to manipulate the uneducated.
In recent weeks, following the police killing of George Floyd, millions of dollars in donations have flooded into bail funds for protesters, Black-owned businesses, and the Black Lives Matter movement itself.
George Soros has also been trying to place radical left District Attorneys all over the United States in order to stop prosecuting black criminals. Like Diana Becton in Contra Costa County, California, who declared that police investigators must determine whether or not looters needed the stuff that they stole or not, in order to prosecute. WHAT!! It’s true, do the research yourself!
Black Lives Matter IS and ALWAYS has been an Anti-American, Kill The Rich, Marxist group with one agenda, to DESTROY Imperialist America and turn it into a Marxist state. A vote for Joe Biden will insure this!
Black Lives Matter’s Anti-Police Brutality Crusade Obscures A Violent, Marxist Agenda
By Rowan Scarborough – The Washington Times – Monday, July 27, 2020

Beyond Black Lives Matter’s drive to eliminate police brutality is a far more extensive leftist ideology that would upend American economic and social life, according to an examination of BLM leaders’ writings and interviews.
BLM’s principal founders have sought guidance from Karl Marx, Mao Zedong and Venezuelan strongman Nicolas Maduro. One talks of the “psychosis of whiteness.”
BLM leaders say they want capitalism abolished. Sixty years since the civil rights era began, America is still a place where the state routinely oppresses Blacks, as the world seeks their “demise,” the group alleges.
Black Lives Matter Doesn’t Give A Fuck About Black Lives, Here’s The Proof
The Slavery In Africa They Choose To Ignore

Every day across the African continent, black men, women, and children are captured, bought, and sold into slavery with the Western world paying little to no attention. Human rights groups have marched and battled against abuses noticeably less cruel and evil than human bondage, yet no major organization has attempted to free today’s black slaves, much less taken meaningful steps to raise awareness about their plight. No major organizations, you mean like Black Lives Matter?
Peace, Love & Blessings, Especially To Those Mentioned Above!!