Hunter Biden IS The Weakest Link Of The Biden Crime Family
I said it in my Hunter Biden Transcribed Email post and I’ll say it here, if you were planning on voting for China Pedo Joe Biden and his Token Harris (Windy), you REALLY should look at all the evidence, that shows the REAL Russia Collusion and his pay to play politics! If you already voted and you did vote for the pedophile Biden and his Communist Token Harris, you ought to be disgusted with yourself, for allowing yourself to be so manipulated by the media that you would vote for a PEDOPHILE!!!
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You have to ask yourself these questions: Are you a pedophile, is that why you voted for him? Are you not a pedophile but your ok with other people who are?
Are you a Socialist? Socialism is the gateway to Communism, are you a Communist?
Are you a feminist, which is the same as being a Leftist it seems….time for some deep introspection and figure out what male in your life hurt you so much that you would SELL OUT your country. Time to STOP WATCHING TV OF ANY KIND!
There was a commercial that came out for Hulu years ago, with the Leftist Baldwin…what was fucked up about it, is that he was literally telling you how they were turning your brains to MUSH!!

That’s how they get away with the things they do, they show you on TV, Movies, Commercials, TV “News”, propaganda media like The New York Times, The Washington Post, NPR and all arms of the Open Society Foundation, which includes MoveOn, NPR and everything else George Soros
If you already voted for China Joe and Token Harris, there’s nothing we can do about it…you can do something about it and that would be to start promoting our Duly Elected President, Donald J. Trump!
Watch This Video, The Biden Crime Family Whistle Blower Is Reading His statement!!
Joe Biden has been doing what’s right for The Biden Crime Family, in his his 47 years as a career politician…he is the epitamy of a stereotypical politician. A Vote for China Joe and Token is a Vote for China and the fall of The United States.
Steve Bannon Interview About Hunter Biden On Sky News Australia!
Check out this interview with Steve Bannon! They are just unloading on the Biden Crime Family!!! They even tried to lock Steve Bannon up because has the Hard Drive(s) from Hunter Biden’s laptop. The Biden Crime Family is Truly screwed. If anyone gets suicided, that would be extremely coincidental and there is no such thing as a coincidence. The Whistle Blower has already been threatened as has Rudy Giuliani!
Hunter Biden’s lawyer called them in a panic saying he needed Hunter Biden’s harddrive back. That would be a negative Ghost Rider. Like they would just say sure here it is, no hard feelings!!

Remember, documentation beats conversation 100% of the time. I’m not sure how ANYONE at this point could even consider voting for the China Joe and His Token Windy. The are both bad human being that have made screwing the American public their careers.
Token Windy Harris is called
- Token because that’s exactly what she is! The Democrats are pandering to “colored” people and women! Token is East Indian and Jamaican. She locked up 2,000 black men on marijuana charges when she was the AG of California, then she laughs about smoking when she was being interviewed by the “Breakfast Club.”
Peace, Love & Blessings To All!!!