It Will Be easy For President Trump To Impeach Racist Joe Biden And Token Harris
Thank you to the friends of for sending me the two clips in the video below. The first clip from Tik Tok from a guy explaining the possibilities that President Trump has in the coming years…very exciting.
The 2nd clip is from Louder With Crowder on YouTube, where Joe Biden, aside from his dementia, seems to have had a bout of Tourettes Syndrome. This guy is a walking gaffe machine! Every time he’s allowed to speak in public, it’s like the “Deep State” is slapping America in the face and kicking us when we’re down.
I’m still waiting for someone…ANYONE to give me a good reason why they voted for China Joe and Token Harris, two of the most least liked people in the country and supposedly 81 million people voted for them??? BULLLLSHITT!!! There is no fucking way that many people voted for those two Marxist motherfuckers!!!
Biden IS a pedophile and Harris ABSOLUTELY IS a Marxist, so by voting for them, you’re giving the ok to pedophilia and Marxism…you must be proud!
Watch this video and you’ll hear the racist Joe Biden, once again make an extreme racist comment. You didn’t see this on ANY news channels, because Joe Biden is their Marxist, Racist, Pedophile poster boy!!! #SendJoeToGITMO
It’s funny how Marxists, Leftists or whatever you want to call them, it’s funny how they all project. Usually they make these absurd claims and when you call them on it, they have nothing to back up their claims, which irritates them to no end, so instead of continuing a discussion about whatever it is they’ve been programmed to regurgitate, they start slinging insults about the person you were discussing and then when you press them further for evidence, they may start hurling the insults in your direction.
This is classic projection and it’s like you’re holding a mirror up in front of them and they hate what they see. I was speaking with a friend of mine maybe about a week ago, we got on the subject of President Trump and China Joe. She started calling President Trump a Bigot and the usual regurgitations from CNN, The NY Times, Washington Post…all the propaganda rags…just before that she said something about Jewish people and said “That sounds racist”, I said “That’s because it is”…she was simply projecting what she was thinking onto President Trump.
Spiritually and Universally, there’s a reason why many people are acting this way. That’s a topic for another article, but let me say this, it’s a good thing in a way that people are acting like this, it’s all the indoctrination and bad elements that they have absorbed during their lives that is bubbling to the surface, they’ll be able to release it now…but first they must recognize it for what it is.
Joe Biden Racist Quotes
Look at the image on the video, it has some of Joe Biden’s more well known racist quotes:

- “If my opponent wins, they’re going to to put y’all back in chains” – Joe Biden speaking to Black people, trying “speak their language”. Just like when Hillary Clinton and Commyla Token Harris were speaking to Black crowds, to try to speak ghetto…very disgusting and cringe-worthy.
- Joe Biden the other day made that comment about Black people and Latino people not knowing how to get online. A Leftist belief is that Black people and Latino people are stupid. It’s what they are teaching kids in college. Check out this video on that very topic. Scroll down until you see the video Ami Horowitz Digital Short
- “Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle.” Joe Biden talking about Forced Busing at public schools. One of the things Token Harris got on his case about during the Presidential debates.
- “If you have a problem figuring out whether you are for me or Trump, then you ain’t black” Joe Biden During an interview on the Breakfast Club with Charlamagne tha God.
- “Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids…” Joe Biden during one of his speeches…he tried to cover himself, but failed miserably.
- “You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent, I’m not joking” We know you’re not Joe!
- “I do not buy the concept, popular in the ’60’s, which said, that we have suppressed the black man for 300 years.”
- “We were on the South’s side during the Civil War” Typical Democrat
- “I mean, you got the first mainstream African American who is articulate.” Joe Biden referring to Barrack Obama.
Joe Biden has had a 50 year gaffe filled political career!
Peace, Love & Blessings To All…especially Joe Biden!