Prepare To Have Your Mind Blown!
If you still haven’t realized how crooked The Biden Crime Family is, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE Watch the video below. The evidence that going to be released is going sink the Bidens, The Obamas and the Clintons to name a few. Did any of you know that John Brennan was a Muslim??
Listening to what Anna Khaite is saying is even bring my mind to the brink of explosion. This video is a compilation of several, all on point! Former President Barrack Obama and former V.P. sold out our country when they released the identity of Seal Team, that supposedly killed Osama Bin Laden.

How many of you thought for sure that Osama Bin Laden was killed? He wasn’t, Seal Team Six killed a decoy. Bin Laden was in Iran. Shortly after the mission, they were all loaded onto an old Chinook helicopter with no escorts. They were shot down and the whole team was killed in the crash. You’ll see Dr. Michael Savage explaining in more detail.
Benghazi Cover-Up
Alan Howell Parrot, an operative in the middle east, talks about the audio evidence of the people involved with the soldiers killed in Benghzi. He talks to Charles Woods, father of Tyrone Woods, one of the soldiers that Hillary Clinton and Obama left to be killed. Iran knew about what happened, they were hiding Bin Laden after he was supposedly killed, so they decided to extort the US, which is why Barrack Obama and China Joe Biden, sent $152 Billion dollars in cash on a plane to Iran. It was hush money.
A lot of the mainstream “news” channels have copies of the evidence, so they are stuck between a rock and a hard place, because when they release the evidence. Joe Biden will be arrested for Treason, as will his son Hunter Biden and his brother James Biden! This is literally The Biden Crime Family Is Done!!! Part Two!
How Could You Possibly Entertain The Idea Of Voting For The Biden Crime Family & Token Harris
More and more evidence comes out everyday, showing the Biden Crime Family for what they are. Token Harris is being caught lieing. She’s also showing signs of Cognitive decline like China Joe. Joe Biden very possibly has had something done to him that has caused the cognitive decline that he is in.
This would make Token Harris The President Puppet of The United States. Then they could do the same to her as they possibly have done to Joe Biden. If she ever had to be replaced, then Nancy Pelosi would become President! That sounds a bit far fetched, but it sounds exactly like something the left would do!! President Pelosi…God Help Us!
What Is Being Planned In Canada
What does Canada have to do with anything? What is being planned by the liberal party that was set in place by the PMO, is also min-blowing. They a re already planning for a 2nd and 3rd lockdown with Covid-21 to make its appearance. Read more about it and watch both videos on this post.
2020 is going to go down in our new history, and will be looked upon as the time that evil was defeated in the world. We are all part of it. This must be what it was like during the Revolutionary War. This is a different type of war. It’s an information war, a war to control the minds of us “useless eaters”, the problem for the dark side is that more and more people are becoming aware of what is really happening.
When you stop and take a look around, you will see how we are being programmed. You WILL see that the Biden Crime Family is just that, a family of criminals Once you see, then you can break the chains and join the Revolution!! RISE UP BROTHERS AND SISTERS, RISE UP!!!