Cenk Is Called a Progressive, Or Very Aggressive, As He Says. He IS a Socialist, He Feels The Burn. Someone Should Tell Him That a Shot Of Penicillin Will Clear That Up.
I used to like the Young Turks…I think it was when they first started before Cenk turned into an Ogre and got Google Greedy…$25 Million from Google alone, and you don’t want your employees to unionize? People like you are the reasons there ARE unions! You should change the name of the show to “The Young Turks Propaganda Hour”

The image of Ana Kasparian to the left is BC, Before Cenk, the one below right, is after Cenk and after President Trump’s victory. I know why they don’t like him, if you ask them, they’ll only regurgitate what their handlers have allowed them to say…they really don’t like him or Candace Owens is because TYT is a propaganda tool for the swamp…and it is getting drained very fast. I wanted to show two After Cenk photos from different occasions, because you could say, she’s like that because President Trump won…so what about the one below left??

In a tense meeting with employees, Cenk Uygur argued that “a union doesn’t belong at a small news network struggling to make profits.” The Young Turks has raised $20 million in venture-capital funding, TYT Network has “a little over 27,000 subscribers” who pay from $5 to $10 a month, that’s around $200,000 a month, or about $2,500,000 per year and add another $25,000,000 from “Google News”.
That should tell you that EVERYTHING they spew from their mouths will be censored. The word censored is quickly becoming synonymous with “Googled”, Like when someone says “I Googled it”, now when a person talks about being censored on any platform, they’ll say “I was Googled”! Cenk, you still have time to fly right…Ana, what happened, you look really good in this photo…you look happy…as opposed to now! Your eyes aren’t as hate filled as they are now.
A Comment I Made On A Candace Owens Bashing Video By TYT Network

“You knuckleheads, Ogre you and your girlfriend Ana, talk about Candace Owens only caring about one color…Green…you’re projecting to the world that you do exactly what the Demoncrats do…you’re all part of their Disgusting deception, like the CoViDeception#19…did you kneel with Drunk Nancy Pelosi wearing a Kente pander scarf?
I know your handlers won’t let you tell the truth and you’re only allowed to say what they tell you to say…it’s why you’re all full of hate…it’s not too late to wake up and tell your handlers to Fuck Off…until you do that, you fall under the Pathétique, Պաթետիկ, Pateties, Pathetic category!
Take The Red Pill wipe the bullshit out of your eyes…so that you may see. I would ABSOLUTELY LOVE to see ANY of you debate her on any subject…all of you could be on a stage with her and she would destroy you. The reason why people like TI…what is that Terribly Insecure??…I think it is…the reason why he wouldn’t let Candace Owens speak, is because she’s intelligent, he’s not and by letting her speak would be the same as him taking out a knife and cutting his balls off right on stage.
He, TI, like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, is an extortionist….they use situations like George Floyd’s crimes that led to his murder to extort emotions from black people, then they lift him up as if he were some kind of hero…they are ENERGY VAMPIRES, they feed off the suffering of people….it’s called “Loosh”, they need to keep black people down and stupid or else they loose their meal ticket. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton know their target audience…people like TI…and all of you apparently…”
Cenk, do you need a hug? Funny, you just SLAMMED Joe Biden and as soon as you were done flapping your gums, an ad for who came on?? Uncle Joey! Biden is the demoncrat poster child, they ARE going to slip somebody in when Biden gets suicided or hung in GITMO. Bernie hasn’t changed his tactics since he realized he could get paid to be a “socialist”…is he even in the race anymore? The only reason why little socialist and communist groups like TYT can function at all in this country, is for one reason and one reason only…because they are in this country, this country be The US!
Give it up brother…you got spanked in your bid for California’s 25th district, there’s a reason why you did sooo poorly, it’s because people are very, very tired of “Business As Usual Bullshit”, like you were peddling…the way you were talking about it “being war, like we’ve never seen before”.
That kind of talk makes me think you’re involved in the BS happening in the country right now…are you one of those “Progressive” agitators like Umbrella Man? Are you a Manchurian Candidate…MK-ULTRA-Uygur! President Trump just has to sit back and relax while all of you slit your own throats. DONALD TRUMP 2020 CANDACE OWENS 2024 WITH VP DONALD TRUMP.
From Patriot-Fire.net
Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks is a candidate for Congress in the the 25th district in California. Uygur is a progressive and a Muslim and was one of the candidates at a public forum in Palmdale on Saturday, February 1. Cenk incited the audience by insulting Trump and his wife, Melania. He was also loudly and repeatedly berating Trump supporters in the audience as “bigots” in a harsh and aggressive tone of voice. He yelled angrily that when he is in Congress he will “kick Trump’s ass”.
Before the report was published, Uygur agreed to an interview with HuffPost to clarify his position on worker unions, preferring to focus his attention on “large corporations” which “aren’t sharing profits with their workers.” The explanation isn’t total bullshit, arguing a protected workforce would bring “new legal and bureaucratic costs” at a time of collapsing online ad revenue, even despite TYT’s growing subscription base, raised venture capital and a $25M course investment from Google’s News Initiative alone.
Google’s Next “News” Investment – This Should Tell You Everything You Need To Know About Cenk…his favorite color, green…Trumps all!
The Young Turks (TYT), one of the largest progressive digital publishers on YouTube, is receiving funding from Google-owned YouTube to launch an online course called TYT Academy that focuses on the creation of digital-first local news. Sources say the investment is in the mid-six figures range.
Where they will mainly be teaching Propaganda…
You all have selective hearing. You talk about President Trump being a criminal, lets see the evidence…produce it, Ana, you wish you were like Candace Owens, that’s obvious, but produce the things you two are ALWAYS sniveling about. George Floyd was NOT a hero like extortionists, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, your buddy “TooInsecure to let her speak” would have you believe, he was in fact a career criminal drug addict passing counterfeit money…who gives a rat’s ass what denomination it was…it was counterfeit.
I realize you don’t care because you got $25,000,000 from your “Boss-Man”, Google, at least $2,500,000 from subscribers and another $20,000,000, at least, from venture capitalists. That’s awesome for you, but it doesn’t make you superior than anyone. George Floyd died in a bad way, but it’s serving it’s purpose, just like all of you…it’s helping to expose all the bad actors. Produce your evidence of President Trump’s “crimes” and Candace Owens’ “selling out” or shut your festering pie-holes!
Cenk Uygur, Anti-Union, Socialist, he supports owners not employees and he cries poverty. Because $50,000,000 isn’t enough to run The Young Turks Propaganda Machine…TYTPM

Cenk, I don’t want to make you cry, but why do you think you failed so miserably in your bid to become the newest thief in Congress? You are EXACTLY what the problem is in congress…you would “kick Trump’s ass” is what I believe you said you would do if you got elected.
Would you do that so you could get in good with your reptilian swamp creature handler…let me ask you this, do you think the Russian Collusion scam was legitimate, or was it another way for the Dems to line their pockets? $30 million and over 2 years…are you fucking kidding me!
They could’ve have paid a private investigator $500,000 it would have taken maybe 6 months and he would have come up with the same shit, which is the same things you come up with…always…it’s probably why I stopped watching your show.
What about this COVID-19 scam? I noticed none of you were wearing masks or “social distancing”! All that money you got from your handlers must make you immune to a hoax deadly viruses.
From Douglas Ernst Blog
Host: Do you believe in ghosts/paranormal activity?
Cenk Uygur: No, because I’m a rational human being. But not quite as rational as I make out. I will confess to two things: One is I know it’s not right, but from time to time I think I’ll look at signs or something and think, “Oh, is that a message?” And I’m like, ‘ Knuckle head, of course it’s not a message!’ … The second thing is one I’m perfectly proud of: I keep an open mind, meaning I haven’t foreclosed on the idea that there might be things that happen on this planet and in this universe that we haven’t yet figured out.
Host: For the first question … How did you come up with the awesome name for your son? I wouldn’t have thought of that in a million years. Go!
Cenk Uygur: All right. My son’s name is Prometheus Maximus. Prometheus is my favorite mythical character of all time ’cause he had the nerve, the courage to challenge the gods to say ‘I’m going to help humanity.’ It’s the kind of thing the rest of mythology is set up to hate.
… No, bow your head. Bow your head to God … In all religions, Christianity, it said bow your head to God, listen to whatever he says, do not challenge him, even if, for example, he slaughters everyone on earth as he did, you know, doing that that little fun thing called the flood with Noah’s Ark. Literally almost everyone but Noah’s family was killed. Support. Bow your head and support. No. Prometheus said I’m not going to bow my head. I’m going to take fire and give it to humans. Lovely.
Cenk Uygur Interviewed By Douglas Ernst