Say It Ain’t So Rihanna!
I recently watched a video of a full Rihanna concert…I’ve never heard any of her songs except one reggae song that she has, called “Man Down“…so I decided to give the rest of her music a shot. I also think she’s quite beautiful, I won’t go down that part of the rabbit hole though.
I downloaded Rihanna’s concert in Rio…it was pretty good…except, the very beginning and throughout, but especially the beginning, the lighting and soundtrack they were playing sent my Spidey sense into OVER-DRIVE! I got a very uneasy feeling. Rihanna hadn’t come on stage yet, this was to program the HUGE crowd she was performing for.
I clipped the intro, it’s about a minute and 9 seconds. I then reversed it and converted it to MP3 format. Listen to the first one, the way it was played to the crowd and then listen to the second one reversed. I’m not going to say what I heard, but listen to both and then let me know what you heard. Make a comment, or send a message through the form.
432 Hz, 435 Hz And 440 Hz Which One Are You Rihanna?
In 1885, the Music Commission of the Italian Government declared that all instruments and orchestras should use a tuning fork that vibrated at 440 Hz, which was different from the original standard of 435 Hz and the competing 432 Hz used in France.
In 1917, the American Federation of Musicians endorsed the Italians, followed by a further push for 440 Hz in the 1940s.
In 1953, a worldwide agreement was signed. Signatories declared that middle “A” on the piano be forevermore tuned to exactly 440 Hz. This frequency became the standard ISO-16 reference for tuning all musical instruments based on the chromatic scale, the one most often used for music in the West. All the other notes are tuned in standard mathematical ratios leading to and from 440 Hz.
This tone standard is now “universally” accepted, which is why a piano on one side of the planet sounds exactly the same as a piano on the other side of the planet.
There are those who consider the 440 Hz middle “A” to go against the rhythm of of the Universe. Brian T. Collins, a musician and researcher says, the standard pitch (A=440 Hz) does not harmonize on any level that corresponds to cosmic movement, rhythm, or natural vibration. The greatest musicians, such as Mozart and Verdi, based their music on the natural vibration of A=432. It’s true that it is only 8 vibrations per second different from the standard tuning, but this small difference seems to be remarkable to our human consciousness.
Some believe that the correct middle “A” is 432 Hz because it has “a pure tone of math fundamental to nature” and is “mathematically consistent with the patterns of the universe, vibrating with Phi, the Golden Ratio.
Notes From Watching Rihanna In Rio

As I said in the beginning, my Spidey sense was tingling off the charts when I first started listening to Rihanna in Rio…it most definitely wasn’t at 432 Hz. Before I started researching for this post, I was already familiar with the 432 Hz concept. Mozart is my absolute favorite, out of all music, If I could only listen to one…Genius, I was going to say Artist, but that seemed to belittle him and his music. It has been scientifically proven, that listening to Mozart raises the IQ. His music definitely makes you feel!! It’s the only music I can have on while reading…every other just seems to be fingernails down a chalkboard!
I wrote in my notes that the standard was changed from 432 Hz to 440 Hz when the “music handlers” realized that 432 Hz was beneficial to human consciousness. These handlers control all music, and want to make sure there is nothing beneficial about it…for us in anyway. These are the same handlers who produce our GMO food, get us hooked on pharmaceuticals and want to keep us subservient. As their motto goes: “There is no money in the cure”.
432 Hz is probably the cure-all. Sound is an amazing thing! It can hurt, it can put out fires, it can lift stones that way tons, it can also heal. There are experiments going on that use sound frequencies to cure disease. They match the frequency of say, cancer cells and the eradicate them that way instead of using chemotherapy which I’m positive was the main reason, my sister is now dead! Chemo kills more people than it saves…it’s not meant to cure you, it’s meant to keep you sick, but string you along as long as possible so the “medical” industry and Big Pharma can make money from their little cash cows.
Mozart composed at 432 Hz, his ability to combine voice, instrument and notes, made his music nothing less than Angelic. Rihanna, opposite of Angelic, had her concert at some huge outdoor venue in Rio, Brazil, where the native tongue is Portuguese…the people sang along with her, they knew her songs. Do you still think you can’t learn another language? At one point she said “I Love when y’all sing my shit.” My point is, your physiology can be changed with sound. If you don’t believe that, do a search on YouTube, for the college students who did an experiment with sound to put out fire, the same college students I mentioned above…never mind the search, here it is:
Fighting Fire & Cancer With Sound
The first part of the clip is two electrical & computer engineering students, Seth Robertson and Viet Tran at George Mason University and they show how their sound device, puts fire out. The 2nd part of the clip is from MIT News, showing how certain frequencies affect cancer cells and white blood cells. The potential for both putting fires out and killing Cancer cells only, as opposed to killing all your cells with Chemo is very exciting.
The Police and military already use sound for crowd control. There are other nefarious uses that are actually being used right now, every day around the world. Which explains why A LOT of people are so docile and submissive…you know, the mask wearers! I encourage you to search YouTube for other videos of sound being used to put out fire and sound fighting cancer. There’s one video I saw of some people that put a candle in front of a speaker and used a timer on a cell phone to see how long each frequency took to put the flame out, most frequencies they tried worked, but a few didn’t.
Sound Is Made Of Energy, Like Us
Everything can be done with sound…everything, except maybe it can’t be used to make a sandwich, but I’m sure there’s a way to do that too. Music moves people, it can move them in a positive direction, Mozart, and it can move them in a negative direction, Pop Music. The negative doesn’t necessarily have to be evil, but just as listening to Mozart will raise your IQ, listening to say, Justin Bieber’s song, “Baby” will most definitely lower it.
Music can also be weaponized, I believe it already has been weaponized for decades. Anything can be made into a weapon…food especially. Wheat was weaponized in the 60’s. An imitation protein was engineered into wheat, this particular protein is called Gliadin, Dr William Davis, Cardiologist said this in an interview on Natural News: “I’m not addressing people with gluten sensitivities and Celiac disease. I’m talking about everybody else because everybody else is susceptible to the Gliadin protein that is an opiate,” Davis continued. “This thing binds into the opiate receptors in your brain and in most people it stimulates appetite, such that we consume 440 more calories per day, 365 days per year.”
A Parte Que Você Estava Esperando
But I digress, back to Rihanna’s concert in Rio. Here is the first clip the way it was played to the crowd:
Here is the clip reversed. It’s not Rihanna singing, it’s just a sound clip they played when the lights went down and she was about to come out. Just listen to it with an open mind and realize that this and MANY other nefarious things will become public knowledge very soon.
My final thoughts, whether you believe this to be possible or not doesn’t change that fact that it is probable. If we open our eyes and start listening to our instincts instead of ignoring them, you’ll start to see things in plain site. That’s how a lot of these things are “hidden”. When we ignore them and do nothing about it, we authorize them to do do these things to us.
As I wrote in my Orange Man Good post, it would only take roughly 1% of the planet’s population, roughly 75,000,000 people to pray and meditate on a positive change at the same time and it would happen. This has been proven scientifically, with a much smaller number of people, only 7,000 or so. I invite all of you to find those studies and try to raise your vibration.
Rihanna if you happen to read this, I’m not trying to make you out to be an evil person, I don’t think you are…it’s your handlers I’m talking about. If I didn’t watch your Rio concert and hear that opening, I would have never written this.
Peace, Love & Blessings To All!!