He said when they attack a farm they’ll tell the farmer:
“If you don’t tell us what we want to know, we’ll rape your wife and two year old daughter and then kill them in front of you.”
These sick fucks do it for the “fun of it”.
Nick Cannon, Louis Farrakhan, Malcolm X, Elijah Muhammad
I want to clarify the title, not because I feel that’s it’s racist, because it’s not. Nick Cannon may think differently. He doesn’t even know who he’s trying to be. He follows Louis Farrakhan (Louis Eugene Walcott), the man who had a hand in the assassination of his Muslim “brother”, Malcolm X (Little), for pointing out that the leader of the Nation of Islam, Elijah Muhammad (Elijah Robert Poole), was knocking-up his teenage secretaries, that was in direct opposition to what he was preaching, no sex out of wedlock!
Elijah Muhammad had a third grade education and also had MANY Children: at least 23, (15 illegitimate, 8 legitimate). Elijah Muhammad, Louis Farrakhan, Nick Cannon are ALL HYPOCRITES! Following Farrakhan and the NATION OF ISLAM is the root of Nick Cannon’s problem! The root of anyone’s problem who follows such hate and ignorance.
I had no idea who Nick Cannon was until I saw the video of him incoherently rambling about “melanated people” and how white people are savages and animals because we’re not “melanated”, that is, until we get a suntan Nick, we also lack compassion, because we’re not “melanated soul brothers”, because white people have no souls. In his Looney Tunes mind, we fear them, rape their women, steal and do the things that people like George Floyd did. I don’t know if George ever raped anyone, he probably did in prison, but he WAS a career criminal and drug addict….oh stop, what’s the matter? Too soon?
George Floyd
George Floyd did, in fact, point and press a gun against a pregnant black woman’s belly, after he and his black thug, savage friends, forced their way into her home pretending to be from the water company so they could rob her house. WHAT KIND OF A CRACKHEAD DO YOU HAVE TO BE TO DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT?? ANSWER: THE KIND THAT GEORGE FLOYD WAS. Don’t hold him up as a hero or martyr, stop letting Black Lives Matter and people like Nick Cannon fill your heads with BULLSHIT. He got fired for being a dumb-ass!
Nick Cannon Speaking With Professor Griff With First Two minutes Transcribed Below
This is the first 2 minutes of the clip transcribed of Cannon’s Class with guest, Professor Griff. I left Professor Griff’s comments out, because he wasn’t saying much in the beginning, it’s mostly Nick Cannon rambling on, who seriously looks like a little boy making up a story…they was he talks is the same. Trying to punctuate it was a bit senseless. Every word is EXACTLY how Nick Cannon said it. Nick, how about the millions of Black people, men, woman and children who are bought and sold as slaves in Africa right now!?
Nick Cannon & Professor Griff
Nick Cannon: “…when we talk about the power of melanated people, when we talk about who we really are as gods and, and melanin is so power and it connects us in a way that the reason why they fear black, the reason why they fear us because they, the lack that they have of it, so then when you see dr Francis wasn’t talked about is that fear and that, that genetic annihilation.
See you’d have a person that has the the lack of pigment, the lack of melanin that they know they will be annihilated, so therefore, however they got the power, they, they have the lack of compassion, melanin comes with compassion, melanin comes with soul and we call it, we call it soul, we soul brothers and sisters, that’s the melanin that connects us.
The people that don’t have it are, are a lit- and I’m going to say this carefully, are a little less and, and, and where the term actually comes from, because I’m bringing it all the way back around to Minister Farrakhan, to where they may not have the compassion or the, the, when they were sent to the mountains of Caucasus when they, when they didn’t have the power of the Sun that was that the Sun then started to deteriorate.
So then they’re acting out of fear, they’re acting out of low self-esteem, they’re acting out of a, a deficiency, so therefore the only way they can act is evil. The only way they can make, they have to rob, steal, rape, kill in order to survive, so these people who didn’t have what we had and when I say we, I speak of the melanated people, they had to be savages, they had to be barbaric, because they’re in these Nordic mountains, they’re in these rough, ah, torrential environments, so they, they are acting as animals.
So they’re the ones that are actually closer to animals, they’re the ones that are actually the true savagesand they built up such, this, this, I want to say warrior but they built up such, this, this, this conquering, barbaric, mentality that they’re coming out of Europe they then said, in order for us to survive, we have to take what’s not ours and then they went into the land that actually where we are originated instead trying to make friends, they said, we want what you got.
Because there’s this mentality of the where it’s the Ceasars, or, or even that, that we have to conquer, so I say all that, to say the context and when, when we speak of whether it’s Jewish people, white people (but that’s redundant – my comment, not his), Europeans, the Illuminati, hmmm, they were doing that as survival tactics to stay on this planet…”
You can listen to the rest in the video. That is just the first couple of minutes, of this 4 minute clip. I have the full podcast, that I will be posting, this weekend. Both the men in this clip are obviously not well and they need more Love, send them your Love. All of them need more Love…they are confused.
Nick, who is the black savage that shot and killed, MURDERED, 3 year old Mekhi James over Father’s day weekend June, 2020? Here is a list of HYPOCRITES that don’t give a fuck about black lives or any lives for that matter, but their own. They only care about black lives when they can EXTORT money and emotions from other black people and all the RETARDED, politically correct, apologetic white people, who think they owe an apology to black people for something they had NOTHING to do with.
Black Lives Matter
Louis Farrakhan (Louis Eugene Walcott)
Nick Cannon
Professor Griff
Colin Kaepernick
Al Sharpton
Jesse Jackson
Dave Chappelle
Elijah Muhammad (Elija Robert Poole, Deceased, he finally knows the truth)
Wallace D. Fard (Muhammad) Founder of the Nation Of Islam)
This list could obviously go on forever, especially when we started adding all the corrupt politicians, white and “melanated” (For you Nick) and “religious” people. I wanted to create this like some my other posts, that show the hypocrisy of many people in positions like Nick Cannon, Nancy Pelosi, Shifty Adam and everyone on the list above.
Plaasmoored The Killing Fields Documentary By Katie Hopkins
This post is also about Katie Hopkins and the documentary she made called: “Plaasmoorde, The Killing Fields.” It’s about white farmers in South Africa that are being brutally murdered, their wives AND SMALL CHILDREN, as young as 2 years old, are being brutally RAPED and murdered. They are being MURDERED by Black people, EXACTLY the way Nick Cannon describes all us white folk from the Caucasus Mountains.
So Nick Cannon, who is acting like savages, acting animalistic, barbaric…I DARE EVERYONE who thinks the way Nick Cannon, Louis Farrakhan (Walcott), Colin Kaepernick, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Black Lives Matter (only when they can extort money out of people), thinks, to justify these horrible crimes taking place in South Africa, perpetrated by black, barbaric, animalistic, savages doing the bidding of their dark puppet masters.
Plaasmoorde The Killing Fields Katie Hopkins
Lucky, A Farm Attacker – Plaasmoorde The Killing Fields
This man, “Lucky”, recruits farm workers so they will turn on their boss and tell him where the money is, if there are guns in the house, etc…
He said when they attack a farm they’ll tell the farmer “If you don’t tell us what we want to know, we’ll rape your wife and two year old daughter and then kill them in front of you.” These sick fucks do it for the “fun of it”.
” Three dozen anti-cop agitators, not protesters, showed up just before the 11 a.m. start of the Back The Blue Rally. What were the 3 dozen agitators protesting exactly? Were they protesting the fact that MOST people in the country DO NOT want the police defunded? That most people support the police? Are these the white people that have been washing the feet of black people and asking their forgiveness for something they or their families had absolutely NOTHING TO DO WITH!”
“You don’t hear Colin Kaepernick, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Dave Chappelle or any other of the Black Lives Only Matter When We Can Make Money By Extorting Your Emotions click!”
Back The Blue!
This is from the New York Post…when you read it, you’ll see how slanted it is…not towards the police, but favoring Black Lives Matter agitators, who just happened to have their protest scheduled for the same time & day and at the same location as the Back The Blue rally.
The Black Lives Matter group was 99.9% white people and not “a multi-racial group” the NYPost suggests. They also suggested that the Blue Lives Matter supporters at the Back The Blue rally were “virtually all white.” Which means THEY WERE NOT ALL WHITE!
You can read the Deep State New York Post article below. With the ridiculous parts in bold, and my responses in Blue, because BLUE LIVES MATTER TOO!!
Back The Blue and Black Lives Matter Protesters Clash At Brooklyn Rally
It was a Blue Lives Brawl, as these dramatic photos show. A Blue Lives Brawl incited by Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA AGITATORS!Blue Lives Matter! The not so dramatic photos are below.
Tempers flared in Brooklyn Saturday as anti-cop protesters crashed a Blue Lives Matter rally — complete with furious finger-pointing and a lot of shouting, pushing and shoving.
Some three dozen anti-cop protesters showed up just before the 11 a.m. start of the rally at 13th Avenue and Bay Ridge Avenue in Dyker Heights.Three dozen anti-cop agitators, not protesters, showed up just before the 11 a.m. start of the Back The Blue Rally. What were the 3 dozen agitators protesting exactly? Were they protesting the fact that MOST people in the country DO NOT want the police defunded? That most people support the police because Blue Lives Matter?
Are these the white people that have been washing the feet of black people and asking their forgiveness for something they or their families had absolutely NOTHING TO DO WITH!
Fun Fact: More Black people have come to the United States from other countries in Africa since the abolition of slavery and serfdom in The United States in 1833, than were EVER brought here as slaves. Slavery STILL EXISTS IN AFRICA, black people sell and buy other black people in Africa. Here are the top 5 countries where slavery still exists at the hands of other black people! You don’t hear Colin Kaepernick, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Dave Chappelle or any other of the Black Lives Only Matter When We Can Make Money By Extorting Your Emotions click!:BLUE LIVES MATTER!!
Libya – Wait, I thought the US brought “Democracy” there? It must’ve been an older version of Democracy, before Abolition?
South Africa
That is just a list of the top countries in Africa as of 2017 where slavery still exists…slavery is still happening on the entire continent of Africa as well as many other parts of the world.
2018 List Of African States With The Highest Amount Of Modern-Day Slaves
Here is a 2018 list of the African states with the highest amount of modern-day slaves: Victims per 1,000. I’m assuming that means for every 1,000 people there are X number of people enslaved.
Eritrea – 93
Burundi – 40
Central African Republic – 22.3
Mauritania – 21.4
South Sudan – 20.5
Somalia – 15.5
DR Congo – 13.7
Sudan – 12
Chad – 12
Rwanda – 11.6
The 10 Countries With The Highest Prevalence Of Modern Slavery Are:
The multi-racial group confronted a crowd of more than 300 police supporters, virtually all of them white.This line is IRRESPONSIBLE “journalism”. It makes the BLM group, that was “virtually ALL WHITE”, seem as though they were peaceful and their intentions were honorable. Here’s why I think their intentions were other than honorable.
They want to Defund The Police, which is the most ludicrous thing ever. These people will be the first to call the police when they are in a situation that requires their help. They are programmed by the media, like The New York post, that is inciting racism and division with articles like this that side with the real problem groups!
In Queens, thousands joined in a pro-cop march along the boardwalk in Rockaway Beach, many carrying American flags and carrying “God Bless the NYPD” signs.
There, too, Black Lives Matter protesters gathered as well, and were kept separate from the cop supporters. Why were they there? Because they’re agitators?
But angry words flew and at least one fist flew from among some of the rally attendees in Dyker Heights, largely from the pro-cop contingent.BS, lets see the evidence!
“You want to destroy America!” pro-cop protesters there hollered. “You are fucking Communists. Go to Venezuela.” They didn’t put the complete word “fucking” in there, they had f__ing. To show you how politically correct they are and how “crude” the police supporters are.They have to grasp at straw and try to spin it into gold. Blue Lives Matter! Back The Blue!
At one point, an elderly pro-cop protester swung his fist at the other side. There were no arrests, however. Why did he swing his fist, or did it really happen?
Lou Gentile, a 70-year-old Army vet, traveled to the rally from Staten Island in a three-bus caravan.
“I had to be here to defend my police – defend them and to show that I’m in total support of them,” Gentile told The Post. Blue Lives Matter, Back The Blue!!!
Not So Dramatic Photos From The NY Post
Here are the “dramatic photos” that actually show nothing…well, two of them do, but not the way she’s thinking.
This photo shows a bit of a skirmish, but you can’t really tell who’s doing what. By the look of the 3 lilly white men on the right, I would say they are part of the Black Lives Matter/ANTIFA Agitator Group.
This photo is interesting and a bit telling. The Left side has the old guy with his hands up, the BLM salute, the Black guy in the middle facing the same way as the old guy, has a Black Lives Matter Face Mask on. The guy on the right, pointing at the old guy appears to be a Police supporter.
This photo shows the “multi-racial” Black Lives Matter agitators. The first red arrow on the Left shows a white man, the second red arrow from the left shows a white, possibly Latino man, the 3rd red arrow from the left shows several white people, the 4th and 5th red arrows from the left, show what looks like ANTIFA (ANTI Free America) criminals. Notice, all 3 have similar hard hats on, the two under the fourth arrow are completely dressed in Black with Black face masks that cover their entire faces. Back The Blue because Blue Lives Matter Too!
The 5th red Arrow, shows what looks to be another ANTIFA (ANTI Free America) agitator because of the same hard-hat as the other two. They are COWARDS!! Notice the line of Police…that must be the multi-racial group that Georgett Roberts was talking about.
Blue Lives Matter Rally
This photo shows some of the Police supporters exchanging words. The man in the middle, later invites them to march with them, that could have been a legitimate invitation or a not so legitimate invitation. My question about all of this is, why Black Lives Matter groups wanted to have protests where all the Back The Blue rallies were? To me it seems that there was one intention with one end result as the goal. To AGITATE and cause trouble in order to further their defund the police agenda.
Blue Lives Matter Rally
This photo shows patriots peacefully attending the Back The Blue Rally.
The video below shows the rally and the second half is from LawEnforcementToday.com Something odd that I noticed is that Law Enforcement Today logo, looks slightly similar to the BET logo. Is that some kind of subliminal thing happening?
Law Enforcement Today Logo
The Black Entertainment Television Logo
Back The Blue Video, Blue Lives Matter!
Blue Lives Matter, Back The Blue!!!
I think the next post will be about the slavery that is still prevalent in the world today.
Peace, Love & Blessings To All! Especially to the police that are doing their jobs the way they’re supposed to, and all the not so good law enforcement people so they get on the right path. To All EVERYWHERE so that we may Unite as One and reclaim our planet!!! I Love You!!
“These [Democrat politicians] saying Black Lives Matter, who the hell are you to say that? You’re not even black.”
“Trump is much better than Clinton and Obama.”
“The only one to do what he said he would do is Donald Trump.”
“Why didn’t you mention 3 year old Mekhi James in your asinine “8:46″ Dave Chappelle!!!??? Does it not count because the streets were alive with Black Thugs, murdering black people???”
Muhammad Ali’s Son Calls Black Lives Matter ‘Racist’ ‘Devils’
The son of Muhammad Ali said his father would not agree with Black Lives Matter, referring to the cause as “racist” and its members as “devils,” according to the New York Post.
Muhammad Ali Jr – Strong Black Man
Speaking on the fourth anniversary of the iconic boxer’s death, Muhammad Ali Jr. talked about how the protests devolved into looting and violence in response to the death of George Floyd.
“Don’t bust up shit, don’t trash the place,” Ali told the Post. “You can peacefully protest.
“My father would have said, ‘They ain’t nothing but devils.’ My father Said All Lives Matter. I don’t think he’d agree,” Ali said. (Me: “Ouch! Even ‘Stings Like A Bee…’ posthumously.”)
Ali called the Black Lives Matter movement divisive. Divide and Conquer is their plan!
“I think it’s racist,” Ali said. “It’s not just Black Lives Matter, white lives matter, Chinese lives matter, all lives matter, everybody’s life matters. God loves everyone — he never singled anyone out. Killing is wrong no matter who it is.”
Muhammad Ali, Jr., son of boxing legend Muhammad Ali (Photo credit: MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images)
He praised President Donald Trump’s leadership while in office, saying his father would approve of his work.
“I think Trump’s a good President”. Ali said. “My father would have supported him. Trump’s not a racist. He’s for all the people. Democrats are the ones who are racist and not for everybody.“
Ali continued, “These [Democrat politicians] saying Black Lives Matter, who the hell are you to say that? You’re not even black.”
He went on to recount two instances where he was detained and questioned by the TSA after Trump issued a travel ban on seven Muslim-majority countries. Each time Ali was released.
Even after the detainment, Ali contends he has never been profiled by the police because of his race.
“Not all the police are bad, there’s just a few,” he said. “There’s a handful of police that are crooked; they should be locked up. I never had a bad scene with a cop. They’ve always been nice and protect me. I don’t have a problem with them.”
He even called out former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as a prime example of the apathy Democrats have for the black community.
“Democrats don’t give a shit about anybody. Hillary Clinton doesn’t give a shit; she’s trying not to get locked up”, Ali said.
He added, “Trump is much better than Clinton and Obama.
“The only one to do what he said he would do is Donald Trump.”
Dave Chappelle’s “8:46”
I just watched Dave Chappelle’s “8:46”. That’s his new…”rant”…it’s NOT stand-up, he made it at his home in Ohio, I believe. He wanted to talk about the murder of George Floyd and how that justifies, people DESTROYING their own neighborhoods, because in his words “the streets are alive”. I think he was drunk when he made the video.
Those streets ARE NOT alive Dave…they were about to be revived, but then the deep state said fuck that and they activated MK-ULTRA David Chauvin who had his knee on George Floyd’s neck with full body weight for 8 minutes and 46 seconds. That struck a chord with David because he was born at 8:46. He was also affected, as I’m sure everyone who watched the video, when George was calling out for his mother because Dave’s father did the same on his death bed.
He badmouthed Candace Owens for not being enslaved on The Democrat Plantation like him or hypnotized and enraged by listening to the emotional and financial extortionists, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Colin Kaepernick, Black Lives Matter and the other vampires like them.
This is the comment I left on the “8:46” Youtube Video, I think it was deleted, because I just went there to get the url for the link and it wasn’t there. That’s why I copy them. I added a couple things here, but it’s pretty much the same:
“Dave, I Love you, but you shouldn’t get drunk before you do a set. George Floyd WAS a criminal! NOBODY deserves to die the way he did, especially at the hands of an MK-ULTRA police officer who had 18 complaints against him…he should’ve been fired a long time ago.
Mekhi James, Shot And Kill In Chicago Over Father’s Day Weekend!
George Floyd, like the Swiss cheese former officer, was a criminal! The only reason why extortionists like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Colin Kaepernicks, Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA and any others…actually give a shit is because it was a white police officer. Tell me this…why is it that we don’t hear a FUCKING THING from all you motherfuckers, when 3 year old Mekhi James is MURDERED in Chicago over father’s day weekend? WHY!!!!! 3 Fucking Years Old and MURDERED!!! HIS LIFE MATTERED!!!!
Why didn’t you mention 3 year old Mekhi James in your asinine “8:46” Dave Chappelle!!!??? Does it not count because the streets were alive with Black Thugs, murdering black people???
You and ALL the sheeple who went to see your drunk “8:46” SHOULD BE OUTRAGED and going after those who did it…oh, wait, I forgot, the murderers were black, so that doesn’t count, because the extortionist crew and their newest member…YOU, can’t make money unless it’s a white person doing the killing. Mekhi James WILL NEVER be able to cry for his mama again.
There was another one of your crew that did a RIDICULOUS, PANDEROUS 8:46 tribute too…maybe that’s where you got the idea from?
Why don’t we hear from those douche bags when 4 teenagers were MURDERED in Chicago over fathers day weekend?? Why don’t we hear from those poor excuses for human beings when a little girl, is hit by a “stray bullet” while doing her homework…murdered by people like your Swiss Cheese cop.
The streets are alive my dirty white ass…that’s like saying a dog that is covered in Ticks that are sucking the life out of him, like the scum who are rioting, looting, and the retarded motherfuckers who are burning down their own neighborhoods, and sucking the life out of their Democrat controlled neighborhoods…is like saying the dog is fine, the Democrats are good people.
Dave, Black Lives Matter is NO LONGER a legitimate organization…they have been infiltrated by ANTIFA and other agitators that go to their protests and start smashing windows, like Umbrella Man and start fires. You shouldn’t hold those people up as your heroes, because those who can’t think for themselves, like the people in the audience wearing the STUPID FUCKING, USELESS, LOOK AT ME, I’M A SUBMISSIVE SHEEPLE, MASKS (https://olymanifesto.com/medical-news/covid-19/forcing-face-masks-illegal/).
95% of ALL BLACK PEOPLE murdered in the US, are done so by BLACK PEOPLE! White males are 25% more likely to be shot and killed by the police than black people…you know why you never hear about black people getting killed by black people??? Because extortionists like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Colin Kaepernick, Black Lives Matter and the mainstream media, can’t extort black people that way, they NEED to keep racial tension alive like “the streets”.
Those “Mr Hankies” ARE the ticks on the dog, they ARE EMOTIONAL VAMPIRES…don’t hold them up Dave…people should look up to people like Sheriff David Clarke, Candace Owens, Larry Elder, Peggy Hubbard, Terrence K Williams, Muhammed Ali, his son Muhammed Ali Jr and Bevelyn Beatty, don’t hate them because they were raised well, had a positive male and or female role model and are educated. Do the right thing Dave, stop promoting criminals as if they were heroes and martyrs!! Peace, Love & Blessings”
This is another comment I left on FB after someone made a silly comment because they didn’t like this image. Originally it only said: “All Lives Matter”, then I added DON’T BE A VICTIM, because that is a HUGE problem, not just with Black lives, but with ALL lives. I think when people start to see that, take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for their actions and start looking up to positive roll models, their lives will turn around.
When people STOP listening to con artist extortionists like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson who only have one goal, to KEEP BLACK PEOPLE DOWN AND EMOTIONALLY DEAD and down on the Democrat Plantation, so they act like MK-ULTRA zombies. Here’s the FB comment anyway:
******, you miss the point…I understand how the movement started out (talking about Black Lives Matter), but it is NO LONGER that way. It has become a domestic terrorist group like ANTIFA (Anti Free America). Who the fuck riots, loots and burns down their own neighborhoods because a crackhead career criminal was killed by a fucking MK-ULTRA cop???
If Black Lives Matter really cared, why aren’t they SCREAMING about the little 3 year old baby, Mekhi James, that was just killed in Chicago over Father’s day weekend. Why aren’t they SCREAMING about the 4 teenagers that were also killed over father’s day weekend in Chicago. Why aren’t they SCREAMING about the little girl who was doing her homework in her room and killed by a stray bullet from a drive-by shooting.
I’ll tell you why…BECAUSE THEY DON’T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT BLACK LIVES UNLESS THEY’RE KILLED BY WHITE COPS OR A WHITE PERSON!!! They don’t give a fuck when a black person is killed by another black person because then they can’t EXTORT money out of white people, like those MK-ULTRA “I Take Responsibility” idiots in Hollywood, the government or anyone else! (Just added) To quote Peggy Hubbard “When a black person is killed by another black person, it’s collateral damage…” Watch the video of her below and prepare for an education.
Jesse Jackson Race Card By Bank of Black Lives Matter Never Go To Riots Without It!
Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and all the other motherfuckers like them are EMOTIONAL EXTORTIONISTS!!! They say nothing when a black person is murdered by another black person, because they can’t make any money from that. If Black lives REALLY mattered to Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Colin Kaepernick, Black Lives Matter, and all those other WEAK MINDED EXTORTIONISTS, you would be hearing from all of them, but they are the “Massahs” on The Democrat Plantation!
Why the fuck aren’t they putting the MILLIONS of dollars that are given to them by those who want to destroy the United States, like George, the antisemitic, Nazi loving Jew, Soros, why aren’t they contributing to the real problems that black people face in this country, like better education for inner-city kids, why aren’t they doing something about the fatherless rate in black families, like kicking step-daddy, Uncle Sam, out of the house.
95% of ALL black people murdered in the US are at the hands of BLACK THUGS!! Why do you think these cocksuckers want the police defunded!! WHAT!!?? Where the fuck are those CRIMINALS, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson when all these people are murdered??? THEIR LIVES MATTER TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SO FUCK BLACK LIVES MATTER, FUCK ANTIFA, FUCK ALL THOSE FUCKING IDIOTS IN “CHAZ”!! Did you know that there is STILL slavery in the world? Guess where…in AFRICA!! Black people sold to other black people! Ask that Jughead Colin Kaepernich or those other extortionists WHY they never say anything about the slavery in their “HOMELAND”!!!!
Ostrich Head In Sand, Out Sand And Up Butt
******, time to pull your head out of your ass, take that fucking thing off your head and let your brain cool off…you’re over-heating…do some research for once instead of flying of the hinge when someone says something that you are uniformed about!! I Love you!!”
Talk about flying off the hinge…Cheese and Rice! Everything I’ve said in both comments is backed by FACTS not the EGO. One more thing I learned from Peggy Hubbard, the BIGGEST plantation in the south was owned by a free Black Man…he “owned” Black slaves who were treated so brutally, they would escape his plantation and run to a white owned plantation because he or she would be treated better.
It may have been William “April” Ellison, Peggy was referring to. Here is a list of the Top 10 Black Slave Owners
The Six Triple Eight
The battalion taking part in a parade in May 1945 in honor of Joan of Arc at the marketplace in Rouen, France, where she was burned at the stake. Credit: National Archives
Talk about positive rolls models! I’d be willing to bet that out of the Black Women of the Six Triple Eight that had children, NONE of them turned out like George Floyd, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Colin Kaepernick or were ever involved in groups like Black Lives Matter.
The unit was set up to determine the value black women brought to the military. They ultimately ran the fastest mail service in the European Theater during World War II.
By Christina Brown Fisher
Published June 17, 2020 Updated June 23, 2020
In January 1945, a C-54 cargo plane carrying a group of young Army officers departed an Air Transport Command terminal in Washington for war-torn Europe. Among the passengers was a 26-year-old major named Charity Adams, who was quietly making history as the first African-American commanding officer in the Women’s Army Corps to be deployed to a theater of war.
As the plane ascended over the Atlantic, she still wasn’t sure where she was headed or what she would be doing there. Her orders, marked “Secret,” were to be unsealed in flight. When she opened the envelope, the documents revealed only that her destination was somewhere in the British Isles; she would be briefed on the particulars of the… Read The Full Six Triple Eight Story
Sheriff David Clarke Speaks Out On Black Lives Matter
This is a compilation of Sheriff David Clark, a very positive male role model for All people to look up to, instead of looking up to people like George Floyd, ANY Rappers and ESPECIALLY anyone who raps about things like Fuck The Police!
Do you see how programmed you are by all these NEGATIVE “role models”. They have you thinking that the police are are bad and criminals are good. Start thinking for yourself, use Critical Thinking, think Logically! Think ahead of your actions.
If you’re drunk and you pass out in your car while sitting in the drive-thru lane of some poisonous place like McDonald’s or Wendy’s, the police come to see if you’re ok and if you need medical attention. They see that you’re drunk and try to arrest you, but you manage to steal a taser gun from one of the officers.
You then take off running, then stop, turn around and fire the taser at one of the pursuing officers…that is considered a deadly weapon in Georgia…are they not allowed to defend themselves. The officers do EVERYTHING by the book, but because of a corrupt prosecutor who is about to lose his job to a better prosecutor, he tries to pin Homicide on the officer who shot and killed the drunk in SELF-DEFENSE. Do you think that’s ok
One man is STUPID because he was driving drunk, got caught by the police, resisted arrest, stole a taser gun from one of the officers, fired that taser gun at the officer, they defended themselves and the drunk got killed…oh, the officer was white, the drunk and prosecutor are black. The prosecutor is just trying to capitalize on the George Floyd riots!
Sheriff David Clarke Telling It Like It Is
Sheriff David Clarke On Black Lives Matter
This is from a YouTube video, where the person who posted a video calling Sheriff David Clarke “Uncle Tom” and it seems everyone who commented were equally JEALOUS of a successful, law abiding black man or as one knucklehead commented “Supercoon”. The person who posted it was upset because the Sheriff told the truth about Black Lives Matter, that George Soros sponsored Domestic Terrorist group.
Black Puppets Of The Left
Tony Hyman
Carbon 15
Derwin Mitchell
Were you 5 looking in the mirror when you thought of calling Sheriff David Clarke those names?
Tony Hyman 5 years ago the mockery he made of “Hands Up Don’t” and “Black Lives Matter”…..convinced me. This guy is an embarrassment….Self-Hate At Its Finest!!!
Naah4real??? 3 years ago what we have here is a prime example of a Supercoon….the results of 400+ years of social engineering & oppression!!!
Carbon 15 4 years ago David hates his dark brown skin!! Lmaoo
Derwin Mitchell 3 years ago Sheriff Clark is a real life version of old Steven in Jango
martin34ist 3 years ago Sheriff David A Clarke Jr… Good doggy.
Black Puppets of The Left
If I didn’t know who wrote them, I would say the quotes above were from Ku Klux Klan members, but everyone one of them is from black men projecting their self hate onto Sheriff David Clarke.
Bevelyn Beatty, A Strong Black Woman
As soon as I saw this video, I saved it, because Bevelyn Beatty is an intelligent, strong Black Woman, like Major Charity Adams of The Six Triple Eight Battalion. The video shows her talking to a confused Biden supporter, who I’m sure now has jumped ship and got on the President Trump Train, or at the very least had the sleep washed out of her eyes.
Bevelyn Beatty Educating A Biden Supporter
Soros, Gates, Party Of Three, Your Gallows Is Ready!
I learned something from Bevelyn Beatty in this video, as she said, “All of that history has been torn away…” Now I understand why Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Jerry Nadler, George Soros, Bill & Melinda Gates and all the others are such bad human beings…at least I understand a little of why they are the way they are. They are all so scared right now, because they’re all going to jail, some WILL be executed like Pappy Bush and Senator No-Name from Arizona. I think Bill Gates, maybe…most likely Melinda too and George Soros have a date with the gallows.
Another Very Strong Black Woman Is Peggy Hubbard
She is as it says on her website “The Washington Elite’s Worst Nightmare”!
“Peggy Hubbard is a Navy Veteran, former police officer, Harley Davidson enthusiast, and a Republican who boldly speaks the truth.”
“Her entrance into politics is indicative of her lifelong battle for truth, justice, and mission to bring a hopeful future to the forgotten communities in Illinois.”
“You want reparations? Ask the Democrat party and see how fast they walk away from you! “
Future Senator Out of Illinois, Peggy Hubbard
Peggy Hubbard On Reparations And Black Lives Matter
She’s running for Senate, she is someone that needs to get elected. Not because she approves of all the bullshit that is going on or thinks, like Dave Chappelle that “the streets are alive”. I DARE ANYONE OF YOU KNUCKLEHEADS TO CALL HER “SUPERCOON”, like the YouTube armchair warrior Naah4Real called Sheriff David Clark above. I would LOVE to see him say that to the Sheriff’s face…as soon as he saw Peggy Hubbard or Sheriff Clark, his huevos would shrivel up into little peaNUTS. Go to Peggy Hubbard’s site, donate if you can.
“You’re Hollerin’ this Black Lives Matter Bullshit, it don’t matter, you’re killing each other… what the fuck…white people don’t care, they don’t care, save us some tax dollars, I need new parts for my Harley, If you wanna die, die, go ahead, knock yourself out.”
Peggy Hubbard
“Your life does not matter, if it doesn’t matter to you, it sure as fuck don’t matter to us. That’s just the truth of the reality.”
Peggy Hubbard
“I’m going to make those niggers vote democrat for the next 200 years!”
Lyndon B Johnson, 36th President of The United States
President Johnson and Pappy “the pedophile, child molester” Bush, both involved in the Assassination of JFK, they murdered a US President, why would racism bother them.
Candace Owens, A Very Positive Role Model, Like The Others, For All To Look Up To
Here is Candace Owens’ Guide To Escaping The Democrat Plantation. Get your notebooks and take notes. It’s funny how, every person I’ve put in this post, says the same thing…they’re all successful, so their must be something to what they’re saying! Check out the Candace Owens Show on YouTube. DUMP TWITTER, start using PARLER
Candace Owens’ Guide To Escaping The Democrat Plantation
Malcolm X (Little), started espousing the same things as Candace Owens, Peggy Hubbard, Bevelyn Beatty, Sheriff David Clark and many others that were starting to wake up then and now. He was murdered by his own “brothers” of Islam…those were/are people like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Colin Kaepernick, Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA (ANTI FREE AMERICA), the media and Democrat Party “Plantation Owners”!
Titus O’Neil Calls For Peace! I Dare You To Call Him An Uncle Tom!
Are your eyes and ears open yet? Just incase, here’s another Strong Black Man, physically AND Mentally. I dare you to call him an Uncle Tom or a Coon! The beautiful thing is, he would just look at you like the mindless, still on the Democrat Plantation fool that you are, instead of snapping your pencil neck, which he is fully capable of. Then he would either walk away or talk some sense into you.
Titus O’Neil(Thaddeus Michael Bullard Sr.), is an American professional wrestler and former American football player. He is currently signed to WWE, where he performs on the Raw brand under the ring name Titus O’Neil. Bullard played college football for the University of Florida, and thereafter played in the Arena Football League.
Notice What it says on his t-shirt! Cassius Clay! For those who maybe don’t know who Cassius Clay was…scroll to the top of this post and look at the man in the picture. Muhammad Ali, The Black Superman!! Hmmmm? I wonder if Titus looked up to Muhammad Ali as a positive role model while he was growing up…do ya think???
Terrence K. Williams / Mekhi James
3 Year Old Mekhi James, Murdered In Chicago Over Father’s Day Weekend
Terrence K. Williams is spot on and very funny how he goes about relaying his messages to the extortionist crowd, while trying to wake the rest of us up. Sometimes, the humor leaves and can’t help but be replaced with anger and/or sadness, like in the case of 3 year old Mekhi James that was MURDERED in Chicago June 20th, 2020. The day before father’s day. Whenever I see his picture or his name, it’s very upsetting. WHY is nobody going crazy over this Child!!!
Where Are These People, Why Aren’t They Speaking Up For This Child?
Dave Chappelle
Al Sharpton
Jesse Jackson
Colin Kaepernick
The Democrat Plantation Party
Black Lives Matter (Sometimes, Depends Who Kills Them)
The YouTube knuckleheads below are the ones I mentioned above
Tony Hyman
Carbon 15
Derwin Mitchell
This video is a Terrence K. Williams Compilation…Terrence, if you see this, I hope you don’t mind…that goes for everyone I’ve added to this post…it just seems too important not to share all of you!
Terrence K. Williams At A President Trump Rally
Uncle Tom
If you watched the video of Peggy Hubbard above, you heard her talk about people using Uncle Tom as a negative epithet.
Uncle Tom is the title character of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s 1852 novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin. The character was seen by many readers as ground-breaking humanistic portrayal of an African-American slave, one who uses non-resistance and gives his life to protect others who have escaped from slavery.
All people who have used that without knowing it’s true meaning or where it came from…what does that say about you? I think it says that, YOU, are still in chains on The Democrat Plantation…TIME TO BREAK THOSE MENTAL CHAINS AND FREE YOURSELF from those who want to keep us all enslaved, those who tell us to wear masks and “social distance” because if you don’t, you’ll catch the dreaded COVID-FLU!
If you wear a mask…A USELESS MASK, number 1. IT IS ILLEGAL FOR ANYONE TO TELL YOU THAT YOU MUST WEAR A MASK: All Laws Which Are Repugnant To The Constitution Are NULL & VOID! Marbury vs. Madison 1803!
The only time you should bend over and grab your ankles so easily, is when you’re having sex with mutual consent…otherwise DON’T DO IT!!!!
Your Problem Is Obvious!
I pray that we can collectively pull our heads out of our asses and out of the sand, so that we may evolve as one civilization on a planet that IS evolving and will continue do so with or without us. Right now, the only fucking virus that EVERY human needs to worry about, is the HUMAN VIRUS! Gaia has the vaccine for all those not willing to open their hearts to Love & Forgiveness. I don’t do vaccines, therefore LOVE & FORGIVENESS is the only answer. I know I use “harsh language”, sometimes it’s the best way to make a point and put forth the Jolt…if I put this post together 5 years ago, it would be much different…that’s not an apology.
In order for many to change, many need a JOLT to the system in order to facilitate a necessary Paradigm Shift. George Floyd & Derek Chauvin was that jolt that many needed…but, those who seek to keep us in chains knew that and immediately sent out their agitators to cause chaos, like Umbrella Man…don’t be an Umbrella Man or Pink Shirt, “hold my blunt” Man
Political Correctness Is In Its Death Rattle
The change we need is upon us, Political Correctness, like the Deep State, is in its death rattle. Political Correctness is cultural Marxism. It is Marxism translated from economic into cultural terms. In the cultural Marxism of Political Correctness certain groups are good, only feminist women, non-feminist women are treated as if they do not exist, Blacks, Hispanics, Homosexuals, these are all “victims,” and therefore automatically good regardless of what any of them do…like ANTIFA, (Anti Free America) or Black Lives Matter.
This is where that victim mentality comes from. Similarly, white males are automatically considered evil…it’s a subject for another post…I will say this, Political Correctness is part of The Democrat Plantation’s arsenal of weapons used to DIVIDE & CONQUER, with its roots steeped in COMMUNISM. Political correctness came into use among Communists in the 1930s to remind people that the Communist Party’s interests are the only reality that people need be concerned with. Much like the Democrat Plantation Party, trying to shut the planet down with a ridiculous flu virus.