Back The Blue!
This is from the New York Post…when you read it, you’ll see how slanted it is…not towards the police, but favoring Black Lives Matter agitators, who just happened to have their protest scheduled for the same time & day and at the same location as the Back The Blue rally.
The Black Lives Matter group was 99.9% white people and not “a multi-racial group” the NYPost suggests. They also suggested that the Blue Lives Matter supporters at the Back The Blue rally were “virtually all white.” Which means THEY WERE NOT ALL WHITE!
You can read the Deep State New York Post article below. With the ridiculous parts in bold, and my responses in Blue, because BLUE LIVES MATTER TOO!!
Back The Blue and Black Lives Matter Protesters Clash At Brooklyn Rally
By Georgett Roberts I added (Back The) to the title.
It was a Blue Lives Brawl, as these dramatic photos show. A Blue Lives Brawl incited by Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA AGITATORS! Blue Lives Matter! The not so dramatic photos are below.
Tempers flared in Brooklyn Saturday as anti-cop protesters crashed a Blue Lives Matter rally — complete with furious finger-pointing and a lot of shouting, pushing and shoving.
Some three dozen anti-cop protesters showed up just before the 11 a.m. start of the rally at 13th Avenue and Bay Ridge Avenue in Dyker Heights. Three dozen anti-cop agitators, not protesters, showed up just before the 11 a.m. start of the Back The Blue Rally. What were the 3 dozen agitators protesting exactly? Were they protesting the fact that MOST people in the country DO NOT want the police defunded? That most people support the police because Blue Lives Matter?
Are these the white people that have been washing the feet of black people and asking their forgiveness for something they or their families had absolutely NOTHING TO DO WITH!
Fun Fact: More Black people have come to the United States from other countries in Africa since the abolition of slavery and serfdom in The United States in 1833, than were EVER brought here as slaves. Slavery STILL EXISTS IN AFRICA, black people sell and buy other black people in Africa. Here are the top 5 countries where slavery still exists at the hands of other black people! You don’t hear Colin Kaepernick, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Dave Chappelle or any other of the Black Lives Only Matter When We Can Make Money By Extorting Your Emotions click!: BLUE LIVES MATTER!!
Top 5 Countries In Africa Where Slavery Still Exists
This list below is from 2017
- Mauritania
- Sudan
- Egypt
- Libya – Wait, I thought the US brought “Democracy” there? It must’ve been an older version of Democracy, before Abolition?
- South Africa
That is just a list of the top countries in Africa as of 2017 where slavery still exists…slavery is still happening on the entire continent of Africa as well as many other parts of the world.

Here is a 2018 list of the African states with the highest amount of modern-day slaves: Victims per 1,000. I’m assuming that means for every 1,000 people there are X number of people enslaved.
- Eritrea – 93
- Burundi – 40
- Central African Republic – 22.3
- Mauritania – 21.4
- South Sudan – 20.5
- Somalia – 15.5
- DR Congo – 13.7
- Sudan – 12
- Chad – 12
- Rwanda – 11.6
The 10 Countries With The Highest Prevalence Of Modern Slavery Are:
Source: which has nothing after 2018. I wanted to add the list below, to show Africa compared to countries not in Africa. I wonder how Colin Kaepernick feels about these lists?
Africa Represents 50% of the list below:
- North Korea
- Eritrea – Africa
- Burundi – Africa
- The Central African Republic – Africa
- Afghanistan
- Mauritania – Africa
- South Sudan – Africa
- Pakistan
- Cambodia
- Iran
The multi-racial group confronted a crowd of more than 300 police supporters, virtually all of them white. This line is IRRESPONSIBLE “journalism”. It makes the BLM group, that was “virtually ALL WHITE”, seem as though they were peaceful and their intentions were honorable. Here’s why I think their intentions were other than honorable.
They want to Defund The Police, which is the most ludicrous thing ever. These people will be the first to call the police when they are in a situation that requires their help. They are programmed by the media, like The New York post, that is inciting racism and division with articles like this that side with the real problem groups!
In Queens, thousands joined in a pro-cop march along the boardwalk in Rockaway Beach, many carrying American flags and carrying “God Bless the NYPD” signs.
There, too, Black Lives Matter protesters gathered as well, and were kept separate from the cop supporters. Why were they there? Because they’re agitators?
But angry words flew and at least one fist flew from among some of the rally attendees in Dyker Heights, largely from the pro-cop contingent. BS, lets see the evidence!
“You want to destroy America!” pro-cop protesters there hollered. “You are fucking Communists. Go to Venezuela.” They didn’t put the complete word “fucking” in there, they had f__ing. To show you how politically correct they are and how “crude” the police supporters are. They have to grasp at straw and try to spin it into gold. Blue Lives Matter! Back The Blue!
At one point, an elderly pro-cop protester swung his fist at the other side. There were no arrests, however. Why did he swing his fist, or did it really happen?
Lou Gentile, a 70-year-old Army vet, traveled to the rally from Staten Island in a three-bus caravan.
“I had to be here to defend my police – defend them and to show that I’m in total support of them,” Gentile told The Post. Blue Lives Matter, Back The Blue!!!
Not So Dramatic Photos From The NY Post
Here are the “dramatic photos” that actually show nothing…well, two of them do, but not the way she’s thinking.

This photo shows a bit of a skirmish, but you can’t really tell who’s doing what. By the look of the 3 lilly white men on the right, I would say they are part of the Black Lives Matter/ANTIFA Agitator Group.

This photo is interesting and a bit telling. The Left side has the old guy with his hands up, the BLM salute, the Black guy in the middle facing the same way as the old guy, has a Black Lives Matter Face Mask on. The guy on the right, pointing at the old guy appears to be a Police supporter.

This photo shows the “multi-racial” Black Lives Matter agitators. The first red arrow on the Left shows a white man, the second red arrow from the left shows a white, possibly Latino man, the 3rd red arrow from the left shows several white people, the 4th and 5th red arrows from the left, show what looks like ANTIFA (ANTI Free America) criminals. Notice, all 3 have similar hard hats on, the two under the fourth arrow are completely dressed in Black with Black face masks that cover their entire faces. Back The Blue because Blue Lives Matter Too!
The 5th red Arrow, shows what looks to be another ANTIFA (ANTI Free America) agitator because of the same hard-hat as the other two. They are COWARDS!! Notice the line of Police…that must be the multi-racial group that Georgett Roberts was talking about.

This photo shows some of the Police supporters exchanging words. The man in the middle, later invites them to march with them, that could have been a legitimate invitation or a not so legitimate invitation. My question about all of this is, why Black Lives Matter groups wanted to have protests where all the Back The Blue rallies were? To me it seems that there was one intention with one end result as the goal. To AGITATE and cause trouble in order to further their defund the police agenda.

This photo shows patriots peacefully attending the Back The Blue Rally.
The video below shows the rally and the second half is from Something odd that I noticed is that Law Enforcement Today logo, looks slightly similar to the BET logo. Is that some kind of subliminal thing happening?

Back The Blue Video, Blue Lives Matter!
I think the next post will be about the slavery that is still prevalent in the world today.
Peace, Love & Blessings To All! Especially to the police that are doing their jobs the way they’re supposed to, and all the not so good law enforcement people so they get on the right path. To All EVERYWHERE so that we may Unite as One and reclaim our planet!!! I Love You!!