Donate To Bevelyn Beatty
If you would like to donate to Bevelyn Beatty’s extraordinary efforts, go here: She’s wiping the sleep out of the eye’s of society, one bit of graffiti at a time.
Dear White People
Bad Ass Bevelyn Beatty, Dear White People is right!! Yesterday I watched the video of Bevelyn Beatty talking about white people bowing down in front of black people and apologizing, and some washing the feet of black people! At one point she says, I’m paraphrasing: “White people, why can’t you just tell the truth…” She was getting at not being afraid to speak your mind to someone just because they’re black and that White People need to stop apologizing for something they had nothing to do with!
Bevelyn Beatty is a strong black woman! She is a very positive role model who takes personal responsibility very seriously…as should everyone. She is labeled an “Uncle Tom” or a “Coon” by the black masses that are still blue pilling it in the Matrix, the ones still mentally enslaved down on the Democrat Plantation. The owner of the Democrat Plantation wears a KENTE Cloth just like the one Nancy Pelosi and the other Democrat Plantation panderers wore. EVERY one of Bevelyn Beatty’s accusers, every single one, are just projecting their fear and the misery they are in because of that fear.

What it says in the image: from left to right:
- Kamala Harris: Defund Police To Keep Our Communities Safe.
- Jerry Nadler: I would love to kneel, but I would never get back up again.
- Nancy Pelosi: Help, I’ve pandered and I can’t get up.
- Chuck Schumer: I’m so sorry but Republicans are to blame for this national turmoil.
- Cory Booker: We are all Spartacus
- Check out the Nancy Pelosi, A Moment Of Hypocrisy post.
Bevelyn Beatty Refund The Police
This video is Bevelyn Beatty in NYC, painting over the Black Lives Matter “mural” in front of Trump Tower…interesting spot to have it. Do you think Comrade Cuomo had anything to do with that? Bevelyn Beatty is on her hands and knees spreading black paint over the big yellow Black Lives Matter letters, the whole time she’s shouting out “REFUND THE POLICE, REFUND THE POLICE…”.
Then off to the side you can hear one the leftist Democrat Plantation Slaves yelling, “Fuck You, Fuck You…”, then she starts yelling “JESUS MATTERS, JESUS MATTERS…” to the man yelling FUCK YOU, one of the left’s puppets, probably wants the police defunded and then as typical of their ilk, he asks the police for help, “Why don’t you stop her?” Then he says something like “Oh, you like her, that’s it…” He’s quick to blame…
Typical Leftist
- They Want The Police Defunded
- Then Result To Hurling Insults At the People That Are Trying To Free Their Minds From The Democrat Plantation
- Then They Go To The Police For Help When The Insults Don’t Work
- They All Have The Answer, But No Rational Thought Process Behind It
- Always Quick To Blame Someone Else
- Can ANYTHING Be More Hypocritical Than That
Underpants Gnomes A Business Plan
They use the same thought process as the “Underpants Gnomes” from South Park, that are always stealing Tweaks underpants:
- “Phase 1 – Collect Underpants”
- “Phase 2 – ???”
- “Phase 3 – Profit”
But in the case of Black Liver Matter, they have a phase two, it’s phase three that they’re still trying figure out…it goes like this:
- Phase One – Extort Emotions From Black People That Are Still Mentally Enslaved By The Democrat Plantation Like Colin Kaepernick, and money from the apologetic white people crowd.
- Phase Two – Riot, Loot and Then Burn Down Your Own Neighborhood
- Phase Three – ??? Phase 3 for the EXTORTIONIST crowd is PROFIT. For everyone else Phase 3 is SUFFERING!!!
Bill de Blasio – Democrat…That Figures
I feel bad for the police officer who slipped and fell…he hit pretty hard. They didn’t want to hurt her, because she’s on their side, but they still had to do their job. Now Mayor de Blasio is using the police to guard the BLM “murals”. He’s using 27 police officers to guard them 24/7.
Apparently according to Wikipedia, Wilhelm de Blasio is the 109th mayor of NYC since 2014…no wonder why that city is so fucked up, they can’t keep a mayor in office for more than a few months
“Bill de Blasio is an American politician who has served as the 109th mayor of New York City since 2014. A member of the Democratic Party, he was New York City’s public advocate from 2010 to 2013.
Before anyone sends me a message or makes a comment about it. I know what the fuck it says, but it should have been worded differently.
This is how I would’ve written it: Bill de Blasio is the 109th mayor to serve NYC, he was first elected in 2014…
“De Blasio was born in a Manhattan hospital after his parents drove down from their Norwalk, Connecticut home for his birth, and was primarily raised in Cambridge, Massachusetts, poor little rich boy.
“Born: Warren Wilhelm Jr, May 8, 1961, Manhattan, New York City Political Party: Democratic”
The first part reminded me of post on Instagram by Panderer, Seth Rogan. He posted a Big Black Lives Matter image and said: “If there is anything remotely controversial about this, then you can unfollow me.” I’m not following him, I did make a comment though that had ANTIFA in it and as usual I put (ANTIFreeAmerica) right after ANTIFA, and some little kid thinking he caught me making a mistake.
He said something to the effect of: “You do know that ANTIFA stands for ANTI FASCISM don’t you?” I simply replied: “@lude_dude, You are a fucking moron.” He responded with the definition of ANTIFA. He was probably hoping Bernie Sanders would win the Presidency. I responded with “I know what the fuck it stands for, but they are the ones acting like fascists…what are fascists? ANTI FREE AMERICA.”
One of my life’s mottoes: “As You See Him, You See Yourself”, it reminds me not to judge…
Peace, Love & Blessings To All!!