Interview With Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On The CDC Vaccine Company
This should come to no surprise to all that have started realizing how crooked The US Government IS! It’s nothing new, it’s just that now, it is virtually impossible to hide these things because of cell phone technology and the Internet in general.
To all those who still trust in governmental agencies, like the CDC, this may throw you into convulsions, but not to worry, there is a drug for that. It’s a drug that has been suppressed much like the technology that could end, poverty, end world hunger, end our need for gas, coal, utility companies and nuclear(pronounced: ‘nuke’-‘lee’-‘ar’, not ‘nuke’-‘u’-‘lar’) power. Nucular is a Bushism and is incorrect…that drug is called Truth…not like Joe Biden’s ‘Truth Over Facts’, but The One and Only Truth!!!
The Journal Of American Medical Association Examination Of The FDA
The World Health Organization is totally controlled from top to bottom by their biggest donors, Bill Gates and the Pharmaceutical Industry. The US was their biggest donor, that is until President Trump Cut Them Off!!
“Over the last 4 four decades. the approval and regulation processes for pharmaceutical agents have evolved and increased in complexity as special programs have been added and as the use of surrogate measures has been encouraged.
“The FDA funding needed to implement and manage these programs has been
addressed by expanding industry-paid user fees. The FDA has increasingly accepted less data and more surrogate measures, and has shortened it’s review times.
“The amount of Prescription Drug User Fee Act fees collected from industry increased from an annual mean of $66 million in 1993 – 1997 to $820 million in 2013 – 2017 and in 2018, user fees accounted for approximately 80% of the salaries of review personnel responsible for the approval of new drugs.“
William Thompson wanted to blow the whistle on the MMR vaccine which WAS causing Autism in black boys and other people, but he was silenced by Julie Gerberding. He must’ve really been threatened or quietly paid off because he recanted what he had previously authored about the MMR vaccine causing Autism.

Thompson now confesses that he and his fellow CDC researchers found a strong autism signal in children who received the MMR vaccine before their third birthday…Under orders from their bosses…the scientists eliminated this data from the final published study.” (Vaccine Whistleblower – Exposing Autism Research Fraud at the CDC, by Kevin Barry, Esq., with a Foreword by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., JD, LLM, xiv).
If you’re having a hard time accepting how badly the US government has bent over US citizens and shoved their fist up our collective ass without lube, you are not alone. The information is out there. Take a look at this post if you haven’t already seen it: “I Called Poison Control”, if you still have doubts after listening to Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and reading the I called Poison Control About Vaccine Ingredients post…I suggest you do the same as Carrie Liebich, and call Poison Control and do exactly what she did.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On Vaccines

Please don’t misunderstand this, like Robert Kennedy, I wouldn’t speak out against vaccines if they were safe…they are not. They are NOT tested…oh wait, yes they are, On Your New Baby!!! Please do the research yourself. This is just one of the many crimes against humanity the pharmaceutical industry will face. People like Julie Gerberding, WILL pay for her crimes. She’ll be on the Gallows with Bill & Melinda Gates and George Soros. Bill and Melinda Gates can share a noose.
The ideal situation and one that I pray for, is for all them to turn their hearts around and use their money for good! They do have the power to make our planet, Gaia, clean again, to make our civilization sustainable, so they can forget those Ridiculous Georgia Guide Stones.
Peace, Love & Blessings To All!