Notice How Information Like This Has Been Trickling Out…Slow Disclosure
The article saying Sunlight Destroys Corona Virus Quickly, came out in Yahoo News over a month ago on April 24th, 2020! I’ve added a lot to it…I just wanted to give Yahoo credit.

I’m sure that just about all the scientists were being told to Shut The Fuck Up, or you will be jailed ILLEGALLY and then Suicided like every Alternative Medicine doctor has been and will continue to be as long as the :Not So deep state anymore”, walks freely among human beings!!!
There are too many doctors and nurses speaking out now for this to go on much longer…these are the TRUE HEROES! ALL OTHER “doctors” who wear masks, do tele-medicine, roll over and do what their corporate handlers tell them to do should be ashamed of themselves and possibly have their medical licenses stripped from them for being COMPLICIT in CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY! At what level of complicity they were involved would determine any other “debt” they would need to pay.

Bill Gates and “Dr” Fauci have to take twice as many boner pills when they read something like this, they have wet dreams of being able to inoculate everyone on the planet by force. (The Pun here is that they both have limp needle dicks, in fact, Dr Judy Mikovits said that Fauci’s nickname in the lab that she worked, I think it was NIAID, was limp dick.) This is a great quote by Mike Savage PhD: “Fauci Is The “PT Barnum Of The Virus””
Sunlight Destroys Corona Virus Quickly, Thus, The Lock-Down Recommendation.
The new CoronaVirus is quickly destroyed by sunlight, according to new research announced by a senior US official on Thursday, though the study has not yet been made public and awaits external evaluation.
William Bryan, science and technology advisor to the Department of Homeland Security secretary, told reporters at the White House that “government scientists had found ultraviolet rays had a potent impact on the pathogen, offering hope that its spread may ease over the summer.” The sun helps to prevent a lot of disease, but when you put on things like sunblock, it BLOCKS THE VITAMIN D YOU GET NATURALLY FROM THE SUN! Vitamin D helps prevent skin cancer.
“Our most striking observation to date is the powerful effect that solar light appears to have on killing the virus, both surfaces and in the air”, he said.
“We’ve seen a similar effect with both temperature and humidity as well, where increasing the temperature and humidity or both is generally less favorable to the virus.”
But the paper itself has not yet been released for review, making it difficult for independent experts to comment on how robust its methodology was.
It has long been known that ultraviolet light has a sterilizing effect, because the radiation damages the virus’s genetic material and their ability to replicate.
A key question, however, will be what the intensity and wavelength of the UV light used in the experiment was and whether this accurately mimics natural light conditions in summer.
“It would be good to know how the test was done, and how the results were measured,” Benjamin Neuman, chair of biological sciences at Texas A&M University-Texarkana, told AFP.
“Not that it would be done badly, just that there are several different ways to count viruses, depending on what aspect you are interested in studying.”
summarizing major findings of the experiment that was carried out at the National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center in Maryland.
Important Information Below For People In Tropical Areas, Like Mexico
It showed that the virus’s half-life — the time taken for it to reduce to half its amount — was 18 hours when the temperature was 70 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit (21 to 24 degrees Celsius) with 20 percent humidity on a non-porous surface.
This includes things like door handles and stainless steel.
But the half-life dropped to six hours when humidity rose to 80 percent — and to just two minutes when sunlight was added to the equation.
When the virus was aerosolized — meaning suspended in the air — the half-life was one hour when the temperature was 70 to 75 degrees with 20 percent humidity.
In the presence of sunlight, this dropped to just one and a half minutes.
Bryan concluded that summer-like conditions “will create an environment (where) transmission can be decreased.”
He added, though, that reduced spread did not mean the pathogen would be eliminated entirely and social distancing guidelines cannot be fully lifted.
“It would be irresponsible for us to say that we feel that the summer is just going to totally kill the virus and then if it’s a free-for-all and that people ignore those guides,” he said.
Previous work has also agreed that the virus fares better in cold and dry weather than it does in hot and humid conditions, and the lower rate of spread in southern hemisphere countries where it is early fall and still warm bear this out.
Australia, for example, has had just under 7,000 confirmed cases and 77 deaths — well below many northern hemisphere nations.
The reasons are thought to include that respiratory droplets remain airborne for longer in colder weather, and that viruses degrade more quickly on hotter surfaces, because a protective layer of fat that envelops them dries out faster.
Many Doctors Say NO To Flu Shots
US health authorities believe that even if COVID-19 cases slow over summer, the rate of infection is likely to increase again in fall and winter, in line with other seasonal viruses like the flu. THAT IS WHAT “THEY” WANT YOU TO BELIEVE!! So you’re more likely to roll over or bend-over and get a flu shot, which will then make you sick! DO NOT GET A FLU SHOT, JUST SAY NO!
They are planting seeds for the next wave of deceit!! They’re going to start saying, if they haven’t already started saying, that you need to get a flu shot at the end of the Summer so we don’t have another COVID-19 pandemic!

Australia is in the Southern Hemisphere, they will being going into Winter as we, in the Northern Hemisphere, go into Summer. They started testing COVID-19 vaccines down there!! How The Fuck, did they get a vaccine so fast!? They haven’t even done any tests…the people who “volunteer” to help them test it, must be suicidal!! Maybe they’ll start testing the BlueTooth armbands down under as well, to prove you had a vaccination…and to prove how obedient you are.
As with Cancer “treatment”, Chemo-‘Therapy’ KILLS more people than it helps…it is meant to prolong your life, not cure you…us “useless feeders” are a cash crop to the likes of Bill Gates and Tony Fauci…they have money invested in vaccines, Bill & Melinda Gates own Pirbright Institute in Europe.
Here’s an excerpt from an article on by their Science Editor Sarah Knapton:
“Patients should be warned about the dangers of chemotherapy after research showed that cancer drugs are killing up to 50 per cent of patients in some hospitals.
For the first time researchers looked at the numbers of cancer patients who died within 30 days of starting chemotherapy, which indicates that the medication is the cause of death, rather than the cancer.
The study by Public Health England and Cancer Research UK found that across England around 8.4 per cent of patients with lung cancer, and 2.4 per cent of breast cancer patients died within a month.
But in some hospitals the figure was far higher. In Milton Keynes the death rate for lung cancer treatment was 50.9 per cent, although it was based on a very small number of patients….”
This is an excerpt from, a very interesting article:

- As a new flu season arrives, older Americans are facing an increased risk of dying from the virus.
- Deaths attributed to the flu among those 65 and older have spiked in recent years.
- More than 12,000 people ages 65 and older died from the disease during the last flu season (starting Oct. 1, 2017).
- That is more than double the death toll of the 2016-17 flu season
- And is six times the number from 2015-16
In addition to a large flu death toll in 2017-18
- The number of flu-related hospitalizations of those 65 and older “was higher than we’ve seen in any other previous year,” CDC spokeswoman Kristen Nordlund says.
- And even that death-certificate death toll may be understated.
- More precise figures, in which flu is specifically listed as a cause of death, shows 15,541 fatalities from Oct. 1, 2017, through early September (the most recent report available). Nearly 80 percent of those who died from flu were 65 or older — 12,230 — a significant increase over recent years.
- People age 65 and older are much better than others at getting annual flu shots.
- In 2017, 69 percent of seniors got a flu shot, while the vaccination rate was 46 percent for people ages 50 to 64, 33 percent for ages 18 to 49 and 48 percent for those 17 and younger.
- The flu accounts for about 5 percent of all winter deaths among older Americans, says Michael Jackson, a vaccine and infectious-disease researcher for Kaiser Permanente.

It seems as though those who are 65 and older are the test subjects for Flu Vaccinations or any vaccinations for that matter…that’s why I don’t understand why Reptilians like Henry Kissinger, George Soros (who supports NAMBLA by the way), Ted Turner, Prince Philip, tell me he’s not a Reptile! Reptile Prince Philip was quoted as saying “If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.” You don’t have to worry about reincarnating to accomplishing that task Phil…you’ve already achieved it, you already are a virus!
Every time I hear or see the name Phil, it reminds me of this joke: “What are the most common names for homosexual Scottish men? Ben Dover and Phil McCrackin”

Take a look at George Soros in the right shot, I think it’s from the NAMBLA awards ceremony and he just won a little boy…the little boy was already a black-belt in Kung Fu and proceeded to kick Georgy’s ass and he escaped…tell me he’s not a Reptilian Pedophile, aka: Pedophilian George Soros.
The other shot is of him and Senator No-Name (Executed or Cancercuted) from Arizona These are couple of quotes of the Pedophilian multi-billionaire war profiteer, currency manipulator and master puppeteer, on CBS 60 minutes in 1998: “I am basically here to make money. I cannot and do not look at the social consequences of what I do.” and this one: ” The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.” You can see the hole in his throat where he sticks his finger in to take off his human mask.

Then there is George Soros’ twin, David Rockefeller who died on March 20th, 2017 at 101 years old…he probably lived that long due to the consumption of Adrenachrome. When I look at his picture, I get the feeling that he died a long time ago.
So just go out in the sun, STOP WEARING MASKS, do not get a flu shot or COVID-19 vaccine, JUST LIVE YOUR LIFE the way you did before this Plandemic.
Peace, LOVE & Blessings to you all!!!