Hydroxychloroquine, America’s Frontline Doctors, SquareSpace CENSORSHIP!!!

“Hydroxychloroquine could have saved 75,000 to 100,000 lives had it been administered to COVID-19 patients.” – Dr Harvey Risch World Renown Epidemiologist

“Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated.” – Margaret Sanger


The left has kicked censorship into high gear. There are a group of Doctors that have formed a group called America’s Frontline Doctors. They went to Washington DC to speak out against #fakescience and criminal “Doctors” like Anthony Fauci. Fauci WILL definitely be found guilty of High Treason and Crimes Against Humanity.

The little guy Fauci has been screwing people over for his ENTIRE career. He is personally responsible for THOUSANDS of HIV deaths, because he put a hold on new treatments that Dr Judy Mikovitz created, so he could steal them from her. All you have to do is look at the guy, look into his eyes and you’ll see that there is something not so right about him. Here is a post I made containing the patents that ANTHONY FAUCI holds for: Spike-Glycoprotein (S) and others. These patents were filed in 2008!

Now you know how Dr Anthony Fauci Prophesied A Surprise Outbreak During President Trump’s Administration!

Background – SARS-CoV

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is caused by a newly discovered coronavirus (SARS-CoV). No effective prophylactic or post-exposure therapy is currently available. LIE!!!

Results – Chloroquine Has Strong Antiviral Effects On SARS-CoV Infection Of Primate Cells


We report, however, that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage. In addition to the well-known functions of chloroquine such as elevations of endosomal pH, the drug appears to interfere with terminal glycosylation of the cellular receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2.

This may negatively influence the virus-receptor binding and abrogate the infection, with further ramifications by the elevation of vesicular pH, resulting in the inhibition of infection and spread of SARS CoV at clinically admissible concentrations.

Conclusion – Chloroquine is effective in preventing the spread of SARS CoV in cell culture

Chloroquine is effective in preventing the spread of SARS CoV in cell culture. Favorable inhibition of virus spread was observed when the cells were either treated with chloroquine prior to or after SARS CoV infection. In addition, the indirect immunofluorescence assay described herein represents a simple and rapid method for screening SARS-CoV antiviral compounds.

This report can still be found on NIH.gov if it’s not there, you can also download the PDF here: CHLOROQUINE IS A POTENT INHIBITOR of SARS coronavirus infection and spread!

America’s Frontline Doctors Group Is being HEAVILY Censored By Big-Tech & Big-Pharma

America’s Frontline Doctors had a website, with all the LEGITIMATE data you would need to look at regarding Hydroxychloroquine, which has been on the World Health Organization’s list of MUST HAVE MEDICINES for decades, then all of sudden, they’re saying it’s dangerous. That is because The World Health Organization is run by Bill Gates and he’s pushing for his deadly COVID-19 vaccine.

SquareSpace Censorship
SquareSpace Censorship!

I said they had a website but the “hosting company”, SquareSpace took it down! DON’T USE SQUARESPACE!!! They took it down, not because the information was false, but because it was ALL TRUE. That should tell you something about SquareSpace…they have been infected with DeepState-19 the TRUTH VIRUS, when you tell the Truth, your chances of the virus trying to get you to lie, increase! I don’t get sick, I don’t wear masks and I ALWAYS tell the truth!

Leftist Woman heckling America's Frontline Doctors about Hydroxychloroquine.
Leftist Woman heckling America’s Frontline Doctors about Hydroxychloroquine.

It says “Website Expired, The Account Has Expired. If You Are The Site Owner, Click Below To Login”. A COMPLETE LIE!!! It says SquareSpace in the lower right corner. We can now add SquareSpace to the List of Social Media Censors! I downloaded the videos before they got deleted. The one below is complete with “hecklers”, uninformed, misinformed, disinformed, Sheepbots. I mentioned the IQ’s of the Left and their MKULTRA-Bots previously…this is another example of their low IQ.

The woman is heckling Dr Simone Gold, then Dr Gold asks her to “pronounce the drug” Hydroxychloroquine, and she can’t do it. Then the camera shows the woman and she’s not wearing a mask, which would do nothing anyway, but she has a plastic face shield, which does ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY NOTHING. Then she starts regurgitating the Propaganda Bullshit that was spoon-fed to her, probably by CNN, she says “It’s Bleach”.

Microdyn Is Bad For You
Microdyn Is Bad For You

Bleach WILL NOT KILL YOU if you were to consume it in low doses. How do I know this? I lived in MEXICO for 8 years. What restaurants will do is, put fruits and vegetables in a bucket of water and pour a little bleach in it, so customers will not get sick. There is a product called Microdyn, which is widely used, but turns out it’s bad for you. Believe it or not, Bleach is better, unless you use too much, in which case we know you’re as smart as the woman wearing the face shield, the salad bar sneeze guard, hahaha.

America’s Frontline Doctors Being Censored Video

America’s Frontline Doctors Being Censored

Dr Harvey Risch World Renown Epidemiologist From Yale On Hydroxychloroquine For COVID-19

This next video is of Dr Harvey Risch from Yale. One of the most well known epidemiologists in the United States, if not, the world. He says that Hydroxychloroquine could have saved 75,000 to 100,000 lives had it been administered to COVID-19 patients.

Dr Harvey Risch On Hydroxychloroquine For Treating And Defeating COVID-19

State Medical Boards have started threatening doctors over the use of Hydroxychloroquine. A drug that has been around for 65 years and on the World Health Organization’s must have medicines list, that is until they were told to take it off and say it was dangerous.

Two major medical journals, The Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine have both retracted papers condemning the use of Hydroxychloroquine, saying the data used in the “study” was not being released for 3rd party peer review.

The papers triggered widespread concern among scientists over a lack of information about the countries and hospitals that contributed data.

Mandeep Mehra, a professor at Harvard University who led the work, along with Frank Ruschitzka of the University Hospital Zurich and Amit Patel of the University of Utah, said in a statement they had tried to launch a third-party peer review. But Surgisphere, a little-known healthcare analytics firm based in Chicago that provided the data, refused to cooperate.

“Due to this unfortunate development, the authors request that the paper be retracted…”

“As professor of epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health, I have authored over 300 peer-reviewed publications and currently hold senior positions on the editorial boards of several leading journals.

“I am usually accustomed to advocating for positions within the mainstream of medicine, so have been flummoxed to find that, in the midst of a crisis, I am fighting for a treatment that the data fully supports but which, for reasons having nothing to do with a correct understanding of the science, has been pushed to the sidelines.

“As a result, tens of thousands of patients with Covid-19 are dying unnecessarily. Fortunately, the situation can be reversed easily and quickly.

“I am referring, of course, to the medication hydroxychloroquine. When this inexpensive oral medication is given very early in the course of illness, before the virus has had time to multiply beyond control, it has shown to be highly effective, especially when given in combination with the antibiotics azithromycin or doxycycline and the nutritional supplement zinc.

“On May 27, I published an article in the American Journal of Epidemiology (AJE) entitled, ‘Early outpatient treatment of symptomatic, high-risk Covid-19 patients that should be ramped-up immediately as key to the pandemic crisis.’– Dr Harvey Risch

There is a PDF that you can download from the link above. But since so many things are getting censored and taken down, just like the AmericasFrontlineDoctors.com website, you can also download the PDF of Dr Harvey Risch’s paper on COVID-19 and Hydroxychloroquine right here.

If it had been used, that would have foiled the plans of Dr Anthony Fauci, Dr Bill Gates…out wait, that’s right, he’s NOT A DOCTOR, he’s a college DROPOUT! He wasn’t even going to med-school! Bill Gates IS an INSANE CRIMINAL! That’s why in Italy, they are calling for his arrest for crimes against humanity, that’s why he was kicked out of India.

He has crippled thousands of children with his vaccines!!! If Bill Gates comes out with a COVID-19 “vaccine”, he and his family MUST be first inline to get it. Starting with his children, the youngest first. He shouldn’t mind because he and his parents are fans of Margaret Sanger and Eugenics.

"Colored People Are Like Human Weeds And Are To Be Exterminated" - Margaret Sanger, Founder Of Planned Parenthood!
“Colored People Are Like Human Weeds And Are To Be Exterminated” – Margaret Sanger,
Founder Of Planned Parenthood

Bill Gates’ Father Ran Planned Parenthood, His Mother Created Microsoft, Together They Trained Their Son To Spread The Gospel Of Eugenics. Bill Gates parents, Bill Sr. and Mary, whose vast wealth and influence made sure their legacy of eugenics would be carried on in their son who is doing exactly that.

Now, if you don’t know what eugenics is, it is the practice of controlling the population through medicine and science to weed out the undesirables so that only the strong and healthy survive. It is exactly what the Nazis did, and it is what Margaret Sanger believed and practiced all her life. Which is what Bill attempted to do in India. Go to YouTube and watch the TedTalks video that Bill Gates did. He talks about Eugenics: “If we do a really great with new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive services…”

Bill Gates’ Third-World “Humanitarianism” has been kicked out of India as his fraud was called out. He came to India posing as a philanthropist and humanitarian helping the Third-World poor people by alleviating their conditions and yes, of course, “VACCINATING” their children.

The Meme Above says:

  • Margaret Sanger – “Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated.” (She fears them, because she’s not ‘melanated’ like them, right Nick Cannon?)
  • Hillary Clinton – “I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision.”
  • Markeece Young – These two have done so much damage to the black community. I will see that I expose these two with every fiber of my being. @YoungBLKRepub

Margaret Sanger Award recipients

This list is a who’s who of Eugenics, it seems. The entire list is from 1966 to 2015. I’ve just listed 7 from 2015 down to 2009.

Recipients 2015 – 2009

  • 2015  – Dr. Willie Parker
  • 2014 – Nancy Pelosi
  • 2013 – Dr. Ruth K. Westheimer – This one is odd???
  • 2012 – Philip Darney, MD, MSc and Uta Landy, PhD
  • 2011 – Anthony D. Romero
  • 2010 – Ellen R. Malcolm
  • 2009 – U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton

Apparently Planned Parenthood is getting too much bad press from being associated with Margaret Sanger, so according to the New York Times, Planned Parenthood of Greater New York plans to rename its Manhattan abortion facility, which has long bore Sanger’s name. It also asked city leaders to remove her name from a street sign nearby.

Dr Stella Immanuel – Hydroxychloroquine

Dr Stella Immanuel is part of America’s Frontline Doctors group and is VERY outspoken about Hydroxychloroquine, Zithromax and Zinc and how she has cured 350+ patients from the False Flag Flu, (F3) COVID-19, Hydroxychloroquine works. Already the left is trying to make her out as a witch doctor. It’s fucking insane! This woman is a TRUE patriot, and she’s not evevn from the United States, she’s from Camaroon. She’s more AMERICAN than A LOT of “americans” that were born here. Dr Stella Immanuel is most certainly MORE AMERICAN than anyone on the list below.

In this video she whacks Anthony Fauci and all the “talking heads at CNN” right across the face and challenges them to give her urine samples so they can be checked for Hydroxychloroquine. By the way, Hydroxychloroquine is a synthestic drug based on the structure of Quinine. Quinine is what a bartender makes your Gin & Tonic with. Tonic water has Quinine. Quinine is a natural substance made from the bark of Cinchona trees and shrubs. There are natural alternatives for Hydroxychloroquine, whether they work or not, you can be the judge.

I’m betting that they will. Of course the Big Pharma puppets like Dr Anthony Fauci, and the World Health Organization will try to scare you into thinking something natural is Dangerous, just like they are saying Hydroxychloroquine itself is dangerous…and like all the MEATHEADS that would say “Marijuana is a gateway drug.” If you use Marijuana, the only gateway you’ll be going to, is your own, to pay the food delivery guy!! Watch Dr Stella Immanuel neuter Dr Fauci and the Communist News Network!

Here’s a Small List Of Non-american Americans:

Quite a few of them will be living in their new island home soon…GITMO, the other will just tuck their tails between their legs, trying to cover the spot where their balls used to be

  • Nancy Pelosi
  • Adam Schiff A.K.A. Shifty Adam
  • Jerry Nadler
  • Maxine Waters
  • Robert Mueller
  • Peter Strock
  • Lisa Paige
  • James Comey
  • Everyone Involved In The Attempted Coup d’état of President Trump’s Administration
  • Hillary Clinton
  • Bill Clinton – The whole Clinton Clan
  • George W. Bush
  • The Whole Bush Clan including the mother that spawned all of them and the executed Pappy, “I got my cowboy hat on, where are them boys” Bush
  • Dick Cheney
  • Former Arizona Senator No-Name also Executed
  • The Entire Leftist Group, which includes almost all Democrats
  • Black Lives Matter
  • Louis Farrakhan
  • Elijah Muhammad
  • Wallace Fard
  • Nick Cannon
  • Al Sharpton
  • Jesse Jackson
  • Colen (sic) Kaepernick
  • Jenny Durkan
  • Gavin Newsom
  • Andrew Cuomo
  • Lori “BeetleJuice” Lightfoot
  • Gretchen Whitmer
  • Chris Cuomo
  • The Entire LameStream Media
  • Dave Chappelle – He’s on the list because of his “Streets Are Alive” comment and his 8:46 debacle!
  • Anyone like any of these _____ on this list.

How about that Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton made it to two lists…

Every Non-Action In Times Of Turmoil Begets A Greater Negative Reaction!

Transalation: Get Off Your Ass! If You See Something, Do Something, Don’t Roll-Over So Easily! Take Off Those Masks, They Do Absolutely Nothing Except Let The Left Know Who Submits Easily!!! They Are The Same As The Gold Stars Jews Were Forced To Wear In World War 2 By The Nazis!!!

Peace, Love & Blessings To All, Especially To All On The Above Lists!


Dr Carrie Madej Speaks Out On COVID-19 Vaccine, Dr Scott Perlman On HUGE Vaccine Lawsuit WIN For US!

“They are injecting CANCERS into your body and other TOXIC substances…”

“The COVID-19 vaccines are designed to turn us into Genetically Modified Organisms” GMO’s That can be patented…

“The COVID-19 vaccine is being fast tracked, skipping over animal trials going directly to human trials and they are not using good scientific methodologies at all”

Vaccines Another Divisor For Humanity

There are those in DENIAL (Face Mask Wearers and those waiting for the COVID-19 Vaccine) that think vaccines are safe and they go through the usual 1.5 to 2.5 year safety testing and FDA approval…ABSOLUTELY NOTHING could be further from the truth. The COVID-19 Vaccine is being fast tracked, by-passing all the normal safety testing, in order to inoculate everyone into robots. In the Dr Scott Perlman video below. He gives UNDENIABLE PROOF the CDC lies (what a surprise) and all involved in the Polio vaccine totally FUCKED Humanity.

They admitted in the lawsuit that after the Salk Polio vaccine was administered, Polio all of a sudden, didn’t disappear but just the opposite happened! The number of Polio cases started to rise. Then the CDC because of this, changed the definition of symptoms, so once what was considered Polio, was then referred to as Aseptic Meningitis even if the Polio virus was present. Aseptic Meningitis cases went from almost ZERO to 1000’s and Polio cases dropped by the same amount.

Then in 1958, the CDC changed the definition of Polio again, so that those who were paralyzed due to the Polio vaccine were “no longer” paralyzed by Polio because they had Acute Flaccid Paralysis. In 1960 the CDC declared large parts of the world Polio free.

Speaking Of Polio Vaccines Causing Cancer

“…a pharmaceutical company which used monkeys to make polio vaccines, government health agencies responsible for making sure the vaccine was not contaminated with monkey viruses, and individuals who are now dying from cancerous tumors that contain a monkey virus which appears to have contaminated that polio vaccine.

“Sadly, the American people were not told the truth about this in 1960. The SV40 contaminated stocks of Salk polio vaccine were never withdrawn from the market but continued to be given to American children until early 1963 with full knowledge of federal health agencies. 

    Between 1955 and early 1963, nearly 100 million American children had been given polio vaccine contaminated with the monkey virus, SV40. [Testimony]

   Today, U.S. federal health agencies admit the following two facts:

1. Salk polio vaccine released for public use between 1955 and 1963 was contaminated with SV40; and

2. SV40 has been proven to cause cancer in animals.”

I’ve known that vaccines were tainted with cancer causing ingredients for some time and that they supposedly stopped adding those ingredients to the Polio vaccine in 1963. Think about that for a second…are they really going to cut a major source of their income?? They just changed the type of ingredient that DOES cause cancer and is in vaccines today. Remember, there is NO money in the cure.

Go read the rest of the information about Polio vaccines tainted with SV40.

The CDC Lost A Landmark Vaccine Lawsuit

July 16, 2020 :”Government Funding Was pulled from the Gates Foundation, W.H.O. and CDC…” Thanks to Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Dr Andrew Wakefield and Del Bigtree, the CDC, Vaccine Company, had to prove that all vaccines over the past 32 years had been tested for safety…how many of them were? This proves especially true for the COVID-19 Vaccine!!


Watch the video of Dr Scott Perlman reading from LEGAL DOCUMENTS explaining ALL OF IT.

Dr Scott Perlman On Vaccine Lawsuit Victory For Robert F. Kennedy Jr,
Dr Andrew Wakefield and Del Bigtree!

Vaccine Ingredients Go Here For The Different Ingredients Used In Vaccines

Dr Carrie Madej On The Upcoming COVID-19 Vaccine

The video of Dr Carrie Madej speaking about the COVID-19 Vaccine or as Dr Scott Perlman calls it “COVERT-19”, which honestly, is a better name, Dr Madej, says some things that, those in denial, will have a trigger response too, that starts their “giggle factor” programming. Giggle Factor Programming, is what the fairly new CIA came up with after the JFK assassination, so that when ANYONE questioned the “official Magic Bullet” story, people would laugh at them and call them crazy. Are you doing that right now as you read this? Watch those “Triggers”, learn from them.

Personally I thought the CIA started the Giggle Factor after the Roswell “crash” in the summer of 1947. The CIA was formed September 18, 1947. That’s another article for another time.

As I said above about the cancer causing ingredient in the Polio vaccine just being changed, the new cancer causing ingredient is MRC5 Aborted Fetal Cell Lines from the 1960’s. The MRC5 Aborted Fetal Cell Line is an immortalized cell line, immortalized means it DOES NOT die, it is a cell that has lost the ability to go through apoptosis, a cell that cannot go through that death process is called CANCER!

They use wordiness to try and hide these things. Another name for an Aborted Fetal Cells is Diploid Cell. A diploid cell is a cell that contains two complete sets of chromosomes.This is double the haploid chromosome number. Each pair of chromosomes in a diploid cell is considered to be a homologous chromosome set. A homologous chromosome pair consists of one chromosome donated from the mother and one from the father. So you’re getting someone else’s parents in these vaccines!

Recombinant DNA (rDNA) molecules are DNA molecules formed by laboratory methods of genetic recombination (such as molecular cloning) to bring together genetic material from multiple sources, creating sequences that would not otherwise be found in the genome.

Immortalized cells (also called continuous cells or cell lines) are primary cells whose telomeres and/or tumor suppressor genes have been altered. Tumor suppressor genes (e.g. p53 and Rb) are important for signalling the cell to stop dividing when the likelihood of DNA damage is higher after multiple cell cycles.

In the case of immortalized cells, these genes have been knocked down or their function inhibited so that the cell is able to keep dividing indefinitely. Some of the vaccines that are using these cell lines are:

  • MMR – Measles, Mumps Rubella
  • Chicken Pox
  • Shingles
  • Hepatitus A & B
  • Polio

The vaccines above and others that have the Immortalized Cell Lines, increase the risk of Oncogenesis which means those who have received them, have a greater risk of getting cancer, they increase the risk of Mutagenesis (Mutated Genes) and increase the risk of transmitting live infections.

Nano Technology – NanoBots, Follow The Money

I’ve been thinking for a very long time that we’re ALL breathing in Nanites, which is a NanoRobot or NanoBot, from the Chem-Trails that are constantly being sprayed on us. They’re spraying us with toxic heavy metals, why not put microscopic robots, NanoBots, in there as well.

Nano Technology - COVID-19 Vaccine
Nano Technology

This is the same technology that you chip your pets with. It’s the same technology that Bill Gates wants us to be chipped with.

  • In 2011 The German company CurVac was given $33,000,000 for the research and development of RNA vaccines.
  • In 2013 Moderna Therapeutics was given $25,000,000 for the research and development of RNA vaccines.
  • In 2015 Innovio was given $25,000,000 for the research and development of DNA vaccines. They also admitted to using DNA Nano-Technology
  • All Of These Companies Are Back By The Gates Foundation Or Associated With Them In Some way!
  • In 2010 DARPA started focusing on DNA and RNA vaccines, they had a synthetic DNA vaccine which could be delivered via non-invasive Electroporation to “enhance and subvert” humans at a genetic level. Electroporation: Electroporation, or electropermeabilization, is a microbiology technique in which an electrical field is applied to cells in order to increase the permeability of the cell membrane, allowing chemicals, drugs, or DNA to be introduced into the cell.
  • 2010 was the same year The Gates Foundation started to back the above companies in their RNA and DNA vaccine development.
  • In 2012 DARPA announced they had a “Brain/Machine Interface”, A.I., Artificial Intelligence and the human brain will form a neural network that enables the ability to communicate by thought alone or to be influenced or controlled remotely. This will turn you into a character in a computer program. They would be able to give you artificial memories, change your body internally…control who YOU are. You WILL be plugged into the Matrix, but not as one of the good guys.
  • DARPA also funded a company that produces soft, flexible Hydrogels which are injected beneath the skin to perform health monitoring. They sync to a smatphone app to give the user immediate health insights. Hydrogel technology grows and spreads in the body once implanted. This is why they want us to get the COVID-19 app, COVERT-19 really fits here.

We Are Definitely Not In Kansas Anymore!!

EVERYTHING we have been taught about EVERYTHING is now in the “Limited Hangout” stage. Because I know you’re lazy and don’t have 1 minute to stop and RESEARCH the meaning: Limited Hangout: “spy jargon for a favorite and frequently used gimmick of the clandestine professionals. When their veil of secrecy is shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover story to misinform the public, they resort to admitting—sometimes even volunteering—some of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts in the case. The public, however, is usually so intrigued by the new information that it never thinks to pursue the matter further.

It’s ok if you don’t believe Dr Carrie Madej about the COVID-19 Vaccine and Dr Scott Perlman, it doesn’t change the fact that it’s all true. It just means you’re not ready to accept the truth, that you’re still in denial. I’m NOT being mean, it’s just that We The People have run out of time! Please do the research yourself! Start with the links below.

Dr Carrie Madej Speaks About COVID-19 Vaccine (COVERT-19 Vaccine)


Vaccine Information on the Covid-19 vaccine, nanotechnology, smart phone health apps, rDNA, rRNA, patenting GMO

Keep Your Friends Close & Your Enemies Closer

“Further, in May 2019, Gavi CEO Seth Berkley referred to “anti-vaccine sentiment” as a disease that needs to be censored from the internet. Berkley’s statements are perfectly in line with Bill Gates’ vision and the larger agenda of eugenics. The public cannot be allowed to question the safety of vaccines — no matter how rushed they are.”

Get Up, Stand Up, Stand Up For Your Rights

This is a bit strange, the only reason I think President Trump is teaming up with GAVI, is because as the title says: “Keep Your Friends Close & Your Enemies Closer”. There’s something happening that I haven’t put my finger on yet…I know all the never-Trumpers are saying “See, I told you.” They’re all happy because they think they’re right. They didn’t think it all the way through, if President Trump is a Swamp Creature, then where does that leave EVERY SINGLE BEING ON THIS PLANET? Do you still want the Pilot to crash?

Now is the time for CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE, I’m not talking about the Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA (ANTI-FreeAmerica) kind. Stop wearing masks, Open your Businesses, Stop being a Coward. Everything about this “shut-down” IS illegal. A perfect peaceful protest would be the kind I wrote about here.

Get Up Stand Up, Stand Up For Your Rights!!

If you want all this COVID nonsense to be done with…STOP WEARING MASKS to start, DO NOT SOCIAL DISTANCE! Look at the communist governor of Kalifornia, Nancy Pelosi’s nephew…how did he get elected…do you think maybe there was some voter fraud in Nancy’s home state?? Gavin Newsom, just told people they cannot CHANT OR SING IN CHURCH! WHAT!! They are going to keep pushing and pushing and pushing until what? We’re all well behaved, vaccinated, chipped and broken, poor excuses for a civilization?? Notice the time on the MP3 above, 4:11

Are You Wearing The Proper Mask

1. Respirator: Proper Mask 2. Cloth Mask: Mind Control Device

The only mask that will help you is the respirator kind, like in the image to the left, the one below it, the cloth mask, is a mind control device. It stops nothing and helps nothing…wait, that’s not true, it will help to make you sick. You can type wearing face masks in the search box at the top right, and you will get several results…read them all…or just click that link.

When I go out, I see a lot of people wearing masks still, this screams of who are…and worse, when I see people wearing bandanas, not only are these people highly gullible like all mask wearers, they are lazy pushovers that lack critical thinking skills…but that’s redundant…it applies to all mask wearers.

To All My Friends In Mexico

Do you remember from 2010 and after how tourism to Mexico was cut drastically? It was affected by the US & Canadian Media…BRAINWASHING people to make them think Mexico was extremely dangerous…that was the biggest load of BULLSHIT ever…I think it was a precursor to what’s happening now…a test, to see how well they could MANIPULATE everyone. It worked for a bit, that is until the Free Thinkers, The Critical Thinkers, The Free Souls came to Mexico and experienced incredibly friendly, smiling people that lived in paradise.

Here are two True anecdotes about that time: first, right before I moved down there, I was living in a loft complex downtown LA, I was hanging out at the pool one day and started talking about moving to Mexico with one of my neighbors. He said to me

  • Him: “I would think twice about moving to Mexico if I were you.”
  • Me: “Why?”
  • Him: “Because my radio program said…”
    • I cut him off before he could regurgitate the Propaganda
  • Me: “Your radio program, what radio program?”
  • Him: “N.P.R.” (That stands for National Propaganda Radio)
  • Me: “Have you ever even been to Mexico?”
  • Him: “No”

I don’t really remember what I said after that…I think I told him to STOP LISTENING TO THE MEDIA.

This one was told to me by one of my friends from Canada, we were having a beer at a place called Panchito’s, and we were talking about how the media had really done a number on Mexican tourism and he told me that a friend of his was so programmed that he actually thought you couldn’t walk down any street in Mexico without seeing dead bodies!! WTF!!! I guarantee you, the person who was thinking that is definitely a mask wearer.

Both of those are very relevant to what’s going on today. A lot of people are confused and don’t know who they can believe as far as what’s happening. There is one person that I know you can absolutely believe…that is YOU! But, before you can believe YOU, you have to make sure you are telling yourself the truth.

The easiest way I know to do that is, to just listen to your heart instincts! Don’t ignore that feeling you get when your heart is trying to tell you something. Learn to differentiate the differences between your heart, your mind and the ego. The only one that will point you in the right direction is your heart.

If I were closed minded and wasn’t aware of my heart instincts, I wouldn’t be posting this because it doesn’t exactly put President Trump in a good light, teaming up with GAVI like that. That’s why I chose the title that I did. We’ll see how it plays out soon enough.

Originally Posted On TheLastAmericanVagabond.com

In mid-May US President Donald Trump announced that the US would be ending their financial support for the World Health Organization (WHO) and COVID-19 relief. The move was lambasted in the mainstream press as an out of touch politician pulling funding from a vital global health organization during the middle of a pandemic. To Trump’s supporters the decision was met with the typical cheering and celebrated as another Trump victory against the “globalists.” To understand what is actually going on we need to examine Donald Trump’s actions, not his tweets or media statements.

Let us start by looking at the funding provided by the US government to the WHO in previous years. The latest numbers from fiscal year 2018 (numbers are not available for 2019-20) show an estimated $281.6 million to the WHO from the US. The records indicate that after the US government, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance, are the 2nd and 3rd top financiers of the WHO. The US defunding the WHO actually tightens the technocrats already firm grip on another global institution.

This means when Donald Trump stated the US will no longer fund the WHO, the Gates Foundation and GAVI stepped into the top financial role. Additionally, GAVI was founded by and largely funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in 2000. Either way, Bill Gates is the top donor and will continue to expand his influence and dominance of global health policy.

As reported in Part 2 of my Bill Gates investigation, in 2010 the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation launched the “Decade of Vaccines” and called for a “Global Vaccine Action Plan.” Since that time they have only grown their network and influence on WHO, GAVI and other organizations in order to shape public health policy in a way that reaps profits for the Gates themselves.

While Trump’s supporters viewed the US withdrawal from WHO financing as a win for nationalism or a black eye to the globalists, the truth is a bit more nuanced.

In early June, the Trump administration declared support for GAVI to the tune of a $1.16 billion USD donation. Trump’s support for GAVI came via the first ever virtual Global Vaccine Summit. At this summit GAVI surpassed the goal of $7.4 billion, instead raising $8.8 billion USD and securing commitments from most major nations around the world. GAVI even received a $5 million dollar donation from the Rockefeller Foundation. GAVI stated that the funding will go to “routine immunization programs” and will also help the public-private partnership “play a major role in the rollout of a future Covid-19 vaccine.”

More than 25 heads of state and 50 leaders of international agencies, NGOs and private industry attended the fundraising event. Participants included Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel, UN Secretary General António Guterres, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, and World Health Organization Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

UN Secretary Guterres stated that the vaccine would not be enough and instead called for global solidarity…to ensure that every person everywhere gets access to the vaccine.” Guterres also noted that “our individual health depends on our collective health.”

Donald Trump, GAVI, and Bill Gates

GAVI, President Trump, Bill Gates

It was at this Global Vaccine Summit where a pre-recorded message from Donald Trump was played. In his video statement Trump said UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson asked him to record a message.

During his short speech, Donald Trump stated, “It’s great to be partnering with you. We will work hard, we will work strong.” Trump also called COVID-19 “mean” and “nasty” and said it has shown “there are no borders, it doesn’t discriminate.”

Trump’s support for GAVI was echoed on the twitter account for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). “USAID echo’s @Realdonaldtrump‘s words and is proud to be partnering with @Gavi by committing $1.16 billion to protect people through vaccines, because #VaccinesWork,“ the tweet reads.  (It should be noted that USAID has also been accused of creating fake social media networks in an attempt to foment unrest in foreign nations.)

“As the Coronavirus has shown, there are no borders.”

USAID echo’s @Realdonaldtrump‘s words and is proud to be partnering with @Gavi by committing $1.16 billion to protect people through vaccines, because #VaccinesWork pic.twitter.com/btSLEEM4et

— USAID (@USAID) June 4, 2020

It was actually USAID who first announced the pledge of US $1.16 billion in February. The Trump administration included that $1.16 commitment as part of the budget for Fiscal Years 2020-2023. The budget for Fiscal Year 2021 included $290 million for GAVI. Remember that the records from fiscal year 2018 show an estimated $281.6 million to the WHO from the US. The Trump administration’s announcement of an initial $290 million investment easily surpassed the US investment in the WHO. Over the next three years the US will give more than $800 million to GAVI for their vaccination programs.

Once again, this puts Bill Gates and his organizations at the top of the global health pyramid. So what did Mr. Gates have to say about the success of the Global Vaccine Summit?

“Since its inception GAVI has helped vaccinate more than three-quarters of a billion children … And now, it’s stepping up and saying it’s willing to deliver a Covid-19 vaccine as soon as one is available to end the pandemic as soon as possible,” he said at the Summit. “We must also renew our commitment to delivering every life-saving vaccine there is to every child on earth.”

The Trump administration’s support for the development of vaccines to fight COVID-19 is also visible in a more recent virtual event organized by Global Citizen and the European Commission. On June 27, Global Citizen hosted the “Global Goal: Unite for Our Future – The Concert” which was supported by Bloomberg Philanthropies, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust, and Corporate Partners Citi, Procter & Gamble, SAP, Verizon and Vodafone. Once again, the funds raised at the event went to the Gates-founded GAVI.

During this event, Kelly Craft, United States Ambassador to the United Nations announced the US commitment of $545 million for GAVI towards COVID-19 relief efforts. “Together, we must work in an open, transparent, and supportive manner to build a safer, more resilient world. We must be the true multilateralist in the best sense of the word, working toward the common good,” Craft said.

At a May 2020 virtual summit, also organized by the European Commission, the Trump administration committed to giving another $775 million in emergency health, humanitarian, economic and development aid for governments, international organizations and charities fighting the pandemic. At this same event the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation contributed $125 million.   

Either Way, Gates Wins

Taken together – the May payment of $775 million; the early June announcement of $1.16 billion; and the late June gift of $545 million – these taxpayer funded investments will provide abundant resources for GAVI, and subsequently, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. These funds easily outweigh the paltry $281.6 million the US was giving to the WHO.

It is important to understand that the WHO is a part of the United Nations, which itself is an “intergovernmental organization” that is attempting to replace nation-states as we know them today in favor of global governance schemes. GAVI is a “public-private partnership” where governmental bodies and private organizations partner up to provide some sort of public service. Neither of these organizations has been elected by the free people of the nations in which they operate.

Despite this fact, the Trump administration is continuing to give billions to GAVI and in doing so, furthering Bill Gates’ goal to vaccinate 7 billion people. Trump may have pulled funds from the WHO, but that decision allows Gates to take full control of WHO policy and continue to use US taxpayer dollars to fund vaccine projects, including a rushed vaccine for COVID-19. This was likely the plan the whole time.

As we have clearly demonstrated in previous reports, Gates has an outsized influence on the COVID-19 recovery and global health in general. A 2015 report titled, Philanthropic Power and Development: Who shapes the agenda?, examines the influence of global philanthropy and provides examples of the undue influence Gates and others can wield. The report noted that researchers have been critical of GAVI for following a “Gates-approach” on global health challenges, “focusing on disease-specific vertical health interventions (through vaccines), instead of horizontal and holistic approaches (e.g., health system strengthening).” 

Further, in May 2019, Gavi CEO Seth Berkley referred to “anti-vaccine sentiment” as a disease that needs to be censored from the internet. Berkley’s statements are perfectly in line with Bill Gates’ vision and the larger agenda of eugenics. The public cannot be allowed to question the safety of vaccines — no matter how rushed they are.

This is why the Trump administration appointed a Big Pharma lackey to head “Operation Warp Speed,” Trump’s plan to fast track the development of vaccines for COVID-19. In May, Trump appointed Moncef Slaoui, a former executive with vaccine manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline, to serve in a volunteer position, assisted by Army Gen. Gustave Perna, the commander of United States Army Materiel Command. According to the Trump administration, Operation Warp Speed program is focusing on four vaccines, with the hopes of testing and producing 100 million doses by October 2020, 200 million by December, and 300 million doses by January. Slaoui has said he believes the goal of vaccines by January 2021 is a “credible goal.”

Once again, Gates’ fingerprints are all over the situation. Slaoui himself has a long history with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, sitting on the boards of companies that are connected to the organization.

It appears that despite the public pronouncements of divesting from the WHO or tweets about standing up to the globalists, the Trump administration continues to push the agenda to vaccinate every person on the planet.

Peace, Love & Blessings To All!
