Dr. McCullough: COVID Vaccines Have Already Killed Up to 50,000 Americans, According to Whistleblowers

McCullough predicted that the United States is gearing up to force people into getting the injections.

Covid Vaccines Have Killed Up To 50,000 People, Surprise, Surprise

Very incredible – “Covid Vaccines Have Killed Up To 50,000 People” that more and more Doctors are coming out and telling the truth. I left all links in so you can research for yourself. If you go to the link below, you’ll see a video of Dr Reiner Fuellmich that I originally uploaded to YouTube, then YouTube and Facebook in the same week, DELETED my Facebook page and my YouTube channel. You can see Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s video here. Time for everyone to become more aware of your surroundings

This article is from

By Debra Heine June 15, 2021

Covid Vaccines Have Killed Up To 50,000 People

In an extraordinary interview last week, Dr. Peter McCullough, an American professor of Medicine and Vice Chief of Internal Medicine at Baylor University, declared that the world has been subjected to a form of bioterrorism, and that the suppression of early treatments for COVID-19—such as hydroxychloroquine— “was tightly linked to the development of a vaccine.”

Dr. McCullough made the explosive comments during a webinar on June 11, with  Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, a German trial lawyer, who believes the pandemic was planned, and is “a crime against humanity.”

McCullough said he believes the bioterrorism has come in two stages—the first wave being the rollout of the coronavirus, and the second, the rollout of the dangerous vaccines, which he said may already be responsible for the deaths of up to 50,000 Americans.

Dr. McCullough practices internal medicine and cardiology, is the editor of Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine, senior editor of the American Journal of Cardiology, editor of the textbook Cardiorenal Medicine, and president of the Cardiorenal Society.

“The first wave of the bioterrorism is a respiratory virus that spread across the world, and affected relatively few people—about one percent of many populations—but generated great fear,” McCullough explained during the Oval Media webinar with other doctors. He noted that the virus targeted “mostly the frail and the elderly, but for otherwise well people, it was much like having the common cold.”

Dr. McCullough later elaborated that he has treated many patients with the disease, written papers on it, had the disease himself, and has also seen a death in his own family due to COVID.

The doctor said he believes that fear of the virus was used very quickly to generate policies that would hugely impact human life, such as the draconian lockdowns.

“Every single thing that was done in public health in response to the pandemic made it worse,” he pointed out.

McCullough explained that early on, as a doctor treating COVID patients, he came up with an early treatment regimen for those struck with the virus, which reduced hospital stays by about 85 percent, and said he began publishing papers on what he had learned. The doctor noted that he was “met with resistance at all levels” in terms of actually treating patients and publishing his papers.

“Fortunately I had enough publication strength to publish the only two papers in the entire medical literature that teaches doctors how to treat COVID-19 patients at home to prevent hospitalization,” he said.

“What we have discovered is that the suppression of early treatment was tightly linked to the development of a vaccine, and the entire program—and in a sense, bioterrorism phase one— was rolled out, [and] was really about keeping the population in fear, and in isolation preparing them to accept the vaccine, which appears to be phase two of a bioterrorism operation.”

McCullough explained that both the coronavirus and the vaccines deliver “to the human body, the spike protein, [which is] the gain of function target of this bioterrorism research.”

He acknowledged that he couldn’t come out and say all that on national television because the medical establishment has done such a thorough job of propagandizing the issue.

“What we have learned over time is that we could no longer communicate with government agencies. We actually couldn’t communicate with our propagandized colleagues in major medical centers, all of which appear to be under a spell, almost as if they’ve been hypnotized.”

“Good doctors are doing unthinkable things like injecting biologically active messenger RNA that produces this pathogenic spike protein into pregnant women. I think when these doctors wake up from their trance, they’re going to be shocked to think what they’ve done to people,” he said, echoing what he, and Dr. Harvey Risch, professor at the Yale School of Public Health, told Fox News host Laura Ingraham during an interview last month. 

McCullough told Fuellmich that last summer, he started an early treatment initiative to keep COVID patients out of the hospital, which involved organizing multiple groups of medical doctors in the United States and abroad.  The doctor noted that some governments tried to block these doctors from providing the treatments, but with the help of the Association of Physicians and Surgeons, they were able to put out a home patient guide, and in the U.S., organized four different tele-medical services, and fifteen regional tele-medical services.

This way, people who were stricken with COVID-19, were able to call in to these services and get the medications they needed prescribed to local pharmacies, or mail order distribution pharmacies, he explained.

“Without the government really even understanding what was going on, we crushed the epidemic curve of the United States,” McCullough claimed. “Toward the end of December and January, we basically took care of the pandemic with about 500 doctors and telemedicine services, and to this day, we treat about 25 percent of the U.S. COVID-19 population that are actually at high risk, over age 50 with medical problems that present with severe symptoms.”

The doctor said that his belief that the suppression of early treatment was “tightly linked” to the vaccines, is what that led him to focus his attention on warning the public about the vaccines.

“We know that  this is phase two of bioterrorism, we don’t know who’s behind it, but we know that they want a needle in every arm to inject messenger RNA, or adenoviral DNA into every human being,” he said. “They want every human being.” The doctor later warned that the experimental vaccines could ultimately lead to cancers, and sterilize young women.

Dr. McCullough said his goal is to set apart a large group of people that the system can not get to, which would include those who have already had the virus, those with immunity, children, pregnant women, and child-bearing women.

The cardiologist went on to say that because there is no clinical benefit in young people whatsoever to get the vaccine, even one case of myocarditis or pericarditis following the shots “is too many,” yet even though the CDC is aware of hundreds of alarming reports of cases of heart swelling in teenagers and young adults, they’re only going to reevaluate the matter later on in June. He accused the medical establishment of neglecting to to do anything to reduce the risks of the vaccines.

As someone who has chaired over two dozen vaccine safety monitoring boards for the FDA, and National Institute for Health, McCullough had room to criticize how the vaccines have been rolled out.

“With this program, there is no critical event committee, there is no data-safety monitoring board, and there’s no human ethics committee. Those structures are mandatory for all large clinical investigations, and so the word that’s really used for what’s going on is malfeasance, that’s wrongdoing of people in authority,” the doctor explained.

“Without any safety measures in place, you can see what’s going on,” he continued.

“Basically it’s the largest application of a biological product with the greatest amount of morbidity and mortality in the history of our country.”

“We are at over 5,000 deaths so far, as you know, and I think about 15,000 hospitalizations. In the EU it’s over 10,000 deaths. We are working with the Center for Medicaid (CMS) data, and we have a pretty good lead that the real number is tenfold.”

McCullough explained that because the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database only amounts to about 10 percent of the bad reactions to the vaccines, his team has had to go to other sources for information.

“We have now a whistleblower inside the CMS, and we have two whistleblowers in the CDC,” the doctor revealed. “We think we have 50,000 dead Americans. Fifty thousand deaths. So we actually have more deaths due to the vaccine per day than certainly the viral illness by far. It’s basically propagandized bioterrorism by injection.”

Dr. McCullough said he’s seen people in his office with cases of portal vein thrombosis, myocarditis, and serious memory problems post-vaccination. “It’s so disconcerting,” he said.

He said he was recently viciously attacked in the media by a woman from Singapore who is linked to the Gates Foundation.

Dr. McCullough went on to express a chilling theory that the vaccines could have been designed to reduce the world’s population.

“If you said this is all a Gates Foundation program to reduce the population, it’s fitting very well with that hypothesis, right? The first wave was to kill the old people by the respiratory infection, the second wave is to take the survivors and target the young people and sterilize them,” he said.

“If you notice the messaging in the country, in the United States, they’re not even interested in old people now. They want the kids. They want the kids, kids, kids, kids kids! They’re such a focus on the kids,” he said, noting that in Toronto, Canada, last month, they lured the children with promises of ice-cream to get the jab. According to one report, the government of Ontario—which doesn’t require parental consent for children to get vaccinated—encouraged the kids to get the Pfizer vaccine at a pop-up vaccine event.

“They held the parents back, and they were vaccinating the kids,” the doctor railed. He said his Canadian wife’s mother was forcibly vaccinated against her will.

McCullough predicted that the United States is gearing up to force people into getting the injections.

“We have to stop it, and we have to see what’s behind it,” he concluded.

About Debra Heine

Debra Heine is a conservative Catholic mom of six and longtime political pundit. She has written for several conservative news websites over the years, including Breitbart and PJ Media. Photo: BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA, UNITED STATES – 2021/06/10: Protesters holding placards gather at Indiana University’s Sample Gates during the demonstration. Anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers gathered at Indiana University’s Sample Gates to protest against mandatory Covid vaccinations IU is requiring for students, staff and faculty during the upcoming fall semester.

The protesters say their constitutional rights are being infringed, and have launched a law suit. The University isn’t requiring proof of vaccination, but workers who lie can be fired for lying to the university. Other workers are concerned unvaccinated co-workers will infect them with the virus, which has killed hundreds of thousands of Americans already. (Photo by Jeremy Hogan/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)

I Had COVID-19 What Now? (SARS-COV-2)

COVID-19 is not nearly as bad as the criminal media or Beijing Biden would like you to think. If you haven’t already, STOP WATCHING TV NEWS, and listening to criminals like Dr FauXci or the CDC.

COVID-19 Virus Is NO WORSE Than The Flu

I had COVID-19 what now? SARS-COV-2 as it is referred to by the “professionals”. This is my story and how the “medical professionals” twist what actually happened into their own narrative, and how they introduce new drugs to the general public, at the behest of Big Pharma, no doubt.

It was about 2 am, one morning and I was about to go to bed, but first I carried about a half case of bottled water upstairs to my room. I left it at the top of the stairs because I had to go back down to to kiss Vivianne and Kano goodnight. They are my sister’s dogs.

When I went in their room, yes they have a room, I must’ve knelt down too far and couldn’t get back up. I had a motorcycle accident in 1998 that left my right arm completely paralyzed, If I fall, it can be hard to get up again, especially when I’m tired. I was on the floor, I tried to get up a few times but said fuck it. I made my way into the kitchen and went to sleep in front of the door.

I did that because, I was tired and just wanted to go to sleep. I went to sleep in front of the door because I knew my brother would be coming in early to let Vivi and Kano out. He found me, helped me up and I went to bed.


Speaking of sleeping, that reminds me of when I first moved to California, my oldest sister used to send me these cool postcards from Boston, that’s where I moved from. This card popped into my head:

I had CV-19
Anytime Can Be Nap Time

I whole heartedly agree with this postcard!

When In Doubt, Get Horizontal

Anytime Can Be Nap Time

I had Covid-19
Halloween, 1986

My Favorite one that she sent, was a Halloween postcard. It was sent 1986. It’s always been my favorite.

Both cards are from around the same time 35 years ago…crazy!

I had COVID-19 What Now? Back To SARS-COV-2

So 2 days later my sister and brother decided it might be a good idea to go to the hospital to get checked out. We had and ambulance come to pick me up, it didn’t cost anything, who says there’s no healthcare in the US. I believe that’s one of the lies we’re being told, that there’s no healthcare.

So I go check into the hospital and they put me in a room with a guy who had the dreaded CV-19. I knew that because I heard him talking on the phone, it didn’t bother me, but it did make me wonder about the hospitals agenda. They get paid from the government for each patient they take in with the COVID virus.

They hadn’t tested me until the next day, lo and behold I had caught it. They did apparently inject me with Remdesivir when I first came in, but nobody told me what it was because I surely would have told them to shove it up their ass. It was my fault for not asking them what it was though. The next time they came in my room and were going to inject me with it again, I asked this time and then told them to go away.

Who knows what’s floating around my body right now! So the results came back for my CV-19 test and of course I had it. I have NOT worn a mask since this whole thing started, except in hospitals where they wouldn’t help me unless I had one on.

One time at Boston Medical Center, I was in a room waiting for the doctor and the door was open. I didn’t have a mask on and some flunky nurse walked by, turned around and stopped at the door and asked me why I didn’t have a mask on, I told her I was exempt. That made her head spin a little, because she couldn’t figure out what that meant. There was nobody in the room except me, I was as social distanced as you could get. She then said, “I’m going to get security.” To which I replied: “Do what you have to do.”

Two security guards came , not one, two. I guess she figured a guy with one arm who had the balls to say he was exempt from wearing a mask, needed 2 security guards. They were both very cool and understood why I wasn’t wearing a gold star…I mean a mask. I put one on, then told one of them about OlyManifesto.com and he said he was going to check it out.

Afterward I was waiting outside for my brother to pick me up and the one security guard was walking by and he said again that he was going to check it out. I hope he did. He was in the military before he was working at BMC, so he understood what was happening in the world.

Back To The Dreaded COVID Virus At BMC

In the following days, I developed a cough that lasted roughly 4 days. I think my temperature went up to 100 degrees for a day. One of the doctors came in and I told her I didn’t need the oxygen anymore and I wanted to go home, of course she went right into text book indoctrinated mind and she said “If you left right now, by the time you got down to the lobby, you’d be dead.” To which I replied “I don’t think so.” She rattled off some other BS, I can’t remember what it was, but I decided to stay a few more days. I was there for about 2 weeks, that happened right at the end.

I was at the Boston Medical Center…what a fucking mess. By that I mean that nobody knew what anyone else was doing. I had 2 doctors checking in on me, one came in one day and she said “I heard you were having trouble walking?” From laying in bed so long without physical therapy, your muscles atrophy a bit, my right leg was a bit messed up from a surgery I had the previous November, a few months earlier.

It feels like it’s asleep and has just started waking up. My point is, she was reading notes from days before and didn’t bother to read the notes from the previous day. That may have happened because the therapist may have been a bit lazy and didn’t enter any notes yet. I was able to walk with my semi-walker fine.

It wasn’t just the doctors, it was everyone, I was continually telling people what others in my care were doing. One example having to do with food. I didn’t tell them I was Vegetarian, the first meal I got had meat, I told them I was vegetarian, I guy came in and said “You don’t like the food?”, to which I replied “No, it’s not that, I’m Vegetarian.” He said “Oh, I got you covered.” He was cool. That day the food was Vegetarian, the next day it wasn’t. I had to remind them several times.

The waste by these people is astronomical. They would take the food that wasn’t Vegetarian and just throw it in the trash. For the time I was there they could hace fed so many homeless people. Very sad!

Hydrocodone or Oxycodone

One of the prescriptions my regular doctor finally prescribed for me is Hydrocodone (Generic for Vicodin). It’s one of the only medications in the 23 years that I’ve been like this, that works well. Boston Medical Center, didn’t have that medication…WTF? How the fuck does a big hospital not have it??? So what did they give me instead? Oxycodone (Generic for Oxycontin)! It’s no wonder that Boston has an Opium problem!

It’s a lot stronger than Hydrocodone. I told my regular doctor that and she said “They’re both the same”, I didn’t get into it with her. I thought maybe she was right…wrong, I went online to check, Oxycodone IS stronger than Hydrocodone.

Right across the street from the hospital is a Methadone clinic, that everyone calls “The Methadone Mile”. Methadone is used to get people off their Opium addiction. Do you think there is something going here that shouldn’t be? I smell a RAT! There is definitely something wrong in Denmark. Maybe they give Oxycodone to people to keep that Methadone clinic busy???

Back To CV-19

They want to keep you on oxygen as long as they can. One of the doctors came in, I told her I don’t need it anymore. She said “If you’re not on oxygen, we have to send you to rehab.” She just turned it down a bit. So that’s another way they rip off insurance companies.

The whole time I was there, I had the cough for about 4 days, after which, I was fine. It’s not as bad as the media and Beijing Biden are making it out to be. If I had to compare it to any other time I had the flu, this was a tiny bit worse, but I haven’t had the flu in decades, so it’s hard to tell.

Why haven’t I had the flu in decades? Because I don’t watch the news and believe the propaganda they shovel out to people, I don’t touch my face with my fingers when I’m out and I wash my hands when I come home with a bar of Dial soap…that’s it!! I’ve been using Dial my entire life, it’s probably part of the reason I never get sick.

I head surgery on my head, to remove part of the plate I had from my motorcycle accident. The doctor told me “The night before surgery, wash your entire head with Dial soap”.

More Doctors Ripping Off Insurance Companies

One day a doctor walked in and said he wanted to schedule an MRI. I said “Why?” He said “Because of your fall.” I said “I didn’t fall”. Somehow everyone there thinks I had this massive fall…better for business I guess. The very next day, another doctor came in and said we need to do and MRI. I said “I’m already getting one” But of course he can’t look at the films another doctor has.

Another thing they were doing a couple times a day was checking my bladder with ultrasound. They do that to see if you’re “peeing enough”. If it measures more than 550 mg, they have to stick a catheter in your urethra until they get it into the bladder. It’s about a foot long catheter. It’s kind of like siphoning gas from a car.

While all that is going on, they slip Flowmax into your meds. Flowmax makes you pee more. Now this could be coming from my EXTREME mistrust of doctors and hospitals. They get you on Flowmax and some people, I’m very sure, think they have to keep taking the stupid thing. I asked them one time what it was and when I found out, I told them I didn’t want it, don’t give it to me anymore.

That’s right, YOU ARE THE BOSS!!! EVERYONE in a hospital works for you, don’t ever forget that! Anytime you are getting meds or a shot, you should ALWAYS ASK what it is for. That way you can decide if you want it or not. They CAN’T keep you in a hospital or rehab facility…remember YOU ARE ALWAYS THE BOSS!!!

Good Doctors Telling What Covid-19 Is About

Here are a group of Real Doctors telling us what is really happening. Unlike Dr FauXci, who flips flops all the time so he can cover his criminal ass. What should we expect though, Dr FauXci is from New York, so is Andrew Cuomo and his closet case brother on CNN Chris Cuomo and also the Mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio (Bill de Blowser)…WTF IS UP NEW YORKERS!!!

The Doctors I’m talking about here are America’s Frontline Doctors. Go here and read this post they talk about the Covid-19 vaccine as a tool to depopulate the planet. If you’re familiar with the “Georgia Guidestones”, you’ll understand the title of this post.

Speaking of NYC…

Speaking of NY, I found this site that had “7 Stereotypes Of New Yorkers That Are True”, I did a little adjustment to fit my perspective:

  • New Yorkers believe that NYC is better than the rest of the world.
    • This is done by people who have never left that rat hole.
  • There are invisible borderlines between boroughs and they’re pretty serious.
    • Nobody Cares!
  • There’s an everlasting civil war between New Yorkers over baseball.
    • Again, Nobody Cares About the Yankees (Holders of the record for the BIGGEST UPSET in sports history, when the Red Sox came back from being down 3 games to nothing and demoralized them. The Red Sox went on to kill the St Louis Cardinals 4 to 0 to win the World Series!) or The Mets, nobody cares NYC, both your teams SUCK!
  • New Yorkers judge each other based on where they went to school.
    • Classist Freaks!
  • One should never talk to a New Yorker about New Jersey.
    • New York, New Jersey, what’s the difference? One rat hole feels they’re better than the other rat hole? Maybe New Yorkers are upset because there was a “reality” show about New Jersey?? I think it was called Who Has Bigger Hair?
  • One should never doubt a New Yorker.
    • We all know this to be true, we have the likes of:
      • Dr Anthony Fauci
      • Andrew Cuomo
      • Chrissy Cuomo
      • Bill de Blasio
      • Hillary Clinton
      • The list could go on and on! Just in the last few years, the murders committed by this group is astounding…Chrissy and Bill may be exempt from the list of corpses, but Chrissy helped his brother on the Communist News Network, so he’s an accomplice and Bill is a Marxist wannabe for painting that BLM graffiti on the street.
    • New Yorkers Are Rude.
      • ‘Nuff Ced

Here is the original article: 7 Stereotypes About New Yorkers That Are Absolutely True

Final COVID-19 (Sars-Cov-2) Thoughts

COVID-19 Virus is not nearly as bad as the criminal media or Beijing Biden would like you to think. If you haven’t already, STOP WATCHING TV NEWS, and listening to criminals like Dr FauXci or the CDC.

Everything that comes from either of them is bullshit. Just wait, FauXci is either going to go into hiding or will be arrested soon.

Stop reading propaganda rags like:

  • New York Times (No surprise there), I have friend who reads and thinks it’s good because they have “Putzpuller”…I mean Pulitzer Prize winning writers. But we all now know that Pulitzer Prize is a bunch of bullshit…each winner probably paid the committee in order to win. Why do I say that? Because President Trump was nominated 6 times and he deserved to win every time for bringing peace to the middle east, to North and South Korea…he didn’t win, why because it’s based on Bullshit! Barack Obama won at the very beginning of his Presidency while he was dropping bombs in the Middle East. He doesn’t even know why he won!? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9XarOkBz1Y
  • The Washington Post (A known CIA propaganda rag)
  • Almost any “newspaper” for that matter is meant to do one thing, fill your mind with propaganda and indoctrinate you into the New World Order

If you get COVID-19, just relax, stay home, drink lots of fluid and it’ll pass within 4 days. That will certainly differ from person to person. If you have trouble breathing, it might be a good idea to go to the hospital. DO NOT LET THEM PUT YOU ON A VENTILATOR! That is what has been killing people in hospitals. If you’re breathing is fine, I would stay home for a week or so. Your mental attitude plays into this as it does with any sickness for that matter.

This is all advice from my own experience. I just don’t want you to be scared of this thing. If your instincts are telling you to go to the hospital, then go…but make sure you’re listening to your instincts and not the ego.

Peace, Love & Blessings To All!
