If You Can Think, Then You Can Start A Business Online
Originally Posted on QuickStartDigital.com
Take Advantage Of…The Plandemic! There are a million ways to make money online. I think people have finally been learning that since this Plandemic started! As it says above, if you can think, then you can start a business online. Do whatever it is that you like to do. I guarantee there is somebody on the planet looking for what you do!

Cast aside any fears you may have. “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?” It is a very little thing, it takes work but is not hard. Worry is fear, what are you so afraid of, that it won’t work? Then try again. Make it a game, make it one of those puzzles, the kind you have to move the squares around until you have the result you wanted. Make it a Rubic’s Cube, how many of you have tried that thing and couldn’t get it? This is easier, and the result is much more gratifying, especially if you work from home.
Really though, what good does worry (fear) do for anyone? The only thing it does is feed the dark ones…don’t feed the dark ones! How many times have you made a clear thought, a clear decision while you were worrying. People tend to do really stupid things when they make decisions while they’re in a state of confusion. The article below has 40 different ways to make money online, one of them or more than one is calling you!
40 Ways To Make Money Online
1. Sell Your Photos Do you have an artistic eye, or an eye for beauty? Selling your photos may be your niche. There are so many stock photo sites where you can sell your images over and over and may even sell your photos for exclusive rights for a lot more. You are going to be reminded of this throughout this post: “Become An Expert At Search”. If you become an expert at search, you WILL find whatever it is you are looking for. Join photography groups on Facebook and any other social media platforms you use, that way you can start to network and find out what other people are doing. There are several sites you should check out to start: Shutterstock.com GettyImages.com Burst.com Foap.com SnapFish.com 2. Create How-To Videos There are MANY video platforms out there now that allow you to make money from you videos. YouTube is not the only one. With YouTube you need to get 1,000 subscribers and and at least 4,000 watch hours within a 12 month period. That seems like a daunting task, but it’s not as hard as it seems. If you have great content, and follow Google’s guidelines (YouTube is owned by Google incase you didn’t know) it’ll happen. You just have to be pacient and persistant.There are sites, however, that can assist you with this like VidIQ.com, this is a browser entension that will help manage your YouTube Channel: TubeBuddy.com Check them both out. If you have the means, this point in time is RIPE for another video search engine like YouTube. Because of all the censoring that Google/YouTube has been doing, and all the channels that have been deleted, people are very tired of YouTube. So if you have an idea, NOW is the time to put it into action. Now to the point, How To Videos…ANYONE can do this and you only need a smart phone. There are plenty of video editing apps you can you use and if you want an all in one type app, Tik Tok has all of that. If you would rather not use Tik Tok, just set up your phone on a table or if you can buy a stand that will hold the phone. In the film industry they use what are called “C-Stands”, set up your phone so it will record everything you’re doing. You can make How To Videos for literally EVERYTHING! There is someone on the planet that wants to know how to do what your video is teaching. 3. Become a Copywriter Copy Writing is another great Digital Nomad type of gig. You can, like all of the opportunities listed in this article, do it from ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD! If writing isn’t one of your strong points, you can use online applications like Grammarly.com or ExpressWriters.com to assist in your writing. Also check the other sites listed in this article like: FreeLancer.com Indeed.com UpWork There are many sites you can check/register on for copy writing opportunities and also many sites that offer FREE tips and courses. What’s the Mantra?? 4. Teach English You can teach English anywhere or online. Teach English can be done online or you can go to a foreign country and teach. That’s a great way to be able to see the world and become a Digital Nomad. Don’t be afraid to talk to people that may be able to give you more insight and tips. I met a woman on an airplane that was teaching online for a living. We were on a plane coming back from Mexico and I overheard her talking to someone else about it, I got up, sat next to her, introduced myself and started talking to her about it. She had just bought some land in Mexico and started building her house. I got her email address, kept in touch and she ended up introducing me to someone in Mexico who became one of my SEO clients. The point is, don’t be afraid to talk to people or do what you want to do. I PROMISE YOU, the more you do it, the easier it gets and the more you will accomplish…this applies to all facets of life. Here are some sites we’ve found that can start you on your journey: VIPKid.com GoOverseas.com TeachAway.com iTutorGroup.com EnglishHuntUSA.com TEFL.org EnglishFirst.com GoatsOnTheRoad.com Goats On The Road is a site that lists the “10 Best” sites for this category. Mantra #1: Become An Expert At Search Mantra #2 The Squeaky Wheel Gets The Oil 5. Turn Your Interests Into a Podcast That Pays You can make podcasts from your laptop, even from your smartphone to start. You can talk about anything, there is somebody that wants to hear what you have to say. When you build a following, you can then attract sponsors like many YouTubers have. If this is something you really want to do, do a search for: How to start a podcast in your favorite search engine and you’ll get a ton of results. Or, go to YouTube and see how other do their podcasts. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people. Mantras #1 & #2 6. Set up a Content and Web Development Business If you’re into developing content and or websites a.k.a. Web Development this is right up your Digital Alley. If this is something you would like to learn how to do, we’re going keep hammering Mantra #1 & #2 into your heads. Become good as those 2 things, and your Digital Nomad lifestyle will become a reality much sooner. You can take several of the things we’ve listed in this article and apply them to your web development business, but we suggest getting really good at 1 or 2 of them and expand your repertoire after that. In the mean time you can go to sites like Fiverr.com and hire people to other tasks. 7. Become a Translator and Interpreter If you are multi-lingual, you can be a translator in any ex-pat community anywhere in the world. You should be fluent, but if you’re almost there that could work. A lot of people move to other countries where English is not the primary language, and they gravitate toward other English speakers, which in turn makes it hard to learn the language of the country you’re in.. You really should be fluent though, because there are little things in all languages that make a difference. If you want to brush up on a language or start to learn a language, Duolingo.com is a really good site to learn from and it’s free! Check out these sites for translation work: WeLocalize.com Upwork People Per Hour SDL – Based in the United Kingdom Gengo – Based in Tokyo Pro Translating Translators Base Nuevoo.com 8. Try Drop-Shipping Drop Shipping is a great Digital Nomad type of business, because you don’t have to buy products and store them, you play the middle guy. You place the products you want to sell on your site, when someone buys something, you contact the supplier for that particular product, buy the product at your discounted price and they send it to the customer. We recommend that you niche-down for this at first and then expand as necessary. You’ll very possibly have several suppliers for “the same” product. What we mean by that is, you may be selling one type of product that has multiple brands. An example of that would be if you were selling little toy cars, you might have Hot Wheels, Match Box, Max Action, Driven etc…you’ll possible have to contact a different supplier for each brand. There a few ways to go about starting your drop-shipping business: You build a site around the niche that you have chosen, call individual suppliers, tell them that you would like to sell their products on your site. This is kind of like a cold sales call, the difference, what you’re selling them is the idea of them making more money. This is how we’ve done it in the past for another business. We got a list of companies that we wanted to include on our site, called them and gave them our idea and pretty much all went along with it. If you’re not into that, no worries. There are sites you can join that pretty much have a lot of the grunt work done for you, like Oberlo.com. They use AliExpress, but you can join the Affiliate program and make some cash back that way too. You can set up your site and go to sites like AliExpress yourself and list products that way. Become An Expert At Search All or most of your suppliers are going to want to know how you plan on selling their product if you go about doing it as described in #1 above.. You’ll need to devise a strategy on how you plan to do it. Most people while run FaceBook ads, Run Google Shopping Ads, do SEO for your site, which brings me to point #2. They WILL want to look at your site, so it’s necessary to get that squared away with placeholder images of the products you plan to sell. In the business that was mentioned above, we got a supplier, no questions asked, just because the site looked so good. If you don’t want to do it that way, as I mentioned in #2 above, Oberlo.com has an easy system set up, but there are many out there, you just have to find the one that works best for you!! Mantras #1 & #2 9. Tutor If you have a teaching degree or have a high level of skill in a particular field, this may be a good way for you to start making money online. As with all the opportunities listed, this can be done anywhere in the world. As mentioned in #4 above,you CAN teach English in a foreign country and the only real qualification you need for that is to have English as your primary language or be fluent in English. You can check out the sites below, in addition, just do a search in your favorite search engine like Duck Duck Go and do a search for online tutoring platforms or online tutoring platforms for teachers I have a friend who has been teaching online for more than a decade almost 2. She joined the ranks of Digital Nomads and lives in Mexico. If you want to do the same, check out the sites below: Cambly Chegg Tutors Khan Academy Hillsdale College Online Tutor.com Tutor Me Wize Wyzant Yup Here is a list of the best tutoring platforms for 2021 Some of the sites above are on the list. We have no connection to any of the sites on this page, we’re just giving you information, to give you a spark to light your fire in the hopes that it will start your Digital Nomad life! 10. Become a Freelance Proofreader If you have good focus and an eye for this sort of thing, Proofreading may be good for you. I have to tell you, I’ve done some proof reading, but not for anything huge, it was just for business cards. When I was younger, I was working for a guy who had a small printing business out of his home. He had me proofread a customers business cards before he printed them. I missed one little thing, he printed them and sent them off. The customer called and told him about it and he had to correct it and print them all over again…he wasn’t happy, he stopped calling me in when he needed help. I just got lazy, because he had given me proofreading tasks before and that’s how he got to trust me with it. It’s very monotonous work, that’s why good focus and an eye for detail is essential. If you screw up, like I did, on a larger project, you could cost a company thousands of dollars. If you are dyslexic in the least, I would give this one a pass. Do a search for proofreading jobs online or visit one of the sites in this article. 11. Type for Cash Do you type well enough to listen to an audio file through headphones and type it out? Transcribing audio may be a good Digital Nomad gig for you if you do have the ability to type that well. Here’s some good news for everyone, there are programs and online applications available that will transcribe the audio from a video to text. Here’s some even better news, I believe YouTube has that ability if you turn captions on for a video. You can download the captions in a text file. You’ll have to check that out for yourself. The transcriptions from applications or YouTube may not be perfect, but they’ll be close. You’ll just have to go through the text and make any corrections. Do a search for transcription services, so you can get an idea of how much to charge, and how to go about it. The founder of ClickFunnels.com, Russel Brunson, always says “As an entrepreneur, you should be ready to put down the plastic.” Simply put, you should be ready to buy a product or service to see the inner workings of their sales funnel (sales process) and how they do what they do. 12. Become a Life Coach (or Even a Travel Coach) Do you have what it takes to be a Life Coach? Maybe some of you are thinking, what the hell is a life coach and why would somebody need one? If you ask questions like that, that could be a good thing and it could be a bad thing. A Good Thing – Because maybe you have confidence, think outside the box, know how to speak with people and have little to no fear of anything. That’s excellent, maybe you are suited for this, if you have a “Service To Others” attitude and you truly want to help others lift themselves up and succeed at everything they do. A Bad Thing – Because maybe you don’t even realize that you are someone who would benefit from a Life Coach. To be clear, it’s not a bad thing if you are someone who could use that type of help, it’s only bad if you are in denial about it. A Life Coach can really help others who live in fear, especially now with the things are being done to us and the planet. YOU, as a Life Coach can help people deal with their fears and worry. I saw a Saturday Night Live sketch a long time ago, Bob Newhart was the host. He played a psychiatrist and people were coming to him with life problems that they wanted to stop, like smoking or drinking etc… and his standard reply to EVERYONE was “Stop it, just stop it!” It’s simple yet profound. That’s really all you have to do. Catch yourself, worrying or fearful of something and Just Stop It! When you’re emotional about ANYTHING, you’ll never make a clear decision. If you travel a lot, you can help others who don’t travel much or at all but want to…but again, they live in fear most likely due to listening to the media. Here’s a great example: I moved to Mexico by myself in 2011, there was a guy who lived in the Loft complex I was living in, in Los Angeles, we were hanging out by the pool one afternoon and he said “I would think twice about moving to Mexico if I were you, my radio program says…” I cut him off right there and said “Have you ever even been to Mexico?” He looked at me sheepishly (no pun intended), and said “No”, I gave him some facts and that was it. Incidentally, his radio program was on N.P.R. National Propaganda Radio, the Socialist Voice of America. Example 2: After I had moved down their I was hanging out at my friend’s bar, Panchito’s, (RIP), I met a guy from Canada that told me that his friend in Canada thought you couldn’t walk down a street in Mexico without seeing dead bodies everywhere. That’s how badly the US and Canadian media portrayed Mexico at that time to all those who still paid attention to that garbage. As a Life Coach, those people are your target audience. 13. Become an Audiobook Narrator Do you have a voice for voice-overs and narration work? Audiobooks are being created more and more everyday, due to smart phones and people wanting to listen to them while driving or just because they don’t like to read. Do a search for courses on how to get into that field. Remember Mantra #1 14. Internet Research and Surveys I just registered on a site called Qmee.com to see how well this works. I linked my PayPal account in order to get paid. We’ve known about the “Make Money Taking Surveys & Giving Your Opinion” niche for a very long time, but have never heard about anyone doing it. That CERTAINLY doesn’t mean that people don’t make money this way, it may just be a well kept secret. Here are several sites you join: Swagbucks.com SurveyBods.com SurveyJunkie.com ValuedOpinions.com This is a list of 49 of the best sites for 2021 for you check out. There are also sites that I’ve been seeing ads for that will pay you to listen to music. Search them out!!! If you’re good at search, and you should be if you’ve taken Mantra #1 to heart REMEMBER MANTRA #1 & MANTRA #2 I’m adding a 3rd Mantra: JUST DO IT…NOW!!! Do us a big favor, when you start making money this way, PLEASE contact us and tell us about it, so we can put it on here to further motivate people. 15. Try Print on Demand Print On Demand is similar to a few other things listed on here. If you have design skills, you can sell them on some of the sites here, like TeeSpring.com, where you can add your designs to all the products that they carry, which is everything from coffee mugs to yoga pants. If you have designs that you want to sell so people can frame them and hang them on the wall, have prints made of your art, number and sign them, and sell them on your site. Here are some Print On Demand Resources: MoFluid.com 11 Best Print On Demand Sites PrintOnDemand.com Printify.com Print On Demand eCommerceCEO.com 31 Best Print On Demand Sites Printful.com Print On Demand Shopify.com Blog Print On Demand Companies – These are all Shopify stores of course. TeeSpring.com Print On Demand MANTRA 1 Thru 3 16. Make Money with Affiliate Marketing Affiliate Marketing can make you a lot of money. There are so many products that you can be an affiliate for. Find the right sites and the right products to become an affiliate for and you can have multiple monthly income streams coming in. Obviously recurring commissions are what you should be looking for. You can partner up with Amazon and other big companies. What you should do is scroll to the bottom of the website you’re interested in becoming an affiliate for and look for the link that says Affiliate or Partner. If you don’t see one, do a search on the site. If the site doesn’t have a search function, just do it in your favorite search engine for SiteName.com Affilite Program…put the actual name of the site in place of SiteName.com There are site that will help you through the entire process, that you’ll learn a lot from like The Partner With Anthony Program. We discovered it months ago, it’s ONLY %7 a month to join and your ROI (Return On Investment) is well worth it. Here are some other affiliate sites you should check out and/or join: ClickBank.com JVZoo.com WarriorPlus.com CJ.com Affiliate-Program.Amazon.com ShareASale.com FlexOffers.com PepperJam.com PartnerNetwork.ebay.com RakutenAdvertising.com 17. Start a YouTube Channel YouTube has made some very young people MILLIONS of dollars. People on YouTube are known as YouTubers and the ones making money have picked a good niche that they knew about or learned about. My motto has ALWAYS been, “Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing, do what you do, do it well and better than anyone else.” In other words, who cares about the guy or girl making millions, they started at the exact same point as you. The only time you should care about what others are doing is when you can learn from them and then do it better than them so you can get a big following and then monetize your channel with Ads, selling “MERCH”andise and getting donations during LiveStreams known as Super Chats. To monetize your channel, you need 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours within a 12 month period. Check out VidIQ.com for help with that. 18. Become an Influencer If it seems that the term Influencer is fairly new, that’s because it is. Now real, but new nonetheless. Being an Influencer is the type of business that will never get saturated. Maybe in a very specific niche it could, but even then it’s not likely. It’s not likely because new people with new ideas are coming along every day! This kind of online business will take a bit of your time, because you have to stay on top of your niche, you have to keep up with your followers and their questions and you have to promote yourself. We don’t say things like that to discourage, we say it to tell you that you’ll need to put time in. Once you achieve a certain status, you can make money by making posts for other people, you can have paid ads, but you can do that before you get to “Influencer Status”, as long as you have traffic, you can open an online store, you might even start to get speaking gigs at certain conferences. The amount of money you can make is really only limited to your imagination…not just as an influencer, but in general. Think outside the box, remove limiting thought from your heart and mind. Remember Mantras #1, #2 & #3! 19. Create an Online Course Being a Service To Others type of person would most likely do well with this sort of thing. If you share your expertise on a given subject, you are helping someone else get close to their Digital Nomad lifestyle so they can say bye-bye to 9 to 5…that’s what this is all about after-all. Create a course on a topic that you know very well. You’ll want to see what others are doing, if you can’t pay for a course to review, look at what people are saying about it. The likes the dislikes etc…part of being a Digital Nomad is problem solving; coming up with solutions for the people who want your course. There are many platforms to set up a course. Do a search for Creating An Online Course (Mantra #1) and you’ll get many results like Kajabi.com Teachable.com Udemy.com LearnWorlds.com Here is list of 15 sites: LearningRevolution.net Some of these sites have a lot users already, so getting traffic isn’t an issue. Here’s a tip: Make your first course FREE. Yes I know that’s counter intuitive. But if you were searching for a course, wouldn’t you use the word FREE in your search? It doesn’t have to be a major course, maybe take te beginning part of your course, call it whatever you want and add the words for beginners. You’ll get more people to your course and then, make the rest a paid course and call it “whatever” Advanced…you get the idea Check out the sites above, sign up on all or the ones suited to your needs. Remember your mantras! 20. Publish an Ebook With Amazon KDP, you can easily publish your ebook(s), you can also create and publish Journals, read more Journals at #38. All you need to do is write about something you are passionate about or something you know about. There are a lot of people on this planet, so don’t for a second think nobody will have the same interests as you. You have a World Wide Audience on the World Wide Web. You can can go to places like Fiver.com and get writers and graphic designers to write your ebook, if you can’t or don’t have time. It’s best if you focus on keywords based on popular searches on Amazon. You can make money selling your ebooks because you are selling information that people want. If you’re just starting out, you may want to use your ebook as a lead magnet to build your email list. An email list is essential for ALL online marketers regardless of what you’re marketing. Again, like creating your own course, maybe you create an ebook that briefly goes over each point and then you can charge for the more in depth version. Introducing Mantra #4: Think Outside The Box! 21. Start a Blog People have been making money online by blogging for a long time, now more than ever. Whether you’re a writer or not you can start a blog with a niche focus. Here’s what I mean: A blog about food, weight-loss, technology or travel etc..are all small enough for your site to gain traction in search engines, if optimized properly, and will allow people to find you, which will allow you to build a subscriber list, which will allow you to send your list affiliate offers. You can start a blog on various platforms, a lot of hosting companies offer cheap WordPress Hosting…we’ve discovered the secret behind that, stay tuned for an article on that topic. Other platforms like Shopify, which I think has a free trial, but I also read that if you remove the shopping cart, you don’t have to pay? But if you’re using Shopify, what’s the point…unless you put the cart back at the end when you’re ready to launch. Keyword research is important, if you’re just starting out and your site is brand new it might take a while to get indexed in search engines like Google…be pacient, It’ll happen. It’ll happen faster if you add Google Search Console to your site. My point is, this is why it’s a very good reason to be niche specific. Even so, certain keywords may be tough to rank for. Sometimes it’s a good idea to start going after the “low lying fruit” and build on that. What is low lying fruit? Imagine a keyword tree, the keywords on the lower branches will be easier to pick than those higher up. The keywords that have fallen to the ground will be easier to get than those on the lower branches…get it? Lets use travel as an example: Travel – This keyword is at the very top of the keyword tree and would be extremely hard for someone just starting to get. Lets narrow it down. Mexico Travel – Still high up the tree, let’s narrow if further Jalisco Mexico Travel – Jalisco is a state in Mexico, Puerto Vallarta is in Jalisco Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco – You can add travel to that, try it with and without. Then you try: Old Town Puerto Vallarta – You can go from there, you get the idea though. I know of a cigar store in Puerto Vallarta, so if you’re writing about the stores, you optimize for: Cigar Stores in Old Town Puerto Vallarata – Now you’re getting into Long-Tail Keywords. If you’re creating a WordPress blog, Google has a plugin called Google Site Kit, this enables you to add AdSense, Search Console and Analytics. Google AdSense places relevant ads on your site and when people click on the ads, Google gives you a cut. You can also sell ad space on your site once you get enough traffic coming to it. You have to let people know the ads are sponsored, otherwise you may get dinged by Google. You can place affiliate links in your posts, sell your own digital products products or set up drop shipping…just think outside the box. Also, don’t get the idea that you can set up AdSense and then go crazy and start clicking the ads yourself…Google’s Algorithm is VERY SMART…I’m sure they’re using AI (Artificial Intelligence). | 22. Consider Freelancing If you’re trying to figure out what you could do for an online business, you can start by making a list of your skills and passions. Then take the one(s) that you’re best at or most passionate about and go from there. You could also do what you do if you have a 9 to 5 job and start freelancing, if that’s possible. I also suggest becoming very good at searching online for what you need. There are a ton of freelancing sites online or you can go to job sites like Monster and look for jobs that allow remote workers if you’re not into working at home for yourself. Check out some of the links on this page and/or do a search for freelance job sites, or simply work from home, add whatever niche you’re interested in. Start with what you know. There are free schools online too like KhanAccademy.com. If your children aren’t in school because of CV-19 and if your child’s school will not allow them back to class unless they get a CV-19 “vaccine”, check out Khan Academy. Some popular freelance sites are: Fiverr.com UpWork.com Freelancer.com Toptal.com SimplyHired.com PeoplePerHour.com Aquent.com Crowded.com RobertHalf.com – TheCreativeGroup 99Designs.co.uk 99Designs.com Nexxt.com WriterAccess.com TaskRabbit.com Skyword.com DesignHill.com Guru.com Hireable.com FlexJobs.com MediaBistro.com SolidGigs.com Joblist.com Long before I started Quick Start Digital with my business partner Dr Lenny, I was working for a top online marketing agency in L.A. as their Sr. SEO person, this was about 2006, I handled a lot of clients, in 2008 I was recruited to a corporate job doing SEO and 6 months to the day later, they had a big layoff and that’s the day I vowed NEVER TO WORK FOR ANYONE ELSE EVER AGAIN! I haven’t looked back. Sometimes we need a little nudge to get things moving. I think the entire planet is getting a nudge right now. You can look at it this way, how much is your time worth, realistically? Now add up all the time you WASTE watching TV or procrastinating instead of doing something constructive for yourself and your family. Do you have the amount of time added up? Now take the amount of money your time is worth per hour and multiply it by the amount of hours you waste. That is the amount of potential money you are missing out on. Remember this old adage: “The Squeaky Wheel Gets The Oil”. Once you start DOING, it gets easier and easier, I promise you! Pretty soon word of mouth will start getting you clients. That’s how I got 99% of my clients when I got laid off from that corporate job. Without getting too philosophical here, what you believe in your Heart and mind, is your reality. In 2007 a good friend of mine gave me “The Secret” audiobook, I listened to it everyday for about a month or 2 so it would sink in…things started happening for me…here’s the thing, I recently discovered “Think And Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill…this book is incredible, it’s where the authors of The Secret got their information. We created a course out of it and put it in Quick Start Digital Academy. You get each chapter broken down into MP3 files, you get a PDF of the entire book and you can download the entire audiobook in one MP3 file, it’s almost 9 hours of intense information. I highly recommend it as a way to get you in the correct entrepreneurial mindset. 23. Create An App You don’t have to be a programmer to create an app. Go to one of the sites listed in this article or all of them for that matter, where you’ll be able to find a freelance programmer, that will create your app for a price within your budget. How much should you charge for your app? Nothing…make it free. Huh? If it’s free, the chances are that a lot more people will download your app, either from Google Play or The App Store or wherever you make it available. Then you can sell ad space and make it ad-free for a paid version, also maybe add more features for a paid version. Remember, you are not the only one on the planet thinking about the kind of app that you’re thinking of. Whether others are thinking of creating it or wishing an app like that was available is factor X. There is something called the Hundredth Monkey Affect, you can look that one up yourself. The point is, you won’t know unless you try. Do your due diligence. Ask a bunch of people if they would use an app like the one you want to create. If you get at least 10 positive answers, it’s probably a good idea and you should move forward. 24. Become a Writer As I’ve always said in my 23 years of SEO, “Content Is King”, that stands true still today. So more companies and website owners are looking for content creators a.k.a. Writers. Visit one or all the sites below to find people who need your skill. As I mention in #21, it’s a good idea to get niche specific and become an expert in your niche. If you started a Dog Blog that specialized in Scottish Terriers and another person started a Dog Blog, that specialized in Dogs in general. Who do you think would get more visitors if someone was looking for information about Scottish Terriers? The blog that specialized in Scottish Terriers would get more visitors, because search engines would rank that site much higher because you became an authority on Scottish Terriers, therefore more people would find you. So as a writer, if you became niche specific, you would be able to create better content for your clients and eventually, word of mouth would be your best advertising campaign and you’ll would start to build an impressive portfolio to show prospective clients as a result. When asked for samples, find out as much as you can about what the client needs so you can send them something that shows you understand them and what their clients are looking for. Remember, they are selling solutions and so are you…how will you solve their perceived problem? Check out the sites below, register at the ones that are relevant or register at all of them: Problogger Craigslist Blogging Pro Freelance Writing Media Bistro Flex Jobs Be a Freelance Blogger 25. Create Side Gigs If you just want to make a little money on the side and keep your 9 to 5 for now, go to all the sites listed in this article and find the ones that are most relevant to what you do and closest to what you expect for pay and start promoting your skills.. Create your profiles on the sites listed and make your offer. Maybe have a couple friends or family take your offer and write reviews for you. Don’t go overboard with that, but treat them like a stranger who hired you because they were in need of someone with your skills. That way you’ll have something for people to look at Under the jobs sections off any of these sites, you can search for contract or telecommute (Remote) jobs like I said about Monster. You can start your Digital Nomad lifestyle by getting on these sites and you can set up shop anywhere on the planet as long as you have an internet connection, laptop or even a smartphone. You just have to do it! There are SO MANY things you can do online to make money aside from the things listed in this article. It takes you to look within and realize what it is you want and what you want to do. THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX! Do not listen to those who try to bring you down…you might be surprised who those people are. Remember, you have a world-wide audience at your disposal and YOU CAN do anything you want, anything you set your heart and mind to. This is why I suggested that you become an expert at search, so you’ll find what you need. Now Do It! 26. Sell Your Stuff When you need to make money in a hurry, look within…sort of, look within your house or apartment. You can sell your electronics, if you have “designer” handbags or things like that. If you have CD’s DVD’s or Albums, you can go to a music store that buys them. But before you do that, Rip them and save them on your computer, so you can burn them onto CD’s or DVD’s or convert them to MP3 files that you can put on your phone or iPod, if those are even around anymore. You can sell on Instagram and Facebook or Pinterest, eBay, etc… If you’re going to take pictures, use a photographer’s backdrop. If you can’t afford to buy one, just get a a large piece of white construction paper, butcher’s paper or whatever color you like. Tape the top to a wall close to the floor and have the bottom curve onto the floor, put whatever it is you’re selling on there and take your pictures. Try to do it in a place where you have natural light. Then you can start selling online, on sites like eBay, Etsy, or start a store on Shopify, don’t forget to charge shipping unless you’re selling digital products. DON’T GIVE UP!! 27 Sell Your Clothes Online You probably have clothes, shoes and apparel sitting in your closet that you haven’t worn in a long time and have intention of wearing again. Make some space in your closet and sell those online on sites like Poshmark.com Refashioner.com TheRealReal.com ThredUp.com Tradesy.com There are MANY sites, social media sites and groups you can sell your clothes and apparel, again, become an expert at search! 28. Drive Your Car You can be an Ube, Lyft driver or DoorDash delivery person. That’s not an online, but you can try and sell your products to passengers. If they don’t have cash, that’s not a problem, there credit/debit card swipers you can use with your smart phone, like PayPal Here for instance. Put ads on the back of the front seats so your passengers will see them. You can also get one of those full car ads from companies like Free Car Media and others like that. Here’s a site with a list of delivery gigs: https://millennialmoneyman.com/best-food-delivery-service-to-work-for/ 29. Become a Virtual Assistant The need for Virtual Assistants has grown quite a bit lately, mainly because the whole political situation all over the world has gotten out of control. People are starting online businesses more and more each day. This presents the perfect opportunity for those with the skills necessary to help those online businesses. Think of what skill might be necessary to aide those in a brick and mortar business. Do you have those skills? It could be anything from bookkeeping to researching to running social media profiles to processing orders that come in to customer support. A lot of businesses are already working this way. Don’t be afraid to reach out to a business or individual to offer your skills. Again, “the squeaky wheel gets the oil”. This is true in this field especially. If you say nothing, you will get nothing! Henry Ford once said “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, either way, you’re right!” Go to the sites listed in this article, become an expert at search and you WILL find what you’re looking for. Create a profile on Linkedin.com if you haven’t already. A couple other sites we found are VirtualAssistantJobs.com and Indeed.com. The more profiles you have online, the more likely you are to be found. Here is a little task…when someone types your name or business name in a search engine, make it so the first 3 pages are ALL YOU before anything else is listed. 30. Become a Twitch Streamer We found this bit on Twitch on I think Oberlo.com. We’re not very familiar with Twitch, but if you’re a gamer or interested in that type of traffic, then this is for you. Twitch streaming is becoming increasingly popular. While it started out as a gaming platform, it’s quickly evolving to include other types of content. To make money fast on Twitch, you’ll need to grow your following. If you’re consistent, streaming on Twitch can help you build a sizable audience fast. You’ll need to find a popular game or channel that isn’t overly competitive so that people can easily find your content. In order to make money online from streaming, you’ll need to have a consistent style to your channel: is it going to be funny, educational, or entertaining? Engaging in the chat feature on Twitch is another way to grow your following. You’ll want to communicate in popular chats. However, you’ll also want to engage with those chatting on your streams as well. There are five ways to monetize your Twitch channel: selling products, brand sponsorships, fan donations, subscriptions, and Twitch ads. As a Twitch streamer, you’ll want to focus on tapping into all five monetization methods to ensure the highest financial gains. You could make more on Twitch than YouTube, making it one of the best money making ideas for video creators. 31. Invest in Stocks You can invest in stocks? Although that can be tricky, especially if you’ve never done it before. You could make a lot of money fast as a “Day Trader” and you could lose a lot of money fast. If this is something you’re interested in, learn as much as you can about it. Some companies have stock programs for employees, that may be a way to get your feet wet. Everything you want to know about trading stocks can be found online…Become A Search Expert! Make that your mantra… 32. Become an Extreme Couponer If you’re into coupons, this will be right up your alley. Sites like Coupon Chief offer a Pays to Share program where you’ll receive a percentage of sales from the coupons you share on their platform. This site a list of of other sites that pay you for referrals. It will start you on your affiliate Digital Nomad lifestyle…speaking of your Digital Nomad lifestyle, A LOT of countries, like Mexicio for instance have an incredible exchange rate, as of this writing the exchange rate is $20.72 Pesos for $1 US. I was renting a 3 bedroom 2 ½ bath 2 floor house with a backyard that had banana trees, I was literally 30 seconds from the beach. I timed it from my front door until my feet were in the sand. I was paying $9,000 pesos a month (As a side note, legally in Mexico, you CAN NOT be charged in dollars, it must be in Pesos. You can use that to your advantage if you want to get out of a contract. If it’s in dollars, it’s pretty much null & void). $9,000 Pesos at the time was between $600 and $700 per month. I rented another 2 bedroom house with a front yard and back yard that came to $150 a month US. My point is, it’s MUCH cheaper to live in a lot of other countries https://www.savebly.com/referrals-that-pay/ 33. Sell Domains If you regularly buy domain names but fail to use them, you can always try to sell them for a profit. Selling domains is ultra competitive, though. If you own a one word .com domain, you’ll have a better chance of selling. Words that have high search volume sell well too. Also, domains that are on trend at that moment have a better chance of selling. For example, a year ago, fidget spinner domains were an easier sell than they are now. You can search for available domain names and buy a custom domain through the Shopify domain registration platform. You can sell your domains on GoDaddy’s Domain Auction. Look through the domains with the highest bids to see what type of domains sell well. It’ll help you know whether or not your domains are worth selling and how much money you can make selling them. 34. Sell Your Designs Online If you’re artistic and know how to create designs digitally, then this may be for you. Sites like TeeSpring have many products you can put your designs on and sell on your site or if you can monetize your YouTube channel, you can sell them on there as well. You can also create profiles on sites like GraphicRiver, Creative Market or some of the other sites listed in this post. Get on Linkedin.com and as many other sites as you can. Become an expert at search!!! 35. Review Websites, Apps, and Software If you want to help people with user experience feedback on their sites, this site, User Testing pays reviewers $10 to give other entrepreneurs feedback on their websites and apps. They’ll give you questions about your experience their site like: How easy was it to find what you were looking for? How many clicks did it take? What do you think about the overall design? Etc… You do a screen recording while navigating their website or using their app, or you make a video of an actual product you but that you are unboxing. You may also have a one on one interaction by Zoom, Skype or whichever video call you both choose. If you do several videos a day, at $10 per hour, that can add up. For reviewing software there is a tool called Software Judge. This is from their site: “Get paid for your reviews. If you have a strong opinion about some software, whether positive or negative, and want to get paid for your review, you are in the right place. We pay up to 50 dollars for tell-it-like-it-is, no marketing BS, straight talking software reviews.” 36. Become a TikTok Consultant Tik-Tok has become well known partially due to its Chinese owners. Oracle has a 12.5% stake in Tik-Tok and runs clouds services and security for the app. It’s still fairly new for businesses, so if you are good with Tik-Tok, you’re in on the “ground floor”. Like any type of social media, it requires time to build an audience, but it’s very possible to build a following while building your brand. Tik Tok is not a search engine, it’s more like a “Suggestion Engine” with its #FYP pages. FYP = For You Page. One of the cool things about Tik Tok is the Duets feature. The Duets feature allows you to piggy back on a Tik Tok Influencer or any other Tik Tok video, which will introduce you to their followers. The coolest thing about Tik Tok is that it can all be done from your smart phone…anywhere in the world. Helloooo Digital Nomad lifestyle! 37. Sell Greeting Cards If you’re artistic you may be good at making greeting cards. Even if you don’t have designs skills, there are many royalty free sites to get images and clip-art from. There are also sites like Canva.com that you can use that has all kinds of templates for different things. Like the Journals section below and the calendar section after that. You can use Canva.com for all 3 and more. If you’re into making your own designs, you can use PhotoShop, but that will cost you, we recommend GIMP.org it’s a FREE image editing program equivalent to PhotoShop. You may want to try creating Greeting Cards, Journals and Calendars. 38. Make Journals Create journals and sell them on Amazon. I can hear now “What? WTF would buy a journal?” Journals can be used for EVERYTHING and A LOT of people buy them. The best thing about it is it costs you virtually nothing to make them, aside from some tools you may need. Amazon prints them, they take their cut, and you get the rest. It’s like TeeSpring and T-Shirts. As it says above the tools you may want to check out are Canva.com, unless you have Photoshop now, but there is no need to spend a lot of money and try to learn how to use PhotoShop when there is a FREE equivalent, GIMP.org I use GIMP, I used to use PhotoShop, but made the switch to GIMP years ago. People are literally making $1,000’s a month selling journals. There will be a course in Quick Start Digital Academy very soon. There’s a really cool tool that you can get that tells you how much people are making selling their journals…It blew me away. 39. Sell T-Shirts On TeeSpring.com Add your designs on the blank t-shirt template front and/or back. It’s the same thing as Amazon. They print the design on the shirts, take their cut and you get the rest. You’ll see a lot of YouTube Channels that have monetized with TeeSpring. 40. Make Calendars Make calendars. Just like the Journals on Amazon, the same thing can be done with calendars. Cool thing about that is, you can make calendars with a limitless amount of design ideas. You can use Canva for this too. 41. Mantra Recap This could be your first ebook or course. Go in depth on the history of Mantras, how they help, give a list of them and what they are for. I’ll start you off: Mantra #1 – Become An Expert At Search This can be applied to all facets of your life, but originally was created for the online marketer, online researcher and for anyone who was/is looking for something online. Mantra #2: The Squeaky Wheel Gets The Oil There’s no telling who originally came up with that phrase, but it is commonly attributed to the poem “The Kicker” by Josh Billings. In the poem he says it differently, but the meaning is the same: I hate to be a kicker, I always long for peace, But the wheel that squeaks the loudest, Is the one that gets the grease Mantra #3: Just Do It…NOW! Orginially the Just Do It was from a 90’s Nike ad with Bo Jackson…we added the …NOW part, because there is no time like the present…you know why that is? Because there is no other time, there is ONLY NOW, SO JUST DO IT!!! Mantra #4: Think Outside The Box This one should be self evident. The term is thought to derive from management consultants in the 1970s and 1980s challenging their clients to solve the “nine dots” puzzle, whose solution requires some lateral thinking. Like in the Create An Online Course section, I said “look at what people are saying about it. The likes the dislikes etc…part of being a Digital Nomad is problem solving; coming up with solutions for the people who want your course.” Look at what they’re doing and make it better. That can be applied to everything on this list. |

The take away from Ways To Make Money Online that I hope you agree with, is: To live life the way it is meant to be lived. We are not meant to sit in cubicles for 40+ hours per week! No thanks, I did that once, but haven’t since I became a Digital Nomad. Another take away which is just as important as the first, is not to be greedy!
This is a big world, that’s one of the beauties of this, you can get customers/clients from the other side of the planet. I’ve had clients as far away as New Zealand, I was in LA then.
As a Digital Nomad you start to think of ways to make money online, or just ways to make money period! It does take work, but it’s not hard, I promise you. A short version of my history, you can read more on the about page I think, but, in 1998 I had a motorcycle accident that left my right arm paralyzed. Before the accident, I was a bartender downtown LA.
I was working 4 days a week and a maximum of 25 hours per week living in Hollywood as an actor. You can see a couple clips I did here. My life changed in a split second, one good thing about it was that it knocked any fear I had out of my head. Now, after 23 years, I believe that this part of my life is to Glorify God, to show people that fear and worry do the exact opposite of what you’re worrying about. Your life becomes much easier if you just put your life into the hands of God and know your path will be correct. After the accident, I couldn’t bartend anymore and now I’m in Mexico somewhere…because all I need to make money is a laptop or smartphone and a good internet connection. I have all 3! So don’t tell me you can’t do it.
Peace, Love & Blessings, Especially, To Those Who Work For Someone Else!