This set of videos is of Dr Rashid Buttar and Dr Judy Mikovits Discussing The CoViDisinformation 319 Flu. I just had links to the videos on another post, but they needed their own.
Two of the doctors off the top of my head are Dr Rashid Buttar (pronounced ‘Boo’-‘tar’) and Dr Judy Mikovits. Both extremely knowledgeable on the subject of viruses and their inability to jump from human to human, they also talk about how useless and more dangerous it is to wear a mask and how we should be outside, getting sun. The perpetrators (I know Traitor is spelled with an “i”) of this hoax knew that and that’s why we’re having these ridiculous “lock-downs”, so everyone stays inside and goes stir crazy, all because they didn’t take the Red Pill. Here are a few videos you should watch now. This Dr Mikovits interview is a good Red Pill. Here are a few important excerpts:
- “The viruses are caused by VACCINES!!!”
- “You are 30% more likely to get CV if you get a Flu vaccine and wearing masks does nothing except make you sicker!!!”
- “Keeping everyone inside makes things worse because you are not getting SUNSHINE, Vaccines CAUSE the viruses!”
This next set of videos has Dr Buttar and Dr Mikovits, in a round table type of discussion which is on Dr Buttar’s Youtube channel…it’s broken up into 4 videos, but well worth the watch.
Dr Buttar & Dr Mikovits Discuss Covid 19 Part 4