These are both short videos, please watch to help ease your mind.
The first video is Dr Ivette Lazano, talks about using Hydroxychloroquine and Zithromax to cure COVID-19 patients and about how patients suspected of having “COVID-19” are being turned away from hospitals and told to go home and quarantine themselves for 14 days to save society. If you do the research, you will find that “quarantining yourself” makes matters worse.

- If you stay inside, you’re not getting sunlight which KILLS this virus
- When you’re outside getting sunlight, fresh air and all the other germs your body needs to boost your immune system, you get well very quickly
- Social Distancing is BULLSHIT! ’nuff ced
- If you are sick and at home with family, you’ll make them sick as well and since you’re all quarantining yourselves out of fear mostly, you won’t get well as fast as you would have if you just asked questions and used critical thinking.
- Tele-Medicine, also falls in the BULLSHIT category!
- Dr Lazano used Hydroxychloroquine, $15 and Zithromax $15 for her COVID-19 patients and within 24 hours they felt better.
Hydroxychloroquine & Zithromax For COVID-19 Cure
She also says: “Where and how did I learn to treat COVID patients? Well, I’m going to tell you, I learned from The President of The United States, Donald Trump…”
This nurse, whose name I couldn’t find, if anyone knows, please let me know. She is a nurse in Raleigh, North Carolina and says that “The hospital is normally at 110% capacity and now is at…60%.” She checks the COVID floor in the hospital everyday and it has “Never Been Full”.
“I’m not an actor, I’ve been in the ER and ICU for many years, I’m here to tell you that the Media Is Lying To You…” “We are 7oo surgeries behind, we have entire floors shut down” “Our ICU is empty it’s EMPTY!” “…you’ve gotta go out, you’ve gotta be exposed, you’ve gotta build your immunity…”
I originally posted the Dr Ivette Lozano speaking at the Open Texas Rally about how she learned how to treat COVID-19 patients from the protocols that President Trump suggested using to cure patients using Hydroxychloroquine and Zithromax and the Raleigh, North Carolina Nurse speaking at the Open North Carolina Rally about how the media is lying to you, on another much longer post about the House Resolution 6666, but felt they needed their own post…both real heroes!

There are many “front-line heroes” like this Nurse in Raleigh North Carolina and Dr Ivette Lozano of Dallas, Texas, a couple other Doctors that aren’t afraid to speak out are Dr Rashid Buttar, check out Dr Buttar’s YouTube channel and Dr Judy Mikovits, who has a documentary called “Plandemic”, check out the trailer.

Dr Buttar is very outspoken about the COVID-19 scam. Go to his channel and watch his videos, you’ll learn A LOT! Dr Judy Mikovits has much to say on the subject as well…she has a new book that talks about the criminal nature of “Dr” Anthony Fauci. The book is called “Plague Of Corruption, subtitled: Restoring Faith In The Promise Of Science” with a forward by Robert F. Kennedy Jr (who isn’t Jr anymore…)
So little write about and so much time…wait strike that and reverse it. I Paraphrased a line from which movie? Please watch those two videos and if they “Red Pill” you even slightly, read some of the other articles on the blog.

Take The Blue Pill And Go On Living In The Matrix.
“Condemnation Without Investigation = Indoctrination”